The Morning Post from London, Greater London, England (2024)

THE MORNING POST, THURSDAY MAY 25, 1899. A Good Plain- Cook disengaged ge 35 2 years and 3 awnU. -TBI thorough Good PAl COOK. age about also a XTTANTED at once, TWO Thorough HOUSE-PARLOURMAIDS, EMAID. hntis.

-parjouriMAid and between maid kept. goitd height and Good PLAIN COOK and MayscH. Uapliamp.irk. GIRL ween houe and kitchen must be accustomed to a gentle- pi family Apply, tm to twelve, or two to tour, to Mrs. Johnson, I CiKJK Ih.iioun ''Oixl ila.n), country State age E.trl No -lients A Oakley -treel, Chelsea.

iiV. agents. I TED. Good HOCSE-PARLOURMAID tall good needle- t7rtAl1K 'Goou Pluuil ag23to39: i20 to 2i 7 woman Apply, stating ago, wages reunired, life, (o i i. two iii bunny

-Apply in. Ashley. I johu. Cranhtirst. Kurt.

"1 ENTLEMAN RECOMMENDS experienced Married BUTLER VJT (no family), with footman or boy 5j years' excellent character country; age 30: height 5ft. 9in. wages 55. 3s. 6d.

bter money. C. J. 9, Holbein-plce, S.W. THE Karl of LISBURNE highly his BUTLER thoroughly sober, honest, very obligiue, horonghly trustworthy, a good valei.

and a very capable servant. Apply A. 3, Victoria-grove, Kensington. VAK5 for six months, HOCSE-PABLOCR "ages 30 per year Apply Rcscoe, Strcatley, ANTED at once. HOCSK-PARLOTJRMAID about 23 years of 5fF- abstainer iiersonal The Mount, lirr Ealing.

ClOHPAN ION-GOVERN ESS (2Sk eertiUcated Junior and Senior i Cambridge and South Kensington, desires RE-ENGAGEMENT; last two references three and six years; advanced English. French, drswinz, science, literature, music, Latin. Address Iyjwis, 10, Lewis-hamjlish-road, London. EXPERIENCED German COMPANION-GOVERNESS (2S) A desires RE-ENGAGEMENT; advanced German (Governineut Diploma), fluent Fi-ench and English, music, drawing, painting, needlework: experienced aud clever teacher; Mrs. F.

two years; 45. V- Madame Auliert, 14L Regent-street. VV SUPERIOR FINISHING GOVERNESS-COMPANION RE-QU1RES RE-ENGAGEMENT; thorough English, fluent French. German, excellent music, drawing, and painting: very successful ith and greatly liked by pupils age 30; references six years; S0-100. X.

Madame Aubert, 141, Regent-street, W. A LADY highly RECOMMENDS excellent North German -TV FINISHING GOVERNESS (Dinlunu-e) for resident or visiting engagement German, timmt French, advancetl English, music, drawing, and painting last reference 4J years. S. 23, Langham-maiiEious, Earl's-court-siiuare. A LADY highly RECOMMENDS her experienced, certificated, accomplished, English R-C.

DAILY GOVERNESS: fluent French (Paris), R.A. music, singing, ueedleworK, drawing. Miss 32, Cambridge-road, Battersea. "ljMRST-CLASS MAID; 25: good hairdresser, dressmaker, packer, and traveller considered very capable tive years' perfect character. h.

Drtssmaking MAID 2S about 12 years dressmaking iu good houses. Experienced German MAID very desirable. 8 Mrs. Seymours Agency. 5, New Cavendish-street.

W. IADY BEATRICE BRIEN highly RECOMMENDS her MAID os an excellent hairdresser, uiessirakcr, and packer 5i years' character town and country preferred. A. 7, Wbitt head-Tove IJadogan-street. MAID to one lady town or town and country dressmaker, hairdresser, and packer: age 31 wages good personal character.

J. 11., 2, in.hcn.lon-road. Fulhum, S.W. MRS. BOSWORTH SMITH highly RECOMMENDS MAID: good dressmaser and thoroughly understands her duties.

Mrs. Curney, Orchard House. Harrow. SITUATION as MAID: two years one months character disengaged tall. B.

Brown, 44, Meadow-road, South 1. r- s.w. 7ANTED. SITUATION as a Thorousldy-experienctd MAID; g.HMl hairdresser, dressmaker, and packer; can be well recommended. E.

52, Ovington-slreet. Brompton, S.W. IADY MURRAY can thoroughly RECOMMEND Good Useful MAID go knowledge of dressmaking. Montague, Palace Hotel, London. Y7ANTE1, SITUATION as Useful MAID to invalid lady will-vv iug in do little housework.

E.C. care of Mrs. Lewis, 3, Richmond-road, Shepherds-bush, W. '-AD HOC SEMAIDS WANTED, of five tor Crawley, C0; Dorkiog. 30 Dublin, 21 Of four for Taunton, 20.

Of three 1JJournpi'loutu- ''hislelsnrst. 20: Cheshire, ill Cork, i23; 21 Sbenley. 24; Staplehurit, 2ij. Of two fyr Bexhill, 22 lainington. 24: Lichfield.

20; Ramsgale :3 SciiT- S. Wales. Wimborne. Wii.r-1 ANTED, by letter tirst. ernon Boys, 27, The Grove, ANTED, HOUSE-PARLOCRMAID and PLAIN COOK for UIliHT WOMB -C'fl nil leer.

Call, or ivrite. to thret" o'ldra-'k. Mm Crnii-hman f-lini-n file Eondon. ANTED, HOI'SE-PARLOURMAID good waitress, aicus-T tomcd to i-iire of silver and can Talet. Apply 2, Morpeth- Asliley-gardens clock.

between twelve and two and six and HOIE-PARLOURMA1D in small fiat: light but place; must do needlework. Mrs. Percy Budiauan, wnlc. to Mrs. Hunt.

14. Dnkitreoi mcnt no fee. THOROUGH HOUSEMAID Call) WANTED. Upper of two town and country; uiust be needlewoman and cn riser 24, all found but lifer Mrs. Burke, Woking.

PPER HOUSEMAID of two WANTED for ennntry house, near l.jr,n"n to wait on lady five indoor eervr.nis ig-s 20, all iiut Apply, by letter. Mrs. Armitage. Hoi cKvcjJ, Strand. ANTED, fnr the country, a Thonmchly-experieue.

il 1'PPER HOI SEMA1D of Churehwoaiau 3 good plain needlewoman: wagi-s 20. Also THIRD HOUSEMAID: age 18; bavo iiccu out before: wages 14. Mrs. Wood, Gunton Park, ANTED. Thorough HEAD HOUSEMAID tall take charge fQt bouse and linen age 30.

Also Strong TilIRD HOUSE- A cusl have toon character. Apply liter- barer Monnl- t. y.siiiare, W. ANTED, UPPER HOUSEMAID of three country situation thoroughly understand her and be canahletif nge of house and linen a-e liotn 32 to 34 two years ehar- neees-ary wages. Apply to Mis.

Cranmer Bvnir. Hall, Newjiort, Essex. ANTED, UPPER HOUSEMAID in ladies' school in Brighton wagi 18 Api.lyJBj.7. Lewesrescem Bri-jhton. HOl'SEMAlDll references) WANTED beginning June: aso 24 to 30: efficient table wnitrcsE; liberal wages; four servams Aoilress Highlands.

Thurlow hill, West Dulwich. OUSEMAID and HOUSE-PARIXJURMAID WANTED: small family good wages eivon. Apply Mrs. Long, 5, Smith Sttioii OUSEMAID (Equal of iwo) early riser, willing to help to wait table, and plain needlewoman. Apply, to-day and to-morrow, CorbcU, 5.

Cavendish-place, W. HOUSEMAID, Euualof two, WANTED fnr town; 20 to 22, all found. Also for town. K1TCHKNMA1D 18 to i eomfor table si' nation. Antilv.

or write. Mrs Graham, 12, Buekinghani Palan -road. HOUSEMAID WANTED (Single-handed! parlourmaid kept age 22 to 20 early riser good plain needlewoman no Write D. Turner's library, Craven-roar, Paddington, HOUSEMAID. WANTED, strong, active Girl, of good chara -ter.

as Housemaid under worlcine lady-housckt -Write, statin" ages, and full particulais, to Chobham (nea Sui 11 aughan, 1-ock- HOUSEMAID WANTED two in family wages 2:, all found must be good needlewoman parlourmaid and cjok kept. Lodge, Bolton gardens South, S.W. HOUSEMAID WANTED: wages 16. State particulars to Elgin House.

Spring-grove. Isleworth. HOl'SEMAID WANTED; must be thoroughly respectable and have good character. Apply Mrs. Franklin, 521, Loidship-lane.

S.E. HOUSLMAII) WANTED at once: age about 28: country; must wait on lady: house-parlourmaid kept small family; early Churchwoaian no fringe; good needlewoman: wages 20; character. Full particulais to MissB. Greene, Wickham, Hants. OUSEMAID WANTED: age about 19: small family, maid kep: good personal character required Apply Si', Tulse- HOUSEMAID WANTED immediately.

Apply this day, from u-n to three or after six: a secoud housemaid would suit; i rai i liyi.e-parK. HOUSEMAID WANTED for 3a, Langham- place. Regent-street, W. HOUSEMAID WANTED under one kept age about 20 wages 20. all found but beer; wait occasionally; care of linen.

Surrey. i c. 3 SIXGLE-HANDED HOUSEMAID WANTED for Bromley, Kent; tbj-i-e. or four in family, four servants; wages 1C-1S. Also Bournemouth, ls Ongar.

18 Ryde, 18 and for many other Apply, or write, to Mrs. Hunt, 14, Dukc-strett, Manchester-I No cntirieTnent no jec. HANDED HOUSEMAID WANTED for Ascot: 24; luan kept. Apply, or write, to Mrs. Hunt.

14. Duke 3trect. KITCUEN MAID WASTED immediately age 7 personal character two in family: wages 14 to u-- Apply to-day and to-morrow, or by le tter, 27, Chester-terrace, Leg, n.j. parktrom 11.30 until 1.30. 1 MAID WANTED: must he competent and Strong.

"ra' ter age IT. Apply Mis Abel, 11. East Llaekheaih. S.E ANTED, aslrong Girl as BETWEEN MAID for a hish-class hojniiua-hoiis Apply 24. AN any Lady RECOMMEND a Good HEAD of four Must be thoroughly experienced in keeper.

Craeside, Rnihburv. Northumberland. LACNDRYMAID in her work. Hoihc- IALNDL MAID WANTED. Third of three, in cottage laundry wages .10: board lis.

O.L Apply Miss into, housekeeper, care of Lady Auckland. Kitley, Plymouth. MARRIED COUPLES WANTED as INDOOR SERVANTS and COOKS or HOUSEMAIDS for London or country; wages Sris iWto-i0- Apply, from nine to six. or write, to Mrs. Hunt, ct.

Manchester-square. No en gHgcinent no fee. 7 ANTED, HUSBAND and WIFE for small establishment, Wife ils COOK, Husband to Wait and ir.ost thoroughly understand leaning silver -Reply Lodge, Scorton. Yorkshire. WANTED, MA and WIFE as HO ITS EK EE PERS.

Apply 177. New- Bond-streel. between ten aud two. References must in--t -1 JUSTED. MAN and WIFE to do entire work of house: wife COO 1 Plain Coot.

Ihivn in faiuilv n.rsniul f'all -o. i vuHiruhe-garueus. Ivensiugton. 7 ANTED, MAN aud WIFE Man as Indoor Servant, attend in-tt valid geiitleinan. and make himself generally useful wife as Good Plain Cook: housemaid kept: abstainers preferred.

Apply, stating wagesMrs Mi MurJo. Simnysiuc, Alverstokc. Hants. (Bexhill), Man and Wife as INDOOR SERYANT and liood COOK under 40; private family. Apply 4, Sei-road, Bexhill.

BUTLER (First-class), experienced. WANTED at once for six weeks: permanent if suitable: excellent references required one footman and odd man. K. 6,110, "Morning Post oflic-e, Sir auit W.C. jiUTLKR REQUIRED for London and France 60 to70.

ALso OOr.MAN 20 to 20; two in family. Apply Watson and Watspiv. 1. OnMow-place, South Kensington. BITLER REQUIRED immediately.

00: Footman. 2o-23 Hall Boy, Footman, 32; Footman, 20-24 Footman, Other Vacancies. Apply, personally. Miss Russell's, 25, Sloane-street. UTLER WANTED for London where one footman is kept.

Sir C. W. Author Cliih.St. .1 ainess-strcet. S.W.

"n-v personally RECOMMEND Eii-s'. -rate Working Bl TLER for LivermKll Sne.n nor single only one young footman kept wagf 55-00. all found nrst-rate eharaeter essential good loader ami valet. Write full particulars A. 33, Half Moon-st reel, immediately.

C1AN any Oeutlemau RECOMMEND a Working BUTLER where two footmen and boy are kept i Country. Captain Baud, Exning House. swmaket VT ANTED. Thoroughly-experienced Single-handed BUTLER, about 30. for tin-country good personal ehar ieter indispensable.

Addrtss Kelso. 5,793, Morning Post office. Strand. W.C CAN any Gentleman or Lady RECOMMEND a Thoroughlv Good INDOOR SERVANT for Brighton, with assistance A well-trained Footman would suit. Apply, by letter, to Mrs.

7'J, The Drive, Hove, Sussex. C1AN Lady or Gentleman RECOMMEND Young Man as Single-J banded INDOOR MANSERVANT, willing to be useful? Small, quiet family: all found but beer. Wages, particulars, to Stonelands, Kyde. Isle of Wight. INDOOR SERVANT WANTED age 21 to 23 10.

Also FOOTMAN under butler, 30 to 32 and Young FOOTMAN, 20 to 22.Apply tp Mrs. Grabani. 12. Buekinghani Palace-road. INDOOB MANSERVANT (Youne) WAN! ED experienced: personal character two in family, State wages required and full particulars to care of Allwood, stationer, Francis-street, W.C.

