The Knoxville News-Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)

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The Knoxville News-Sentineli

Knoxville, Tennessee

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iombw-w tfi Si wK'i fllr NEW SHOALS PUNT I tarts On Pag 1- 3 Chlld-Srkb'i Mrthir Hu Second Set el Twine Ipaatsl Ta Tbs Kewe Sawileiat ATHENS Tenn Aug 31 Annie Hamby mother of the Monroe County rhild-bride Geneva Hamby Peels has given birth to another set of twins A girl and a boy were born That brings her total of children to eight The mother and infants are at the home of Mrs Delia Shelton a World War widow In Brushy Mountain community of 1 County AMAHS! FOR ELECTION '( i i Slate Baud Ta Act Though la Junction la Talked of By Aaaorialad Pima NASHVILLE Aug 31 Tha State Election Commission la acheduled to meet here Thursday In special session to make arrangement! for running off a liquor referendum Sept 23 Chairman Abe Waldauer of Memphia issued the commission meeting call last night in the face of report that the validity of th referendum act will be challenged in a court action William Martin Nashville attorney said yesterday he was a group he declined to identify would file a bill questioning the constitutionality of the statute NOT IMPRESSED BY DAM Visitor Says It's Worthless Except For Recreation Henry Baker a commercial attache in Russia before the Revolution stopped over here long enough yesterday on hia way to Chattanooga to say that Norris Dam is except for boating and MAYOR GOING ON VACATION Mayor Elmore la to leave the city tomorrow for a week's vacation in North Carolina TELLS OVER POLL TAX Anonymous Call Says Yours and or Lose Says Asylum Worker Lewis Davis male patient attendant at Eastern State Hospital came to The News-Sentinel today to tell of an anonymous telephone call from a woman last night in which his job waa threatened unless he paid his poll tax today told me have te par not only my own but those of other members of my family or lose my Mr Davis said a Browning man and it looks mighty unfair to mo to have this sort of local political pressure put on he said paid my poll tax this morning but I didn't pay those of other members of my family 1 work for my living and they work for theirs told that woman that if my Job depended on whether I paid my poll tax they could have Dr Hauk hospital superintendent was asked if the hospital had a rule requiring employes to pay their poll taxes "Absolutely Dr Hauk said rourse I think every rltisen should pay his poll tax but then is no requirement And I'm trying to run this institution as good as I ran without any interest In any polities local or Dr Hauk said he intended to investigate the Davis charge 112 AND MOTOR STOLEN Jack Burke 207 East Vine Avenue today complained to police that thieves broke open his music box and took 312 An outboard motor was stolen from Hall Rogers of La Follette SHILOH PLANS COMMUNION Pre-communion services will be held at Shiloh Preabyterian Church tomorrow night during the mid-week prayer meeting There will be a communion service during both worship hours Sunday CHMim LOOSE 4 TIMES IS CAUGHT HERE Claude Smith Former Knoxville Man Ran Away Because He Was Put In Chains During 22 year Robert Freeman alia Claude Smith ha e-raped from tha shackle of a Seorgia chain gang four time the lust time in October 1935 He was recaptured by county officer here late yesterday The 51-year-old former Knox-vlllian who has played the game now-jrou-have-me-and-now-ynu-dont with the Georgia offi-rials wa arrested in a home on Mynatt Avenue in the Marble City community Officers had been advised that Freeman or Smith had boasted he never again would be taken alive Several officers surrounded the house in which he was staying He was arrested without trouble Didn't Like Chains He is wanted in LaGrange Ga to complete a five-year term given him in 1915 on a burglary conviction Sheriff Carroll Cate said Smith as he is known to Georgia officials admitted he is the man wanted He wa booked here as a fugitive from justice Smith told the sheriff he had meant to complete his term the last tune but had run away again -hen he wa forced to wear chains That was on Oct 11 1935 "But now I realize the best thing is to go back and face the music so that can free myself and get straightened he told the sheriff Had Five Shotgana Smith had been here only several weeks he told officers He came here from Greensboro The arrest was made by Chief Deputy Hazen Krais Deputies Mack Phipp Chester Hender-light Underwood and Investigator Gene Mjmatt of the Attorney General's office The officers reported they found