THE STANDARD THTTRSDAY, APK1X 24, 1890. The SUBSCRIPTION LIST wiU be OPENED FRIDAY, the 2th April, and will be CLOSED at. or before Four p.m. the SAME DAY; but Country Applications will be received the gtMtUt THFATRE. tetw tad JTawrfer, Geo.
vjr pla? and the making inventory ot tho Chuwh pl diocese of Orfortland he lQSSVnfl clergy will help, so that the inventory m. 5" complete. "yba Mr. GoscHBN was the principal enesf dinner which was given by the Lord JlTvo a CfRAfTtKBtmr THEATRE. Mr.
WttLAJED nils' 1 IF" T-s- arid Managers. i0 Pro- el rmeail Ccppeti poetical 1 Lul er ii Cri nioue." 1 mHS THHJS MAKERS. OPTICA is an INTERNAL REMEDY for INTERNAL COMPLAINTS. TET OPTICA is a SPECIFIC for NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, GOUT, and KINDRED COM-PLAINTS. OPTICA KOPTICA by its wonderful resolvent pro-uri iuA" nerties.
disperses and eradicates the morbid nnrtr a conditions from whiohsuch diseases spnnqr. fT. OPTICA. Konticais OPTICA. 31 SHI DRUT.Y LANE THEATRE ROTA Augustus Harris, Sole let see and MAnagsf.
CARL ROSA OPERA SEASON. THIS EVENING, at B.0. CABMEN Messrs. Barton McGuelrin. Aynsley Cook.
W. Esmond. Albert, and Max Eugene: Misses Fanny Moody, LnciUe Saunders, Kate Drew. and Mdlle. Zelie de Lussan.
ADELPHI. A. and S. Gatti. Sole Proprietors and Managers.
THIS EVENING, at. 3.0. THE GBKKN BUSHES: Messrs. Frank Cooper. J.
D. Beveridge. J. L. Shine, W.
L. Abingdon. Lionel Rignold. Arthur Styan. Howard Russell.
Marshall Moore. James East. J. Northcote. Sec: Mesdames Mary Eorke.
Ada Ferrar. Kate -lames. Brunton. Clara Jecks. THE MARRIED BACHELOR, at 7.15.
HAYMABKET. Tsee and Manager. Mr. H. BeeTbohm Tree.
THTS at 8.1, A VILLAGE PRIEST: Mr. Tree. ATr FernandeV. Mr. Fred Terry.
Mr. Allan; Miss Rose Ledere Miss Norreys. Mrs. Gaston Murray. Mrs.
Brooke, and Mrs. Tree. Full Orchestra, at S.t LYCEUM. c.i. Uessee and Mannger.
Mr. Henry irvuifr. FrenVhBevolution: Mr. Henry Irving. Mr.
Bancroft. MtStir-lingMr RTghtU Mr. Cordon Craig. Mr. Kaviland.
rTyars: 3sa Kate Phillips. Miss Coleridge, and Miss Ellen Tarry. CRITERION. Lessee nnd Manaser. 31 r.
Chanes Wyndham. THTS EnING. at 9.0, DAVID GABBICK Mr Charles ham. Meri. W.Blakeley.
G.Giddens.S.A alentine.and wTFarren Mesdame F. Paget. M. A. Victor, and Mary Moore.
AtSJO.TppJ-'rTY 'PIECE OF BUSINESS. Doors open 7.45. THIS EVENING, at 8.0 punctually. SECOND EDITION of RUY RLAS AND THE BLASE RODE: Miss F.ljen Parren. Miss Marion Hood Miss Sylvia Grey.
Mi ss Linda verner Miss Eva Grevilte. MissRlanche Massey. and Miss Lftty Lmd. Mr. Fred Leslie.
Mr. G. T. Minshnll. and Mr.
Fred Storey. LYRIC. -Sole Proprietor and Manager. Henry J. JASIie.
THIS EVENING, at 8.20. THE RED HUSSAR. At. 7.40. THE SENTRY: Mesdames Yfarie Tempest.
Maud Holland, B. Irving, A Newton, and Florence Dysart; Messrs-A. Marsh. Ben Dav'ies, G. Mudie, Le Hay, Wood, and Arthur Williams.
GABBICK, T.essee and Manager, Mr. John Hare. THIS EVENING, at 8.S0. A PAIS OF SPECTACLES: Mr John Hare. Messrs.
Groves. Cathcart. rough. Dodswnrtli Mdraes Horlock. Hunter, nnd ICate Rorke.
At 8.0, DREAM FACES: Mr. J. Forbes Robertson. Miss C. Addison.
VABTJEVTLLE. Sole Leitape and Manatter. Thomas Thome, THTS EVENING, at 8.30, SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER: Mr. Thomas Thorn Messrs. Kcmt.le.
Elarbury. Thalherg. Frank Grillmore.J.Wheatman.J. S. Blythe.
I. Grove, and tre.1 Thome: Miss Winifred Emery, Mrs. John Billineton. MiS Lily Hanbury. and Miss EUa Banister.
At 7.45. MEADOW SWEET: Mr. Cyril Maude. SHAFTESBURY. Messrs.
Willard nnd Larc Lessees and Managers. THIS EVENING at 8.0, THE VIOLIN MAKERS: Mr. Willard. Mr. Alfred Bishop.
Mr. Elwood, and Miss Ota Brandon. At 9.0. DICK VEXAELES: Mr. Willard Messrs.
Alfred Bishop. E. W. Garden. Elwood.
H. Cane. Henry V. Esmond. Royston Keith.
E. W. Thomas. Harting; Mrs. Miss Annie Rose.
Miss Annie HiU, and Miss Olga Brandon. GLORE. Sole Lessee and Manager. Mr. F.
R. Benson. THIS EVENING, at 8.0. OTHELLO: Messrs. phiUips.
Brydone. George. Gumey. Benson, Ross. Cartwright.
Forde, Grenville. Howard, Hallanl, Hippisley. Rosoman. romkin MesdaT.ies Benson. Mellor.
ST. JAMES'S. Sole Lessee and Manageress. Mrs. Langtry.
THTS EVENING. at 8.0, AS YOU LIKE IT: Mrs. Langtry: Mesdames McNeil. Lea. Lamb.
Armbruster. Messrs. Cautley, Bourchier. Sugden. Everiil.
Fulton. Brodie.Forbes, Gay, Lewis. Canninge. Lawford, Grover. Lingham.
Arncliffe, Erlynne. Yorke. Sec. SAVOY. Sole Proprietor and Manager.
K. D'Ovlv Carte. THIS EVENING at 8.30.THE GONDOLIEBS: or. The King of Barataria: Messrs. Rutland Barrington.
Frank Wyatt. W. H. Denny. Wallace Brownlow, Metcalf.
Rose. De Pledge. Wilbra-ham. Lewes, and Courtice Pounds; Mesdames Geraldma Ulmar. Decima Moore, Kate Forster, Bernard, Lawrence.
Cole, aad Jessie Bond. TERRY S. Manageress. Miss Grab am e. THIS EVENING, et 9.0.
NEW LAMPS FOR OLD MesaTS. W. S. Penley. Bern ard Gould.
W. Lstocq. aud F. Kerr: Mesdames Cissy Grahame. Houston, aud Gertrude Kingston.
At 8.15.FOR HER CHILD'S SAKE: Mesdames SI. A Giffard. Helen Leyton Messrs. Oscar A. Ellis, and J.
Nelson. PRINCE OF WALES and Manager. Mr. Horace Sedger. THTSEVENING.
at 8.15. MARJORIE: Miss PhyUis Rrough-ton, Madame Amadi, and Miss Camilla D'Arville: Messrs. C. Hsyden Coffin, Joseph Tapley. Henry Asldey.
Templer Saxe. Frederic Wood. Albeit James. T. A.
A. T. Hendon. and Harry Monk house. Preceded, at 7.30.
by ALL ABROAD. COL'ET. Proprietors. Mrs. John Wood and Mr.
Arthur Ch'tdleizh. THIS EVENING, at S.0, THE CABINET MINISTER: Messrs. Arthur Cecil, AVeedon Grossmith. Herbert Waring, Brandon Thomas, Allen Ayneswonh. Saunders, Farren, Clnlow: Misses Le Thiere, Rosina FiiippLTanuei.
Eva Moore. Caldwell. Isabel Ellissen. Harrincton. Mrs.
Edmund Phelps, and Mrs. John Wood. TOOLE'S. THIS EVENING, at 9.0. THE BUNGALOW.
Preceded. at 8.0. by ON TOAST. Messrs. Chas.
Gleuny. Yorke Stephens. Compton Coutts. A Rousby. J.
Aylmer. and Fred. Kaye: Misses Sophie Larkin. Vane Featherston. Marie IUington, Jenny Dawson.
Ella Stirling. Jocelyn. and Cicely Richards. STRAND. Lessee.
Mr. Willie Edouin. THIS EVENING, at 8.40 WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 2.30. OUR FLAT: Messrs. Edouin, Fawcett, Dawson.
Haw-trey. Randolph, Nain by, Sims; Misses M. Whitby. Goward. Esmond, Vicat.
Sedgwick, Graves. At 8.0. BOYS WILL BE BOY'S: Messrs. Randolph, Dawson, Nainby.and Miss Esmond. AVENUE.
Manager. Mr. Geo. Alexander. TOIS EVENING, at 8.30.
MISS CINDERELLA At 9.0. DR. BILL: Messrs. George Alexander. Nutcorabe Gould.
Benjamin Webster, George Capel, Henry Grattan. and Albert Chevalier: Mesdames Elizabeth Robins. Carlotta Leclercq, Leston. Marie Linden, Laura Graves, Edith Ken ward. Lilly Young, and Fanny Brough.
mil. THE IMPROVEMENT of LANDED ESTATES. The LAND. LOAN, and ENFRANCHISEMENT COMPANY, incorporated bvSpeciul Act of Parliament. ADVANCED MONEY to the OWNERS of settled and other ESTATES for the agricultural and general improvement of Landed Property: for the supply of wster to estate mansions generally; and to tenant lor life, for the erection, sanitary improvement oi, and additions to.
mansions, stables, and outbuildings. The amount borrowed being charged on the Estates benefited, and repaid by a terminable annuity. Prospectus anil further particulars may be obtained at the Company's Offices, 22, Great George-street, Westminster, S.W. EDWIN GARROD. Secretary.
ORTGAGE and CROUND-REXT BRANCH COMPANY. The Compauyal so RECEIVES APPLICATIONS from Lenders or BORROWERS on MORTGAGE, and from Vendors or Purchasers of Ground-rents, Forms and further particulars can be oMa'oed at the Company's Offices. 22, Great George-street. Westminster. S.W.
