The Shreveport Journal from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

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The Shreveport Journali

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4(1 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER SMHevepoRT Bosstrn city la shreveport journal (30) Li fit Bid (30) Ltflt Bid (30) lf A Raiders Giants fit to be tie THC CAOOO-BOSSIER Parlshfs Port Com- Succtiilon Of Add) May Lont Sartor NO 331308 mission intends to leas th tollowlng described propvrty: Pint Judicial Oniric! A crtaln tract of land In Battm Parish ond Caddo Poritn Louisiana known at "Scopinl island" being all ot the land on th said Island bounded on th Court Caddo Pomn Loulikmo NOTICe Of APRIL CATION COR AUTHORITY TO GRANT norm by th Scoplnl it GAS AND MINE HAL Cufolf on th att south ond west bv old iver ond Situated In Sertiont Seven LtASE NOTICB IS MFREBY GIVEN thai Vi and Eighteen ll Township Si'teefl (16) North Rang Twelv 112) Alton Sartor Jr and Charl Lon Sartor at jr Wett ond Sertlant Twelv ond Thirteen ()3 Township Sixteen (14) North Rang Thirteen IU) West Bottler Poritn Louisiana consisting of and originally described at Lots On (1) Two (2) Three (3) ond Four (4) north ot Red River In Sec- ''(! Hi- V' I 4 i lion Seven (7) Township Smteen () North Rang Twiv (12) Weil Lot number On (1) north of Red In Section Eighteen (II) Township Sixteen (161 North Rang Tweiv (12) West Lot number Two (2) north of Red River in Section Twelv (12) Townthio PUBLIC NOTICB Seal-td bids tor th tollowino will elvtd by the ed River Waterway Commission Depurtmtnt of Transportation ond Development Building Morsetbo Drive Alexandria LA 7 1 JO I until 9 45 A on th dot listed below No bids will be oc-c ruled after this hour At 10 00A of the some day ond ante they will be publicly opened andread in offices ot tht Red River Waterway Commission at the above timed oddrest BIDS TO BE OPENPO ON OCTOBER 19 1W AUTOMOBILE PASSENGER CAR Specift-cotiont: Four door Rear wheel drive 1 16 inch wheel base 5 0 lilrt I Engine Automatic overdrive transmission P20S black won fires 4 oiike IS Inch Standard wheel trim AMFM rodlo On color inted giots Divided It ont Cloth bench seat six-way dr i ven and potwnger ore trois Power steering Power brakes Air conditioner Power doer lorks Electric Windows Th above specifications are used only lo d-not aualitv standard of the desired product and da not restrict bidders to specific brands moke manufacturer or tpeo tlcolons named They or Uted only to set forth and convey to prospector bidders the general style type character ond Quality ot th product desired Equivalent products will be acceptable the Red River Waterway Commission will award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder without discrimination on grounds of roc color or national origin Minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to Submit bids pursuant to this advertisem*nt Further information may be obtained upon request from th above address Tht Red River Waterway Commission reserves the right to relect ony ond oil bids ond to waive any informalities MARTY CHABERT Chairman Rtd Rlvtr Wattrwoy Commission Shreveport Journal: Sepfemher 12 19 26 October 3 1967 Sixteen (16) North Rang V- V' b' 1 tht duly auolif id ond acting co-cutort ot In Succtttion ot Audi May Ion Sartor decvaied haw purtuant to in provltloni ot Artie I 3726 tlw Cart ot Civil Procditr pttiliorwd Ihil Honorable Court tor authority to aront on oil otii ond mlrwrol la to Toliy Resourc Inc cowlnfl th undlvlntd US41 ot lS lntrit own-1 by In uccion In ond to In ail aai ond Other mineral in on ond urwtor th tollowlna oKriiid property located in CodOO PoriM Louiiiona: TOWNSHIP T1 NORTH RANGE liWEST Section 4: Tht Northern! Ouorter ot th Northw Quarter (NCeOf NW4) containing 40 ocr mortar Itu for th ortct and th termj ond condition! ft lorin in Iht petition tiltd herein NOW THEREFORE In occordanc with th lave mod and provided in tur coie notir It hereby given mat Emmt1 Alton Sartor