five new shotguns among his belongings RED SHIP SUNK BY PIRATE SUB Crew of 29 Men 3 Women Saved as Freighter Goes to Bottom CONSOLIDATION OF RAILS IS APPROVED igaMa(ad Omaa WASHINGTON Aug 31 An Interstate Commerce Commission examiner recommended today approval of acquisition by the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company of control of the New York Chicago and St Louis Railroad Company and the Erie Railroad Company The examiner Ralph Molster declared the transaction would be in harmony with and in furtherance of the plan for the consolidation of railway properties OIL CO RESISTS POPE By Dilfd hm COOKEVILLE Tenn Aug 31 Judge John Gore today had under advisem*nt a motion by Special Investigator Lewis Pope to return to Nashville a suit for 91000000 in gasoline taxes penalties and interest from Pan-American Petroleum Corp Counsel for the oil company resisted the motion on grounds that Mr Pope exceeded the authority vested in him by the state STORM PASSES OVER By AwartetHI fmi DAYTONA BEACH Aug A small tropical storm that injured no one and did little damage to property dissipated itself in rain squalls over Northwest Florida and Southeast Georgia today after blowing a 50-mile an hour gale across the Atlantic coastline RULING HELD UP ON SAFETY LANE Chancellor Takes Case Under Advisem*nt May Favor City Licenses and Permits Chancellor A Mitchell heard arguments today but took under advisem*nt the question of granting an injunction to restrain the city from enforcing the drivers' license and permit and inspection lane ordinances The chancellor did Indicate in comment that he probably will uphold it least the drivers' license end permit ordinance The hearing waa in the suit in which Henry Brown Fulton Company employe attacked the ordinances in his own and the behalf of other citizens In the absence of Chancellor Mitchell Mr Brown was granted a temporary injunction a week ago by Second Circuit Judge Carlock restraining enforcement of the ordinance as to him City Asks Dismissal Today's hearing waa on Mr Brown's request to broaden the injunction to include all citizens The city represented by its trial attorney Wayne Parkey asked dismissal of the suiL Mr Parkey called attention to a State Supreme Court ruling in a case in which a similar ordi nance in Nashville was upheld The chancellor commented that the Nashville case the same questions we have Frank Bowen attorney for Mr Brown then said his client primarily was attacking the inspection line ordinance Attacks for Oatalders Mr Bowen charged that the Inspection lane ordinance had no Intent except "to extract 12 from lot of men who have to come into town to He referred to the provision which requires those making daily use of the streets to pass an inspection test although their homes are outside the city limits Mr Bowen also declared that to enforce the ordinance would not as the city contends reduce to any extent the number of accidents all the accidents in the United the attorney said "leu than 10 per cent occur because of defective brakes and 90 per cent occur because of negligence of the driver or Mr Parkey declared Mr Brown had no right to complain of expenditure of money for an inspection lane because he was not a taxpayer Mr Brown had raised the question of money expended for the lane Cites Police Power only issue in this case is whether the city has a right to pass this Mr Parkey said He said the city did under its general police powers even though the Legislature had not specifically authorized an inspection lane Mr Parkey laid he was able to find only one case in which there hu been a Supreme Court ruling en an inspection lane and that is a ease In which the Supreme Court of Illinois upheld the right of Evanston to set up a required inspection service Mr Parkey declared the ordi nance should be upheld if for no other reason than to safeguard the citizens POLICE BLAME! BY BONDSMAN FOB 'LOST MEN Ed McNew Tells Council Jailers and Officials Have Been Responsible for Releases (STARTS ON TAGE ONE) i know but of course I am not al liberty now to discus them was very well satisfied with last developments however and Counrll will soon bo In a position to take some Last night's Inquiry like its predecessor was behind closed doors after Councilman A co*ckrum led another losing fight for open sessions co*ckrum Quotes Charter Mr co*ckrum quoted the charter which states that Council meetings shall be public Councilman Arthur Spence and Thomason led the opposition and took the position that Council was sitting as a committee of the whole Hush Simpson special investigator began last night to weave a picture of what he believes