OF MAN, April 19 "The scheme for erecting a hue tower anil a high level bridge from the North Qinyto Douglas Head is liefore the EuMiC in concrete form. The promoters have acquired a site private negotiation. Unquestionably the towr will be a great attraction when built, and once the bridge is constructed tbe traffic noild become enormous." "ISLE OF MAN EXAMINER." April If carried out as proposed, will meet a past and growing want and provide at une strut" a and attractive neu us ti quick arc to the seat side of lie flarliour and a point of observation which, for its rr.uit.-of vision and variety of scene and object embraced by it. will be absolutely without rival." "OLDHAM CHRONICLE," April 19. "Altogether the scheme is an attractive one.
and the pro-pos-d Company to carry it through has a sound financial OIJDKAM STANDARD." April 19. "ThenroritBblcchnrni ter of The venture cannot fail to be reroit is- by the oi-'inls who an mBy visit, th-t island from this district, nnd tho-e desirous securing shares should make an early FINANCL4I. NEWS." April 19. While the schei'. of an Eiffel Towi-i lor London seems to bang fir-, the -Pant Manxmen are to ths trrmt with a thnt.
even if London has to wait, the Isle of Man shall not. The proposals ru.ide in tbe prospectus of the Doaalas Head Suspension i Limited), pu-lished this r.ioniing. appear to haye reieived stroni local sapoort, and stronTS ipport, too, in Lancashire, from which so ranny visitors to the island come. The li-t of found-rs is good and representative, and we wish our friends in Man viand all success with their new and their lofty tower." ISLE OF MAN TIMES," April 19. "The concern appears to be placed be'ore the public in a and open fashion, and aa have no doubt that there will lie a host of applications for "BELL'S WEEKLY MESSENGER," April 21.
"The Forth Rridge achievement is reviving the bridge-building spirit in more than one portion of ber Majesty's dominion. A grand bridge is now to be constructed from the Pierc.t to Dongl is Head, one tcjth some prteusion to beauty as well as streTisrth. So that the tens of thousands who annually that island of delight will be able, with vastly less didirtjity. to reach a point on the island where the 070ue-eharged satSBMS and where one of the grandest views can be obtained. A Company has undertaken the task, among whom nre some excellent names, any one of which is a sufficient guarantee of tbe success of the undertaking." Teletrrapbic Address.
"Tynwald. London." Tbe SUBSCRIPTION LISjT will CLOSE on FRIDAY, 2Sth instant, for London, and the following day for the Country. The GENERAL ALLOTMENT will be MADE on or before MONDAY. the2Jth April. The application may be sent to the Secretary, Howard House, Arjndel-street.
London. W.C: or to the Company's Bankers. THE DOUGLAS HEAD SUSPENSION BRIDGE (Limited Isle of Man. The liability of all Shareholders is liraite 1 to the amount of their Capital, 100.GiO. in lM.CTO Shares of 1 each, of which 2500 are Founders Shares.
The whole of the Founders" Shares and a large number of Orliuary Shares have been already subscribed, and 75.0-00 Ordinary Shares of El each are now offered at par. Payal le 2. per Share on Anplicat ion, 3s. per Snare on Allotment, nnd the balance in ill of Ss. per Share, at.
intervals of three mouths, orthe Shares may be paid up in full on Allotment, cmier discount at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum. The profits of Company in every year will be applied in payment of a Prefercm-e Dividend of 8 per cent, on tne Ordinary Sbares, the balance being divided between the holders of tbe Ordinary and Founders' Shares. No dividends will be payable in any year upon the Founders' Shares until theOrdi-nary Shares receive a Dividend of 8 per cent, for that year. FotrynF.Rs. Thomas H.
Sidebettom, M.P. Joseph Burrow. Ag-nconrt. "Manchester-road. Bury, E.
Ashworrn. J.P.. The Heath, Knutsford. John VV. Jlaclnre.
M.P., Wbnlley Kan. Manchester. Thoma9 Waymau, M.P.. Saville-close, Halifax. Edward Coliinge, J.
Oldham. James Folds. J.P., Rose Cottage. Burnley. Henry T.
Dnddum. J.P.. 87. Brown-street. Manchester.
Major J.S. Gold ie-Taubman. J.P.. Speaker of the Home Of Keys. Jsraes Heap.
J.P.. The Hangh, Rochdale. John Hick. J.P.. DJL Ramsey.
Il of Man. Benjamin M. Kenworthv. J.P.. Delnmero Place.
Ashton. waiiam 9. Lowe. J.P.. Oakwood Mills.
Sralybridge. William J. Thompson, J.P., Chairman National DlicountCom-paay. Ei? Andrew, J.P.. Albert TTou-e.
Ashton-under-I-yae. Colonel W. J. A. Baldwin, J.P..
The Albany. Piccadilly. London, and Dalton-in-Fnmess. John Travis Clegg, Esq- J.P.. Weft Hall, Shaw.
Thomas Erumott. J.P.. Oldham. James Wrigley. J.P., D.L..
Holbeek, Windermere. David B. Thornton Heath. Surrey. sir icomas howler, J.f..
I'ropneti Manchester courier. John A Newton. J.P.. Fos Hill. Stalybridge.
Jo-eph Mosley, J.P., Cringle Hall. urn age. Roderick Macdonald. Camdcn-road, London. And UQ others.
DlRECTOBS. Wm. Abliofts. Director oi the Douglas Head Marine Drive (Limited). Major J.
S. Goldie-Taubman. J.P., Speaker of the Manx Parliament, and Deputy Chairman Isle of Man Railway. Roger Tatham. Rochdale.
F. A. Darlington, C.E.. Director of the Standard Debenture Corporation (Limited). W.
G. Mackey. Oxford and Cambridge Mansions. Hyds Park. W.
Baszsss The National Provincial Bank of England (Limited). London, SouciTons. Messrs. Lav-son, Coppock. ami Tib-lane.
Manchester. F. Browne. Aihol-street. Douglas, Isle of Man.
Floyd. C.E.. F.G.S., Victoria Mansions, Westminster. StTBTETOBS. Messrs.
Jerram and Livingston. 37, Great George-street, Westminster. London Messrs. Bellairs and Blocker, 5. Thrormorton- avenue.
E.C. and Stock Exchange. Manchester Messrs. F'ernyhough and Ashe. 14, Cross-street, and Stsx-k Exchange: Messrs.
Pixton and Coppock, 12, Hall Moon-street, and Stock Exchange. Liverpool Messrs. Fothergill and Holden, 2. York-buildings, Dale-street, and Stock Exchange, Bradford Messrs. Middletou and Eraser, 206, Swan dreads, and St ock Excliange.
Leeds Alfred Backhouse, 22. liond-street, and Stock Exchange. BBBB-Messrs. Byrne and Chartered Accountants, 81, Gracechurcfc-street. London.
Secret Ar. William Brain. Esq. Offices Howard House. Anmdel-strect.
London. W.C. Full Prospectus, together with illustration of tbe Tower, Sec. may be obtained from the Brokers, Solicitors, and at the Offices of tbe Company, The SUBSCRIPTION LIST will be OPENED on THURSDAY, April 24th next, and will be CLOSED on or before Four o'clock on MONDAY. April 2-th.
THE INDIAN and GENERAL INVESTMENT TRUST (Limited 500.IX. of which E25Q.00O has been issued and fully paid. ISSl'E of 125.000 (pirn of S50.000 FOCR-AXD-A-HALF PER CENT. PERPETUAL UEOISTEP.ED DEBENTl liE STOCK. Price of present Issue, 1C2 per cent.
Payments to be made as foliows 10 per rent, on Application 22 per to include the premium, on Allotment i 35 per cent, on 16th June; 25 16th July. 102 Subscribers can payup in full on and after Allotment. Prepayments may be made under discount at tbe rata of Three per cent, per annum, DlRFCTORS. HENRY SEYMOUR KING. CJJL, Chairman, James Woodgate
Eq. Frederick Alers Hnnkey. George Henry Hopkinsou, Esq. John Berry White. Esq, BAXK.KRS.
The Consolidate! Bank lijaiiiiidi. 52, Thraadaeedls-street, E.C, and 84, King-street, Manchester. Messrs. Charles Hopkinsn and Sons. 3.
Regent-street, S.W. BkuKEBS. Messrs. Ca.enove nnd I'lVmyli 1" Thrnlnoadla- street, E.C. A ITDIXUES.
Messrs. Dehutte, D-ver, Griffiths, and Lothbury. ScmTBT. W. A Browne.
Esq. Otbees Wiachester House. E.C. The Directors have, in accordanci withthe rowers conferred on them by the Articles of Association, authorised the creation of Four-and-a-Half ier Cent. Perpetual Debenture Stoi-k, cf which 125.001.
is now ofi'er-ed for subscription at 102. The Stock will be registered in the books of the Trust, and interest, at tbe rate of 4i per cent, per annum, will be sent lmll-yearly to the registered holder on the 1st May and 1st November in each year. During the first half-year interest will accrue from the dates of the several instalments. By tbe Articles of Association the Debenture Stock issue can in no case exceed the amount of Share Capital subscribed. This Debenture Stock provides an investment of the highest class, and at the price ot issue will pay to the investor si.
s. -r cent. A quotation for this Stock will be applied for in dne course. Copies of tte Resolution of the Board creating and containing the conditions of the Debenture Stock can ue seen at the Offices oi the Trust. Applica tion should be made on the Form accompanying the Prospectus.
Pruspei tuses and Forms of Application can be obtained at the Rankers, Brokers, or Offices of the Trust. Dated 22d April, 1890. ISSUE OF FOUR PER CENT. DEREXTURE STOCK. NATIONAL DWELLINGS SOCIETY (Limited).
Established in UJj to Provide Improved Dwellings for the Industrial Classes. Trustees. Colonel William T. Makius. M.P.
Richard Biddulph Martin. F.R.S.S Ac. Sir Alexander Ed ward Miller. Council. Major L.
Loffns Bushe-Kox. M.A.. J.P, Professor Wm. Henry Cortield. M.A., M.D., Oxon.
William Green, F. J. Sykes. M.B.. B.Pc., Edin.
A. T. Hawkins. J.P.. D.L..
-Managing Director. Baskers. Messrs. Martin and 68. Lombard-street.
E.C.; Messrs. Herries, Farquhar. and IS, St. James s-strect, S.W.; London and County Banking Company (Limited), Xibn i ba rd -st reet. Assistant Secbetart.
Mr. Frederick Thomas. Offices 22. Budie-row. Cauuon-sti-eet.
London, E.C. The Council of the National Dwellings Society (Limited) INVITE APPLICATIONS for the BALANCE of an Issue of 75.GC0?. Registered Debenture Stock, at par, in sums of or in multiples thereof, payable 251. per cent, on application. 252.
per cent, on nUotment. 501. per cent, three months from date of allotment. Tne whole amount may be paid on allotment The capital of the Society is 150.000?.. divided into 30,000 Shares of St.
each. 15.C0O Shares being Ordinary Shares and 15.000 being Five per Cent. Preference Shares. Investment in this Debenture stock is practically a freehold investment, and. therefore, penectiy safe.
Applications for this Stock may he. made direct to the Secretary of the Society, or to the Society's Bankers, Messrs. Martin and 68, Lombard-street. London. E.C.
Debenture Prospectuses may be obtained on application to the Secretary, at the Offices. 22, Budge-row. Caunon-street Loudon. E.C THE FORBES REEF GOLD MINING COMPANY (Limiied). Notic is Given.
That the TRANSFER BO'JKS of tbiSO mpanv a If fce CLOSED from May 1 to May Id. Ic90. both days lusive. ww By order. WILLIAM GARDNER, Secretary Africa House.
45 and Lea. lenuall-street. E.C., CT. LOUIS. ARKANSAS, and TEXAS RAIL-iCi VivaMWfn P.ovntti iT.liFnc: cnurri- m.
