Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

mixmuouj moixihc Tiumrroc Feb. 1. 1964 LJ A 2 Ex-Policemen Are Suspects in Postal Theft It took man 2 ,400 yeara Four men, two of them former Chicago, 111., policemen, were named Friday as suspects in the theft of money orders worth $160,000 from a branch post office in north Minneapolis. One suspect, James Sla-wek, 30, was arrested yesterday by police in Miami, when he allegedly attempted to purchase a rubber stamp used to validate to draw this r. 'fA i diagram: the money orders.

Slawek was being held on $10,000 bond on a federal fugitive warrant for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution. SLAWEK and another suspect also wanted on an unlawful flight warrant, Nor-bert Terlikowski, 26, resigned from the Chicago police de partment in 1962 after being 1 if 1)73 i questioned about the robbery of a silver alloy company. 0 Freeman Attacks Market Trade Plans Bv Minneapolis Tribun Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON, D.C. Agriculture Secretary 0 ville Freeman Friday night rejected Common Market farm trade proposals and challenged the Europeans to competition in a freer international market. Noting Common Market bargaining proposals, secretary laid out a negotiating plan of his own calling for lower tariffs, discussion and removal of nontariff restrictions that have been introduced In Europe In recent years and wider use of worldwide commodity agreements.

FREEMAN'S proposals were made in a speech to the annual meeting of the Rice Millers Association in Houston, Tex. It was made public in Washington. The trade negotiations this spring, which will involve 40 importing and exporting nations including the Common Market countries and the United States, will bring farmers in all nations to a crossroads, he said. "They may choose to travel the high road of trade expansion, of fair and liberal and outward-1 i trade policies," the secretary said, "or they can choose the low road of restrictive, inward-looking, self-sufficient agricultural and trading systems." HE SAID the Common Market's variable levy system, which keeps moving import duties somewhat above European domestic farm prices, is a "serious threat" to American farmers. And he attacked the market's proposal that it be adopted by all General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) nations.

The variable-levy plan would "seriously alter the present system of agreements and practices worked out over many years," he said, adding, "it is not reasonable to expect to impose one system on all countries of the world, no matter how appealing that system may be to those who have devised it." Ruling Seen as 'Break' for Drunks 1 iW 1 i V--. Both men were arrested in Chicago on Jan. 6 and released on bond after being charged with carrying concealed weapons and possessing burglary tools. The 1,600 money orders can each be filled out for $100 police said. But a stamp stating, "Void if over $100" is needed before they can be cashed.

Slawek attempted to buy such a stamp, police said, and the store owner notified the Dade County sheriffs office. Slawek was arrested in a motel near Miami Beach. THE MONEY orders, about $10,000 in postage stamps' and about $1,000 in cash were taken from the High Associated Press This is an artist's concept of the MOL, a manned orbital laboratory, released by The MOL the United Technology Center at Sunnyvale, Calif. The MOL, one of the nation's newest space projects, will consist of a modified Gemini space capsule (dark nose area) and a pressurized house-trailer-size cylinder (between nose cone and checkering). Astronauts are expected to be able to stay aloft in space for about a month in the MOL.

land Park post office station, 1815 Lyndale Av. on Jan. 18. I SEE by the TRIBUNE The burglars, who forced A open a rear door, peeled open two safes in the station, police said. Two other men, whose HENNEPIN COUNTY MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS Dortyl I.

Bougerie, 23, 3243 Pierce Sl.i Nancy trickion, 20, 625 Vnn Buren Si. names were not immediately determined, are also being sought in connection with the The helium atom, above, is one of the simplest atoms. Democritus, a philosopher who lived in the fifth cen tury B.C was one of the first to think of matter in terms of atoms. It wasn't until 1932, however, that man was able to accurately diagram an atom. fillo Overlee, 63.

Ray, N. Florence W. Sampton, 77, 2226 Pleasant Av. Elmer Steindorff, 55, Stillwater. Minn.

Chariot H. Stuart, 78. Stone Cry, S. 0. Hilairo A., 71, 1514 NE. Washington St. Mary Zempel, 51, 720 Washing'on Av. SE. Eva Braverman, 77.