MANSERVANT WANTED (Young. Sincle-handed) must his at 15, Harlcy-street, Cavendish-sqnarc, W. REOUTRED June 12. Young INDOOR MANSERVANT tall Kuglish Churchman. Mir.

Berkeley Margetts, Gazcley House, Huntingdoji. rpEMPtJRARY INDOOR SERVANTS WANTED fnr places in J- country and London wages from ISs. to 25s. weekly. Apply, f'omnineto six.

to Mrs. Hunt, 20, Duke-street, Manchester-square. No eug ta-ement no fee. ANTED. Juno 0, INDOOR MANSERVANT, who can be well recommended: tali: age under CO; footman might be suitable.

Mrs. Arniilage, Kirklington Hall, NotLs, ODD MAN WANTED, in country house 30 miles from London butler, footman, and ball boy kept. -State full particulars to caroof Mrs. Russell, newsagent. Crawley, Sussex.

C1AN Gentleman or Lady RECOMMEND a Single-handed FOOT-'MAX for country, near London, under butler Help given height about 5ft. Efin. (not less): good wages given. A.B., Stevens, stationers. 430.

Oxford-street. W. J700T.MEN (First and Second of two). Many Single-handed Foot-Jllen under butlers. Also Hall Boys good characters.

Apply 1'iercy, 32. onnan t-s: r-e W. No bonking fees. under butler with mid man WANTED for near Park-lane and country two in family, eight servants 20, beer and washing found. Apply, from nine to six, to Mrs.

Hunt, 20, No engagement no feis TT'OOTMAN under butler WANTED for Gloucester-square and country titled family seven servants good place 20 to 22. Apply, from nine to six, to Mrs. Hunt, 20, Duke-street, Manchester-syuarc. No engagement no fee. IOOT.MAN WANTED for country.

Single-handed, under butler height not under 3ft. bin. Apply Mr. Hancock, Oakwood, Maidstone. FOOTMAN WANTED for the country butler and boy kept age about 23: height about 5ft.

good wages given. Write full particulars, Jhe Butler, ConeyWcston House, Bury SL Edmunds. lTIOOTMAN WANTED umW a butler: assistance given; must know his duties. Apply, during morning, at 7, De Vcre-gardens, Kensington. SINGLE-HANDED FOOTMAN REQUIRED: good height and appearance age about 30 he must be a good valet, and hai a personal reference of not less than 12 months uo foreigners odd man kept two in family, six servants.

Apply, by letter, to F. Stanestij sjibrary. 7 ANTED (First of two) FOOTMAN, for country and Cannes not TT less than 21, or under 51 1. iliu. Mr.

Goodchild, 101), Eatou-tcrrace. S.W. TANTED immeiiiau-ly, a FO )TMAN under butler must under-TT stand waiting at table and cleaning silver; town aud country. Apply M. P.

Evans, 17, Airlie-gardcus, Canipdeu-hill, Kensington. 7 ANTED, Steady FOOTMAN under a butler for job till October; about 22 wages 34, no beer. Apply, Thursday morning, VTANTEDal once, FOOTMAN under a butler must have good personal character height aft. Sin. Apply to Butler, 27, Holland-pi? rk, Kensington SECOND FOOTMAN WANTED for nobleman's family for London aud country large establishment height wages 25 and for bi er.

Apply, from nine to six, to Mrs. Iluut, Mauchradcr-square. No e.ngHgemeiit no tee. ANTED, SECOND FOOTMAN Oft: six men 19, vv. BOY WANTED for Morning Work; 5s.

to 7s. per week. Also PAGE wages 14 to 16 and livery. Apply Watson and Wa'son. Onslow-pl.

ice, South Kensington. HALL BOY WANTED at once, for about two months; must have souie experKiice: age 15-le. Mrs. Bovill, Norcntt Cuuit, ij imptcad. Hcrl PACE.

WANTED, a till, smart Lad. from Hi must have some, experience or a Useful INDOOR SERVANT, about 10. Apply at once. c2, Dorset square, W. IAGE.

WANTED at once, smart Boy for private family age 16 I oi L. Appl A usti n. 5. Budge row. Cannon-street.

E.C. LAGE WANTED for Lrpper Norwood; good personal character age 15-10; waiting, lamps, and little housework comfortable home: four in family: wages 12-15. Apply Mrs. Lake-view, Sylvan -road, Norwood, S.E. 7 ANTED.

BOY lo h-dp in housework; age 16 to 17; no livery; good reference required wages 14, all found country situation. Apply, personally, to Sir W. 0, Queen Victoria-street, London, S.W.. Thursday morning, ten to twelve, or write to Wakehurst Place, Ardingly. Sussex.

CWACHM EN Several Men. steady and of good appear-y ance, for Lomlon season must be accustomed to town good wages. Ap.tly Mr. Jarvii East and 7. Curon-street.

COACHMAN WANTED: one 'knowing couutry round Hatfield and Hii' hin preferred no assistance given. Write, stating age, experience, il married or single, and wages required, to A. care of Street and 30. Comhill. ANTED, GROOM age about 18; wages 10s.

per week anil TT board and loJgings. Stewart, 6, Meliua-place, St, Juhu's-wood, N.W. ANTED, Good HELPER by May care of r. Waters, RoynKpa rade. hislehurst.

17 ANTED, a STABLE LAD: age about IS; must have been in stables before country; to live indoors. Coachman, Worm-leybury stables, Broxbourne. ANTED, STABLE LAD must be good rider and thoroughlv IT well up in all stable work wages 15s. a week and lodging. Apply, stating age, weight, and height, with address of late employer, to en re of Pott le and Son, Royal Exchange, London.

ANTED, Strong Active YOUTH, not under 17, for Stables 7 where men an- kepi wages 10s. and lodcinc Annlv Coach man, Stables, 40, Park-lane, Oxford-street end. iiequrrrD, Forp. Likes, 3s Every Extra Live, 6d. Stamps will Not be A YOUNG GENTLEMAN (German) desires tD get ENGAGEMENT as TUTOR; German, Latin, Greek, history, geography, piano, violin, mandoline, guitar, principally natural sciences, physics, chemist i botany (University of Munich).

Address A. 6,103, Morning Post odicc. W.C. VS SECRETARY or aged 2a, seeks POSITION as above shorthand, typewriting: illing to travel; the hiu'hi si references given. Write H.

H. Box 1, care of Willing 's, 102. Piccadilly. W. SECRETARIAL WORK.

Sending-oui Invitations, or Similar Kind of Work. -Miss DAWSON DoOLKY. Victoria-street, S.W.. will l.e glad to hear from Ladies Requiring Assistance with their ori' spouiience, during the Season. MISS DAMSON DOOLEY, 39, Victoria-street, S.W., introduces ou'ty well-recommended Resident and DailyEnglish and Foreigu GOVERNESSES and VISITING TEACHERS of English, mathematics, elas-ii-s: French, German, Italian, music, singing, painting also Daily and Resident Lady Secretari' s.

Chaperons. Companions, MISS It BERTSH AW'S GOVERNESS and SCHOOL AGENCY. 102, New Bond-street. W. (established lSCSi.

introduces English and Foreign GOVERNESSES. Companions, Secretaries, Readers, Chaperons, L.uly-Houseki -epera, Matrons, and others. MRS. FOX. Victoria-street, S.W..

having since 1879 personally conducted the ENGLISH FOREIGN GOVERNESSES AGENCY for Well-recommended Gentlewomen, may be Consulted by Ladies requiring Resident or Daily Governesses for England and abroad free of charge also by letter. Interviews 11-4 Sat unlays ill 1. MISS MARION LESLIE'S AGENCY for High-class Female SERVANTS. GOVERNESSES and COMPANIONS now disengaged, excellent Cooks, Parlourmaids, Housemaids, Kitchen-maids, Nurses, Maids, Job Servants, Charwomen. Apply, between P.30 ami 0.

39X Oxford-street, W. No hitoking fees. DAILY, Visiting, and Resident English and Foreign GOVERNESSES (Finishing Junior Nursery), recommended by Mrs. Ellis, 20, Welbeck-strect. Cavendish-square.

W. (cstab. over 60 years). Also Companions, Lady-Nurses, Housekeepers, tc. No charge to ladies.

No fee to governesses till placed. Schools recommended. THE ROSE, THISTLE, and SHAMROCK AGENCY Supplies, on short notice, DOMESTIC SERVANTS. Lady Companions, Lady Govemesses, ic. Apply Dame Charles, 8, Newmau-strcet, MADAME LIN TOT'S AGENCY, under high patronage, 179, Regent-street.

RECOMMENDS excellent French MAID, age 28. four years' personal character. 34 Gentian MAID, two years' character. 31) French KITCHENMAID. 24 English MAIDS.


W. Established lSBS. LADY willing to Undertake PARISH WORK and make herself generally useful in Vicarage in Return for Comfortable Home and travelliug expenses. Brame, Mere-street, Diss. A LADY strongly RECOMMENDS a friend as CHAPERON to 2tL young girls riding iu London, or to accompany them in travcl-ling abroad.

Holland's library, Earl's-coiirt-ganiens, S.W. rOUNG LADY musical, sings, good piauist and accom-X panist, speaks French aud understands German, offers lo make herself generally useful iu a firsUclass boarding-house or family hotel in return for Board and Residence Address Y. Morning Post office. Strand, W.C. A GENTLEWOMAN with quite recent aud excellent references JrV desires POSITION in good and agreeable social surroundings she would trarel, oversee a household, accompany young ladies, act as amanuensis, reader is of medium age and height; quick, tactful, kind, a good linguist, artist, musician, and traxeller.

G. care of Messrs. Henry S. King and 65. Cornhill.

Loudon, E.C LADY-HOUSEKEEPER. RE-ENGAGEMENT REQUIRED by Lady of great experience thoroughly capable to take the entire management of household and servants for elderly lady or gentleman good accountant, nurse, and needlewoman; long and good re-ferences. Address Delta. Nash, stationer. Hornst y-rise, N.

IADY, very highly recommended. REQUIRES ENGAGE-J MENT as COMPANION or LADY-HOUSEKEEPER salary not so important as comfortable home. Brame, Mere-street. Diss. MRS.

COATS, of 12, Nottinc-hill, wishes to RECOMMEND a thoroughly trustworthy Lady or COMPANION. COMPANION-HOUSEKEEPER, or CHAPERON 12 years' reference. A LADY desires a Temporary or Permanent. ENGAGEMENT as Useful COMPANION is cheerful and domesticated goodre-ferencps. Bet a.

85, Highbury Ncw-jiark, N. COMPANION. Lady S. is anxious to find an ENGAGEMENT for a young French Lady, whose family she has known s-vcral years, and who is most successful in teaching her own language. Mademoiselle.

MissMolier. 34a. Sloane-squar-. COMPANION. Lady wishes to RECOMMEND her late Cora-panion, who is a good amanuensis, reader, walker, plain needlewoman bright, cheerful, domesticated.

J. 59, Bedford-road, Clapham. S.W. LADY (33). now in town, seeks REAPPOINTMENT as Useful COMPANION and to assist in housekeeping needlework and correspondence music and reading if required salary.

Write Victoria, 6,261, -Morning Post office, LADY" (Scotch) desires RE-ENGAGEMENT as HOUSEKEEPER. Useful COMPANION, or LADY-NURSE to one or two walking children six years' refereuce. Address S. 6.23L "Morning Post office. Strand, W.C.

SWEDISH Useful COMPANION (2S), Protestant, seeks ENGAGEMENT speaks English good needlewoman would take charse of a delicate lady and travel; good references; 20-25. Y.W.C.A.. 26, George-street, Hanover-square, W. roUNG French Lady, well etlucated, REQUIRES SITUATION asLADV- COMPANION in view of teaming English; scr-viresin cx Burlcy. Mulgiav--riad.

Croydon. AS Useful COMPANION or GOVERNESS Young Lady, 26, well educated, desires immediate ENGAGEMENT in town or seaside; very domesticated good dressmaker; refined, bright, and musical highest references gien. Apply 5, Canonbury-equare, Highbury, N. J.M. excellent character abstainer dairy, Daking.

i modern cookery- S. J2, SL Michael s-hill, BristoL A SCood Plain C'imk: temporary or otherwise age 46. 12, -i. Teuiperlej-roiiil, Biklhsm, S.W. VS liood Cooic where tJiree are kept montha' good chui age 24: wugi jf24 lo 20 94, iriieari roa.i.

altorit. 4 Cod ihK; 3D: good personal character: W. -r. I preu rred. 10, Brigade House, AS Good Pt.Al Cook in a genileinan'.

family: age 38: waaes K'2H: months, one year. 2j, previous good personal cbifc-racler T. 2. Leader-street, Chelsea. VS liood Pi.

iv Cook-Oenkkai. clean, respectable iwrvant 4 years' good i hanieter.M.. 115. I'pper-slreet, Islington. AS Good Pl.Alv Cixik-Grnkhai.

clean, streng, willing, resiect auie it. ill-. tuns personal. -I iiham-e Ml. VS liood Cook -CBN bra i.

age 24: clean, reapectaole years good from laat, 3, Etlgware-rosd. Hydcq.k. 4S Plain Cm ia small family, wivges X1S-X20 -Cottage, Sidmout h. H.M Leigh A SUi-i-Kit Pakloi kmaii no. i carver, vnlet woul.i travel 32L G.

6, l.itlle Siiiinox plai-c. Hyde-park, W. A Pvkliii KMAIU: goiKl waitress plate cl-aiier carve: arransa a. itowers: or wait on lady ham High mid. s.

K. 17 OSLar-strecl, Lowuv- mi or Hoi kmaii: tail; three yeaiaf 45. High-fi rt-el MaryleU.nt-. AS PAUi.oruuAin: speaks lltmian. Kren.h.

a little English; good character 31. Upper Maryietioo. -street, W. 4 PAftwtituviii age 28: thorough, plat ami silver cleaner; good valet; tall; 3 years personal chained-; 2.22. IL, Ih3a, VS Phi oi UMtii) age 25: 5 years personal character.