Jr ond Chorict I on Sartor ot teilamen-lory co-cutort procow to grant on oil eat ond mineral lat covering th Inter owned by In 5ut ceinon ot Adai May Lan Sartor In th prooertv heff Inortov described tor th pric ond upon th termt and con-diliont wl forth In tht petition tiled herein and th heirt leoatcet and creditor! art required to mafct ooooiition It ony they hove or con to tucn court within ttvtn 17) dovt Including Sundovt ond holidovttr om the day whereon In pubi teat ion ot thu notic Ooptor Curtlt A Warren Clerk ot Court Bv: Shvn Deo tier fV7 Tucker Jeter Jock ton McMictvael ond Hickmon Louitiona Tower IEdwardt-Sult Snrveport Louisiana 71 101-3 UA Shrevepocl Journal: S0 'ember 12 1987 i i 't By TEDDY ALLEN Journal Sports Writer Huntington and Green Oaks played football Friday night at Northwood Stadium and nothing was lettled The game had everything most football games have eicept one a winner Well make that two things There was no loser cither Just an unsatisfying 20-20 tie Nothing to talk about around town no great play to end the game no nothing Just the same score for all practical purposes as when the game began "We agreed there's no need (to play overtime) before the game started" Huntington Coach Tony Rhodes said of the decision made with Green Oaks Coach Gerald Kimble "It's a long season and there's no use getting everyone banged up We've still got to get ready for district What happened was good enough right there" Kimble had no argument "I'll take this go home and rest and be thankful for it" Kimble said "I never play overtimes before district starts" And so that's the way it ended with Huntington running three straight dives from its 32 to run out the clock The Raiders didn't win but neither did the Giants Jump ball The tie left Rhodes and Kimble neighbors and friends with a J-S-l record against each other over the past seven seasons It also left both schools at 1-0-1 The ending was not without drama Huntington fumbled at its 34 with 1 47 remaining in the game and Green Oaks' Vontego Jones recovered But after two incompletions Giants' quarterback Thatcher Kelly threw short over the middle right into the arms of Cbork Smith at the 28 "We didn't want to lose at the end either" Kimble said "We were supposed to throw out or down the side" Kelly's over-the-middle gamble didn't pay off but all Green Oaks did was lose it's chance to win It wasn't going to lose because the Raiders ran out the clock and then walked to the bus No overtime no celebration no nothing Just a measly tie If there has ever been a game that deserved to end in a tie perhaps it was this one Each did just enough right up until the final horn to avoid winning Huntington by far the larger team ran 65 plays Green Oaks Just 40 The Raiders had 315 yards in total offense the Giants just 218 But 84 yards in penalties and three lost fumbles negated most of that damage as did two big touchdown pass plays of 44 and 59 yards But Green Oaks could do little to take advantage of the Raiders' mistakes The Giants instead gave them back in the form of four interceptions including two by cornerback Mike Green The only time the Raiders pndJ tor turnovers was when Jen Courtney fumbled at his 8 with 1 1 :09 left to play and Green Oaks Lloyd Lister recovered Two plays later Kelly was dancing into the end zone from four yards out James Taylor's extra-point kick tied the game at 20 For everything Huntington could do with its big people Green Oaks could counter with its smaller ones Huntington drove 81 yards in 17 plays to take a 6-4 lead with 7:25 to play in the first half the final yard a run by Clifford Thompson No problem Green Oaks countered Thirteen (U) west one) th fractional part Of th northeast portion ot Section Thirteen (13) Town-Ship Sixteen (16) North Rang Thirteen (13) West north of Red River: LE SS and EXCEPT tht southerly 2499 Ocr 1 hereof and LESS ond EXCEPT th lands covered by that certain Temporary Construction Servitude from Lessor In favor ot Red iver Water-wov Commission recorded