1349 Upton Av. N. John t. Durkol, 50, 2409 30th Av. St, An'hony.

Warren B. Fritie 50, Newport, Minn. Joan D. H.nn.nlhal, 25. 16130 4th Av.

Plymouth. leRoy M. Hoyt, 79, 17 Norman R.dge Bloomington. Elroy A. Sandhoff, 46, Rt.

4, Encelilor. DIVORCES GRANTED Syvllla Tucktr from Harold Tucker, Ivan Dolltfko from Margaret Dalltika. Dtrorhy Johmton from Cecil iohniton. theft. Slawek was believed to have two companions with him in Miami, police said.

Jam.s L. McCorvey, 18, 4001 Clinton Av i Gloria J. Adams, 17, 5130 Irving Av. N. Fronds W.

Child, 26, 18U Kno Av. Si Into I. Johnson, 24, 4037 Park Av. David I. Johnson, 22, 1800 Hayti St i Sigrld U.

lee, 21, 518 19th Av. S. Mddit H. Carlton, 21, 3841 Thomat Av. N.j Cathy i.

Wood, 19, 2729V: Itt Av. S. Jamn J. Johmon, 24. 337 1 2'h Av.

Hopkmi; Nancy M. Vaitar, 18, IS 20th Av. Hopkmi. Honry C. Kooimann, 21, 4200 Oueen Av.

Juno J. Willo, 21, 2510 Lyndalt Av, S. Htnty A. Neb, 31, Sanborn, Minn.i Br- 'Noodle Priest' of Hong Kong to Visit Cities dint t. Schotiko, 28, 2101 E.

River Tor. NEWS OF THE WORLD luotnt I. Donkowikl, 35. 5732 tossen Itr.i Mary L. Baort, 27, 5128 35th Av.

Vlnctnl D. McGrow, 33, Detroit, lot M. Taffo, 28, 3351 Park Av. Owtn I. fa*gorman, 22, 1509 Aldrich Av Karon R.

Itoch, 22, 1423 W. 26th St. loberl E. Moaro, 18. Baltimore, Md The Rt.

Rev. Msgr. John Romaniello, known to many as "the noodle priest of Hong Itvorly A. ludoloh, 20, 245 22nd! IMPROVEMENT Radio Av. N.

Bruce M. Martin, 21, 215 Maple Hill Rood, JoAnno I. Lovtn, 18, 9113 Bloomington Bloomington. David C. Mely, 18.

3824 Grand Av.i Carolyn S. Mollnara, 19, 3320 Grand Drivers involved in acci Budapest quoted Hungarian Deputy Prime Minister Cyula dents are usually more inter Av. Charln I. Markus 23, lev, Minn.i Kallai as saying, "the time 7 Sandra J. Thomson, 22, 2929 Bryant Av.

S. is ripe to im Philip I. Winter, 40, New York, Y.i Sarah I. Hitler, 40, Umaha, Neo. John G.

Guitafson, 19, Frederic. Wis Kong," will visit the Twin Cities Monday through Wednesday as a guest of International Milling Co. Msgr. Romaniello has served in China for 35 years. After prove Hungar-i an-United States rela Either M.

Borglind, 17, Frederic, Wis. Bradley G. Frank, 23, Omaha, Neb; tions." He told the Hungarian Parliament, "Any open problem -tween the two Msgr. Romaniello Kallai his expulsion from Commu nist China in 1951, he de 1 a noodle making process as an effective You'll learn how scientific curiosity about electricity led to discoveries that revealed the structure of the atom in the Science Reading Series articles now appearing in the Minneapolis Morning Tribune. In a five-article unit on atoms, Dr.

Isaac Asimov, assistant professor of biochemistry at Boston University, Boston, explains how the comparatively recent discoveries of the electron, proton and neutron led to an accurate "picture" of the atom. Asimov also describes more recent discoveries concerning the makeup of the atom, and poses some of the still unanswered questions concerning sub-atomic particles. Each Monday during the school year an article on a different phase of science is published in the Science Reading Series to bring Tribune readers up to date on the theories and discoveries that form the basis for current scientific thought. Order the Tribune today! See your carrier or farm service route salesman, call your dealer or write us. In Minneapolis or St.