Alio I'lnul, iucen Klin paiaih near Broiupidii liiispiinh SP.ltLOritMAii in small family: 3 years good character ag 2ScE. 5, Avenni-s-i-oad, f'laistow, K. VS PAKi.oi-uuAiti agt 29 li year's cikh! pt-rsonalebar. Emily. South Kensington Agency.

1-1 Jlotieesmr-roail. S.W. As Piut.oi umaii: rii. lt Mrs. Ilenl waitress, uk-l Gleittlower-ui, carve 4 years cm-Kensington Station.

Ml; Romford or Ley tonaUino preferred. K'imes, Oginore House. Church-enu. Km. hley.

A HotnE-PARLoi-KMAii; tall, neat wait well; 2 years' good 1. character from last IIS. i'pper Struct, Islington. A Hol SK-PARLOtiBVf AIT; tall, woman: 14 months' personal. neat, waits well good 20, Tottt-nhani-court-roatl.

AS lltn umaiii or Urn skmaik tall, neat; waits well; 3i years good personal. 50, E.igwai-. -road, Hyde-park. 4 uM li goiMl rcferenees stato particulars. K.

Rosaiiiie-rontl. I ulham. 4 Hkah Hl)l SKMAII tiirei- or ur acei 4 24 yemra good per-i'ii-si Edgware-road. II: diengaBed; good c. IsliiiKton.

N. XX sonal hara- ler. Address lattle tui HkaI Hoi sjmiiii of three or four; churacUtr ugf33 IS. 27. Clayloti-sir VS I rpEK lb twmaU-M, i -i MAtnof two or three: fXperieriOnl 5 years per I.

utt sir et. Kin -t-eroas. VS Ul'l'FK Hoi scMAID of three or four: charge of linen 34 gooil persoiial haracter. .1. M-, 98, ai i.

Hm sEMAin of two age 2S l.ontlon Iuirels. Crop 4 Si'--Klt Hm VI of two or Etiual. 16 i'il chataeusr I near all, Fanih.iin. Surrey. nonths character and 4 years.

M. 5. Carruigton-mcws. Mayfair, W. A OrKK Hoi skii VII prevHHts.

J. Earl- two: 15 months' character, 5 years iUioner.Victnri.i-j.rore. S. Kcnxiuglon. where two an: k.

-pt or Espial: age26; G. Ibservalory House, East Shee-t. ynlleman fautily agt: 3 personal A Thorough Hoi-rmmi personal ttharact'-r Cood Hoi tiitiii in ilule M.PaltricK. 12. Uppei SAV 4 Htl SKUAII.

Seeotid of twoorHirt ingle-haiuled country Xw. ptctcrrvd. K. Lane's End, Ctphauj, Wilts. 4 Hm stiMAtn; Wages years persttmil character.

Ethel Plant, tiiecn Elm-p irade. near Brompton Hospital. A lltn SKMAII lloillestic good -liartlcliiy disengaged fee nlien 'm y. 47, Triniiy-ioatt, I ppi-r Tooling. VS Htrl in a small, quiet family where parlourmaid is kepi; age 27 4 years good chara ler.

E. Hunt Newton, near Cambridge. 4 or Him sK-PutMit iim A in gootl waitress 2 yeara" character. Long S. Kensington Station, AS Hut SKMAin rather tall 22 jSW can wait nicely lSinonthn' personal character.

L.Mtv, The Pavement 4 Hul SEM vn where parlourmaid is kept age 2S wages Ji22 to Ji2i. It. Cadogan-stpiarc, S.W. 4 Hot sEMAilt, single hiinded Etpial of two: tall good Sheringhatii, Norfolk. 4.

A Cood KCtisn Hwi si.m viii of three or four or Third of tive xcilkiil character. Parr-inail, Ikist Ham, E. years 4 Secol Hoi -scuai i of thre or lour now disengaged. iton. 135, nuall-road, Patldii A A sskci Hoi sk in of 14 month, eharnrti three town, where menservants ar E.

Moredoii, Swindon, Wilta. kepi AS Sf.ciimi Hiu tn ot three age 21 I year 9 months gooil character. E. Booker, Out lett. Fislitiniiruu, iB'ONn HttfiKJt mi of lliree or no waiting; gootl character.

K. 23. St. dames s-road, Carshalton Seconk Hi skua tit of three or four or Equal of two. C.t Laburnum Cottage, Maiuulcii, Essex.

As A Undkk Hin skmaid; age 20: 12 months good character ag third of three. K. Wexhaiu post-olHee, Slougb. 4 Sl'SUKl: HOUHBHAfO W. irf mouths' good character; age 21; wages 5, Suffolk-street, Poplar, E.

4 USDKR Hoi skm mi in nobleman or gentlemaas family agft jl. Hi 10. Sloane-street. S.W. A U.NDEft of three or four: town preferred.

E. 2, Kent-cottages, Iver, Uxbrulge. Bucks. A KrrctiENMAlit a wages to il-', all found good ch Kettlestirook, Sttiep, Hants. raeter Kitchen UAii at once must ho strong ago 19: wages 16 to li.

Mrn. Davies. AS Kitchenmaid: clean, strong, willing, respectable 3 years' good personal character. 50. Edgware-road, Hyde-park.

VSICitchlnm aid where scullerymaid is kept or Second in nohh man's family. N. Torks'-y LtK-k, Lincoln. A Kitchenmaid with scullerymaid country preferred. Q.

l. 38, Spring-street, Paddington. A Second Kitchenmaid or Kitchenmaid with help; age 20; years' character. L. T.

Cowrie. Bickley, Kent. A Second Kitchenmaid; gootl character country preferred. Mellaril, 30, Upper Cliarlton-street. A General or Hoi sem aid 21 monlhB and 2 years' ch 2 racter.

Louisa Coker. I'i8, Tavistock-cresceiit, Bayswater. AS Gk.n KKAi, Servant, Plain Cook, or help other servants 4 years good personal from last. 118, Islington. 4 Plain or assist other servants cleau.stroni;.

JLA. willing 12 months good personal 26. rottenham-court ru. EN era gootl plum cook; clean, respectable, willing: .50. Etlgware-roatl, Hyde-park.

A vc xcelleiit characte A General; country can cook excellent references. J. Rye-lane. Peckham. 4 Gen eral by respectable servant.

E. D-, 33, Southwick-street, iV Hytle-iiarfi. AS Daily Worker hy respectable widow. Mrs. Smith, 11, Cam-bridge-place, Patldinglon.

AS Scullery aid: age 10; town or town ami country. E. Smith Rolhaiiisted, Harpcnden, Herts. A Set or Between Maid age 17; clean, strong, willing, SA. country: 3 years good.

Kj 50, Edgware-road. Hyde-park. AS Head Lai dress of two cottage laundry preferred. Selin Barslaud, Mrs. Faiiuharsou, 224, Elm-road, Norbitoii.Kingslon-oti-Thiimes A or Bltler-Valet town, country, or abroad excel A lent character.

J. 73. Wigmore-street, Cavendish-square. AS Butler iu or near London age 28 height 5ft. dia engaged 1 year's -nt character.

W. Burgess, Wiadsor Collage. Hoyne-nill, Maidenhead. AS Butler; married age 31 height 5ft. 2 years' character.

Cloevehill Cottage, Strowde, Virginia Water, Surrey. AS Single-handed orotherwise job not objected: single; excelleut character. K. Willings. 162, Piccadilly, W.

AS Butleu, single-handed age 37 height 5ft. 3jiii. married good character. B. Willing's.

162, Piccadilly. AS Butler with footman town and country excelleut references. Ii. 16, Wt-myss-road, Blackheath, S.E. AS Butler job or permanent age 3S tall, good appeaninco 4 mouths good character, 20 years previous death cause of leaf-iug.

T. 21, Hampden W. Ji BUTLEI single; age 40: height. Git. lin.

2, Grange-street, Chalk Farm. N.W. AS Ben. Kit where footman is kept age 30: height 5ft. I year and 2'.

years previous excellent character H. Clarke librvry, 2, South Kensington. A Bi Ti.i'K, with footman good alet country preferred; JTAU town 26th: uer.char 32 -5ft. Siu. 8, Purton, Swindon.

4 ET or Chambers exjierien- ed lieen to America any employment age 37 good reference height. willing to tak -Newton-rtKid. AMI Thorough Wotking Bt'TLEIt: age 34: height. 5ft. good cha radcr.

Rogers, IU.Wimlreigh-st., Want Is wort S.W. VS Thorough Working Butler; age 36: height 5ft. married, no children. A. Raslalls, Ehury-street, S.W.

AS Thorough Working Bl Tl.KR age sonal 2, Lost on-pi married years' N.W. 4 Tliorougli Working Bl with footuiau 4 years' personal 1. character; 42: single. 6, Sunt herfon-raul. Hammersmith.

AS GttrMl Working Bi TI.ER or Indoor Ser ant height 5ft. age.n eharactei. II. 17. Knightsbridge.

AS Working with footuiaii ae 30: height 5t't. 3i years ehuraeter. J. 0.23.S, Morning Post office. Strand.

AS Working age 37 single or 5 months' job: Urst-cUiM personaL 66. Fox bourne-road, BaiUaui. 4 Valet; 4 years' excellent reference: height ago -SL jHL II. Latiiidry-roatl, I'lillmui, S. W.

AS Thorough IndoouServ.vnt in atiui-tt family: town orcotintry; single age 44 height "-ft. Bin. abstainer good plate cleaner excellent personal haract'T. 64, Srar Eilgwiire-road, W. AS Thorough Indoor ageCl height 5ft.

town or country. A. S.W. AS Indoor Servant or Footman young Cermun age 22; height 5ft. Sin.

good at table and plate; personal characters. B. R-. Fairfai-roail, South Hampstcad. A Indoor Servant age 27 hunting anil shooting things, good J.

loatler. F. Ryde. AS Indoor Servant in private family French 30: 5ft. speak very Tittle Knglish.

H. 26, Ilowlaml-sireet, W. AH First Footman of two 25: all. country preferred i-i-ar and 2 years' reference. IL Sumli 21, 1'imlieo.

AS Footm an umler a butler wit boy: age 26 height tilt. good jhai-at-U-r disengaged when suited. Park, Norwich. AS Footman under butler where odtl man or boy kept htighl 5ft. age l'J gotiil refereuce W.

UKi, Ealon-Uvraee. A Second Footman -22: 5ft. sober: willing; ood oba racutr. IUcx-jJJogdean Winihoriic. Second Footman; 23: 6ft.

2in. C. Cowie, Vokingham, Berks. A8 AS Second Footman with loy age 22: height good character. Leih, Thornwood LtMlge.

Cat ft. 2 years ii lull. W. AS Hall Man in gentleman's establishment: 2- years' good oh age H. Walnm Cmuigc, Meli t.

Krome. AS Odd Man; age 27: 10 years exjteritm good character; dia engagetl June 12. 1. Avonbaiik. P'Tsiiore.

r. A Odd an a servii- mornings ouly: by auxiliary postman; used to in. disengagud up to 2p.m. P. wo, Kuliiai.i 4 Coachman knows town thoroughly; leaving through givine up, i ytarr.

goou personal ciiaracicr ti 1, Hnke s-tnews, -nuar W. no encumbrance. G. ASC'jachman, Single-handed or olheraisc; single: age 26; rida and drive well, single or pair country preferred 5 years' cxccU lent character. F.

Ou ei.soerry -mews Kant, fi.W. 4 Coai hman town or country; use 28; marricil, no family 24 A years E. I4.5,Haiiovcr-slreet, South Belgj.avis. ASCoaiiiman; careful driver, single or pair; town or country; arried. uo family; good character for duties, sobriety.

Ac. T. 17. Hueen-street. Edgware-road, W.

4 sCtiAcii.MA.N agc24; single: drive single or pair well excellent JTA references; country preferred. A. 1' liryunsioti-SHuare, vv. A Siiigle-handetl COACHMAN married. no familv -ter.

4ft' iif aUntaiter uii.lei andHj years previous. erstaatlshis diititH gootl characUu. 12 IK montha li'i, Lomlon-roiul, Norbilon. Kingston. AS Com iiman single or pair: age 29 married, no family knows town yootl characters.

W. Moat Stablea, Cowden, Kent. coachman tlnvcs pair age 25 2 and months' London cha-x raett-r: near London. Ivydeue, Cray-roail, Foots Cray, Kent. AS Second Co HMANorSingle-hanikd town or country.

C. 8. Clabon-inews. S.W. AS Second or Single-handed Coachman age 22 drive single audi tair.

J. -JJ, Crooked-billet, Wimbledon-common. ASCoachman-Croom: attend small garden wifeassist in hou if required excellent reference staLe wages. IL, Walters, 21. Bedf ord-place, Soutbauipt on AS Ckoo.m and Ciacilman 2 years good reference married; ago W.

V. int-hester. 4 Gkoom-Coachman town or country: single or pair; ono a. year. 3 previous, highest reference age 27 light, weight.

A. Kiliuniii- roatl. i-'tiibam, S.W. 4 GRrioM-flAKDENKK fu3rried 2C: ride, drive well: one child; lA. good character.

Bird, Furueaux Pelhaiu. liuntingforil, Herts. ASCAURlACECitoouin LondOD, or in the country: years" reference C. J. South Brauutmews, Berkeley-squaro.

4 Pad or Carp.iace Gkoom 23: 15 months' goad cha. 1. rat ter, 4 years Forder, Holy bourn. Alton, Hants. A Lad, 1C, in stable under coachman.

W. The Rectory, Ber mom isey; thorough experience in all branches of 4 Head Gardener 4. The Lodge, Coombe Lodge. Great Warley. Essex.

XI gent rlemno ii mnlitn 3 vi-ars' char. 4 years previous nisuw ,4 Cood Siugle-handed Gakde.nek, cr First where one or two ans lA. kept: 2 years' good character. W. Stone, The Hermitage, Surbiton.