I ahsea Committee finn'Iy inrte hollers to DEPOSIT th-ir BU.Aira wren war ouamnn nninster Bank, Lothbury E.C.again-' mmi i.e's re tipts nn ler the modified a re metit made wi t. Olcott Cumiiitee, and una-iiraous to-day at a u'dic m-eting of those who have afj ady dep isiudlh ir P-on-ls. Bonds will be received by the Bank any day excer-t Saturday, from T. a to Th-ee. up to the 2d May next, after v.
tlste fine will be imp ed. By order. FRANK oIELGUD. Secretary. ID I- OA IfOll -WU, OVCrtiarf, FIVE PER CENT.
DEBENTURE'S THE ANGLO-AUSTRALIAN INVESTMENT 5isISASCE. and LAND COMPANY Oimitedj (of Incorporated October, 18e0. London Office. 31, Lombard-street, E.C Capital (all Subscribed 500.000. Paid ud 115 924 Uncalled.
334X75. Reserve Fund. SC 000 ISSUE of :0O.0CO5ER CENT. DEBENTURES at aae. Local Board.
If THBRiduf, c.i.E., M.P., Chairman. The Risht Hon. Lord Easing. I J. Hennikerlleaton, F.sq.,M.P.
BJiattS. The London and County Banking Company (Limited). This Company is now olleriug 5 per cent. Begistered Debentures of 100. each and upwards at par.
interest payable half-yearly, on 1st. January and 1st July, by Coupons attached to the Debentures). The Debentures are by the unpaid Capital (334.0761.). susdbjr Uie general assets of the Company, amounting to over Full information on application to GEORGE HARDIE. London Manager.
THE NEW ZEALAND and RIVER PLATE LAND MORTGAGE COMPANY 2.000.000 fully subscribed. E.vJ.luO paid up. Reserve Fund 17.000. Directors. H.
J. Bristow. Esq. I Thomas Russell, CM.G. W.
K. Graham, Esq. D. Cooper Scott. Esa Arthur M.
Mitehison. Eq. Sir Edward W. Stafford. Sir William T.Power.K.C.B.
I G.C.M.G. -The Company's Loans on Mortgage are limited to first mortgages over freehold property. The Debenture Issue is limited to the uncalled capital. The Directors are issuing terminable Debentures, bearing in- I tere st ai per cem. ior i.nree years, sj per cent, tor live years, and a limited amount at 5 per rent, for seven years.
A. M. MITCH ISON. Managing Director, lajrianhiU-bBiUings. Lcadaubili -street, t-i VT aCa-faoa Tfca) J1 Ji aaaa all cw t--k Ml as fldRJCl-S.
TW ud ppmrwd af -C-m Mat laaiiii iaa aa OTTB SOUTH. TO-KOB ili-TW ixiiajj. AL SAT- AT aKBM, -catledav nnn m. Iwr A-. I Fa jt Cawa.
AT XFTT T' r-DAT. Tl'HE -DRrKT LANE tie XatKtal KB r. lv ti t. rG75ir saekis. Mr.
VBEb Te raw, yraiw r- P-- Nar' 1. Sfcjfcfcf MAJESTY'S THKATSE. FUEN CH FLATS. MMKai aaor Iam---aa Jrli- MAJaSTT-ntEXXH fUft ll if aa k'irTEt'r-X La'HtTE. Vt JUaav ifeh.
la ii rnc la nz. I Maa. raBSS TOT be S1XTl. a jUS tl Kar La (5SEbrACi1l a-r a Inai VOXbir.JaacK.ta JaUC TW Lat Weak tr-it' Ea- till. 1 rwaj nEl(M mt 7-.
fcf i-rr alto apia 3f jub.r sa au aarl S. VXTJT, Inmnctars OB Sad, Thw Tie-. THE OEEEX IBUK SLKTUGM. BaMlalaai -nyjec- TJ6EBTAIT. -r I in rr.
I Xliiir al I 4 DELPHI. -THEGKiE A aaaBa" aarys Xrz iorti ml THE WKEEN Thy fta" aar as. Carti kn- alairr 1 Th IHR GREEN BUSHE-" -fh W- b-uM adaaa tu ivuss-i jmtsae. a. or maaa artagraa ga lu Bncaaf mas oM lnia.i -acC aaJ lk-djau lae aff mt aatraai (maa.Bl J.
GREEN Ml SHE lb at aa a v-i raw fcal Bgammma ts.i aaahamam. Tl wjBCT. aa a A 4 0EEMIL THE GR aafaam am. a mamt nJfSEZStt apammvaadTaw mM mmmm' mA mm gamma at amB-'-TABlsraT. at aA AUBLniL THE BUSHES.
Imewaan maaaaa ma aaaas mv Was a mm has awatabra hrrrnl. iw Wag i in im aa amaaa -To IG HT. a IA BCsHETit. Tfca a mni thm RUSHES. TW ii-a'ammram a aM aa ataae A ataav a3 ramr aamVjam5 aasvaawjaih.
atara avians. imitllur laWahygW, aaai aaaa GMZX BUSHES Tb GUmfm THEATRE. ikde Aaraaee ami Maaamrr Jfc B. BFTSrt TBO raMBr ASCRSaf A kTHXLJLO -TWO PERFtatMANCErr ONLY, I TMC Banner BTBjrtsa. at tie.
rl j. Leslie' I atAmtaVMaUaa.a gmmBf. 3 aad Mr CMAMO.eS mtT wOl far ta PYrst tan aaat aiarwr ahuktox THf: HUSSAR. MATINEE UTfflkAT.atlA EVERT f.TBTC THEATRE. awTET -IU IWfl aad ta If i a lj.
Ft a ifOinMOS. a Taatia iinfat cam. TaBaaea ky the STK BCOXGWY. Br T. CTBauaaaa SATURDAY AFTER- in Tfiree erf Hirra- Baam aaaa a lj Baa aan aad I ihiaiii a amer.
Pfaiero. TOMtST asra ETERT laS 1.Tff Aatho Card. Wardoa 4a- i ar-liaBi. aBtami I BANPTBffMaTTatE.laam,i NIGHTLY, at 3.0. arid THEATEM TO-NIGHT, at 7 0, IWUSh fVBHWaw BOOB BfaAW.
TaiaataaBama v. ir4' six SSaay.aafcrta ia. mwm (-- mat Hil afai7uTr7r ni i -rz? Ti aai a -t- r- Tfll FREXCH FAYSL XI ajua nnuoi eaat Jala liln am i TiiiIH iait la fcfcat. aigt I intaTa ac -rl- 1 Kr anracKRHnra JrA -r rtHIT 5lr.EC rrr: i fyrtiL BTTAFeTX M-i aa aaaa aaaaaai i ia lHa. TME -Baaia awcnrim btmi te nana.
aaaa wits a i iiaaiiaa aw aaaai erf -tna. li I aa AA. am nii i -a -m aaaa aaaaaaaamrjaa a aaq aaaj wjaa fcjaa I amBSmrnxJaA "ttl 1 1 AWtJLFHX -1 HK GREEN bl SS L- maaaaat Aaaafemaal -C A ELPHL THE SflrMaTT. 'aammgaatimliaj JmPt THMATMM-THE BEX) HUSSAR. aaSmXamamrammTymmi ray L.
Wl taamaaaaaaa- 5amaaaaW "-aBa rfmTK BSD HUSSAR. LYRIC THEATRE M. Bmampaaa Saatma af "Taa- Cm ma at tta aaaa ay ma. BBf iWaaai Bmaal. "MfX ALEC MARSH miH make km PARE WELL Jl dill laJaW mWSOinmtnXWJmtftm ImtaaUTmiY aOOmEXYT THEATRE.
3mf. a- a nm.akU.fti II A PUL Im tmammmcx at the rvcep-XM. ttam fill BB1 at mi raiilaaB asaam Jmaara, Ba- aVCBT SMvnxtmm mtwu et Estia at 2-JWaalrvaaiCaaavOaA ia Two AetAjaatitmd III MOOgsOalxAS. fey ta. A QMirt and Artmar SmMi i i ggSPB-SA-i QBlXCMayE TaaATWE mala laamap, Ma wBACE BAwTasOCXE.
Bi larj Mr Ke'Jr lay Taaa a aaoer tar aa i Baa aT Car fiMHii Tliaii aamammamV SammaaiifrisrTM UaytJ SmSSSmm UgmBmXX all MX ITWTOIAAjaTB BOCB lAgaTTa. le meTWt AeAMr- WamtrCaiBjt 7a TfTB MABBXEB BAKBL (aBaaayiea BBLAaXX 9TT aBT. i I SEXI j.NI LD11ION K. KLA.1, at 8.0. 3i ias! ii.Lli.
fXkXCX. iflsS JVVIA BEY. K. LJ'jLlL 1L ti. T.
Wiaa p. limai. Coavar. KuD GtirtT orchestra aMtttoLihcarLr. GAlETV.
VTTVFFS. i-v? TUr bpivi'B AND THK Kl-DrveiTt-Bmr v-rvr ho li Alls. II i KATB. at 2JB. and EMSXS SATCKOAT till farJkfT rpHK CHILD ACTRESS OF THE CENTUKY: M.
npai4siaraA ttu mm msmjmrnwammt "'r- PfcK. ATCaWAX at 2.5J. (TW Hf A RE C1A1ETY HEATRE. SATE EDA NEXT, at af SfeBk Tl SM. THE CE A 1H PA whira Sr.
EwarV aa- to i v. u-i bt i mm i- 1 5.7 new be IK li tin Jli In TIT I 4 YTLLAQE PWEST. TO-KJGHT, st 8-15 HaVMAREET THEATRE. Laoee aad Slaaager. Mr H.
and EVftCT KTEl0.atU.a3( Fitp Acts, aatitlad A VII-LiwE PRIEST. aySfiaa'enadr aytfca Fwaea KMTfirv. SfT.alka: Hat Cose leHtaea Mr. (rt --i Vmr. Jr.
Tm i. Mr 5.3 Mr L-vrrtm Mtti from 2 mar bockpd r. sue few latter 1 iia lai wfm Jnna gnJirrrU. Dr, oP r. 7 JlOiehea- I.
CJPEJIAL TVEDXESDAY MATIXEE of A k5 VniiGE PETEST. iKXEaatf SEXT, jC. at 2-15. SW irsy low ha booaad. HAT JURKAT.
MATtXEES of A VILLAGE PRIEST. SATURDAY XEXT aed foltowiae SATVUUT. at MS. anaia he eeefcnt. HATMAKXET tkeatpe.
at 8.:. THE DEAO lliawa Irrie. Mr. Baaeport. Mr.
A. SBrSa. and KSaaHaaaffa ofere i lir.j. open iiaiiy U.0 tosJd. Se-its booted by letter or telegram.
SAIEEDAY EVCXEMa NEXT, Ajt'X. aj 35. aaJ May ta to iTth aad 3th and Xth. JLlTHXAs i his Oriaaal Psrrt. Mr.
Vsaartetcr. Mr. Edaar Sasea. TU-XlobT. at U5.
the Car' P.xm. Lieht. Own 1'nmuai WaB Trrcrra a Coaak (tocra. mitied KABJUR1E. iTi: red under tae direction Powerful Cast srr- Under Clock.
ttce fih wit. JpBIE. at jJ5. Bn aim' aata atMftaaaaaaBr rl ARJORIE. HAS ANOTHER SUCCESS.
April 23. on which ocea-iaatiaegmamaaaag ajwi iaaaata wiU ty i aaajaai aaamKaSmaCmaBMa 'cv-ire af an-a tha pnncipai Mr. GEORGE ALEXANDER. fYERY EVENING, at 9.0 o'clock. DR.