to be the at City CouiL One witness Frank Phillips Cumberland Avenue grocer said he had been released from City Jail after he had paid Doyle Carey 910 Later he said the bondsmen sent a collector to him for $30 more Judge Mynatt's records show that Mr Phillips had been ordered to the workhouse 'Enjoyment' of System Mr Simpson cross-examined Mr McNew about the interest in the Council-approved bill to curb the power of th city judge The bill was never introduced in the Legislature however After first saying it waa what he did in Nashville Mr McNew replied that he fought the bill a Democratic judge had enjoyed the present system for 12 years and when they tried to take it away from a Republican judge it looked like politics to Ray Jenkins counsel for Judge Mjmatt asked Mr McNew tf he knew of any by the judge -Absolutely not" replied the bondsman be suspended more sentences than his as many" replied the bondsman Manager Dempster was witness too He was asked about the so-celled at City Court and he said he tnuught it was better than the city parole plan Council adjourned to me-l again Thursday evening CITY ASSERTS RIGHT TO DROP POLICEMEN The city declared in Chancery Court today it had ample authority under its charter to dismiss or suspend a policemen or firemen who is physically and The city asked dismissal of a suit in which John Moffett a policeman for 14 years had obtained temporary injunction restraining the city from proceeding with a hearing on charges preferred against him because of his alleged physical condition street' salesman INJURED IN MISHAP Will Cutshaw Ill West Main Avenue the much bent and crippled man sold trinkets and jewelry from a sidewelk table around Market Square end Wall Avenue may not be there again Mr Cutshaw 65 wes taken to General Hospital this afternoon with apparently a broken collar bone broken arm end possible internal injuries He told police he wes struck by a street car while crossing Gay Street in front of Kress about 9 a FAIRBANKS-MORSE RADIOS AND WASHING MACHINES Liberal Trade-In Allowance and Terms to Suit ANDERSON APPLIANCE CO 411 Morelia Avenue Oakwood Dial 2-3251 a of plant from another section He said it would use coal limestone silica phosphate rock clay magnesium ora and other raw materials in Alabama East Tennessee and other parts of the Valley Sees 'Second Niagara' something we have been working toward for Representative Hill said plants of this sort in the Wilson Dam area With this movement under way we are looking toward having a second Niagara In the Joseph Swidler TVA attorney who helped negotiate the contract with the company said it would manufacture calcium carbide artificial graphite products and ferro alloys Wide Use of Products The plant's products will be materials widely used in industry Derivatives of calcium carbide can be used for making fertilizers end explosives etc and the ferro el loys are used in making special kinds of steel and other metals according to Dr Judson Robertson University of Tennessee chemist The carbide itself of course is the familiar material which produces bicycle lights and house lights for farmers Dr Robertson said calcium carbide was the point" for almost a thousand derivatives The contract will bring the TV A more than $750000 a year when the full amount of current is used by the plant The company reserves the right to cancel the contract within SO days during which time it will survey the field If it does not can cel it then the contract will run for 20 years Would Forfeit 35001 If the company cancels its contract under the 90-day clause it must forfeit $5000 The TV A has no cancellation right in the contract except in case the company does not continue with its construction plans which case the Authority can terminate the contract on 30 days notice The company says it will begin construction of electric furnaces in the new plant by March 1 1938 if it takes up the option When the plant reaches its maximum power requirements under the contract it will be using almost twice as much electricity as is used now by all the consumers of Knoxville Power generated at Norris Dam becomes part of the TVA's entire pool of power which serves TV A customers throughout the Valley The offices are at 30 East Street New York It is incorporated in West Virginia This is ths fourth large power contract signed by TVA with large chemical plants in Middle Tennessee and the Aluminum Company of Alcoa The contract provides for the sale of both (constant) and secondary power Secondary power cannot be used by municipalities or other publie agencies because it is available only certain months of the year Aids Publie Service