AS Gardener. Head Working: age 45; married, one chiliT five years well up in all branches of gardening, both inside taut out 6 years in present situation, 5 and 11 years nrevmu. DutHn. Yester road. I2hisieburst.

Kent. vievious. j. 4 L'nder Gardener with Hrr.lf. A E.

Peeks, Torksey Lock, Uncom. a Under Gardner orGROotj-GARpgNga -f JS eIPcrt W. Jouei, Uwr.wn!p?i22!! 'Junction. ouifcMi ot bet- and thlcc AN" ,1 oi Ml near Newcastle-on-Tyue, 1 COOK, wages i'25 tn X'JS: Smart .,1, i and p-M-ve. 20 to 24 Single-handed t2-.

Apply 151, Shooter s-hill-road. Li MAlO. cti npwv. raH'-xl PLAIN Single-handed COOKS. Also i.s ami IS' i Maid.

No t-r whatever at any I. si tm Vwouiali': Association, ISO, Brou.pton- Ti ly. a ood PLAIN COOK age not under 24; parlourmaid nod housemaid kepi no beer. i. A staling rjuiivd.

Miss Spider, i ii. i PLAIN COOK (oresiierit-nrei'i Kitchen-in for a i 4a- in tlw eoun'ry two in inmi-l. iDelinisn, an'! gardener kept: wages i' si Aioans, It. vs ri Vi." II. ..1 PLAIN COOK, Singli -handed ire k'ioiii JiJ two in lamily.

nildfoni I PLAIN COOK or LADY-COOK, for gentle- ii. good refcreuoei. good wag-ja. .) ou i. K'-ol-y.

Surrey. PLAIN CooK s.eall dairy; between i.n ilj Wiiu Mrs. --'irrej. i 1 LAIN CoOK. 2nd: small family, three i.rl -o-i.

i.sshiil-ron.l. Chisleiuirst. i i I'LAIN CiOK nice Apply this in. -nut C.eorge- roail, S.W. .,1 PLAIN tKK; small lamily: age 30 alsi r.MiLol I.MAID.-Apply 71, luventess-terrace, Bays- Vv ages PLAIN COOK no pun Apply bef on assistance crfvrit two -lock, at l.mi- PLAIN CO'lK: soups, entre'-s, savoUril-n ii- ai Maideubead no

-Apply. I litlay, Mrs. 31, Luxor road, Coluharbour- i PLA I CI )OK, age 23 lo 3'J, for Surrey Chun i family: 22-21 goiwl character i rM. L. V'iiling's ndvertisemeut offices.

PLAIN "ooK in gentleman's family, must I- i washing. Write, or I irti Finchley. i i. .1 I'LAIN COOK, 20 22: also. HOUSE-PAlT- 'Ugli anij Vounj; HOUSEMAID, latte i ii.

iu. t.i.t app'uranee iierso I X-l orna, oi run- JJ Mrs. i it- lull pani' lyars, Lam I PLAIN COOE in snail, ouiei family: good ni-f require 1. Apply, any evening atl -r live, at PLAIN COOK: age no-l-i 3u wage? from 24, -Ai Mrs. Fernside, I'rin a Respectable Girl as PLAIN COOK in a house-pa riourinaid and nurse i Write Mrs.

Coniugsby. sbort- PLAIN COOK four in family ages 22, 0. i-ey day before 11 a.m., Sb, Lexhain-gar- A I COOK not over 3'J; small family. Apply twelve or alter I i. I.

II i OnL in gentleman small family parlour- n.lkepi wages 20 not over 30. Apply 44, us. s-. tioK and HOUSEMAID who can wait; i servants kept: comfortable place. 41, -ar hi LEAL Lady or superior Person WANTED nut 1 no basement: nursciy 7.

i 'at heart -n d. Iarl s-courl. i Iim A ID WANTED for one tab-at 3). -Apply, by letter, J. care of i.

i hi-tl iiintry, and wag-s lb. lo 20; English or S. lUeenS-gJILe. under 28: small bouse hsJuri a one who has lieen in large family oiieoral'ir seven, 9, Sussex-villas, Olouecs- iiols- ENERAL family of four: trashing ie ah. 20: goo-1 holidays: comfortable tv in j-itti Palmer, 31, West-hill, l.i (lOK-OKNERALforrmall family: must an-i wo, r.

ol sfiull no washin- en. Esher. also Nl RSI. HOUSEMAID p. ihiiig uppniiiiiueot aim staling ii Prtoci s-avi-iiue, Muswell- VAIn ANTED Lii'.

for country under cook-Mis. Fil.wUliaiii, Berke- REOU1RED: help given. Ki ll Mil lie- in ta nily, live A pi iy Mi. JcbcU, Lai ch wood, Tun tiridgc Ml. Ml a iiiiiM un M.

Pn suiieriur PARLOURMAID IcrHHiild lamps siller: good Pi-iuii i -I, CIi -islow PARLOURMAID cn I in Liuuiy. li -i vants uo honse- ir. IVatuey. Liulcmounl, Co jkhai ANTKlifor iown an-l country. Write i 1 gai C.iaiplen-iiilL i i i WAX TED ii.

Ti nl -rile foi- country boose. I. Keill i II AN-i'ED 3i) Parlourmaid. I arlnii: maid. 25 ParUnrmaid.22 ii c.aid, liousi -Parlouriiiaid.

i. Parli-iiruian'. 20; House-- ii X-'1 Housemaid. 2i I'leler i a. ii i or II.

ic.a:..h. 22. Apply, Riism Si. Mm ei. Ttili Jor Richmond, Surrey nine miles ie -i an's :v.iiges Sejn.oiir-str.

ct lu Duke-sintet), ui'-iit no h'ir'h: Hai.b lot I'oi ster-sjuarc 24. ur.d l-c and t.s. Aiiply, niiie losix land Mauci: two in rasluriF; to Mrs. squari WANTED fir near London: wjjo 20-2S v.aitresi. aid stive i val.

i and 21. Also Want, "iiai'i thi- tall g.nMtl.mkiitg -i 3-iaiid Mi: Marioii Lesii. Ox-ord- a ii MAID WANTED; wages 25 to 71; Long, 5, Glendawer-plat two in family. near South V. ANTED June 26ib six in familv, five servants a boy iining-rooui only.

Mrs. Lcndon, Holmleigh, "i KM MD WANTED. June 1, to work with mans, riant. '-l. of good bright and neat app six iiulonr 22.

c.i' iuid all founil age 22 to 27. Appiy A. 'ii. ui n. poi uhigblldge, Hants.

I.MAI ANTf for the cout.try no lamps Chmvfa-ril age and wages to Wyat Cissbury, Worthing. 1-M AID WANTED: small family good place. I. Ac ncy. 121 W.

ll.tlAlD ICEOUIBED near Epsom must lie tall and 1 duties. Mrs. Crrates, OrientaKplarr. Brighton. I.

AID 'IRED; good waitress and plate cp-ancr. 1 PPI HoI ElAlD of two. good iieeuli.aomaii Apply, s. p. or write, luU ibam-gai- i.t W.

Thorough HOUSE-PARLOURMAID gc i. under 20; personal churacit p.ii in ulurs, Mis. Wobdhousc, 10, North-rommoii- Hoi SE PARLOURMAID WANTED a ho iii tkJ kt pt small family. Apply, slating age, length oi reference lo Mrs. Herbert Suitth, SaJis- Ar IU.1AID and HOUSLMAID REQUIRED immcdiat -Iy character-.

Apply 40, south i.i 'v. etve to seven. ti ami HOl'SEMAID WANTED wan and other k'-pi i wages personal character. -Apply lo- 1 1 P. six and seven.

14, Avenue-road. Regent s- MAID p. de isework houseuiaid kept small i-fiiible; good reference; i.l W. -re- able PARLOUR MAID: wag' 2 rite, stating mil pu it as i. age In Miss WhidUtiu-.

Fan hgl.t, Hut row on countrj-. nr 24 aiel UPPEI rti 1 E. 'I ll 'I borough i Hoi SEM AID loi'-. lianweti. mt-ly.

Itu E5iA1D, assist ance: able excellent ic ilh v.oinan j. ate age, wages, height, iergth uo. liOl all a'. I a 1.1. X.

and 21 parli' ulars lo Ii. Ii, second i' iicmc.ii.ttety, Thornugh PARLOURMAID for small i a-- .0: personal chara. Hilly, toMrs. rr-s intii-i or agerus

lAvTI; PABLot ItMAI small family; good I Uricaitl ling.ii suit. Apply 'o-Uay and to-morrow, are. 12, FiLzjohn b-avciiue, N-close -11- id I'oLlGNAC a thoroughly honist liMAID at once. Apply, before eleven or ttl.oroughly-exiwrienivdl WANTED i wages. Write lull particulars to Mrs.

"I LMAID. (thorough) for a family; about 24: health and character; honsemaii kept. i Mrs ChalK-ll. Camdei-'-rise. I Mini RMA1D and COOK WANTED; two in family; and Appiy or write, Mrs.

L'jng. 5, Glcndowcr- Mation. 'Ril AID WANTED for Portsmouth: two in ervji.iji t.c-pi iju Apply, or wrive, to Mrs. Hunt, s. usre Irapoi-tant Notice.

Mrs. Hunt re bctore or after ngag.iueu; to House-fM. li s-iitt-d eniiriiy fret of charge. 1 1 ''Un EM AID WANTED for town; family; Ljitj kep-. 24.

and washing i riubp situation. Apply, or write, Mrs. Graham, r.jni No fee until Sllitfd. I AID AN 1 ED for iderly lady and genlle- place early dinntrs very little company; Pipe. ail.

Ilgwarr-road. Hyde-nark. M. I.n! EM AID WANTED for widow lady and son: ail? very little company; from 16 to 11' i. (.

ii i ii 1 1 n''ourt-roal. i.i WANTED in a small family where be plain needlewoman andhaveg'rtid i- i-i -li-rsonally. Iietwcen twelve and four Mr? 21. RiissMl-square. W.C.

''MLOURMAID WANTED at once for small family at 4. inds-road. Sorlitton. i 11 l.l,' ID WANTED at Brondesbury two in i- His wag. 1C.

Apply at Oakficld, Shoot-up- 1 "I- ARUiURMAiD WANTED in priratc-family assist-" i.uiu,--: wage. 20. all found. Apply, before Maidn-yale. 1-t il WANTED in a small family where i ket.i age about wag 0 wages 2J 1 road.

N.W 1 M-r. Highgat II 1 KM AID WANTED where housemaid is kept "1 an. t-taiid dal cleaning anu iting at Mrs iiiet-oi oiileiiny-roaa, I I RMAID WANTED for I'pper Norwood good a. comfortable home: frur in f'l- v-ag-s -Apply Mrs. Lakvi-w, Sylvau- Aii ANTED: wsges 20 and all found t-' i p't- eharii-ier icijitiriil.

Apply, i'riday ui 22. Th Gnu Bollons, WANTED: pariraii-maid kept wages "Hi M.s. 37, Patu e-road, Sir-ai ham-hill, 'MIJll tuMkii. good i.S IWO IO IIOI.Il.- oyl-tier. witli full particulars, Hl-lt nuim to 1" :VA.1.0I i.MA ID WANTr.ll nt Perce lv.ijire 1'erCV 'iiU.

l2ti 22) by 1st June. VRI.OURMAID WANTED for' liat -Applv, three to i(1 n. strcet. ii 1. "ANTED in small private family.

P.i li0I" have good references. Mrs. VAXTLD le'iilicAVMAlD mall family comfort- I uiu-aienue, WoodBide-park, N. I Inr.f Hkiu-e. i 1.

A IN COOK, nlsj HOUSK-PARLOER- 1 iichar.e-tTsr.-uir.-.i: thre in family: boy -1 i arils, Rah igh House, uuiiellon-road. Bromley, aham. aTf40; famiry; HsaSi i Write to Mrs. A. care of Bautin, fords, Port in "i-i pi a.n.

tt.C. RMAID tiro rei.i lATnen- 1 It Xt'X S'iTKi; jfel 'I I'xfn I -MA 111 REQUIRED i.i small family no JL IIT.1 'al -ary must bJe pei- Mrs. a ui iUi fcercn, 87, Priory-road, mfvi 1... I.nlril. nnniV t- Hammersmith RedhiU, P'-adin "117 Motutw no 1 1' liiaruiions, eight hi or I i tguwd Norwich.

sir vv pet. Ciuendon pK I Jl utuet, agencies. Bladen riser: good I I i. jo-, Mrs. I for I places, square.

SINGLE t-ible; between Jt all ii twelve, 7 UT raclei apply week England. no XJ 7 Vr I7 it Fritl Vv Mrs. 7 7 7 ment wages IP If 1 i. wages 7 kt-i'iiei. I Vrite.

IB Apply Crawby 2. 14 South 14 Winds 1 Utown; lie Pa In tersonitl particulars, CAN Ingon Mrs. Mrs. Write, Vaughnn, IV xcrlieni Apply 20. il ne IX" TT must XT IT able slating Hotel, Mrs.

TT ot'lige AIT Apply, charges free of VI 7 for S.W. WT Berkeley IIT comfortable rilHE Earl of DARTREY will thoroughly RECOMMEND his i J. Under Butler as BUTLER with one footman: affcZU: height I ndcr Butler as 1st witu one footman: Jil: fleiglu good loader. Apply II. Birr, 10, Upper Belgrave-strect.

VtrORKlNG BITTLER, aft. competent ami energetic. excellent references, now disengaged, seeks EN AGEMENT has managed estate work. Charles, 19, Maiila-vale. W.

YVANTEI' SITUATION as BUTLER where two tootmrn are krtpt age 32 height 5ft. married, uo family tive mom lis and three years excellent characters 3 od app-arance. -WriteG. Willing s. 162, Piccadilly.

V7 ANTED. SITUATItN as BUTLER or BI TLER and VALET TT where one or more footmen are kept age 36: height oil. 11 years' gooil character. J. C.

Holborn, 109. Eaton-terrace. S.W, AS BUTLER and VALET where two footmen or footman and boy are kept; town or country single: age 40 height 51 1. two years' good character. T.