BILL. m. Howay AI.i)FltT HKVJILIE8. Mr. mmmm Sm.
fi.xn -A BKPM fimaa Mr. rm4t Fit lEIaVr Mm EDITH KESWAED. At BJC BDU OtSDFBEIXA Doors ones Hi o'elack. Baa mmrVawa TaBdaABaeaecA. DX BILL.
at J. SEW LAMPS FOB IB, HIS BSt CSHD SAKK. Meadaaaea M. A Leytoa: awn. O.
Adye. A EBav aad i. Bllllia, Ldbnx-c, ss Baa-adW fama MA te 5.X ic.U m-aaaaslm. Poors aaaa at LB. 31" FOR OLD.
vli'tsa Fosra-TDEW Mv, cissy rihimt --Tf FTB WATTB- Mr. E. BEER. K1SGS sHHtKTXs Mr. BT.
LAMPS FOR OLD SPECIAL MATINEE Al BBTV KPAY A "SAP, April M. at IB 1 1 111 II Bay mmm jar. MATINEES of NIXIE. New Play By Mrs. ITaiafJBm -e- EVEltY DAY.
r. F.eli acnl Uftle Mesar. WiBiatm Biihirt. Julian a Lewis slier, -eats TXJtBTBTHXATBE A PAIR OF SPECTACLES. Mj.
Mr. JOHN HARE. HT. at BSD. FATB OF PECT dby Stdary Groady Mr.
John Hare, Mr. Gewes. aad BBm Bate Beta, At IA BBS Ail FACFS. ha BTyaa Emm Mr. J.
Forbes Robertson and Mis CsmmtaB ddaaan rpacmllr ecxagi ICQ to 5.B. Doors open at 7.C. X-j seea Articg Maamaar. Mr. C.
G. Comatoa. ATTNEE of A PAIR OF SPECTACLES-aad jJL DBEAM FACES, SATURDAY NEXT. April BE at DrsarajagLMi Boa saBee opaa tram 13.0 to p.m. ITpOOLE THE BUNGALOW, 22Cth Time.
JL rm tiamer. play af the centary. "Another Private Til aiiili by ON Baa irfBee oara dafly. MATINEES of THE BUNGALOW, EVER WEDNESDAY asm PATTTRDAY, at iC.
Preoedi bv OV TUAasT. at 2.15. Basra aaaa at ZA. mm stBui mm aaBati Ti ail Mx. End rpOOLETS.
SPECIAL MATINEE of New Corneal ia Three Acta, by John Ayraa r. entitled CHASGE. TO-MOBBOVJ (Fnday. YL-ssrs. A EEi.
R. Stotktoe. H. Pa'erson. I.
AylEier. W. AraaaLi: Miss J. Sr. Aue.
Miss Alice Toim. Miss Mary CaBene. Doors open Z3 Cha.i res at pen. ASMODEUS. BT IT "Daily Telegraph.
LHAIBRA Sjanorics LEGXANI, Premiere from --idi. Mlia, who is specially eo- T'PtKiSJIS3 the Gaud Ballet. aar. TO-XiOhT. at 9.C mmm.
ALHAMBRA ANOTHER TRIUMPH has been gained at the A LH AM BRA in the New Grand Fantastic Ballet. eatitW ASM DE US." Vde the Morning Post TONIGHT, at SX o'clock. A LH.4MRRA The New Ballet, ZANETTA at J. -Ttre Times" M. Jaeobi has eontri-aated bright aad MrAoCaaa Made in facile vein, and the BiBif hapoy aiiaa-j saailicl aad tiamai mt, one of the aaaateaeamwaagptodaartmaO A LHAMBRA BRUET and BTVTERE, Miss rVAsoieABau Itaii sail 's llaarhouadi and th Uaa Rues." Barry Randall.
Aii -e Maydne. the Sisters TwibelL Xeliie BTBsaB. Fred tjjmra. The Brothers Borani. Sa-rasri sad Blot-Tssw: and theTwa msBats.
MODE VS. at 9.0 o'clock, and Zjt jeXTTA at lcSX Stenorina Letraaai. Sigsor Is. aaaansA, Mdllea. Seiaeeo.
Marie. BoSey. Tburgate. and Verge. Open from 7.o till lTSl.
EMPIRE THEATRE TO-NIGHT, com men re ai Two Grand Batiefs, THE PARIS EXIBITION. at BO. aad a DREAM OF WEALTH, at 1C.4S. in which Billets amamsia aa Guri- Btttlna de Sort's.
Sicw aad BB i At; A DREAM OP WEALTH TO-NIGHT, at 10.45. a Desaaaf Wealth.a BeBet djvertiasement. by Madame Kafti Taaiai Masse By LiaaoM Weaei. New jrenery by T. E.
Ryan. Coatrttmrs trom design by Wdhelm. carried out mas Faahar. Mr. J.
A HaiTiaon. and Madame Aag-ustie et JEVERUS SCHAFFEX Exchjafra I in his dexterous sion held EMPIRE THEATRE -SPECIAL VARIETY EN- JUJ jTi filhi ah laaaisa.Tli i siuii Tilia flu. am BeUe Black. ti Troupe. A Forrest.
The Jars. Marvelle's Wartea- LONTX A 1 LION GREAT ATT RACT ION. SPFATAL ENfaAGKMENT of all the STAR ARTISTFS. i ii-tr a BBTaa BBBsjii Brnwamasdaasassaful Tour LONDON PAVHJON. Hew Fanteuils hare been I stas'mai fettBe aWervea SeaftaaaaAiag them thetaost adasdtB 1 new anaaui aa.
LOXDON SUCCESS ote NEW OMPAXT ETEBY EVl Mrsa Harriet Vernon. Th rM Brir Mas hill. Mr. WaBwM Mitel cy A larke. Mr.
O. w. aienwa, The Sisur Lcrev. aaTxe M. Nelle Nae, M-Ws ManhiU.
Miea Ada Be-se. Mr. Artha Tiaaley. Miss Dora the 1 Buill Baa iirs ia thair am tUwis act. The Century I a aaT a fh Wtwaerial 7aaet- Otta wy and P-prer I TheGBEATBr'T BdBTETT ENTERTAIN MFiXT in LO.N bt'S I i -t 51 Pi-rate Beaes from li.
New Bl.ih i Bsata.5a.: raaad. hl.B-. Ball, a of Anm-trxs Harm. Pot ALE APBOAI Daor opea MEK. ttjLB.
JaMiMJI 1 J.4EJ0EIE.- PPJXCE OF WALES' THEATRE TitT laalial i Ti Wmmm- BBmra. nB. at asatiiiaatTmam I Share. E00.CljO. in 4s3.7SJ Ordinary snares oi 1 each, and 250 Deferred Shares of 1 ench.
ISSl'E of 250.000 ORDINARY SHARKS, which are now Oifored for Subscription, payable 2s. 6d. on Application, and 2s. d. on Allotment.
No urt her call will exceed 2s. bd or be made for aperiod of twelvemonths. IMBBROM. J. L.
Hale, Esq. (Director oi the Governments Stock Investment Limited The Chase. Addis-combe. W.G. Ferrar.
Esq Gate Chief Inspecting Engineer. Mexican National Railway). 37. Walbror-k. E.C.
A Grot be. Memb.Inst.CE. (late Manager. Tlmrsisaad United Mexican Companies). Winchester-street, EX.
W. Vaughan, Esq. (Messrs. Vaugban, Smith, and ICS. Rishopsgate-street, E.C.
'Charles Pond, Manager of the Mexican Association, 31, Lombard-street. E.C Will join the Board after Allotment. CoNst'criNc. Com mittkk i Mexico. Seror Gomez Farias (Director of the Mexican Explorations, Limited City of Mexico.
F. Duns-ford. Cordoba, Vera Cruz. SeTior Francisco H. Garcia (Director Sonora Railway).
Guaymas. Mexico. BaXKEKS. Messrs. Glyn.
Mills, Cnrrie. and 67, Lombard-street. E.C. Solicitors. Messrs.
Colli sson, Prichard, and Greene. Z7, -dfor l-row. W.C. BROKERS. YIessrs.
Hollelione Brothers and Trench, 18, Rirchiu-iane. E.C. Sfcrktarv. Sir. AV.
F. Jack. Offices-31. ird-treet. E.C.
PROSPECTUS. This Company is formed to acquire the business nnd assets of the Mexican Association, a private undertaking founded to introduce Mexican Joiut Stock enterprise to the London market. The Conversion of the Association into a Limited Liability Company has been deemed advisable in order to extend the scrip of iinerafn-ns and make the public acquainted with its means and associates. a lee weeft alien uccomplisbed includes the formation of the Mexican Exploraf ions (Limited i. in which Company an in) r- sf ha- been retained to the extent of Z5 Deferred Shares (more one-third of the whole Deferred Issue), whicn Shares will be intluled in the assets taken over by the Mexican Association i The only eoiisidi-rat ion to be given for the business, assets, and the paymeu of all preliminary expenses, both here and in Mexico, up to and including allotment, together with agent's charges anl usual brokerage, istbe allotment of the 250 Deferred Shares at par.
The Company thus enters upon a business in active opera-t-ori with its paid up capital intact. The Directors have arranged for the present management to be continued for a period ot five years. The Directors are of opinion that the amount of 5s. per Share on the present issue will be quite sufficient in the initial stages of the Association to meet all necessary requirements, as the business will principally consist of agency aud commission work, a distribute a of Ss per cent, (non-cumulative) shall have been made to tue Ordinary shareholders in each year on the amountpaid on their Shires, half the surplus income will be payable ou tbe Deferred Shares and half to the Ordinary Shareholders nsa surplus Dividend. The only Contracts entered into by the Company are (1) dated 18th April, 13S0, between Charles Pond, 31, Lombard-street, of the one part, and the Mexican Association (Limited) of the other part, transferring the business on the above terms aud (Hi dated 18th April.
13D0. between the Mexican Association (Limited) ot tbe one part, an-i the said Charles Pond of the o-her part, rel'tiug to the appointment of Mr. Pond as Manager of the Company for five years. Copies of these Agreements may be seen at the Office of the Solicitors of the Company. It is intended to apply for a settlement and quotation upon the London Stock Exchange.
Where no allotment is made the deposit will be returned in full, and a surplus of deposit will be applied to cover the payment on allotment, any balance being returned to the applicant. A copy of the Memorandum is annexed to this Prospectus, and the Articles of Association can be inspected at the Office of the Company. Prospectuses and For9 of Application can be obtained at the Bankers. Solicitors, and Brokers, or at the Registered Office. 31.
Lomb.ird-str.-et, E.C. London. ISth April. 1890. S'J Francis Deny "a last Report to ths Foreign Office contains the following: "The increase in the imports and export? in years under review, the activity in mining, the progress of railway construction, municipal improvements, the extension of the banking facilities, nre all evident proofs of the advance of the country, while the money which is being spent in the construction of public works baa greatly stimulated trade and business generally.
Owing to these tucls. to the firm hold of the country by the present Government, and the confidence they have inspired in their stability and good faith, the present time offers a favourable opportunity for Mexico to procure the money necessary for its 1 iirther development, and if proper caution and discrimination 15 exercised, there need be no fear on the part of the public abroad in embarking under trie present Administration in those mining, agricultural, or financial enterprises which ofr reasonable prospects of success. "Mexico. Dee. 5th.