is through the sale of power to Industry that the Authority obtains a sufficiently high load factor and revenue return to permit economical service to dome' tic and rural the Authority said in a press release to aid in the liquidation of the cost of the navigation end flood control improvements on the Tennessee The company will furnish its own line to the boundary of the TVA property in the Wilson Dam area the company will pay for energy at the TVA wholesale rates for non-transmitted power EX-BANKER KILLS HIMSELF By Amorialnl Pm COVINGTON Tenn Aug Samuel Shelton 47 former assistant cashier of the Union Savings Bank shot and killed himself today Deputy Sheriff Pickens said a few minutes after two officers arrested -him at his home on warrant charging embezzlement IIIWASSEE COLLEGE OPENS Sprrlal The SweSfitM MADISONVTLLE Aug Students are returning to the campus of Hiwassee College for the eighty-ninth session to start Sept 1 Ifsw IlMWlai ROXY PLAINSMAN" Gary Jaa Arther STAGS SCANT1EB PALACE 10c 20c "WHITE HUNTER" With Warner June Lang "INLAWFUL" Alas Cartoan an Nawa (p-lidrWlM Teday and Wtdneaday Humdingin' Hillbilly Hilarity! BOB BURNS MARTHA RAYE "Mountain Music" I I zoBEnizr) XJ La at Tunea Teday nX vjciaudatte Frad MacMurray "Mold of Salem" CAUGHT FOURTH TIME New-Kent Inel PhotoisrHiin Four times since 1915 Robert Freeman alias Claude Smith has escaped from a Georgia chain gang The former Knoxville man recaptured here yesterday by county officers says he intends now to complete a five-year term for burglary 21 MORE OUT IN 23 New Appointments Made Severa at Eastern State Hospital "kA siraST Aug Welfare Commissioner George Cate dismissed 21 employes in his institutions and welfare divisions today end made 23 new appointments Those appointed included: Emmett Chester of Jackson a painter at Western State Hospital Dr Umberger of Knoxville as physician at Eastern State Hospital at 150 a month Mrs Thomas 0 Cruse of Lenoir City and Amis Mac Huff of Telford at attendants at Eastern State at S25 a month Mrs George Jackson of Oneida as junior esse worker in the Scott County public welfare office at $75 a month Mrs Nina Willoughby of Eliza -bethton as stenographer in the Carter County welfare office at 960 Miss Madlyn Hughes of Kingsport as nurse at Eastern State at 375 Vaughn of Manchester and Howard Harris of Spring City as guards at Brushy Mountain Prison at 365 i Those dismissed included Hendren of Coal Creek Elliott of Fork Mountain and A Bible of Midway guards at Brushy Mountain prison Other changes announced by Mr Cate Included: Resignations of Mrs Mary Weaver unit supervisor in Anderson County to tesch school and Mrs John Davis Roane unit supervisor to enter private business Promotion of Mrs Mary Collier from senior case worker in Carroll County to regional director for the Dresden district succeeding Pinkston resigned TARIFF REDUCED ON FIRED TOBACCO By AmriaM Fm WASHINGTON Aug 31 The Agriculture Department reported today the Swiss government has reduced its import duty on dark fired tobacco to approximately 125 cents a pound compared with the previous rate of 225 cents Tobacco on which the reduced duty is effective comes largely from Henderson Hopkinsville Mayfield Paducah and Louisville Ky and Clarksville and Spring' field Tenn markets PRIZE NOT MUCH By I'uMmI Ptmm CLEVELAND Aug Among the prizes awarded in a newspaper's candid camera contest were two tickets to the Aquacade water spectacle feature of the Great Lakes Exposition The winner: swimmer in the Aquacade JAVELIN KILLS GIRL By full -4 Prri BOLOGNA Italy Aug An athlete training at Biavati sports field threw a javelin piercing the neck of a girl running on the track circling the field She died an hour later in Mirella hospitaL Last CHOICE STEAKS CHICKEN DINNERS $100 ORCHESTRA NIGHTLY 52 CLUB On The Asheville Highway We Cater le People Whe Cere (Advertisem*nt) WNOX FISHER BODY CONTEST WINNERSANNOUNCED 6:30 The four winners in the nationwide contest for the best new designs in auto bodies staged by the Fisher Body Division will be introduced on a special program from 6:30 to 7:00 o'clock this evening Each of the winners will be presented with a prize consisting of a university scholarship The noted commentator Lowell Thomas is to serve as master of ceremonies "WATCH THE FUN GO BY" PRESENTS JACKIE COOPER 7:00 Jackie Cooper 17-year-old juvenile of the screen and original protege of Charlie Chaplin will be presented by Al Pearce as chief guest star of the the Fun Go program tonight from 7:00 to 7:30 o'clock As a special token of his happiness at the meeting Jackie plana to make his guest appearance on the show more then an