12a, Brewer-street, 1'imlico. A GENTLEMAN wishes to RECOMMEND a Thorough Working BUTLER and VALET who has lived in his service a year ami a nair long ciiarscter previous age iu. vv.N. 13, ilaldwyu s-ioait, Bexley, Kent. (3 ENTLEMAN highly RECOMMENDS BUTLER-VALET: hunting and shooting kit abstainer thoroughly understands all duties height 5ft.

age 44 married with help three personal haracter, seven and eleven ye irs previous. C. 21, South- pa rat Cnelseas. 4 GENTLEMAN ishes to RECOMMEND a Thorough Good A VALET or BUTLER with footman or boy; good haracter: height oft. llin lisengaged.

U. Wheatley, 26, Caroline-street, Eaton-snjuare A TRAVELLING VALET WANTS PLACE: Swiss; r.gc 25 height 5ft. speaks French, English, and German persoual character t-an hn given. A. Brown Hoiel.Hover-stroet, Piccadilly.

A CHEF or any Situation. Young Italian, sneaking French, J. Geiman, and some English; understands English aud foreign cookery welLG. Calisto. ol.

Greek-street. Solio. LADY RECOMMANDE un CHEF Fram-ais, et-int a deux ans, pour job piur la saison on place permanent A. 108, Vauxhnlt-bridge-i-oad. S.W, t-int a son Sorvice Adressc SWISS, age 23.

REOUIRES a SITUATION in family as INDOOR SERVANT: best references from Well-known hotels on the Continent. Tavistock-roa 1, Westbourne-park. W. WANTED. SITUATION as INDOOR FOOTMAN under but ler or Single-handed where odd man or pantry boy is kept speaks lierman and English; good character: disengaged 15lh of June age 20: wages l3-20.

Address H. Eckert, Fairholiue, Cam-bridge-park. Twickenham. Middlesex. A FIRST FOOTMAN age 26 height 5fi.

five years' cha- i xm. racier town and country. W. Edwards, Elmlcy House, Wim- AS FOOTMAN under butler, or INDOOR SERVANT in small tiuiet family: asL-26: abstainer and non-smoker: nearly iv years personal reference and 11 previous. A.

12, Harleyfoni-roud, i Vauxhall. AYOUNIi FRENCHMAN REQUIRES SITUATION as FOOT MAN or INDOOR SERVANT neaks no EngUsh. but too.l reterences. Address R. 59, Fitroy-square.

TOUNG MAN (Swiss), well educated, aged 19, speaks French a. lierman, Italian, anu umterstanils Knalisn. wnniii line a ITI A- TION as WAITER or FOOTMAN in good private family Apply to Iangraf, 14, Old Compton-street. W.C. A GENTLEMAN wishes to strongly RECOMMEND his HEAD COACHMAN, who is leaving for fault ago 35 married: good driver and rider thoroughly understands his duties: town or country.

Address W. Holmes, fiennings. near Maidstone. Kent. 4 COACHMAN thoroughly experienced in all duties married xa.

no family hunt weight good winp good personal character. Address R. I knows town two yt Jarred, saddler, Sussex- place, houth Kensington. AS COACHMAN: thoroughly experienced; ride, and drive well i pair or single weight good appearance; 12 months' gooil character eight years previous married country preferred. near East lirinstead, Sussex.

AS COACHMAN thoroughly understands all stable duties ride and drive well; excellent character: age 29; height 5ft. knows town town orconntry. 97. West Eaton-place-mews, S.W. AS COACHMAN or GROOM-CO AC AN.

Single handed or otherwise; ride and drive well, single or pair: thoroughly understands all stable duties; age 26: weight single, married when suited; good references: disengaged; country preferred. A. Farrow, 02. Richmond-road, Ipswich, A LADY wishes to RECOMMEND a COACHMAN boi1 character thoroutrhly understantls his dutie. eight years abstainer; 33, Molynoux- married; country preferred.

Address G. Bruckland, street. irylebone, W. A GENTLEMAN highly RECOMMENDS his COACHMAN good driver, pair or single: thoroughly understands hun'ers; married; country. H.

Wakelin, Birch Green. Ht-rtingfortlbury. Herts. A GENTLEMAN wishes to RECOMMEND his late COACHMAN where help is given life experience miildle-at'ed married i good driver, single or pair: abstainer; 11 years' good character pei-sonal if requireil. Atldress care of Mr.

Stokes, 25, Meant I Pleasant-road. Hastings. A GENTLEMAN giving up wishes to highly RECOMMEND his COACHMAN, who is a reliable man, an rule anil drive well, single or pair, and thoroughly understands his duties and the management of hunters ami carriage horses: smart: age 36 married, one boy. aged nine country preferred ye.trs personal character. I Address W.

Hansteatl IIqiisc. St. Aliians. Hens. C'tOACHMAN.

Gentleman RECOMMENDS reliable Man expe- rien -ed with harness horses and hunters rides and drives well age 34 light weight married, one child. Harris, 76, Ebury-mcws East, Chester-snuare. S.W. 1 COACHMAN or Second can bewellrecDinuientled: two years' good cnaracter: Knows town: age 2i neignt nt. disengaged.

A.Mress J. 9. Pitt's Park-lane. W. COACHMAN.

Gentleman given up strongly RECOMMENDS thoroughly-experienced and reliable Man irood ilriver married 37 Di-rsoual character, three and seven vearsnrevious. Coachman, 10. Osten-inews, Emperor s-gite, S.W If C. BURNETT, wishes to RECOMMEND his COACH-. MAN, who has been wilh him nine years thoroughly understands his work can ride and drive well single or pair married, no family age 38.

Hollister. 7. High Town-road. Maidenhead. 1 ENTLEMAN wishes to highly RECOMMEND his COACH- VX MAN, who has livt 1 with biiu four v- ars thorouchlv mmer- stauos uorses, and a caretul driver Knows town well; town or country age 32: married.

Kippiu. 61. Sixth avenue. Queen '--park. W.

HH. RAPHAEL. desires to RECOMMEND W. Williams as COACHMAN ho has lieen iu his late fathers service nine years, ami is thoroughly trustworthy and capable knows Londnu well. Apply H.

H. Raphael, 31. PortlantF-plaee. W. WANTED.

SITUATION as COACHMAN or GROOM-COACHMAN married; light weight, very active, willing to be useful; abstainer; years good personal character; understands hunters. Smith. Lydiarii ii ecn. Wootton liasgett, ills. AS GROOM-COACHMAN ride and drive well; umlerstanda all stable duties age 30 height 5ft.

6in weight lUsL; 5j years gixnl persoiialeharactcr. W. 9. Quebec-mews. Portinaii-siiiare.

VST ANTED, a SITUATION as GROOM under a coachman can ride well or drive a pair three years' gootl character age 21 years. William Dunn. Bradford Dorchester. Dorset. WANTED.

SITUATION xi CARRIAGE or PAD GROOM aud drive well ridden second horse three seasons 2) years' excellent character: age 22; weight 31b. height 5ft. 5in. Apply Jarvis, South Ixnlge, Horsham. i 1ARDENER (Head Working) where two or three are kept; VX married age 44 understands gardening in all its branches, both in ude and out: good character from last and previous ctupiuycr.

Address I i. Cawstou. Winktield-row. Bracknell. Berks.

1ARDENER (Head Working), life experience in the forcing of trims, flowers, and vegetables, flower and kitchen garden De Highly recommended married wnen suited Southwood-Iane. Ilighgate. N. 4 GARDENER (Thorough) practical experience both inside and X. out seven years last situation good character age 28 single.

C. F. Keep, 59, Sunny-hill-road. Streatbara, S.W. mint Paces.

Likes, la. Every Extra Line, 6d. be Stamps will No? AS Superior Nurse to children out of arms able to give first leswons. L. Evans, 57, Clancarty-road.

Fulhum. AS Thoroughly-experienced Nl'RSB first baby; wages 31), all found. A. 15. Kilmarsh-road, Hammersmith.

W. 4 Exierienced Ni tisk take a lady's first baby from the mouth: good needlewoman 2 years' iiersonal character, 7 years previous. G. Rhiud and Tut t. 7, Little W.

A Kipcrienced Ni rse: iadys first baby: sood reference. E. JA. Fieltler, Norsebury, Micheldever. Hants.

AS Ni use to one child or km uo wishes for situation in France. 9, Stratford-road. Kensington. W. ASNt'RsEto lady's first baby or delicate child in gemlcmau family; doctors recommendation: age 33: late particulars and salary.

Nurse, 27. SL s-road. Kingston-on-Tliams. A use age 25 children out of arms preferred gootl character. Jr A.

Burls. Brewers End. Taktdey, Essex. 4 SNi kse or Children Maih S): Kood needlewoman, dress- IA making nod references. 32, Spenccr's-road.

Horsham. AS Nirse age 19; 15 months' good character: good second nurses place niikht suit. E. 60, Warwick-road. Earl'sj-ourt, A U.NPKit Ni rse agetl 23 understands lutr duties: 2 years 5 XV months cli: character.

E. 24, Redbiirn-strecl, Chels S.W. A Under Lvi.v Maid: gootl needlewoman, knowledge of A dressmaking: would lake hairdresiiing lessons; age IS: previous A. Young's As Firsi -class French Maid; 3A long Parisian Acatleiny of Hairdressing, iS, Hanover-streel. 4 Thorough Maid gootl dressmaker, hainlresser, packer.

R. 2m 21, Caroline-street. Eaton-tei i-ace, S.W. AS Thorough Maid to one lady town aod country: 2 years' per sonal character li2S. E.

Ebury-street, S.W. AS Experienced Maid useful to elderly or delicate lady maker.jnilliner. hairdresser. aroliiie-streei. Eatoo-i dress-ipiari-.

AS I'seful or Maid: Parisian, speaks English; needlewoman references. A. Gensing Lotlgc, Upper Ma.e-hillSt. lit-ontirds-on-Spa. AS Uswer Maid, Children's, or Sewin-c Maid 3 years' private experience at tlressmnking not been out before age 111.

51. 54. Boyton-road, Hornsey. AS Yocni; Ladies' or Children Maid age 26; Lomlon pre-ferred: wiges24. M.

ML, Iim. Pa lace-guns. Kensington, W. 4 Children's Maid or Under Ncrse in gentleman's family Surrey. Sussex, or Kent.

(i. Hayward. Sttirringtu'i. Sussex. AS Sewing Maid: good needlewoman, dressmaker: 2 years good reference leaving through lamily going abroad.

Redcoiirt, Haslemere, Surrey AS Good Needlewoman by day or week, or Maid on job; reterences E. 43. Elgin-avenue. Paddiugton, W. gootl A Needlewoman dressmaker; lo assist maid at ladies hoiiBt-s.

A A. Rolterttson library, 43. King's rnad. Chelsea. S.W.

AS NEEDLEWOMAN good assistant dressmaker at ladies houses daily. A. 42. Kdilh-grove. Chels-a.

AS First-class Parisian Milliner; renovates or copies French models. Elegance, 8, Hanover-street, W. A High-class French Dkessmakk. ladies' residences cood re- xm. commendat Ul3s.

6-1. day. Madame S. V. AS Dressmaker or good Us luiies' houses.

V. 12. eful Nekdlewom A and Mai ii i ist; Eilgwal W. AS Thorough Good Cook-Hoi-sekeei-ek bachelor gentleman preferred 2 years and 5 munths excellent references age 38 state wages. C.

Buittm library. Knightsbritlge. S.W. ASGootl Dior-Housekeeper in bachelor household or quiet family where help is given age 33 good personal references disengaged no offices. Y.

7.., 8, Everelda-slrcet, Copenhageii-street. one or more gentlemen gootl refer- ences. R. Margaretta-terrace, Chelse. ASCook-Hoi sekeei'ER where kitchenmaiil is kept good mana- ger.

M. 3. Waverton-street, Berkeley-suuare. W. 4 Superior Cook with kitchenmaid kept, or to be uudera chef l.

rrencn woman sober, clean, verv economic-il references. A. 22, Lundon-street, Fit.roy-stiuiire. A Pirct-rate Cook all branches trained chefs lovin or town country. M.

Willing's. 162. Pic iihy. W. AS Thoroughly-experienced Cook Scotch job by day, month, or Season; -1 weekly.

44. gn week, or Ihain-rd. AS Thorough Good Cook on job ai 2, Guthrie-street, Sydney. tstainer: cooil references. M.

y-street, Chelsea. S.W. AS Thorough Cook on job good character age 35 disengaged. S. C.

.17. piare. W. 4 Ihorough Cook orCpOK-HoUKEKEEPER in gentleman sfamily: Winton, Bournemouth. 4 Thorough Cook kitchen and scullery maids.

A. South- nL wick-street, Cambridge-terrace, Hydc-park, W. AS Gootl Cook kitchenmaid's first place, where kitehenma kept age 27 wages 30 town or country. S. Purves-r 1 is oad.

Kensal-rise. N.W. AS Good Cook, on job or permanent, where kilehenmaid is kept gpod testimonials. J. 14, North-street, Mancheater W.

AS Good Cook with kitchenmaid good charat ter Tonbridge. AS Good Cook; 15s. weekly. 3, Eton-villas. Lennard-road, AS Good Cook soups, fish, entrees; town or country 3 years' ehu-ractr.

Mrs. lying 5. Keiisingt on Station. AS Gotd Cook or Thorough Good General Sf.rvvnt 3 yearsgood personal character 11S. l.rpper-;t..

Isl'ingtoii. AS Gooil Cook willing to assist in housework dean willing AS Good Cook wiUiug to assist in housework 42 years eood personal 50, Mgware-road, Hyde-park. AS Cook on job with kitchenmaid; age 33; good toferenceTliis" UtXmmB lS AS Cook first place has lived with chefs a3e RicfcmcT place, tiUham. SCook first-class: town tir iMitmi Miss Raynr-r. 22, South Moltou-'street.

wages 43 to 50. AS Cook age 34: 21-26; 2 years' good personal erSHigtoD2Vncy, lLv.JJJrmistr-roadS. W. A Where ltcbf! 5 having through jenUcman gng aJoatllL A beeii, kitchenmaid under chef 7 months' reference I ATA. UlSCUtcafied 1 French Snmimua AS Temporary Good Plain Cook by week or month: wage3 14s.

weekly. E. 21. Denmark-road. South Norwood.