in the Conveyance Records ot Bossier Parish Louisiana under Registry No 46J764 ond LESS ond EXCEPT th lands covered by that certain deed from Lessor In tovor of Red River Waterway Commission recorded in th Conveyance Records of Bossier Parish Louisiana under Registry No 4S9746: oil In Bossier Parish Louisiana together with oil rights of occrfllon and balturt thereto opcertolmno for agricultural purposes for a term ot on year beginning on February 1 tiwa Copies ot a proposed lease con be obtained ot the offices of th General Counsel of th Commission Cook Yorvev King 4 Got-towov 1700 Commercial National Tower 333 Texos Street Shreveport Louitiona 71101-3621 on or before September 25 1947 ond otters to lease the lond according to the terms of the teas may be sent to the commission of its permanent moiling address Box 1913 Shreveport Loulsiona 7116 Offers must be postmarked bv midnight October 1V87 and shall be in trie form of a completed copy of th leas obtained from the Commissions General Counsel ond Signed bv the prospective Lessee In th manner provided tor In the leas The Commission will consider oil otters ond will accept on I) offer or reieet all offers at Its regularly scheduled meeting in October Shreveport Journol: September 12 1987 Succession Of Emmett Alton Sartor Sr No 303600 NOTICE OF APPLI-CATION FOR AUTHORITY TO GRANT OIL GAS AND MINERAL LEASE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Emmett Alton Sarlon Jr and Chories Lone Sartor as the duly Quoiitied ond acting testomtntory co-executors of the Succession ot Emmett Alton Sartor Sr deceased have pursuant to the provisions of Article 3226 ot the Cod of Civil Procedure petitioned this Honorable Court for authority to grant on oil got and min Johnny MtFeertn VERSUS Martfto Ann Miller Long Martha Lou Miller Beckham Odelle Miller Lowson And Willi Lee Milter Number 336645 eral least to Tailey Re f' 'l First Judicial District sources Inc covering the undivided 30542 of lS Interest owned by the suc Court Coddo Parish Loulskma JUDICIAL NOTICE NOTICE IS GIVEN 10 7 cession in ond to the oil gas and other minerals in on ond under the follow ing described prooertv V1 5 i located in coddo Parish Louisiana: I- TOWNSHIP 2t NORTH RANGE 15 WEST Section 4: The Northeast Quartered the North west Quarter (NE4otNW4) containing 40 acres more or lest Journal photo by Rick Guy Huntington's Aaron Lewis fights off Kelvin Sherman of Green Oaks (4) for the ball for tht price and on the terms ond conditions set forth In tht petition filed herein NOW THEREFORE In occordanc with th low mode and provided In such coses notice It hereby completion from Schmanisky Peyton to Thomas McLemore Thompson a gain scored from one-yard out to give Huntington a 12-7 lead with :25 left in the half but the Raiders again handed it back Alter a short kickoff gave Green Oaks the ball at the Raider 44 Kelly found Reginald Williams in the end zone's comer beating the Huntington prevent defense for a 13-12 halftime lead Right there Kimble thought maybe this could be his night after all "And then we fumble" he said First play of the second half and Green Oaks gives it to Huntington at the Giants' 31 A dozen plays and Thompson was in the end zone again But it was only a matter of time before Huntington gave it back with the fourth-quarter fumble And then only a matter of time before each coach decided not enough was plenty three plays later with a 59-yard touchdown pass The Giants sent a man in motion wide sucking in the safety and leaving Renard Robinson one-on-one against Raider cornerback Rodney Baylor Robinson's quick post had him catching the ball at the 30 and Baylor could only dive and then beat the ground as Robinson cruised the rest of the way Huntington answered with another drive this one featuring a 4 4-yard pass given that Emmett Alton Sartor Jr ond Charles Lane Sartor as testamentary co-executors PUBLIC NOTICE On August 30 1917 Caddo Broadcasting Limited Partnership tiled on application with the Federal Communications