1S39." The SUBSCRIPTION LIST will be CLOSED on or befora SATURDAY NEXT, the 26th ApriL FOUli PER CENT. DEBENTURE STOCK. THE ENGLISH and SCOTTISH MERCANTILE INVESTMENT TRUST (Limited). Incorporated under the Companies Aet3, 1SS2 to 1888. Authorised Capital.
E5C0.CW Subscribed Capital, ISSUE of 250.000 FOUR PER CENT. PERPETUAL REGISTERED DEBENTURE STOCK. Subject to increase to au amount not exceeding the Subscribed Capital of the Company for the time beine. Price of Issue, 97J per cent. Payments to be made as follows: 10 percent, on Application: 22J per cent, ton such amount as may be allotted) on Allotment: 30 on or before the 15th of May next, and the remaining 35 on the 15th of June next.
Subscribers can pay up in full on and after Allotment. Prepayments may be made under discount at the rate of 3 per cent, per annum. Tbustees. LEWIS H. ISAACS.
M.P.. Chairman (Director of the Metropolitan District Railway). The Hon. Evelyn Ashley "(Director of the Trustees', and Securities Insurance Corporation. Limited).
Villiers F. Dent (Director of tbe International Investment Trust. Limited). R. A.
Gennaine (Director of the Union Debenture Company, Limited). T- O. H. Glynn (Director of the English and American Land Mortgage Company, Limited). Bankers.
In England-The Capital and Counties Bank (Head Office), 39. Threadneedle-street, London, and all its Branches. In Scotland Tbe Nutional Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Branches throughout Scotland. Bliot-FJts. Messrs.
Coleman and May. 2. Tokenhouse-buildiiigs. E.C. AUDITORS.
Messrs. Cooper Brothers and George-street, Mansion House, London. Sixretabt and Offices John Filby. 11, St. Helen London, E.C The Trustees are prepared to receive applications for 250.000?.
in Debenture Stock of this Company, on the form accompanying the Prospectus, in sums of 100. The Stock will be registered in the books of the Trust, and interest at the rate of four per cent, per annum will be sent half-yearly to the registered holder on the 1st of January and thelstof July in each year. During the first half-year interest will accrue from the dates of the several instalments. The proceeds of the Debenture Stock will be invested in First Class Securities. Tbe Stock will bt secured by a floating charge upon good securities, amounting to over 250.0001..
in which the Paid-up Share Capital of the Company is invested. The nionev obtained fromthe issue of the Debenture Stock will be similarly invested, and such investments will form an additional security To the Debenture stock-holders. The total assets will thus amouut to 500.0001.. and will form a security of tbe highest class, the rate of interest comparing favourably with that of he undermentioned securities. per cent.
Consols returning about 21 First-classEuglish Railway Debenture Stocks i. 3to3 First-class English Preference Stocks 3J Corporation Bonds (United Kingdom) 3 to 31 The Best Colonial Inscribed Stock 3to3. A copy of tbe Resolution of the Board creating the Debenture Stock, and form of Stock Certificate, can be seen at the Offices of the Company. Applications for the above Debenture Stock, accompanied by a deposit of 10 should be forwarded to the Bankers, who wild issue receipts, which wUl be exchangeable for Stock Certificates as soon as ready. An application wiU be made to the Committee of the Stock Exchange for the quotation of this Debantur Stock in ths Official List.
22d April. 1S90. CLOSING OF THE T.TST8. THE PARCOCHA IRON ORE and RAILWAY COMPANY (Limited). Incorporated under the Companies Acts.
Share Capital. 3400 Seven per Cent. Preference Shares of 100. 34e.C0U: 1700 Ordinary Shares of 100.170 COO ISSUE of 541.000 in 5400 SIX PER CENT. DEBENTURES of VX each, redeemable at par by an Accumulative Sinkinsr Fund of 2 per ceut.
per annum in Half-yearly Drawings, which may be increased at the option of the Company, and secured 5l2 a11 ttie Property of the Company, and 340.0C0 in 3400 Seven per Cent. Preference Shares of 100each, as above. The Preference Shares are entitled to a cumulative Dividend of Seven per Cent, per annum, and to a moiety of the surplus profits in each year, after payment of a non-cumulative Dividend of Seven percent, on the OrdinarySharea. The other moiety will belong to the Ordinary Shareholders. Notice is hcrehy Given, that the LISTS of APPLICATIONS forthr above DEBENTURES and PREFERENCE SHAKES will CL SF, THIS DAY (Thursday), 24th April, for both Town and Country.
By order. Dashwood House. 9. Newjlroad-street. E.C..24th April.1890.
LONDON PITINO-BRAZILIAIaELEG COMPANY. Notice is hereby Given, that the TWELFTH ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of Shareholders of the London Platino-Uruzilian Telegraph Company (Limited) wiU be held at the Offices of the Companv. 19. Great Winchester-street. London.
E.C. on Thursday, the 1st day of 1300. at One o'clock, ton-ceive The Report of the Directors and the Accounts to 31st December, 1839. to declare a Dividend, and to transact other business of the Company. Nctice isalso Given, that the Retrister of Transfers will rein i in Closed from the 2oth April the 1st May.
1390. both days inclusive. By order, B. M. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary.
19. Great Winchester-street. Loudon, B.C., lith April, rjlHE WEST INDlXand PANAlHATELEGRVPH JL COMP.VX Limited). Incorporated 9th January. 1S77.
-Notice is hereby (iiven. thnt the TRANSFER BOOKS of the Company will lie CLOSED from Friday, 25th April, to Wednesday, 7th May. 129) (both days inclusive). By order. R.
T. ROWN. Secretary. Dashwood House, 'J, New Broad-street. London.
April 23.1890. ARGENTINE LAND and INVESTMENT COMPANY (Limited). FOUR PER CEXT. DEBENTURE STUCK. The Directors are prepared to RECEIVE APPLICATIONS for the above Stock ot 93 per 100 of Stock.
Conditions of issueaud Forms of Application may beobtained at tbe Company's Oulees.85, Palmerstou-buildings. Old Broad-Street London E.C. By order, H.T. THOMPSON, Secretary mHE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION (Limited), the MIDDLES BOROUGH TOWN COMPANY. and the SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES.
Notice is hereby Given, that the OFFICES of the a hove Companies have been REMOVED to Blomflcld House. New Broad-street. E.C CLERGY MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY Established in 1829. Office, Nos. 2 and 3, The Sanctuary, Westminster.
In pursuance of a requisition addressed tome, signed by seven of the Directors of the Clergy Mutual Assurance Society. I hereby convene a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of tbe Assured Members of The Society, to be held at The Society's Office, on Wednesday, the 30th of April, 18S0, at Half-past One o'clock precisely, for the purpose of taking into consideration the Provisions of a Bill in Parliament, entitled. A Bill to make provision for Assigning Interim Bonuses, and for Discontinuance of Sickness Assurances by the Clergy Mutual Assurance Society, and for Investment of Moneys of and conferring further Powers on tbe Society, and for other purposes," and if approved to pass a Resolution assenting thereto. MATTHEW HODGSON. Secretary.
2 and 3. The Sanctuary. Westminster. 14 ApriL 1890. CITY of NORWICH 50,000 LOAN.
The Corporation of Norwich are prepared to BORROW theSum of 50.0001.. on the security of the city rates, at 31 per cent, per annum. Full particulars on application to the Town Clerk, (juildhall, Norwich. 16th April. 1S90.
LEEDS CORPORATION THREE PER CENT. DEBENTURE STOCK. The Corporation of Leeds are prepared to receive applications for this Stock at par. For urllier particulars apply to William Derry. Borough Accountant.
Leeds. LONDON and UNIVERSAL BANE (Limited). Established 1S67. 27, Jermyn-street, Piccadilly, London, S.W. Authorised Capital.
.1.000.000 I Paid-up 150.000 Subscribed 300,000 I Reserve Fund. 166,000 Current accounts opened. Deposits received as follows At seven days' notice 4 per cent, per annum. At one month's notice 5 At three months' notice 6 An extra bonus of 11. per cent, is allowed on sums remaining on deposit twelve complete calendar months.
Interest pai I quarterly. Almanack, with fnll particulars, and Balance-sheet, post free. W. J. COCKS, Manager.
FIVE PER CEXT. INTEREST. rjpHE BRITISH BANK of AUSTRALIA Head Office-Melbourne. Authorised Capital. Paid-up Subscribed 519.240 I Reserve Fund, ic 72.742 London Offices 84 and 85.
King William-street, E.C. LO.YDOM HOARD Sir Edwin H. Galsworthy. I Sir Young, K.C.M.G. Cbas.
MolyneuxGretifell, Esq. James Martin, Esq. Deposits received at four to five per according to notice. Full particulars on application to WILLIAM MARTIN. Secretary.
THE STANDARD BANK of AUSTRALIA (Limited). Incorporated 1879. Authorised Capital 1.000.000 Subscribed Capital 400.000 Paid-up Capital 200.0C0 Reserve Funds 81.600 Head Office Melbourne. Chairman of Boakp ok Directors. ROBERT MURRAY SMITH.
CM.G., ex-Agent Genera for tbe Colony of Victoria. London Offices Lombard House. George-yard, E.C. Chairman of London Board. VILLIERS F.DENT.
Deposits received at the London Office for fixed periods: 44 per cent, for One to Two Years. 5 per cent, for Three to Seven Years. Shares issued returning 74 per cent, on Investment. WILLIAM CLARKE. Managing Director.
NATIONAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION for MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE. Founded 1S35. Invested Fund 4.400.0001. Paid in Claims 7.700.0OOI. Profits declared 4.000.000L U.
Gr Loudon. A SUXH the Mansion House last evening to the ba i at and merchants of the City. Ho e-mrocn Ti pleasure at meeting a representative Msemki large payers of income tax, although thev be suffering from acute dkapriointment confessed that this year he felt their claim not so great as the claims of others 3 they gave him a surplus next year thev see how he would dispose of it. HarinoVri1''' on the question of the currency, he added tl if h' hoped the coiintry had now approached a of comparative prosperity. Pnoj A meeting was held in Rochdale last ev to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversarv Dn Potter's election as the Liberal of the boroue-h.
Mr. Mort.uv omZ?" hon. gentleman upon the pleasant relation Ions- iriaintained hetwopn him nnrl Lt. 03 so The romninrlor nf tha cnoonU Ustltji. The remainder of the sneech wao j.
to the Land Purchase Bill, and the right gentleman gave live reasons for the deternurtft n' of the Liberal members to oppose it. "0d Sir C. Russell addressed a meeting 0f a National Reform Union at Bradford terday. He paid a tribute to the work of Union in the past, and indicated some of o7 reforms to which their attention must directed in the future. He dealt at romp lonit with the Irish Land Purchase Bill, and decif, that no legislation on tliat subject could acceptable until it had been precederj measure giving Home Rule to the Irish peanfa The Duke of Westminster veste-dav or" i the West Ham Hospital, Stratford, which has been erected at a costff seren thousand pounds.
The Duke said th population of the district had grown in fortv years from eighteen thousand to tw0 hun(lred thousand, and consequently tho London Hospital was no longer capable of mestirm i wants of the people. He thought they should contemplate the addition of a medical school and a school for nurses to the new building. Mr. Han-del Cossham, Gladstoruan member for East Bristol, was taken suddenly fll in tue Library of the House of Commons yesterdav morning, and was removed to the National liberal Club, where he shortly afterwards died from heart disease. The Witnesses in favour of the Central London Railway Bilk before the Select Committee of the House of Commons yesterdav in-eluded Dr.