A Good Plain Cook on job now disengaged M. 3, Stour- AAft c-'iffe-street, Hyde-park, W. FLAW COOK good references age 39 wagea and fotmdA. 9, Sutfoid-placfl, W. a s.

2 2 2" -2r A LADY highly RECOMMENDS experienced, high principled. I 2. refined North German GOVERNESS long reference noble man family; very good teacher ot music, rrenca (fans), usual English subjects, sketching in water colours disengaged 3rd of August Miss von Duisburg, Windlesham, Surrey. A 8 Ei-ench GOVERNESS most highly recommended by an Eng-1. lish family; long reference excellent teacher willing to travel ha also acted as chaperon-companion and undertaken management of English household disengaged.

Address Madame, 15, Kensington-crescent, W. No agent. A LADY wishes to RECOMMEND a Young German LADY to -2V Teach German lo lieginners or older girls can teach also elementary English and good music good walker and very bright and companionable has some uicruimts and afternoons free. Mrs. Robert Fulton, 12, Brechin-placc, S.W.

A DAILY GOVERNESS, engaged during the morning, REQUIRES an AFTERNOON ENGAGEMENT: good references 4j years: certified thorough English, French, music, Latin, mathematics. drawinK. and painting. Address M. 6,211, "Morning Post office, Strand, W.C.

AFTERNOON LESSONS after three o'clock, or Saturday morning: ladydisengaced good music (foreign method), advanced arithmetic, English certificated successful teacher; highest references. Miss 39, Bedford-gardens, Kensington. A YOl'NG English GOVERNESS (25) seeks ENGAGEMENT A with young pupils (not nursery); fluent French (Paris), very good music, excellent performer, Chopin, Bccthovtn, Singing, needlework; 30 to Mrs. Marquis, 53, New Boud-scrcet: OYS GOVERNESS REQUIRES RE-ENGAGEMENT; advanced Eogiir.ii, Latin, mathematics, French, good music, piano aud clem, violin, drawing, gymnastics, games: age 3D; reference Mrs. L.

three years 50. A. Madame Aubert, HI, Regent-street. W. DAILY GOVERNESS REQUIRES RE-ENGAGEMENT; thorough English, arithmetic, Latin, tluent French (Paris), German, music, good drawing, needlework; excellent teacher; age 26: refer-ence four years: i0.

N. Madame Aubert. 141. Regent-street, W. DAILY or VISITING GOVERNESS; London or within 20 miles; highest references to ladies of position; advanced English, literature, sciences, tluent languages (six years Paris, Germany); first-rate music (Leipsig Cons, niethol); thorough technique violin practice, drawing.

31, Sclwyn-avenue, Richmond. S.W. DAILY or RESIDENT ENGAGEMENTS WANTED by competent. Conscientious GOVERN ESSES, Seci-etariesJ(with shorthand and typewriting). Musicians, Readers, Companions, Miss Clarice Tt it iple r-s-1 are S.

W. DOCTOR DAUGHTER French, Germsn (acpiir-d abroad), good music, itrawing, iiainting, certificated Enclish four years' experience 10. Hooper's Governesses' Home, Coinpton-terrace, Lc ntlon. Central htlices. 158, Strand.

Many disengaged. No fees. TNPERIENCED GOVERNESS REQUIRES RE-ENGAGE-U MENT: thorough English, gooil music, wilh violin practice, French, drawing, elementary Latiu aud German pupils under 13 preierreu reference oi years itu- r. xae Hollies, HighJBarmt. EXPERIENCED GOVERNESS, wilh highest testimonials, RE-li QUIRES RE-ENGAGEMENT: English (Women Huent Fr-nch, German, music, elementary Latin, calisthenics.

Bra tn, Mere-street IP-XPERIENCED GOVERNESS offers her SERVICES in Return for Comfortable Home and travelling expenses. Brame, Meie-streel, Diss. I ENGLISH FINISHING GOVERNESS advanced English, French (three years Paris), German, music (piano and knowledge of violin), drawing; cycles, and has own cycle good references. L. Miss Dawson toley.

39. Victoria-street. S.W. ITNGLISH DAILY GOVERN ESS (Finishing or otherwise); Eng-JLj lish, very ood French, German, and music; reference Lady H. three years: 1U0; would accept Morning or Afternoon engagement.

Miss Miss Dawson Victoria-street, S.W. ENGLISH GOVERNESS: Clergyman's Daughter fluent French and German good English and music refertnees three and four years 70-S0. Miss Miss Dawson Dooley, 39, Victoria-street, S.W. ENGLISH GOVERNESS, highly recommended, seeks RE-ENGAGEMENT English, fluent French, German, music, Latin, drawing: good walker, cyclist, J. Dauucey, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire.

RENCH FINISHING GOVERNESS seeks RE-ENGAGEMENT (Protestant); French, German, English, good music, drawing; highest references age 35; 100. Madlie. Dawson Dooluy, 39, Victoria-street. S.vV. FRENCH-SWISS GOVERN FSS, age 27: very good French, accent, German.

English, music; highly recommended by lady with whom she has lived as governess 70. Madlle. Miss Dawson Dooley, 39, Victoria-street, S.W. Protestant Lady, desires RE-ENGAGEMENT as RESIDENT GOVERNESS in family: French, English, drawing, uond music: excellent references; no agents. Address L.

Willing s. 102. Piccadilly. W. (1 OVERNESS disengaged thorough English, fluent French, good German, muric, Latin, needlework; three years' reference; 5JI- C.

M'ss Rnhertshaw. 102'. New Bond-street. CI OVERNESS seeks EE-ENGAGEMENT; Junior and Senior Cambridge certificate English, French, music (cert.) no objection to travel or go abroad; 20-23. Miss Fenn, Gould House, pedhain, Essex.

LADY CROSSLEV personally RECOMMENDS North German FINISHING GOVERNESS for Teniorary Engagement thorough English. French ll'aris three years). German, music, drawing. Address A. 4.

Beaumont-street. Portland-place, W. IADY wishes to find position for her GOVERN ESS with children between eight aud 15: good tempered and companionable; English, French, Latin, music, drawing, calisthenics; would, travel. Mrs. Jranger, Tregurrian, Falmouth.

"I ADY TWEED DALE can personally highly RECOMMEND a JJ very Good BOYS GOVERNESS; Englitih, French, Latin, Greek, arithmetic, drawing: no music; most, successful teacher; children's health good salary. E. 6, Hill-atrect, Berkeley-square, MRS. BURN RECOMMENDS her Experienced German GOVERNESS: thorough English, German, French, piauo, and violin. Fraulein.

1. Grosvenor-i rescent. Lomlon. W. RS.

CRE1GHTON, Fulhum Palace, warmly RECOMMENDS li her superior German GOVERNESS; fluent French. English, first-rate music (performer); liberal salary. Address Miss Reune-bautu. Nenthtirn. Kelso, N.B.

MORNING or A FTERNOON ENGAGEMENT REQUIRED by young lady: English, good music, and elementary French and drawing. Addrtss M. Regeiil-stieet, W. "AR1S. A German Lviy.

with Gnman and French diplomas, desires a HOLIDAY ENGAGEMENT in England from July to October uo salary required. FrL llopclke, 151, Boulevard St. Germain. SWISS LADY, now engaged in TEACHING in girl's boarding-school, wishes to CHANGE POSITION for September able to teach German, French, Italian, needlework; fivs years' experience good disciplinarian good testimonials. Letters addressed to N.

Y. Z. 0.145, Mornin Post office. Strand. W.C.

r1HK Marchioness of OHOLMONDELEY RECOMMENDS hichly JL her cxporieneed English GOVERNESS advanced English, Latiu, fluent French and German (Paris and Germany), Italian, aud nuisic. Miss Palat e-gurdens-t errace, Vr rpHE Countess of ERNE is anxious to RECOMMEND her Parisian JL Protestant GOVERNESS, who has beeu wilh her 11 years thorough English, fluent German, and music salary 100. Made-uioisdle Mouilland, 12, St. Gcorge s-plaee. Knightsbridge.

S.W. THE Countess of A. most highly RECOMMENDS Y'oung French Protestant who has been GOVERNESS to her little girl for three years very ladylike, agreeable, aud very good teacher; French, English, elementary music 45. Madlle. Miss Dawson Dnoley, 39.

Victoria-street. S.W. THE Hon. Mrs. S.

warmly RECOMMENDS her much valued R.C. GOVERNESS age 27 thorough English and arithmetic, very fluent French aud German (acquired abroad), Latin, music, drawing: most successful with boys; 45. M. Miss Molier, 34a, Sloanc-sqnare. VISITING or MORNING GOVERNESS disengaged thorough English, literature, fluent German, French, good Iitin coaches for good references.

Miss Robertshaw, 102, New Bond-street. YOUNG DAILY GOVERNESS seeks RE-ENGAGEMENT English, French, good music reference two years 40. Miss Miss Dawson Dooley. 39. Victoria-street, S.W.

AS Superior NURSERY GOVERNESS; experienced North German lady, 29; highly educated, conscientious, excellent teacher; thorough English and Frensh (six years Paris) has taught all English subjects to children up to 14 years; would go abroad; gooil sailer very goodjreft-rences 30 to 40. Frl. A S.Endsleigh-gardens, W. A SUPERIOR NURSERY GOVERNESS, experienced, well recommended. Swiss lady, REQUIRES SITUATION gooil English, French.

German, excellent needlewoman country preferred. Mademoiselle. 17. Effra-road, Brixton, S.E. IjRENCH PROTESTANT NURSERY GOVERNESSS, Resilient or Daily, entire charge, disengaged: nine years' experience; usual subjects English, drawing, needlewoman salary from 20 ag 3G good references.

Mademoiselle, The Rectory, Edniond-sham. Cr.inbourne, Dorset. "VTURSERY GOVERNESS in family. JUNIOR GOVERNESS in school, or Useful COMPANION bright, domesticated. Young Lady seeks ENGAGEMENT: English, French, music, drawing, ntedlew nrk.

salary 14. Eva. Sea-bree-e. Cliicton-011-Sea. SUPERIOR NURSERY GOVERNESS, most highly recommended, -REQUIRES RE-ENGAGEMENT; thorough English.

French, music, good needlework thoroughly experienced with children; age 30; reference, Mrs. three years 11., Madame Aubert, 141. Regent-street. W. 70UNG LADY (21).

experienced, seeks Entire Charge of One Chihl; good references salary. B. E. 74, Tavistock-street, Bedford. 7SEFUL COMPANION ATTENDANT HOUSEKEEPER.

RE-ENGAGEMENT desired by experienced lady under 40 good needlewoman aud generally useful good references. A. care Ot Steele. tJlcnhnlm. tiurgess Hill, Sussex.

RE-ENGAiiEMENT REQUIRED by Young Lady as NURSE-. COMPANION or ATTENDANT to invalid, delicate, or elderly lady, or as LADY-HELP dressmaking and needlework good references disengaged personal interview and references in Loudon. 41. Hieh-st rect. Wi tn-y, ion.

AS LADY'-NURSE to young children thoroughly experienced very fond of children can take baby from the month farmer's laughter: ago 28 gooil references. E. 70. Cassio-road. Watford.

HOLIDAY. A Certificated LADY NURSE would be glad to take CHARGE of a convaifscent patient going to the East Coast. Address R. E. care of Davies and advertising agents.

Finch-lane, Cornhill. LADY (English) wishes RE-ENGAGEMENT first week in June as LADY URSE to one child or COMPANION good references iu both capacities. Particulars and salary to Howe, care of Rosetta post -office. Belfast. A LADY RECOMMENDS her Thoroughly-experienced HEAD NURSE: understands baby from the month excellent needlewoman, cuts out well; age 37 Church of England.

Address Moles, Uphill Rectory. Weston-super-Mare. A NURSE, six years' character from last situation, 3i years pre-J viously, age 32, wages 35-40 Nurse (first baby preferred), three years' personal character, age 23, wages 30 Nurse, two years' Iiersonal character. 2i years previously, age 29, wages 30-35 Second or Under Nurse, 10 months' personal character, five years previously, age 21, wages 18; Under Nurse, six months' personal character (no fault), wages 10. ANumberof otherNurscswiththoroughly good characters now disengaged.

Miss Russell's, 25. Sloane-street. IADY wishes to RECOMMEND thorough Good NURSE age 30 Sj years' good reference. 54, A lbion-gro ve, Barnsbury, N. MRS.

LAWSON JOHNSTON RECOMMENDS her late NURSE for first baby five years' reference good needlewoman and manager disangaged age. 39 wages 35 lo 10. Apply F. Crack-nell, 10. Sillington-terrace.

Tarring-road. Worthing. XJ URSE (Experienced) gentleman 's fain ily children outof arms; -L 6i years' character good needlewoman age 36 years wages 28: disengaged June 9. Address L. Elstree Lodue, Elstree, Herts.

"VTURSE, thoroughly experienced 29 taken five from month, first baby preferred 30 excellent personal character. Mis- Seymour's Atiency, 5. New Cavendish-street, W. A LADY can highly RECOMMEND an Excellent LADY'S MAID J. for one lady thorough hairdresser, dressmaker, and traveller town and country preferred age 36 years wages 32 to 35, all found.

E. 39, Balcombe-street, Dorset-square, N.W. JADY'S MAID: thoroughly experienced; first-class character age 28: wages 30 lo 35 town and country or town and tra-velliug. Address Moruing Post" office, Strand, W.C. ADY'SMAID: French-Swiss Protestant understands her duties I A-U thoroughly; good traveller, and wishes to travel; three years excellent references.