Commission tor a construction permit for new Class C2 FM station to ooerat on Channel 275C2 In Shreveport Louisiana The station proposes to operate with a power of Sukw and an antenna height of ISO meters above average terrain Th transmitter site will be approximately 290 meters east of Norrls Ferry Rd 4 7 km SE of orbing Louisiana The coordinates of the site ore: Latitude 32' 21' 13" Longitude 93 42" 3t" The studios of the station will be located In Shreveport at a silt to determined The general partner of the applicant is Green Broadcasting Inc ond the limited partners are Caddo Broadcasting Systems Inc ond Paul A Cox A copy of th application amendments ond related materials will be available for public Inspection during normal business hours ot Weems Abnev Wright Feldman Attorneys at Law 912 Kings Hwy in Shreveport Shreveport Journal: September 12 14 IB 19 1967 Martha Ann Miller Long Martha Lou Miller Beckham Ode II Miller Lawson and Willi Le Miller norweitoent defendants In th proceedings entitled "Johnny McFtrrin versus Martha Ann Miller Long Martha Lou Miller Beck horn Odeiie Miller Lowson and Willie LccMiller" Number HAMS ot the docket ot th First Judicial DUtrlct Court Coddo Parish Louisiana that th plaintiff in this proceeding Instituted on Sect 3 mi It seeking to have the property described below partitioned bv Itcitation ond thai th absent defendant has fifteen days from the dot of th publication ot this notice to answer plaintiffs petition The property sought to be partitioned by Ikcltat Ion in the proceeding mentioned above Is situated In Coddo Parish and Is described as follows: Lot 2 Block 5 Linwood Park Homesites Unit No 4 a subdivision located tn Snreveoon Coddo Porlsh Louljiono per Map Book 450 Pooe 39S of the Conveyance Records of Coddo Parish Louisiana By Order of the Court Curtis A Warren Clerk First Judicial District Court Caddo Parish Louisiana Mike Spenct Deputy Clerk Sept 1 19B7 Shreveport Journal: September 12 )9t7 propos to grant on oil oos and mineral lease covering the Interest owned bv the Succession of Emmett Alton Sartor Sr In the property hereinabove described for the price and upon the terms ond conditions set forth In the petition tiled herein ond the heirs legatees and creditors are required to make opposition it any they hov or con to such court within seven (7) days Including Sundays trouble for Tide doubl Reins and holidays from th day whereon th publication of Area LISA this notice oppears Curtis A Warren Clerk ot Court By: Shvn Dep Clerk 9917 Tucker Jeter Jock son McMichoel ond Hickman Louisiana Tower 401 Edwards Suite 905 Shreveport Louisiana 71101-3146 Shreveport Journal: September 12 1967 ASK ABOUT OUR 15 Day Rate CALL 222-5253 CLASSIFIED DEPT DO-IT-YOURSELF IDEAS A READER SERVICE OF THIS NEWSPAPER PUBLIC NOTICE On August 20 1987 an application wosf lied with th Federal Communications Commission bv AT Moore dVba Nor Max Broadcasting Co for a new FM broadcast station to operate on Channel 275C-2 (1029 mHD ot Shreveport Louisiana The station which proposes use of 50000 watts effective rodioted power will operate with a transmitter ond antenna with an overall height of 426 feet above ground located 2 miles northeast of Blanchord Louisiana 0 4 Mile north of Pine Hills Rood A Moore is 100 owner of Nor-Max Brood-casting Co A copy of th application together with related exhibits is available for public Inspection during normal business hours ot Bodenheimer Jones Klotz Simmons Attorneys S09 Milam Street Shreveport Louisiana Shreveport Journal: September 4 5 11 121967 IIS i-'f vi El Dorado went backward against the Bearcat defense its first four possessions as Ruston built a 21-0 lead After short runs by Juan Goldsmith and Russ Hogan gave Ruston a lead Bearcat Marcus Wilson intercepted a screen pass and returned it 22 yards for a three-touchdown lead El Dorado could get just five total yards in the first half and finished with 117 yards in total offense and a third-quarter touchdown Ruston 2-0 had 303 yards rushing and 56 