Paul, call 372-4343. Read the Science Reading article each Monday countries should be settled through official, top-level negotiations." BACKING. Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, who refused to back his party's means of converting U.S relief flour, corn meal and Sharon I. Zimmerman, 23, umano, Neb.

Charles I. Kampa, 19, 2615 Knox Av. N.i JoAnn M. leger, 17, 4059 Sheridan Av. N.

Brian A. Kinney, 22. 2734 Fmerion Av. i Edith L. Ingtrsoll, 19, 6445 Newton Av.

S. Patrick J. Smith, 21, 3611 Vera Cruz Crystal Margret A. Corr, 18, 456 Morgan Av. S.

Gene I. Schnaier, 22, Meodota; lynn C. Thompson, 21, 6512 46th PI. BIRTHS GIRLS Mr. and Mrs: Earl Fischer, 33C9 Colorado Av.

S. S. louis Poik. Elmer Johnson, 5108 NE. 4th Colum- a Heights.

Wilford Krouso 9030 17th Av. Bloomington. Bruce Kuehn, 3215 Av Ariel Molldresn, 1718 1 1th Av. S. Patrick Mulcahy, Savage.

James Salle, 4842 32nd Av. S. Charles Stevenson, 37 Washington Av. Hopkms. Howard Symmes, 126 Circle Terr.

Columbia Heights. loger W. Berg, 280 Walnut Lone, Rose-mount. George I. Donovan, 1809 Ivndole Av.

N. Ronald B. Doyle, 3205 E. Minnehaha Pkwy. Mat D.

Ellington, 324A Girord Av Jnmti T. Holtler, 4236 Hompihire Av. powdered milk into high pro ested in getting paid for their damages than seeing that the person who caused the accident is charged for his violation. Deputy Inspector Wayne Leonard said Friday that traffic victims use the threat of signing a complaint "as a club over the guilty man's head to collect civil damages." Leonard said this has become the practice since March 19, 1962, when Police Chief E. I.

Walling told officers not to write tickets at accidents unless they witnessed it. Walling issued the order after Municipal Judge Crane Winton held that police cannot make an arrest or write a tag on misdemeanors unless they witness the violation. All tags are misdemeanors. The new procedure has given the drunken drivers a "very big break," Leonard said. If a drunken driver causes an accident, the victim must sign a complaint.

This has resulted in a 20 per cent drop in drunken tein food which is currently feeding 400,000 Chinese ref national ticket in 1956, said ugees in Hong Kong. kill vvasuuig- Arriving Monday noon, he will tour a St. Paul flour mill go through a Minneapolis macaroni plant and visit the 0 SI i 4 I I i I ,1 I i I 1 i 4t i Minneapolis Grain Exchange ton, D.C., he was backing President Johnson as the 1 9 64 candidate. Mr. John-s "gets stronger every day" among Msgr.

Romaniello will wind up his visit at a noon lunch eon at the Minneapolis Club Wednesday at which he wil Powell tell milling, grain and maca roni industry leaders his story of how thousands of refugees are being kept alive with relief flour and wheat Negro voters, "and I'm going to do my best to see that it gets even stronger than that," Powell said. CONTRACT Gerald M. Anderson, 26, announced at Mountain Home, Idaho, he from the Twin Cities area. Crystal John Kennedy. Rt.

i Himel. Lloyd F. Koelfgen, 2130 Cavell Av. Golden Valley. William J.

Jmilh, 7104 64th Av. BrooHvn Park. Kollin I. Wtmpen, 7200 4ht Av. New Hops.

BOYS Mr. and Mrt! Dav Colitrom, 31 it Av S. Thomas Denny. 4408 8h B'oom- Ington James Egan, 2fll0 Kentrtky. Cryital.

Charlie Ernst, 4621 Woihburn Av Charles Joachim, 871 8 Vi S. Lyndala. Bloomington. David Johnson, 1063 1 09 Av. Coon Papidi Cory loFond, 3324 Collin Robert Leach, 2514 Emerson Av Lowell Medin, 6108 Sheridan Av.