Aildress L. Tyttenharger Park. St. Albans. IADY'S MAID: foreign; 38: Protestant: experienced, trust-J worthy speaks French, German.

English good traveller I attentive in illness; smart middle-aged lady preferred. 20, Trevor-square. S.W. LADY wishes SITUATION as ATTENDANT MAID-COMPANION: would travel by sea, yachting or otherwise; good sailer: or would take entire charge of children: highest references; I no agents. Miss F.

A. 9. Chestnut-grove, Balham. S.W. A LADY'S MAID is anxious to hear of a SITUATION for her cousin, age 19 two years' dressmaking good references from ladies: would go as UNDER, YOUNG LADIES', or CHILDREN'S MAID: at present in the country advertiser could see any lady for her.

M. Bolton's library. Knigbtsbridirp. S.W. AS MAID to one Lady thoroughly experienced good hairdresser, dressmaker, and packer accustomed to travel tall: age 26; personal reference wages 30 to 35.

Apply to Pike, stationer, Hertford-street. Mayfair. W. A LADY wishes to highly EECOMMEND a Thorough MAID tall good dressmaker, hairdresser has travelled aged 35 wages 30 country preferred disengaged. C.

A. 5, Page's-lane, A LADY' wishes to RECOMMEND a MAID to oue or two ladies very good needlewoman, millinery and hairdressing four years' good character R.C; tall age 23 wages 22 to 25 in town oa Saturday afternoon. B. 51. Bateman-street.

Cambridge. A LADY wishes highly to RECOMMEND her French Maid as MAID to young ladies in a good family; thoroughly experienced and reliable personal character R.C Address M. 33, Cadogan-place. A THOROUGH Experienced Maid. English, good dressmaker.

2 needlewoman, n-1 packer, wishes PLACE as MAID to a lady would travel good references from English and American families has been to America willing to return. S. 15, Raphael-street, Bromptop-road, London. S.W. 1 FRENCH-SWISS MAID age 25 speaks English plain dress-2 maker, good needlewoman, hairdresser, packer, excellent traveller attentive in to M.

Swiss House, 15, Mfcck-Uaburgh-saukrei W.C- SITUATION REQUIRED as Useful or CHILDREN'S MAID (22): experience i good needlewoman, plain dressmakiin: ex- cellent 2. Tower Hamlet -road. Dover. ADY RECOMMENDS Girl 20) as UNDER or SEWING MAID been out- Mis. Vincent.

St. John's Vr arage. Fulham; RS. PRICE wishes to RECOMMEND a YOUNG LADIES' MAID: leaviuc for no fault; ase 25: three charai-ter. Carltou Hall, Saxmundham.

DRESSMAKING. TAILORING, and MILLINERY, at ladies houses: country preferred. Address B. 070, at Shelley 38, Gracechnrch-strj-t, E.C. AS Thornugh HOUSEKEEPER by an experieneed and capahlo v.

on an BtiUroum town and country or couutry. F. E. 6,353, Morning Post office, Stmud. W.C.

1 EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER: middle aged: very active; thorough good cook, all branches: seeking situation country gentleman family where kitchen scullery maids kept wages 55, all found. 120, St. John-street, London. E.C. HOUSEKEEPER.

RE-ENG At 1 EMENT WANTED in gentleman's family by a reliable, experienced Woman who thoroughly understands In duties can take i ntire management high refer-enecs. Address Housekeeper. 74. Meldon-str. et.NcastUn-Tyne.

A Thorough COOK-HOUSEKEEPER with kitchen and scullery-jTV maids: age 33; town and country; gcod character. S. Bottonsjihjviry. Knightsbridge age 33; 34 years' personal character. i Also COOK: French; age one year's personal.

Interview 2.30to.qay, 40. Sloane-suuare. S.W. FIRST-RATE COOK-HOUSEKEEPER aged 43; accustomed to large establishments is a good manager: good reference like Scotland for shooting. rieise state particulars to G.

Mr. Masons bakery. Chapel-street, Belgrave-square. THE EELGBAVE LADIES' AGENCY can thoroughly RE-COM MEND Two Sisters as First-rate COOK-HOUSEKEEPER, and HEAD KITCHEN MAID ages 33 and 25; wages 70 and 20 town and country; C. of six years' personal character.

83, Ebury-street, S.W. A LADY wishes to RECOMMEND First-rate COOK or COOK-HOUSKKKEPER job or permanent: town and country or Scotland; with kitchen aud scullery maids; three years' character; agM42 wages 50 to QUI. E. 34. Buckingham Palacc-roud.

A Thorough COOK or COOK-HOUSEKEEPER where gooil 2 cooking aud management are required: age 35; wages 15; KC.gc-oiPcharacter. E. M. 11, Albert-sti-eet. Paduington-green.

A LADY wishes to RECOMM KNDa mi.Mle-aged Person as COOK in a small family, or COOK-HOUSEKEEPER to an elderly I couple or single gentleman sweets, savouries, soups, entrees, abstainer; Scotch; disengaged; would take an engagement for shoot- ing season in Scotland Reply to Mrs. Hale, Eton College Windsor. A LADY wiU highly RECOMMEND an Excellent COOK or COOK-HOUSEKKEPEU: kit-hen and scullery maids: now disengaged. L. 4." Catherine-street, Buckingham-gate.

S.W. ClOOKor COOK-HOUSEKEEPER (Thorough Good) wages 50; very respectable person with good character; would go to Scotland for the shooting season age 40. Address G. 3, Cadogan-cottages, S.W. i LADY highly RECOMMENDS first-t lass trench COOK or COOK-HOUSLKEKPER economical, careful man lgcr, good tempered, sober, reliable; all kinds of English ami foreign modern cookery: l-ersonal character; disengaged age 33: 35 to 40.

English and Foreign Bureau. 35, Hart-street. Bloomsbury. near Mudie's. A Thorough Good COOK age 30 good soup3, fish, entrees, and j.

all new dishes 18 months' good personal character. G. G-, 50, Edgware-road, Hyde-park. A YOUNG GERMAN COOK seeks SITUATION: speaks French, 2 English. Apply to 41.

Charlotte-street. Fityroy-soiiare. A LADY will be glad to RECOMMEND a first-rate COOK in all respects well up in all modern cookery, dairy, baking kitchen, scullerymaid; would take a job. Mrs. 10, Cimbridge-place, Norfolk-square, W.

A LADY wishes to RECOMMEND her COOK thoroughly experienced, capable wages 50, all found. McKay, 32, Queen's-gate-gardens. lOOK.good: age 32 wages -34: good references; town or country. West's Employuientiujeau. 29.

Orchard-street. Oxford-street. FRENCH COOK WANTS SITUATION in genHemans family understands soups, entrees, ice3, Ac; eccnomieal personal character: age 4'-': Wages 35; country preferred. Madame care of Dei, 05. Wtmlour-strect.

W. MRS. OTTO TRAUN wishes to highly RECO.M MEND her Very Good COOK (Hamburg), who is leaving for no fault 24 years' character; kib-henniaid required; wages commencing 30: age 24; disengaged July 1st. Apply Mrs. Otto Traun, 3, Heilwigstrasse, Ham burs.

MRS. LINDSAY ANTROEUS highly RECOMMENDS her late KiteheninaidasCOOK: wages 35 to 40. J. Dieppe-street. West Kensington.

THOROUGH Good COOKS rcquiriug assistance, seven. 30-53. Also Two Plain Cooks, Kensington only. 20-22. Employers' fees returned, less if not suited.

Gentlewoman's Association. ISO, Brompton-road. A LADYcan RECOMMEND Good PLAIN COOK or GENERAL; Hat preferred age 25 five yejrs personal character. S. 1.

West btiry-road, Harrow-road, A PA RIiOURMAl two years and six months' character, age 29, wages 25-23, tall: Parlourmaid, four years' personal character. 2i years previously, age 26, wages 2-20 Parlourmaid, 13 months' character from Last situation, three years previously, age 20, wages 20-22; Under Parlourmaid, 13 months' personal character. 12 previously, age 20, wages 20. A Number of" other Parlourmaids; also Housemaids with thoroughly goo.I characters now disengaged. Personal application preferred.

Miss Russt Us, 25, Sloane-street. IADY highly RKCOM MENDS her very Good PARLOURMAID. equal to holler; tall, heat, good tempered, excellent valet; age 34: 30 and all founil good personal character: town or country. English and Foreign Bureau, 35. Hart-street, Bloomsbury, near Mudie's.

PARLOURMAID (Temporary). Mrs. JERVIS EDWARDS, Cobham Vie iragc, Surrey, wishes to rind a Temporary Place for a superior As aliove from June Oth. IJARLOURMAID: age 20; 624 also UPPER PARLOURMAID; age 28: wages 2S-30; good references. West's Employment Bureau, 29.

On-hard-slreet, Oxford-street. SITUATION WANTED as PARLOURMAID: age 26: references 18 months tall. K. 9, Carl ton-street. Sloane-square.

'PHOROUGHLY-ENPERIENCED PAR LOU' KM AID in gentle-JL man small family where assist. is iciven: waes rom 26. I a'l fouii I. F. 17S.

Alexandro-road. N.W. MRS. HIGGINS wishes to RECOMMEND a Girl of 18 as UNDER PARLOURMAID; has some knowledge of the work. Write A.

Jlellebon. 30. St. George's-road, S.W. I EAD HOUSEMAID of two or three; care of linen: good 11 needlewoman age 30; good recommendation town preferred.

A. 13, S.W. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED HEAD HOUSEMAID charge of town house and linen menservants kept two years' character. 17. Seymour-place, Portman-square, W.

V7 ANTED, a SITUATION as HEAD HOUSEMAID to wait on TT lady, where menservants are kept, or iu bachelor's establishment: age 35: lonii good character. Address E. 1, WaldegraTo-road. Earls-court, S.W. AS UPPER HOUSEMAID of two: 10 years personal character age 34: height 5ft.

please stale wagta. S. II, Blenheim-street. Chelsea. S.W.

AS UPPER HOUSEMAID of two or three: town; charge of house and linen tall; disengaged: personal character; age 32. Connaiight-street. Hydc-park-square. W. COUNTESS BROWNLOW wishes to RECOMMEND HOUSEMAID, who has been in her service three years, as Travelling or Second of four or five.

Addrpss M. Carlton House-terrace, S.W. ADY highly RECOMMENDS an Experienced HOUSEMAID: JlJ age 23: London -preferred disengaged now. Mrs. Grinstead, Brentwood Vicarage, Essex.

AS SECOND HOUSEMAID where three or four are kept wages 20 to 22, all found age 27 height 13 months' good character: town or country. H. 1, Leighton grove. Kentish-town, N.W. A LADY wishes to RECOMMEND her HOUSEMAID as Second, where two or three are kept.

town or town and country age 23; leaving for nofuiilt. A. 1... Oakficld, Weybridge. Surrey.

A HOUSEMAID. Second of three or four, in a gentleman's TV family: tall: good character i'roiu a large establishment. A. Kale's Hill. Ha lleiali.

SulVolk. SECOND HOUSEMAID of three or four, age 26. now iu Surrey. WANTS country SITUATION: go-xl needlewoman height 5ft. over tive years in last situation first as third and ihen as second housemaid of four.

Good recommendation and full particulars can be seen at Mrs. Hunt's, 14. 16 and 29. Duke-street, Manchester-square. Ladies' entrance in 3.

Lower fw-yniour-street. Noengage-ment no fee. Telephone Paddinaton 7S8. ASUNDER HuUSKMAlD: Sb 13: wages 14: 12 months' character. Address E.

Wagland, Bmingilon House, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. AS KITCHENMAID where seidlerymaid is kept two years' good character; 22 all found town or town and country. Address B. care of I. Phillips.

Wormley-hill. Witley, Surrey. 1 Experienced kitcuenmaid seeks situation age 23: 12 months good character gentleman's family strong Church; good plain cook. Kilehenmaid. 71, Park-street.

Bristol. HON. Mia. C. NATCH BU LL-HUG ESSEN RECOMMENDS Thorough Good KITCHENMAID; leaving only through breaking up of establishment: 15 mouths' personal reference; disengaged end of next week wages 13 to 20.

Apply K. 9, Upper Brook-stre'-t. ITi HENMAID for wishes SITUATION for good Ijl Single-handed one from 30ih Slay to 20th uly. Hon. Mrs.

44, Wilton-crescent. KITCHENMAID. where scullerymaid is kept; 19 months in present situation: scullerymaid previous; accustomed to large family: age 19: wages 18: disengaged 1st June. Annie Fox, I Burlington Lodge. St real ham, S.W MRS.

OAKLEY MAUND wishes to RECOMMEND her KITCHENMAID for a place where seulleryimiid is kept town and country is a good cook, and thoroughly understands her work wages 21 and all fouud. Apply K. Belts, Briggins Park, Roydon, Essex. UPPER LAUNDRYMAID, now in Berks, seeks PLACE age 29 two years' character as npper of two: 5ft.4in.; strong. Full particulars from Mrs.

Hunt, 14, 16, and 20. Duke-street, Manchenter-stjuare. Ladies' entrance in 3, Lon er Seymour-street. No engage-ment no fee. Telephone Paddington TaS.

A MAN and WIFE, ages 39 and 32, Good PLAIN COOK and 1. INDOOR SERVANT; good references: no encumbrance. R. Hutchins. stationer.

Davies-street. Berkeley-square. W. MARPJED COUPLE seek SITUATION as INDOOR SERVANT and COOK or do ent ire work in small family age 45 11 years' good character. Address F.

33, Hale-street, Lake-road, Lanuport, Portsmouth. AS Thorough Working BUTLER where one or two footmen are kept age 34; height 5ft. single; can be well recommended town and country. II. The ltdge.