passing Roderick Jackson ran 14 times for 106 yards Patrick Stinson gained 65 yards on 13 carries and Carlos Jones rushed five times for 43 yards Quarerback Chuck McLean scored twice on runs of five and eight yards Ruston faces on old rival Jonesboro-Hodge Friday night Jonesboro-Hodge 31 Bolton 0 The Tigers improved to 2-0 as five different players scored touchdowns one passing and four rushing Defensively Tryone Bradf ore Ted Bosch and Lynn Hart led the shutout effort Also Stevie Anderson made three big catches one for a touchdown and two for interceptions Springhilll4AshdownArk8 The Lumberjacks 1-1 got a 28-yard touchdown pass from Jeff Sessions to Michael Lewis and a 13-yard touchdown run from Jerry Sales berry in the victory overcoming a 6-0 deficit and a bad snap on a punt that resulted in a safety late in the game Grambling 23 Rosenwald 6 Dtlmitrio Harris scored on a 12-yard pass from Archard Harrison and a 70-yard pass play from Michael Ginyard and also recovered a fumble in the end zone for the Kittens 2-0 Farmerville 20 Coushatta 14 Willie McCray rushed 77 yards for a score to start things and Erie McCray ended the scoring with a 1 4-yard interception return and a 12-yard touchdown-pass catch for the Big Orange Michael Snow and Charles Barf ield rushed for scores for Coushatta Teneha Texas 20 Logansport 3 The Tigers took a 3-0 lead on an early possession then watched the Texans take over Michael Curry's field goal from 35-yards out was Logansport's only score Ringgold 27 North DeSoto 7 Timmy Moore scored on runs of three one and five yards and Hay ward Adams caught a 17-yard pass from Greg King for the Redskins' final score Dennis Hall scored on a three-yard runs for the Griffins Both teams are 1-1 Cotton Valley 8 Bradley Ark 7 Bradley took a 7-0 lead early but Cotton Valley responded with a one-yard run by Chris Thompson and a conversion pass from Wayne Cole to Pat Durham also in the first quarter for the winning points St Mary's 18 Homer 14 In Turpin Stadium Mike Monsour scored from one-yard out in the fourth quarter for the winning points as the Tigers 2-0 overcame a five-point deficit with a second-half safety and the late touchdown Homer is 0-2 Ouachita 28 Winnfield 6 Ouachita improved to 2-0 as Kevin Hunter rushed for 1 14 yards on 20 carries Winnfield 0-2 got its only touchdown on a 75-yard touchdown run by Rod Todd in the final quarter on a fake punt Leesville 33 ASH 14 Joe Williams had touchdowns of 56 and 75 yards in the final quarter and Vincent Fuller scored the other three touchdowns earlier for the winning Wampus Cats Trinity Heights 27 Riverdale 12 The Eagles led 19-0 at halftime and easily held on as Steve Boatner finished with 166 yards rushing including an 81-yard second-quarter touchdown Mark Fortenberry intercepted a Will Almond pass returned it to the 3 and scored on the next play to give Trinity Heights its first score Boatner broke loose for the long on the first play of the second quarter and Scott Ryan passed to Don Drake as the first half ended to increase the Eagles' lead Oak Forest 35 Grawood 0 Big plays scores of 44 27 21 and 65 yards including a fumble recovery return for a touchdown were too much for Grawood iRiverfield 39 Glenbrook 7 Riverfield took a 20-0 first-quarter lead on a 15-yard run by Conrad Mott an interception return for a touchdown by Mott and a 70-yard scoring drive to put it away early West Monroe had its hands full Friday night Too full Minden got 274 yards and four touchdowns from the combination of running back Sammy Seamster and quarterback Artha Shine helping the Crimson Tide to a 35-22 victory Minden scored first when Shine turned a keeper into a 58-yard touchdown and after the Rebels had come back for a 7-6 lead it was Seamster who put Minden ahead Held to just nine yards on his first five carries the senior back took a pitch and turned it upfield for an 86-yard touchdown run Seamster added a 32-yard touchdown run to make it 20-6 going into the fourth quarter and then Thedrick Harris intercepted