Hopkinson, Mr. Mather, M.P.' Sir T. Farrer, and Sir J. Whitehead, the ex-Lord Mayor. The last two gentlemen said the congestion of the City thoroughfares was greater than ever, notwithstanmng the opening of new streets, and they welcomed any practicable proposal for relieving it.
A Select Committee of the House of CtommonQ has decided, without calling upon the promoters to reply, to pass the Hill authorising the con struction of a railway, commencing by a jttnetiot at the South Tottenham Station, passing througl Walthamstow, Leytortstone. and Leyton, to a junction with the London, Tilbury, and Southend Railway at Forest-gate. A Conference of Trade Protection Societies was held yesterday at the Westrriinster Palace Hotel. Resolutions were passed, among other things, in favour of a reform of the Bankruptcy Law, and of the law relating to the contracts oi married women to the Lord Chav cellor as to the advisableness of allowing pLiin-tifis to sign judgment on default summonses at the expiration of eight days after service iu support of Mr. Winterbotham's Bill relating to the rating of machinery and in favour of ths principle of limited partnerships.
At a special Committee meeting of tlie National Rifle Association, yesterdav, it was intimated that the camp at will be ready for occupation on July 12, and that the shooting will commence on July 14. The Queen has intimated her intention to present, for the thirty-first time, a prize of two hundred and fifty pounds, to which will be added the gold meda! and gold badge, for the highest scorer in th-successive stages of the contest. The Prince Wales has also promised to renew his prize of one hundred pounds. At the Epsom Spring Meeting yesterday, tb Duke of Beaitort's Reve d'Or won the City and Suburban, Baron de Hirsch's Vasistas finIiiiy second, and Mr. J.
Lowther's Workington thirti. Twelve others ran. Betting at the start wai 100 to 14 against Reve d'Or, 50 to 1 against Vasistas, and 100 to 9 against Workington. Revo d'Or won by a neck. Lords Just ices Lindley and Bowen sat yesterday to hear Mr.
G. A. Baird's appeal from the refusal of Mr. Justice Stirling to prevent exclusion from the Pelican Club. Counsel intimated that, as Mr.
Baisd no longer desired continue a member of the Club, he would consenj to his appeal being dismissed with costs. The trial of an action for compensation for injuries brought against the London and Railway Company was yesterday concluded before Mr. Justic? Denman and a Special Jury. Mrs. Dow.
who kept an educational esti-blisbment in Finchley-road, feil out of a train near Runcorn, and the question at issne was whether the door was properly fastened, or whether tho PLaintiff opened it. The Jury awarded Mrs. Dow twelve hundred pound? damages, in addition to a claim for medical expenses. Messrs. C.
A. Daw and Son, the builders oi the Shaftesbury Estate, abutting on the Bays-water-road, were recently twice fined for constructing gates for the exclusion of the pubLc from the estate. The appeal against this conviction having been argued yesterday, the Lord Chief Justice said that, as the builders derived all the advantage of fighting, watchin and drainage, they must give the public tbe benefit of a thoroughfare. Mr. Justice Mir-Fif concurred, and the conviction was aifit-med.
An action, brought by Messrs. Tooth and Sox-to recover eight guineas for an artist's proof Sir J. Mfllais' picture Bubbles," was yestf r-day tried in the Westminster County Court. The Defendant, Mr. W.
Muir, objected to pay-on the ground that five hundred artist's proow and five hundred letter proofs had been issue-, and witnesses were called to show that thousand proofs were an unreasonable nnmtr Judge Bayley took that view, and gave judgment for the Defendant, with costs. Three men, siipposed to be Americans, named Lackrose, Smith, and Robinson were the Central Criminal Court yesterday, for conspiring to steal a bag of notes and gold amounting to five thousand pounds. One of them diverted the attention of a Bank clerk for moment, and immediately Lackrose took up tn bag. But the action was noticed, and he said be had taken it by mistake. The three men were apprehended subsequently at the Birkbeck Bai They were found guilty, and severally sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment.
George Briant, a hairdresser, was charged, a-the Marylebone Police-court yesterday, violently assaulting his son, twelve years of age-Because the boy had played truant his BW beat him severely with a coil of copper wire-There were several bruises on his body, his ban were bruised and cut, and he had two bumps his forehead. The Magistrate, out of consideration to the family dependent on the Prison sentenced him to only one month's imprisoning John Reynolds was summoned to the London Police-court yesterday, at the insrjL of the Thames Conservancy, for a breach oi river regulations during the recent Lnie Boat-race. Evidence was given that PfjSLa charge of a craft, and passed through after orders had been given toloS! He was fined forty shillings. Two otherJJ fendants, also prosecuted by the CoBservan were fined ten shillings each, Money was i to 1 per cent, yesterday the discount rate about 1 per cent. back a little on the Stock Exchange, and Market- all round was sluggish for lack oi ness.
Grand Tnuak Stocks rose and closed strong. Consols were Rnre cash, at 98 98g. The Bank has lost net, IB exported since last Return, 454,000. The Meeting of the Queen and the gj Emperor at Darmstadt is one of those Plej events of which the agreeable character affectionate tenour conceal from most the more romantic features that present w1 selves to the detached imagination. Pjff-ga may come when the circumstance that parent and Grandson sat, at the time, on European Thrones such Thron without the tender tie of close reatiLj, being thereby in the smallest degree jnlPa will stimulate some future historian the stately pen of a Gibbon, the survey of a Hums, or the manner of a Macaulay, to hnger the reminiscence of the interview morrow, and moralise on a singularly su incident in Royal annals.
Even now no on fail to be struck by the salient fact that Victoria is the Constitutional an ancient Realm, at the same that her Grandson is the rpiiH VIOLIN JAAKEKl, at 2.0. Mr. VV1LLARD, Mr. Elwoorl.anu I1-. Ti 7 lt-pnoue A Mi: XT.
K.iinww rTPHK A It ILIN JIAKER Mr. AVILLARD as J. i llXl-t tfo has unt been done in a l-urtrr. uniee in on riraTaut L.T.-ivilir in version The iOhu Mr Al're-t PeiKii 70t the poetic out ft tT! llJfc -m aa M' byfanlie best th the Eogli'! slce lin I a wry tnea'-'t intell tti char- rae. isMiart witii ami ried in its expression of thel-epT emotioits It creatnl a Terv ttiRrkeil impression.
Tliree times vras ilie1 when tie curtain fell." Daily Tele-arapil. "Mr. Villaid lais yet another sac-ess. 7 is maBiifi'VTit in his speeih- ta the Violin. lie hues it with a ic tewterwss.
almost teflrfnl in itlf." Diiilr Chronu l-. If a poet leal actor he who can lift nsfora moment at tais Korfcidar atmo-phere into the serener air of whiit the Eastern nplan.ts.' where art, nn-l lore and verse, and pathos are. then such an one is Mr. Willard in ILuthierde Iast niaht's audience cheer! Mr. Mi-s Kmbmb.
ilr. Eiwool. and Mr.Alfred Bishop "to the erho. Tie Strr. "Mr.
WOlard tuks the p.irr of 'l- .:) givm adaurahle point totlrspntlu-: if oorK-epli-in." TheTimes. aa riri. pictures yj. ilie perforroance wssre eivrl wiii: enthti aenrs 1 1 a 1 1 i-t were II t4 -1 lobe. A Fr BI'BY THEATBE.
Alfred V- Mr. K1wo.m1. Mi-. E- W. IJmlen.
Sir. fn- Ti- r.r.,,. Mr R.ivsfjin iv Mr. Thomas. Mr.
iikrtinf CanniDBe. Miss Anuie Kose. Misa Aunie Kill, atd Mi-siyirt Fnadon. IL'K YEXABLE5. Mr.
WILLARD TENAHLC. jdifiefl STid mrtaued tt wns nTiwithmil I ti-'-h ami.t alaaatpnii i aj.pi icsa." t. C--L7ette. Dick Vfensibles. in its new ahepe.
eo iirihtV- BM'i wiea tnneh npplnnse. Standard. "My. williir as TllWlit had Bome Terr fme naUaata, errd wss is the escape EUrlio. PWfvd masterlv frce end Even'ns Swa aad Post.
The a mi ieno- like! Dick and were nthusiastie over it." itar. Veni WBS on Sat'irday evening with boisterou- and persistent applguse." Usfly Telegraph. KfW tha bwrr rina to end." Sp 'rting Life. "The admirable art-npof Mr. Wifijird.
whose airior -c hnmonr ba never before been seen to STjch Rdvantaze." Dirk Venable is stjll ig trre va- of proepcrity." Tie Globe. SHAFTESBLRk THEATRE. Ml ATIXKE. THE MIDDLEMAN'. SATURDAY Dao-.
men t.45. 2.1s. rarriaces 4.1: Boi-ofSce open daily. 10 0 to 5.0- 1 HaT risu ki 7ACDEVI LLE. Sole Lessee and Manacpr.
Mr Thomas Thome and Vaaileville Company. Cast Under Clock. XXiSa SATURDAY NEXT and iTl EVERY SATCRPAY. at Mr. ThomesThorne.
Mis i i frM Erg-TV. sn-t Vaudeville Co-n parr SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER. TO NIGHT, at 87. The "TLrces" says "As it happens, the Vandev-ile CorcTianv are at the present time particularly well iariliiiel to cope with Gohlsriitli amusing tale of r-e 'ri's'j'ke of a There is a most winsome Kate irdcastle to haad in Ms Winifr-d Emery Younjr Marlowe ar Hastinrs are v-sjl represented by Mr. ThnlV-r? awl Mr.
GiUmore: Mr. If i. cut out for Tony Liimnkin: and naturally falls to Mr. trd Thome. There was laciiD? only a fitting representative for OM Hardrastle, and for part in the present revival tte of Mr.
Kemble hare been oisv let by the of the Hnymarket. A aore esreeat-ie rivd r'ortnanee of famous come It than civen afternoon is hanlly in thes davits tacaad for. Air. T'lO-nt-s emrodiossin ti Tony Lumpk'O was. of an object of spfs-inl interest.
Mr. Thome does n.t that T.Hiv. although unale thread or wrie. a y.nns squiTe. and not arj absolute clodhoppj-r.
The ch iravter in his handa is f'-n-e ther than loutish, and the huge joke played upon The London visitors who look so "wonndily like rtrariWS'T not so much an of aninai'. spiritas an deep an-i booih cunning. Thtw eepre-eat-l, the character, alteit tnore sioli.l tlian trodiT 1 c-tates. rs unquestiotialjlT a living type, it will be sn with pinsurs a a variant upon the fi-'omary reHdiiip. Mis is in all respects a carming Miss Hardcafle; the progress that This young cc-rs lias rveer.tiy made iathe embodiment of costura character is an-1 is strikingly displayed in the instance." VAl" DETET E- CRITERION THEATKE- Lessee and ilauager.
Giidens, YY. Rltikeley. S. Valentine, S. Hewsoa.
T. ATii-riey, F. Emery, and William Farren; Mes-d sixes F. M. a.
Vtctar, E. Irshon. F. Frances, Vi.n. aixi -Mary Mccre.
ireeeleil be. at 2JiJ. A flif.l i 1 PIECE Of BrsilXFSS. Dooopen at 7.45: earriaeesat lO.a. AYTD GAKK1CK.