Westminster Abbey. A ri BUTLER when: two footmen arc kept six mouths' personal character. Ion cter, long personal character previous: age 47; height i lisle G. P), Carriugton-strer-t. Mayfair, W.

sin AS BUTLER wilh one or more footmen age 27 height oft. three years' character as first of three, two years previous; town, country, or abroad. Address H. Brown, 7, Oueeu's-gardens, Hove. AS BUTLER or BUTLER and VALET where one or more in livery are kept age 42 years height 5ft.

single country preferred iu last situation 5i years. Apply G. Martin, Shcdfield, near Botley. Southampton. A BUTLER with footmen two years' character as butler, three j.

years previous as valt understands hunting aud shooting things town and country age 32 height oft. good appearance. F. WiUing 162, Piccadiby. W.

AH BUTLER or INDOOR SERVANT age 43 six months' good character, four years previous town and country, country preferred disengaged. Alfred Warner, Dati-y-park, Crickhowell, South Wales. AS Single-handed BUTLER or FOOTMAN with help or otherwise: hunting and shooting things good loader seven months' good character: age 27: height 5ft. disengaged 2nd of June. C.

care of Hurtfurt. stationer. Towocster. A LADY wishes to RECOMMEND her BUTLER where one or more footmen are kept age 32; height 5ft. country pre-f erred.

-W. careof Willing's, 162, Piccadilly. London, W. A GENTLEMAN wishes lo RECOMMEND his BUTLER, or as BUTLER-VALET with two or more footmen; used to large establishments: aged 41; 5ft. married, one child leaving for uo fault; disengaged when suited; would take a job.

C. Willing Piccadilly. A GENTLEMAN can RECOMMEND his BUTLER where one or more footmen are kept thoroughly understands hunting and shooting things leaving through no fault 12 years' good character murneil age as; neignt oft. sin. k.

xno tjottage, Mowbray. A GENTLEMAN desires to RECOMMEND his BUTLER where there are two footmen thoroughly competent and trustworthy a'lsfaitter: 14 months' excellent, character, five and eight years pre-. vinos: age 41 yearr. Address E. careof T.

l'age and Sons.l-'rimley. AGENTI.EM AN will be pleased to RECO.M MEND thorough good Working BUTLF.R (Swiss), with two footmen or footman and odd man: single; age 40: 5ft. slight, stea ly, sober, good plate-! cleaner and valet understands all duties: leaving present situation on own accord: personal character; country preferred; disengaged I May zstn. u. joius, pi, uornwau-trrraee, Regent s-parK.

rUTLER WANTS PLACE town 33 smart 5ft. lOin married nine years' personal character. Also BUTLER 30 Rinele town or country hunting, shooting. Also INDOOR SERVANT: 25 nice appearance two years character. Many others from 45 to 70, and temporary Menservants.

Butlin's Agency, 1, Eeaumont-street. Portland-place. No fee until suited. BARONESS DE BRIENEN would be pleased to RECOMMEND her BUTLER, who has beeu with her three years age 39: height Gf disengaged 8th June. Apply R.

C. 5. Bclgrav-square. S.W. ClOLONEL DAWNAY highly RECOMMENDS BUTLER, where two footmen or footman and boy are kept single or as VALET Write to B.

careof WiUings, 162, IVca-dilly. W. COMPETENT BUTLER desires RE ENGAGEMENT; town or tuuiiuj nwci iiiciciivii. ciiiiiL ji-ain koto cnaraetcr married child: age 41; oft. The Asliburton, Calstock, near GENTLEMAN can thoroughly RECOMMEND BUTLEB where tootmen are kept town andcountry, the Utter preferred vtr 43 married, J.

Hiianda, Chskasfor Preierrea ae Mnncliester-siua No engagement no fee SINGLE-HANDED HOl'SEMAID WANTED early in three in family, three servants and boy must he.lp to wait at waces 2ij t. 22 and all found. Apply to-day and to-morrow, eleven and oncol-six and seven, lo Mrs. 41, (Uoucester-terraee, Hyde-park, W. rjMCMPORARY HOUSEMAID WANTED for Harrow.

MiddTescT, for six months: house-parlourmaid kept wages 20 per annum found. Apply personally, from nine to nine, Mrs. Hunt, 14, t. Mi'iicJiesier wjuare. No eng-vemciit no fee.

ANTED, a Thorough HOUSEMAID and to help take charge of house wiiii uuother age from 3D to 35. Apply, fmm ten to or iron live lo seven, 22, Cranley-gardens, Oiiblow-gardens, ANTED. Kxpnienced HOUSEMAID, not under 23: also KITCHEN MAID, not under 16. Full particulars and references Mills. Bennington Re tnry.

Stevenage. ANTED. ExpcriciK-ed HOUSEMAID: two in family three servants age 23-30 tragi's 18, all found but beer good cha- Mrs. Willis. Stoueleigh, I ANTED, on June a Good HOUSEMAID; two in family; w-ages loiiiiu out Peer.

Apply. Ltctween tci it 17. Hyde-park ANTED, a od HOUSEMAID, who thoroitghly understands her duties, for a small country house three in family, four musl bestron: not under cars good cha i-ijuiied good wag C. WalcoteH a competent Lutterworth. 1 i son.

Pa rtii oi sMre. ANTED, aOood HOl'SEMAID for biisiness heuse Apply I P.fJA. piloan" sen. l. hi foie -It veil clock any morning tins or after six in tin- evening.

WANTED. fa mil-. Good HOUSEMAID: parlourmaid kept; small as ist wei at lal.L wac to State age. length ol servicL, whi disengaged, Highway, near Alton, for a gentleman family at Bath, Good Single-handed HOI SEMAID: small family, three rvants Chuich of Mrs. Pole, Grove House Wi slon, Bath.

ANTED, HOUSEMAID wages 16. Reply Lodge Scortou. Yorisliirc. WANTED immediately. HOUSEMAIDS.

14. 21 BETWEEN GIRLS, 1(1, 10 KITCHENMA1DS. no fee whatever beyond three stamps: NURSES, one lor France. .18. 25; i ill suited: three stamps aud references.

Gentlewoman's Association, lsU, Brotiipton-road. ANTED, a HOUSEMAID. Apply, first by letter, to Mrs. Edmund Spiita, ivy House. Clapliam-coiuiiion.

ANTED, Hol'SEM AID (Thoroughl; two in family, six female servants. Address Sojento Jige. Ry.le.Jsle of Wight. ANTED. HOUSEMAID, Emal of two not over 30 good ne -dl'-wnman exjierienced.

Call, ten o'clock, Thursday or iy. Ruiland Hoiip. Rutland-gardens. Foreigner not object ed tq. ANTED, HOUSEMAID for small country house parlourmaid kept: rive servants, two in family; wages 20 and ail found.

Wyndham. Hcaihtield Lodge. Midhurst. Sussex. ANTED, HOUSEMAID by June 1 two in family, three servants wages 17, all found.

Write Mrs. 16, Stanford-road Kensington-CQ1 1 rt W. ANTED, HOUSEMAID: strong: country: state age and Apply 46, Oakley-street, Chelsea. ANTED, HOUSEMAID for ladies' school nea London aire about I one who has had experience in a large establish preferred good haracter indisjiensable. Apply, stating age, rceuired, and former experience, to Miss Metcalfe, HighUcld, odon.

N.W. OI'SEA! Wli WANTED. Second of two: country house, near London: live muoor servi vaui.s 16-1S. Apply, by letter, Mrs. Arinitag'-.

Hot. 1 Cecil. Strand. ANTED in June. SECOND HOUSEMAID for private bouse of boys' school able to sew and wait; Church of England

no Peer Mrs. orsp y. Kvelyns, Hiilingdon, I xltmlge. ANTED, SECOND HOUSEMAID in connliy rstabli3h-TT mcnt musl understand hcrduties. Write Miss Judge, house care of L-itly Auckland.

Kitley, A. ttli.a sw filitJ, HO! piliAlAli ior l'litney iau, appiaraitee anie lo assist waning sometimes. by return, Mrs. O. Marshall.

-eleigh, West -hill, Putney. OUSEM AiO (Under) a Second of two; also an Under Nurse, IP anu liown Maul, ami Hani: g.n.t ctiatacters. 32. Connaiighl -street. Hy rk.

W. No fees. HOUSEMAIDS Ashford. 12: Becken-1 ham. 1 1 Burnley.

16 IJurinn-nu-Tr -nt. 14 "ueshire. 10: llimn. 13: Derby, 14: Eshr. 13; Highworill (Wilts), Horsham.

12 lAjughliorougn. 13: Man'-hesier, 13; Mou-iiioiitb. 14 New limy. 11 Onnskirk, PiirSey, 14 Raeifgat-, Runiiini. 11 Sitiingbourne.

lu: Sir.tfo.-d. 14 Slough. Waif s. i5 Slratfonl-on-Avon. 14; Suriey, 14: Warwick, Warminster.

.12: Wcl.vvn. 13: Wrsl-ui-autier-Miiro. 11 Forest. 13. Apply, or write, lo Mrs.

Hunt, 16, Duke-street, anehest'-r s.inarc. No rngcceinenr no fc NDER HOUSEMAID WANTED for one gentleman, to live in 16 to 1S, 12s. board wages, 2s. washing money; must willing to assit little in kilphch co-nfonablc situation: men-servants k-pt. Apply, or write, Mrs.

Graham. 12, Buckingham WANTED, a steady Git- 22 years of age must as UNDER HOUSEMAID, from 20 to years of age umsi not ct to waiting entirely on chara' ter nei-ssti ry gootl wages. Apply, by letter, stating to Mrs. Light, B.

si.c-ayenue, N.AV. any L.i.";y thoroughly RECO 7.1 MEND a very Good 1TCHEN-y MAID for the country with scullerymaid 1' Mrs. l'hilip l-'ostcr, Grunge. Sttatford-on-Avon. KITCHENMAID (Single-bunded) WANTED for Surrey: 16-1S: two in family, eight servants.

Apply, or write, to Hunt, 16. Duke-street. Manchester-square. Important Notice. Hunt charges no fc whatever (either before or after engagement) to Single-handed Kite-ben maids taking country places, all such sui'etl entirely free of chiirge.

KITCHENMAID. WANTED, strong, intelligent Girl as Kitchen-maid under lady-cook good opiortuiiity to learn good cooking. stating ag-p wages, references, and full part iculars, to Mrs. Clioliiian; Inear Woking). Surrey.

KITCHENMAID WANTED: wa-es 14 to 16: six servants kept and man to do knives and boot. Call any Thursday, or write. Mrs. Andivwe. 24.

Onslo.v-gar.lens. S.W. KITCHENMAID ANTED in small family: personal character Apply, by letter, to Mrs. Harrild, Westweod, Weet-hill, SytienhiiDi, S.E. KITCHENMAID WANTED: age about 19: wages 16; early riser: must understand duties Mrs.

Beck, Cheam, Surrey. JTCHENMAID, U7CDER HOUSEMAID SCULLERY and BETWEEN MAID WANTED ood family: generalsmaysuit; situation good Mrs. Pipe. 50. KEOUHiED.

a First-class KITCHENMAID; one who has lived in large establishments good wages to an experienced servant. Housekeeper, Kensington-gore, S.W SINGLE-HANDED KITCHENMAID WANTED town and must know her work countrj wages 1S. all fouud but beer Mrs. Burke. Horscll Grange, Woking.

INGLE-HANDED KITCHENMAID WANTED for Harlington- gardens, S.W. 16: two in family, five servants. Apply, from om No to nine, to Mrs. Hunt, 16, Duke-street, Manchester-square ni no fee. ANTED immediately for Loton Park, near Shrewsbury, Park, near or SCULLI Good Single-handed KITCHEN or SCULLERY MAID ha ooaI character from lady.

Write Lady Leighton, 20, Lyncdoch-pl Edinburgh. ANTED at once, for the country. Good KITCHENMAID under il cnnk-'nousckeenc-r must be sttong. -arlr riser, and to cook fairly ncll when required; scullerymaii; k-pt. Write, wages and other particulars, to Mrs.

Filzwilliam, Berkeley Piccadilly. 7ANTED, Singled auded KITCHENMAID under good cook wages 16. all found but beer excellent references necessary. H. Redoubt House, Shorncliffe.

Kent. ANTED immediately. KITCHENMAID Church of England age ltf to 20; wages 14 to16; lady's recommendation will i.gettcy. ross. i-veinnus, lioiion.

ANTED, a KITCHENMAID for Putney Write to Mrs. C. Marshall, Beeleigh, West-hilL SCULLERYMAID WANTED for Prinei s-gate and country 12, l-er and 3 washing money; three in family, 11 servauts. from nine to nine, to Mrs. Huut, 10, Duke-street, Manchester-souare.

No engagement no fee. CULLER YMA1D WANTED for Hove. Sussex: 14-16: two in family, 12 servants Apply, or write, to Mrs. Hunt, 1G, Dute-street, Manchester -square. Important Aotice.

Mrs. liunt no fee whatever (either before or after engagement) to S'-nlierymaids taking country places, all such being suited entirely charge. IVAKTED, Good SCULLERYMAID. not under 16, for town and country must have been out before. Reply, giving full particulars, lo Mrs.

Swire. 3L Pembridge-Hqnare, W. AN TED TWO SCLTLLERYMAIDS.18 aud 12; also UNDER HOUSEMAIDS, HOUSK-PARLOURMAIDS, GENERALS, Brighton and town. Apply MiBsBird, 5, Ellis-street, Sloane-street, ANTED at once, strong Girl as SCULLERYMAID for the country must be an early riser wages 12, and beer money eook-bonsekeeper kept Write full particulars lo Mrs. Fitzwilliam, Hotel.

Piccadilly. W. ANTED for Bayswater, a Respectable PERSON to do the work of a smaU house some knowledge of cooking small family home, good 2, Uplands, Ridgeway-road, ENEliAL SERVANT (Good) WANTED age about 20 quiet family, three servants comfortable home good character re- l-Mity oncelD. E.Ld.igtreet, Tavitock-sare. M1C r-vji-rj SERVANT WANTED for widow lady and daughter "xc iicut situation last stayed over three years good wages.

Pipe. -VI. Edgware-road. Hydc-pars. RAI SERVANT WANTED, wages from 14 to 20, for lishti i.

The Morning Post from London, Greater London, England (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.