ordinary interview He hopes not only to sing but to perform in a comedy ckit Regular members of the Pearce gang who will give Jackie a merry reception include Tizzie Lish end Arlene Harris Music Is to be provided by Carl Hoff's Orchestra PAT TO MATRICULATE AT GOODMAN "SWING SCHOOL" 7:30 PM Pat O'Malley English film com' edian will return to Benny Goodman's "Swing for his third guest appearance this evening from 7:30 to 8:00 o'clock O'Malley made hia first appearance several weeks ago when his singing of Changing of the waa worked by the deft Goodman instrumentalists into an unusual swing sequence Another feature of the program will be the second of series of solo presentations by Martha Tilton blond awing singer of Meyer Chorus Goodman recently discovered the winsome Miss Tilton in the quartet cf the wing section's vocal group and selected her for song specialties PRICED FROM $1999 TO $16450 TERMS TO SUIT YOU! ASK YOUR DEALER JAMES DAVIS DIES By Awarhuae fma DES MOINES Iowa Aug James Davis 80 Des Moines attorney and director-general of the United States Railroad Adminis tration after the World War died last night of heart disease Romantic and Reckless Colorful and Daring A sensational piicture sa big sa tha times in which Its mighty drams is told the biasing romances of glamorous Josle Mansfield which made million new paupers and ten new millionaires and Wall Street's "Robber who loved as desperately as they lived a n)r4 ALGIERS Aug 31 An identified tor pedoed and sank the Russian freighter Temryazew last night five miles off the coast between Dellys and Tigzirt it was learned today The crew of 29 men and three women aboard the vessel were saved The Temyrazew was en route from Liverpool to Fort Said with a cargo of coaL Franco Forces Break Through By AMariatiS hw HENDAYE Franco Spanish Frontier Aug Genera Lissimo Francisco Franco's Aragon forces have broken through the Spanish government's lines on the Zaragoza front an Insurgent communique said today Franco' legionnaires fiercely resisting a government attempt to wrest Zaragoza from them were reported to have started a counteradvance in the vicinity of iera about 15 miles north of the onetime capital of the indent Aragon kingdom Fighting Ragra Fighting raged both north and south of Zaragoza To the south strong government units have made smashing attacks to drive a wedge through Franco's long Aragon salient and sheer off the lower end pointed by Teruel from which insurgent army for weeks has menaced the vital Madrid-Valenda highway Government reports said Franco's men had been driven from their mountain positions around Belchite about 20 miles south of Zaragoza The fall of Belchite these advices said was imminent While the insurgent communique gave no details of the fracture of the government line it was believed to have referred to the front north of not the Belchite sector Admit Being Repulsed Government sources themselves admitted the Zuera counter-thrust had forced troops to return to their bases after the arrival of The Valenda defense ministry said the counter attarus were being repulsed while the government forces closed in on Lelchite The Valencia communique reported foreign legion naiie and Moors In Franco's ranks nad suffered heavy losses at Viliamsyoi in the Zaragoza sector At Leoit 90 of Baldness Is caused from conditions that can be controlled if given proper attention In time EXAMINATION FREE EDWARD ARNOLD Cary Crant Frances Farmer Jack Oakie in The TOAST of NEW YORK 110 SEEKING FEDERAL SECURITY POSITIONS A hundred and ten applications for jobs in the Federal unemploy- ment old age pension and old sge Insurance departments were being considered today The applicants have passed a written examination and gathered at the Federal Building today to undergo an oral examination VETERAN BARBER INJURED Floyd Smith's Hand Badly Tom as Car Grases Him Floyd Smith veteran Willow Street barber won't be behind his chair for some time now Today he was grazed by the truck of Harvey Madison of Caryville and his right hand was badly bruised and torn Overman Patterson Baker WEDNESDAY ONLY RIVIERA Tomorrow Thursdoy OPEN IMS DAILY Saturday 10i4S Whit the erities say: has done another of its fine Sun drama holds your Interest from beginning to end" Post -rEATURETTE- Phil Spitolny and HI Girl Band OF HARMONY" AIR CONDITIONED Far Your Comfort CP TB Lt Timas Taday NELSON EDDY JEANETTE MocDONALD "MAYnME".

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The Knoxville News-Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)


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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.