LAisT TWO WEEKS. VAlrXEE S-ATIEDAYJFAT. at 3 clock. loors 9 -r, -In Pwm ration ti.e r.n Oi SHE SsfOOFS StXvl THEATflK. TXO SPECIAL MATINEE WEDNESDAY SEXT.ApriiaO.
with the foil powerful cast JACK WYATT Mr.CtfAP.L- WYNDilAM. DiGbY GkAVT CALEB OCKMR. FCitXTV AL OCR MRS. JENKINS MRS. CCPS IDA Bad J-TheTwoBoes-irt cfV I Mr.
Doo! tjyizx 2.20. To commence at J.O. CRITERION THEATRE. ST. THEATRE.
Mrs. LANG TRY, Sole Lessee and Manaere. EVEItY EVESIJUJ, at 8.0 Satur.iave-..-cvr.. AOr LIKE IT. ROS.tLIXD.
Mr. LYXaiTKY. For Cast see I ntier Clock. Box- open 10.0 to S.CTelephone AS YOU LIKE I LArsT FIVE NIGHTS. Come and P'jnr r.2.
LAST MATINEE oi AS YOU LIRE IT. SATUR-I DAY BXQQRai ltnorsopen at 1J0. Carriages at ISi. Sri-1 Xotice. Ttkera will La No PerfonnaBca in the
S1 JAMES'S 1HEATRE. Atri LAXGTRV, EVE BY EVENING lexcei.t Saturdny Xext. Boot open at Contaaraoa at 6.0. carnages at 11.0. :L.ayaisobe ocked by letter or telegram.
STHER SANDREZ. SPECIAL NOTICE PlU--r PERFtiEMANCE r-Att. KilAi KiLMSG, May A af 3.C JAMES'S THEATRE. LR FLAT. Furnished with a lift, electric belL sro-iknv labe.
and a.l ni'yeru on view the STRASD THEATRE. 1TVEBY EVENIN'O. at 6.40. WFDVE-DAY and 2.30. PERFORM-AVCEof OL'B FLAT.
TUESDAY April 29. STRAND THEATBE. fnpO LADIES. SALE of NEW MUSIC at a Large AL red jc anil posx publishers. New copies, bust fcTsd.
CaMraessentgrati-hary Boaaa. SSS. i JL red action anil post sree. AJi nf sonas. ot ail ea i ons.
mees commence su- r-jst free. J. W. Matfatt Barnt- rofcd. 1327.
fOHN BRO-YDWOOD and SONS respectfully in-I rite inspect ien of some new kinds of UPRIGHT and GRAND PIANOFOBTKSat tberr Show Booms, SI, Great near Piccadilly-circus, London. W. Ovid Medal Inventions Exhibition. 13K5. Gold Medd Society of Arts.
1835. CTha BigncsT. fiist inaijus tne eaomn.en mam taawii Chief Gold Medal and Diploma of Honour, Paris, 1857. 7dakers to tne Court from u.e ansa of Georre IT. Special tr, li.M.
the Queen. 14i7and 1333. Special Appo Etmeiit to II.R.H. the Prince of Wales, run ill lliliwlillini 1 1 full fr TT the PriBceas of Wales. Spac-1 Appointn.ent to H.K.H.
BBI.NSMEAD'S PIANOS, JOHN BRINSMKA' an SONS. Is. WIGMOBE-STBEKT. W. tists Free WALKERS COILXHILL WATCH, an English snserCryatal Case Keles Tjerer AtSi foraccuracy and durability Odd Keyless Half Chronometers.
SB. Bdrer ditto. Ki. As ius'refedttrice list of Watches and Clocks sent post free. JOHN WALKER.
sold very ii ere. BTEURsYLGIA, Tic, Faceacbe. or Toothache, I promptly eorrd by NXCRALIJfEthe best and most effectual single application often suffic-lng to rt-lieve the ciost distressing pain, two ot three enecturdiy curing. LEATH and BOSS. London.
HAY FEVER. Catarrhs. Influenza, Colds, quickly eared by GLYKALINE. the safest and best remedy. A few hours' treatment sufficing to bring effectual relief.
Prepared only by LEATH and ROSS, London. GENERAL DEBILITY. Nervous Exhaustion, Net-Tousness. quickly aad permanently cured by PUOSFHOMURIATE of QUININE the well known and mnrh-aeed remedy. IYER DERANGEMENT.
Indigestion, Constipa-Xd firm. Depression of Spirits. 4c. speedily cured by P.ERBERINE.Thermeily in great demand for these tgasAsesome iiisc.rders. LE.ATH and ROSS, London.
EAT 1 1 and ROSSH above four REMEDIES are Xd said by Chem i.sts iu Great Britain, and at 9, Vere- Fire -t. and 5. 8t, Paul's-churchyard, Bammta In bntdes. lj. Jd.
and free by pot. ffXHE CLERGY and the TITHES. The tiOVERKORS of ibe C'ORPORATTOr of the SOX'S ot the CLERGY APPEAL earnestly for FUNDS, to enable them to deal eff-ctivt-ly the increa-sing difficulties of the Clerjy. especially of those whose income is mainly derived from Tithes. As an illustration of loss sustained by the Clergy dependent upon Titbes.
it may be stated that the value of ICtfi. of Tithe, which in 1332 was 1QC2. 4s. 9iL. has sunk in 1SS0 to v.
is. M. Thus in seven years a T.tbe Bent-charge of 001. has fallen to ISEi. There is nn im-a- 'af prospect of improvement.
The Arch bishop of Carderbiiry. President of Incorporation, warn has suggested tBaaamsetd. offers a contribution of 3002., in three anntTSi payments of MOL, as eiirseace af his sene of ilie need, and as an encourjgemer.t to th'- Ciiurch to give liberally. Baa Ooveraors trusi that the well-to-do CL-rgj- will help their p'jorer brethren, and that the lnirv of the Church of England will respon-J to the Primate's invitation, and. according to their ability, follow bis example of generosity.
Annual subscriptions rrjd donations for a term of years will be the most effectual form of help; but contributions are inviied ia any form, and of any amount. Banker: Messrs. Koare. 17. Floer-street.
EC. W. PAGET BOWMAN. Registrar. Corporation Honse.
Eioomst'urr-place, London, W.C THE NATIONAL FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY, 25. Moorsrole-street. London. E.C, Establishe.1 19. Members' CapnaL 1.636.474.
Present Advances, 1 .434.543. Advances made upon approved Freehold and Leasehold Hoases. repayable by instalmetits to suit borrowers" convenience, or at interest only. For further particulars apply to the gocretary. CIVIL SERVICE COjIM X.
FO RTKCOM-ING EXAM IN ATTOXS. Assistant Survevors. Royal Engineer Department. War Office i 21 30. 2fth April; Female Clerkship.
General Po-t Ofhce 1S 2C.1. Sth pEi Female Sorters. General Onii-e, tendon (1518). dth May: Army Prelircirmry. IZth May; Femrle T-legripfa r.esrners.
Or e.ral P-r O-rice, Loudon 15 ISib May Eastern Cadets (21 2S, 18th Juiv. The dates specified are the latest at which applications can he received. They must be made on forms to be obtained, with particulars, from the Secretary Cird Service Commission. London. S.Tt BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE COMPANY.
QueeD-street-pliice. EC Accumulated Fund EL256.420 WILLIAM SI'TTOX GOVER. Managing Director. CLERICAL. MEDICAL.
and GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Funds over 2.800.C00. Claims paid over 5.600.000. HEALTH 1 and INVALID J.IVES. EX1.M IWMEST (or Old Age) ASSURANCES with aad without Prohts.
Eterv Policy now is WHOLE-WORLD, UNCONDITIONAL and UNCHALLENGEABLE. Profit Policies efiecte.1 before the end of June will, in January. 1542. receive cne year's additional BONUS. IS.
St. JaaaesV sqaare. 3.W. TMFEUIAL HKE INSURANCE CO-IPANl', Esta-i Old Broad-str t. EC: 22.
SVoharribed capital U2X.V'jL Ps id up 500.000. Total invested coze: General Manager. LAW REVERSION INTEREST SOCIETY (Limited). Established laSa. puid-un CapitnL 430.0001.
KE YEKaloNS and LIFE INTERESTS Purchased, or Advances made there-a. r4. liaca a-tiiii fcihfa, W.C. rHCEXlX FIRS OFFICE. I.
Lombarl-sureet, E.C. and 7. CUriE tross S.W. JtV. Dure Vegetable remedy, guaranteed free OPTICA, "optic "optica.
OPTICA. bm strychnine, arsenic, eolcnicum. peiiu- -Jonna. henbane, aconite andallotherinju-si cms dm ss aud herefore be taken by tie iiost delicate with the greatest confidence thatitis thoroughly harmless Hence thoroueblvgenuineremedy wliichouglit Ep be inevery household for use when required; it is without doubt the bestand most reliable medicine of the nge for the diseases named. CURES NEURALGIA.
These are the sort of letters we are receiving daily: Mr G. H. Brinkworth. of Windsorge. near Stroud.
Gloucester, wrote, on Oct. 39, 1339 "I find you have got a remedy for neuralgia. I have at present gotafrieud suffer-in from the most awfulpain. sopleasesend mea bottle of Kopf ica." for which Ienclose stamps." A bottlewa.sdulyforwarued.and on Nov. 8 Mr.
Brinkworth writes "W'indsorge. Gloucestershire. "DetrSirs. I beg to inform you that I received the Koptica'all right, and I think it one of the best cures of theday. Enclosed please find stamps foranother bottle, which please send by return, and oblige yours Uulr' eo.
Henrt rink-worth." CURES SCLATICA. Rev. D. ft. Davis writes "Shireuewton Rectory.
Chepstow. Mon Nov. 23d. 1389. Will you kindly seud me three bottles Of your Koptica Cure' One small bottle completely curd a Laboltring man who was suffering from violent Neuralgia of lieaa and face.
Yours truly. D. G. Davis (Rector)." CURES RHEUMATISM. This famous Persian Herbal Remedy, unrivalled for efficacy and cheapness, has the following great and important attributes.
It is gucrauteed free from injurious drugs, perfectly harmless, palatable, and almost tasteless. It is in the form of a powder, making very neat and compact little parrel, which can easily be carried mthe pocket. Every Bottle Sold secures a Testimonial. Write for Copies. The prices are Is.
2s. and 4s 6d and the hottles contain respectively 12. 3b, andCOdoses. Ask your Chemist for "Koptica. and if he has not got it in stock, and he is an obliging man.
he will get it for you if not. fend stamps, and 2d. extra for postage, to the Sole Proprietors. OPTICA OPiTUA. OPTICA OPTICA.
AVE YOUR LIVES by TAKING QWBRIDGE'S LUNG TONIC, the Mighty Healer. IT AVE YOU A LiOU-r-l AOOS8Winaicmi. HAVE YOU A COLD A dose at beatame wm remove it. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA it relieves inatantly. Tbe S1 PASMS of COUGHING so dreadful XYTHOOPING COUGH become less with each dose IT of the medicine.
OWBRIDGE7S LUNG TONIC is indispensable tbe Family, and saves many Doctors" Bills. "I have had manyproofsof itsvalueinmyfamity. and would not feel safe without a bottle in the house. WBRIDGE'S LUNG TONIC is invaluable to Ministers and Public Speakers. EV.
F. C. S. KB NIG, Vicar of St. Barnabas, Bam writes: To my most agreeable surprise, after the third dose I was able to officiate with perfect ease.