S. Merlyn Olton, 404 NW. True St. driving charges from 1,597 to 1,271 in 1963 compared with 1962, Leonard said. But there has been only a Liquor Store Bandit Makes Purpose Plain slight drop less than one ner cent in the total num ber of tags written for haz has signed a contract for a movie, telling the story of his nine-month struggle for freedom, charged with a murder he A man about 40 years old illmneapolfe walked into the Glcnwood 7963-64 IISJ X) Science jrT Reading Series) Liquor Store, 103 Glenwood itlorntna: tribune A Friday afternoon an asked an employe, "Do you didn't commit.

know what I in here for? "Yes, to rob me," an Anderson, a former airman, was held Anderson by the Air swered Mrs. Charles Wolfe when she saw the man had a Force for part cf that time despite the fact another man pistol in his hand. Paul Richard Rolllnt, 129:8 5th Av. Sa- vrtge Gordon Rowo, 1148 Oberlin Road, Min ne tonka Meal Itnrgaard. 2607 8th St Mnynard Z.

Boyce, 1640 Princeton Av. St. Louis Pork. DovgLni I. Chrlitenton, 5r4 1 1th Av uA Nw Pnah'on Chorlei Dahle, 822 Hngne S' St.

Poul. Mnrvln J. Freund, 9060 Kell Av B'oommgton Duane W. Grande, 3633 Flag Av. New Hop.

Theodora J. Harris. 4501 82nd Bloomington. Peter M. Mentor, 8961 York Road.

Bloomington Oerald Johnson. 3244 Scott Av. Golden Valley. Robert J. lewis, 4917 Wisconsin Av.

New Hope. Oerald R. lundberf, 6331 Ducont Av. Brooklyn Center. Fleyd Nelton, AA47 Park Av.

S. Rchf.eid Roymeno) I. Thompien, 6309 Irving Av, rM-e'd Jock W. Tuomie. 324 NE.

Iron'on, Fnd- ley. TWIN GUIS Mr Mrt.t Ronald Gvtike, 11041 NW Wt St, Com Rapidt She emptied the cash reg ister for the gunman, and he confessed to the murder. IKE BOOSTER Philip Willkie, banker, lawyer and part-time politician, gave his escaped with an undeter ardous traffic violations. Leonard pointed out that over 2,500 more speeding tags have been issued this year with a total of 8,223 compared with 5,681 in 1962. "By selective enforcement, we have offset the drop caused by the tagging procedures," he said.

County Chiropractors Elect Excelsior Man Dr. John 0. Marty. 348 2nd Excelsior, has been re elected president of the Hennepin County Chiropractic Association for 1964. Also elected were Drs.

John F. Allenburg. 2201 Hennepin Av vice president, and J. R. Kallestad, 3605 France Av.

Robbinsdale, secretary-treasurer. Dr. Mark P. Martv was named to a three- mined amount of money, The store was robbed last support in September by two men who Rushville, escaped with about $1,000 to former police said. Ford Grant Given Presiden 1 Dwight Ei TEACHERS: ReadIng Seriej Minneapolis Morning Tribune Free preprints of Minn.

55415. Science Reading Se- ries articles plus pease send me, without charge, the Science Read topic outlines are available to Upper Midwest teachers at mur no charge or obliga- "AMC tion. To order your materials, simply fill jwiWL out and mail the coupon: I SCHOOL ADDRESS mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmm senhower for OXFORD, England (Reu DEATHS ters) The Ford Foundation N. Victor I Anton, 84, 2206 lit Av the Republi can vice presidential nomi nation. Will Lillian Bentlev 4J.

koieville. has made a 35,000 pound (about $98,000) grant to the British Ditchley Foundation kie said that Willkie Eisenhowe Ruth I. Glenn, 67, long lake, Minn. Pool Groobner, 48, Spnng'itld Minn. Htltn Gundorten, 54, 717 20th Av.

S. Mtlen G. Johmon, 54. 876 9th Av, S. Mo Kliffer.

S7, 1407 Sutsell Av. N. L.nea Larson. Si Grove City, Minn. Sam Mills.

77, 1800 5th Av. N. Jeteph Noioih, 79, 5812 Woihburn Av. 3. mil Ovorby, 81, 3632 40th Av.

S. Irntrt A. Pietilolnen, 59, 2B3 Vincent Av. N. to strengthen American par ticipation in its Anglo-Amer candidacy "would change an ican activities, it was an obviously uphill fight into year term on the board of directors of the Minnesota Chiropractic Association.

nounced Friday. certain victory.".

Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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