a Rebel pass and returned it 68 yards for another score The final Minden touchdown came on Shine's 44-yard keeper Seamster got 135 yards on 10 carries and Shine had 139 on only seven carries Steve Smith led West Monroe with 107 yards on 14 carries including touchdown runs of 48- and two-yards in the final quarter The Tide ranked No 2 in Class AAA will be in Shreveport this week for a game with Huntington then will play defending Class AAAA state champion Ruston the following week Both defensive tackle Andy Reaves and end Clint Campbell left the game early with injuries for Minden Mansfield 25 St Louis 13 After trading a pair of touchdowns with St Louis in the first half Mans- field scored a shutout over the final 24 minutes and got a touchdown run of five yards by Michael Addison and a 4 1 -yard pass play from Harry McKin- ney to Jerry Wilson to win it in Lake Charles Perry Robinson had a 46-yard touchdown run to give Mansfield the first-quarter lead and Addison who rushed for 108 yards scored from eight yards out in the second quarter Each time however St Louis answered However the Wolverines pitched the second-half shutout to even their record at 1-1 Hughes Springs Texas 64 North Caddo 20 Hughes Springs scored from both near and far but mostly is was the consistent pounding of run- ning back Cary Brabham who scored from 2 54 31 and 35 yards out that did in the Rebels The Mustangs led 18-0 after a quarter and 32-7 at the half in winning their second game North Caddo is 0-2 The Rebels had some offensive fireworks of their own Anthony Abraham scored on an 11-yard touchdown and returned a kickoff 85 yards and Ronny Rice threw a 21-yard scoring pass to Tommy Hammock Hammock led the Rebels in rushing with 23 yards on six carries North Caddo could get just 77 yards passing Natchitoches-Central41DeRid-der 20 The Chiefs had plenty of big plays to overcome 115 yards in penalties and improved to 2-0 going into this week's game with Alexandria After having a punt blocked for an early score and allowing an 85-yard kickoff return for a touchdown Natchitoches-Central started to get the scores back quickly Quarterback Mickey Mondello hit Orlando Robinson with a 48-yard touchdown pass and Robinson returned an interception 37-yards for another score Chris Walker picked up a fumble and returned it 67 yards for a touchdown and Zach West picked off another Dragon pass and scooted 48 yards for a touchdown Claude Williams added touchdown runs of five and 25 yards Haynesville 38 Plain Dealing 6 After a scoreless first quarter the Class A Golden Tornado took over and buried Plain Dealing Richard Jones scored from five-yards out to start it and Quinton Manning returned a punt 38 yards to add to the momentum It carried into the second half when Taijuan Thomas who finished the night with 84 yards scored the first of his two touchdowns Haynesville with a 348-53 total offense advantage in the game is 2-0 Plain Dealing 1-1 got its score on a two-yard Frager Ford run Ruston 35 El Dorado Ark 6 Ruston used an old friend defense to beat home-standing El Dorado Ark OAK HAMPER You can build this classy oak hamper right in youf home workshop with out easy-lo-lollow plans More than a dozen step by-step photos and directions guide you in consliuclion Lit the top to drop in dirty clothes and linens and open the door to remove everything when you re ready to wash Made from oak and oak plywood it measures approximately 33" high 23V wide and 143" deep Send check to: H793 Oak Hamper $4 50 SJT Pattern Dept 1 12-page catalog S3 95 PO Box 2383 (Picturing 700 projects) VanNuyCA91409 Classified Deadlines In Column Ads Monday 4:30 Frl Tuesday 4pm Mon Wednesday oomTues Thursday 6pm Wed Friday 6pm Thurs Saturday 4:30 Frl Sunday 4:30 Frl Display Ads Name Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursdoy Friday Saturday 2pm Frl 3pm Frl 3pm Mon 3om Toes 3pm Wed 3pm Thurs 3pm Thurs Address Sunday Z'P- Price Includes Postage Prompt Handling.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.