I resolTed henceforth to add yourvaluable medicine to my house; hnlit rempdies. and certainly shall never be without it. WBRIDGE 'S LUNG TONIC is important to Colonists and Emigrants. 'I was fortunate enough when suffering from a severe attack of bronchitis to obtain a small bottle Ot your Lung Tonic from the Engineer of thes.s. La Plata.
It cured me completely, and I am so much impressed with its efficiency that I should like to have a dozen or so of the bottles with me. Jonut Cu.Mix St. Paul de Loanda." WBRIDGE'S LUNG TONIC is necessary for the safety of Bathers. Seamen, ana all who are expoeea co damp and chill. Tthink it my dnty to let bathers know how valuable a medicine it.
is for the cure of colds. I have found invaluable benefit from it. and could not carry on my profession without it. M. Bibbebo, Professor of Swimming.
416. Mile-end-road. WBRIDGE'S LUNG TONIC is largely used and recommended by tne EDICAL PROFESSION. As a patent medicine it isunnvalled. 1 have given it-for severe asthma nnd bronchial affections, combined with much coughing, and it has immediately given relief when other remedies have failed.
CHAS. F. Forshaw, Bradford." WERIDGE'S LUNG TONIC is pleasant to the taste, consequently rhildren lite it. WBRIDGE'S LUNG TONIC increases rapidly in popularity, because all wno try it hna it emcacious, and recommend it to their friends. WBRIDGE'S LUNG TONIC should always be kept in the house, because case of chili one dose WIU yre.eufc ll.
i. ei uvui in most practical manner the old proverb RETENTION is BETTER than CURE, which appties emphatically to Chest Diseases, Consump tion, ate. WBRIDGE'S LUNG TONIC is sold in Bottles at Is. 2s. 4s.
and by aU Chemists and Patent Medirine Vendors. Prepared by T. OWBR1DGE, The Laboratory, Hull. Wholesale, all London and Provincial Houses. OURNING.
"In reply to many inquiries, we recommend the Maison Jay. This house.long-established. makes mourning a gpeeiality.aurt ts excelled by nootliernouseinLondon or Paris for the beauty of the work, the quality of the materials, or tbe stvle of manufacture." TAV'S Experienced ASSISTANTS and DRESS-FITTERS travel to auypart of the Kingdom. freeof expense to purehasers.taki ug with them Ylilli nery. and Patterns of markeii in plniu figures.and pre a at tne ar-nouae.
REG KN T-STK EFT. LONDON. W. mHE MEXICAN HAIR RENEWER. JL Restores Grey or White Hair To its Original Colour And Gloss, in from Eight to twelve days.
mHE MEXICAN HAIR RENEWER. JL Is not a Dye. and Does not Stain the Hands or Linen. Of all Chemists and Hairdressers. mHE MEXICAN HAIR RENEWER, JL Prevents Hair Falling Off.
Restores it to its Nat ural Colour. Prevents Dandruff, and is The Best Benewer known. THE MEXICAN HAIR RENEWER. Price 3s. 6d.
per bottle. Sold Everywhere. Price 3s. 6d. per bottle.
Sold Everywhere. THE MEXICAN HAIR RENEWER. Sold Wholesale by The ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG COMPANY (limited), 33. FABRING DON-ROAD. London.
IERATICA. The ancient Writing Paper of ths Priests. Now the favourite Note Paper. A Parchment Paper at moderate price. Hard and smooth, delizhtf ul to write on, IERATICA.
For the Clergy and Professional Man. For Merchants and Bankers. For Schools and Colleges. For Ladies and Geutlemen everywhere. IERATICA.
Five Court Envelopes. Is. per IM. Thin, for foreign correspondence, five quires.
Is. Special sermon paper, five quires. Is. 63. Each Sheet is Watermarked.
HIEBATICA IERATICA. Of all stationers. Reject Imitations. Insist ou HIEBATICA. or send stamps to Hieratica Works.
68. Upper Thames-street. E.C. Samples tree. Parcels carriage paid.
SAVE HALF YOUR INCOME and BUY vour BUTCHER MEAT, Provisions. Poultry.and Vegetables, direct from the BRITISH FARMERS' ASSOCIATION, No. 58. Shoe-lane. Holborn-circus.
London, E.C Price List post free on application. BAN. JOSEF WATER. THE ONLY PALATABLE NATURAL APERIENT FRANZ JOSEF WATER. Infallible for all Affections of the Liver.
For Habitual Constipation. For Biliousness and Disorders of the Stomach, And an Unrivalled Blood Purifier. The "Lancet say: It is a natural water of great interest and value, and will doubtless be extensively used." Of all Chemists. Ac or Franr Josef 101. Write for Catalogue and Snmnle to the IT of LONDON TEA COMPANY, Beer-laue.
Great Tower-street, E.C. Best Quality. Best Value. Best Terms. EALTH RESTORED WITHOUT MEDICINE or EXPENSE to the MOST DISORDERED STOMACH LUNGS.
NERVES. LIVER, Kl.OOD. BLADDFR KIDNEYS. BRAIN, and BBEATH. BY THE Dr.LIClUUB resisted all other treatments tt.H-o.ts Food is rejected, saves 50 times its cost in medicine.
44 YEARS' INVARIABLE SUCCESS. 100,000 ANNUAL CURES of Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Constipation. Consumption. Diabetes.
Coughs. Asthma. Catarrii. Diarrhu-a. Xenons ness.
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London, the best London authority, after analysing 16 other foods, declares: "Among the vegetable substances BARRY'S REVALENTA ARABICA is the oest; itnascurea many women and children afflicted with Atroohy and Marked debility Dr. Elmslie, writing from the Imperial Hospital at Sofia to the Lancet, says:" Du Barry's rood is worth its weight hi gold. In tins, at 3s. 6s 121b or 2d. per meal.
Also BARR DIGESTIVE TONIC REVALENTA niow-is nervous energy and sound sleep to the most enfeebled and restless. 3s. 21b' 6s. Free by post against P.O. orders.
Du Barry and Co. (Limited). 77. Regent-street. London.
and at all Grocers. Chemists', and Stores; and in New York Park and Tilford. 917. Broadway. "This is an Age of ApoUiuaria Water." Walter Besant.
POLLLNARIS. "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." The SUing at the Apollinaris Spring (in Rhenish Prussia) amounted to: Bottles in 1887. 12.72C.0CC Bottles in 1 233, and 15,622,000 Bottles in 1889. EPPS "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful an- (BBEAKFAST) plication of thefine propertiesof weU-elected Cn -n i-Vi- 5aS Provided our breakfast A tables with a delicately flavoured beverago which may save us many heavydoctors'bitls. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every GRATEFUL ndency todiseaae.
Hundredsof subtle mala- wherever there is a weak poi nt We may many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselvi i 10 attack and saeat-i COMFORTING fortified with pure blood and a nrooerlv nourished frame. 'Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. JAMES EPPS and HOMlEOPATHIC CHEMISTS. Also Makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence.
yiou ourselves welt THE STANDARD. CRYSTAL PALACE, THIS AFTERNOON, at 3.0, THE RED HUSSAR. Mes-dames Marie Tempest. Maud Holland, A Newton, and Florence Dysart; Messrs. Ben Davies, A.
Marsh. Aliidie I a Hay. Wood, aad Arthur William e' J' TO CORRESPONDENTS. We give notice to all our Correstjondenta that we cannot return rejected communications. To this rule we can make no exception, with regard either to letters or enclosures.
Nor can we enter into any correspondence respecting rejected communications. AU letters and enclosures that are not inserted are destroyed. LONDON WEATHER FORECAST THTS DAY. Southerly to westerly or north-westerly gales, with rainy, squally, very unsettled weather; perhaps thunder locally. Cold later.
HIGH WATER AT LONDON BRIDGE. This Day. To-morrow. Morning 52 after 4 I Morning 27 after 5 Afternoon 9 after I Afternoon 47 after 5 LONDON, THURSDAY, APRIL 24. In the House of Commons yesterday, Mr.
Lea moved the Second Beading of the Intoxicating Liquors (Ireland) Bill, which makes Sunday closing in Ireland permanent, and applicable to the whole country, extends the bond-fide travellers' limit from three to six miles, and provides for closing at nine o'clock on Saturday evenings. Mr. Peteb MDonald moved that it was inexpedient to proceed with the measure, inasmuch as the sense of the Irish people had not been obtained upon it. The Attorney General for Ireland supported the Second Reading of the Bill, but added that he would move an Amendment in Committee providing for the continued exemption of the five towns, and that public-houses in them should remain open from two to five instead of from two to seven, as at present. The Amendment having been negatived without a division, the Second Beading of the Bill was carried by 242 to 78.
The Queen has arrived at Darmstadt, and it is officially stated that her Majesty met with the greatest civility and respect from all classes during her pleasant stay at Aix-les-Bains. It is stated that the rheumatic affection in the left knee from which the Queen suffered before she went abroad has been considerably relieved. Her Majesty has much benefited in health by her sojourn at Aix-les-Baina, although the weather was not favourable. She will arrive at Port Victoria on Wedesday next, on her return to Windsor Castle. The German Emperor visited the Grand Duke of Oldenbubg, at Oldenburg, yesterday, stayed with him two hours, and then proceeded, via Koblenz, to Hagenau, in Alsace, where he will shoot woodcocks in the neighbouring forest to-day.
At seven o'clock he will go to Stras-burg, where he will arrive at eight. There will be no official reception there, but the houses will be decorated, and the school children granted a holiday. On Friday afternoon his Majesty is expected at Darmstadt, and at the Wartburg on Monday, owing to the prolongation of his stay with the Queen. Prince Henry of Prussia will be appointed Rear Admiral on the return of his squadron. Rear Admiral Hollmann is promoted to Vice Admiral.
The latter will probably succeed Admiral Heusner r.s Imperial Secretary for the Navy. The Empress of Austria paid an unexpected visit to Homburg yesterday afternoon, in order to call on the Empress Frederick, and drove back to Wiesbaden after a stay of three hours. The Prince of Wales is expected at Homburg at the end of July, and the Princess Bismarck in the middle of tbe month. President Carnot's progress across the island of Corsica was delayed by an unfortunate accident. From Ajaccio a portion of the journey was by train, and the remainder to Corto by carriages.
At the latter place the Mayors strongly urged the completion of the railway system by the conBtoiction of a line from Vizzanova to Corte. At the latter place the train was entered for Bastia, and at Francardo the President and his Ministers were delayed for three hours, owing to some carriages of a preceding train having left the rails. Mr. Stanley was entertained at luncheon yesterday by the Committee of the Anti-Slavery Society and in the evening attended a ballgiven by the African Bed Cross Association in behalf of a fund for providing a hospital on the Congo. The first wife of the Shah of Pebsia arrived in Vienna yesterday.
The object of her joiirney is to have medical advice as to the ophthalmic disease from which she is suffering. Her suite consists of the Persian Consul General at Tiflis, the first Court Marshal, three Persian Court ladies, a French companion, four eunuchs, two maids, and other servants. The Vienna terminus was closed to the public on the arrival of the special tram, and even the oftlcials were kept out of sight. The Princess alighted at the house of the Persian Minister in Vienna. The London Diocesan Conference yesterday passed a resolution in favour of the Government Tithes Bill, with a rider, moved bv the Bishop of Bedford, declaring it desirable that, when the tithes do not amount to two pounds, the redemption should be made compulsory.
The Bishop of Oxford has addressed a letter to the Secretary of the Berkshire Archaeological Society, which he states that he heartily sympathises with and sanctioca the Society's pfaa of.