The Evening Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

rot SALE roa SAir f81)f FOR SALf (81 FOR SALE f8J) DOGS, SUPPLIES, ETC. 11) J8J1 to ioam tM)f THE EVENING SUN, Friday, November 12, 1948 FURNITURE WAREHOUSE SALE WHY NOT BUY THE BEST CAMERA CLEARANCE RABBIT DOGS Well broke. G. NOTICE Sale to be held at the CHES WASHING MACHINE, Thor Auto-Magic with dishwasher atachment. l-r.

old. CL, 1329. KROKOWSKI. on Joppa Road 1 mile APEAKE MOVINU AC BTORAOE CO PROPOSALS SI57 GmrTTirc S.S7 Crascc Irt1 SB 1125 View 4x3 jr.7.7 ci-t IN ORIENTAL RUGS FOIl LESS MONEY jcast 01 Hariora K.a. Boulevard 17B7 tJLJPj-M.

si a 1 P. "7400 Holabird Dundalk. 20000 sa WASHINCi MACHINES New Bendix. G.E.. I37 50 ft.

of floor sauce loaded with fine RABBIT DOGS (2 broken); 1 12-Kauge ju-t a-av a aia. ca Westing house. Thor. Trade In your old washer. Open eves.

2039 W. North Ave. Room and sires at greatly redwfd otialitv furniture, priced low for Imme. FJ 3 5- SC LOANS ONE-BAY SERVICE WATER HEATER Automatic. 30-gal, white automatic .14 A.mton t.

RABBIT HOUND Ready to "run. Chea 7920 Philadelphia Rd. diate sale. Consisting of a lame selection of very beautiful 7 10 piece dininit room suites, bedroom livincr room Ci.vert St Plaza 4863 for an appoints enamel, 8 months old. burns oil; also Res.

Kcysuui movie 2 5 rr.r-;- a couecuon or 129 unrntr.i hues gas water heater. Blvd. 36I-J. STATE OF MARYLAND STATE. ROADS COMMISSION NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS STATE ROADS PROJECTS SEALED PROPOSALS for the lm.

SAMOYADE 3 yrs. old, grayish $43 95 uites. elec. Washers, reirlserators. lc: WATER HEATERS Auto.

As gas boilers. i a.eyitoE movie i wniie.jfT.ize winner, run, sun. boxes Ac ras ranees, odd chests, dressers fit MONEY lor taxes, insurance, sea replacement cons, plumbing. Fittings $3: 50 beauties, A- vanitle.1. stunio ei sofa bed.

a so nc SCOTTY PUPS, black pedlnreed, 'I owson 2253-J. sona! expenses. 'or for most any purpose? You can borrow on your signature, car hldo-a-brd. coffee, end A nrcasionnl WIRK FOX IKRRIFTI PUPS Pedigreed -w. s.u.jw atom car.o camera 4 1 i S4i Re -5 13 Mont nr 1 i or: KFRMANS.


ISPAHANS. iverr Hn urartird. PllilNR FOR AN APPOl.Vi MLN NOW fT Mlt- A i i A I a f. i IJ or furniture. No endorsers needed.

Loans table, floor A- table lamps. IhnuMiiid.s of oihrr Hem. Open dmly 0 A. M. to 3 provement of two 2i sections of high.

nciiui les. 22S3-J P. urn sn nur home here romn 3 RABBIT DOGS, broken; 3 partly broken anove a.iuo are made under the Industrial Finance Law. Take 6. 12.

13 or more months to repay depending on the our- way, as follows: ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY CON r. af biV naVinHS. rRPh fir easy rrrrilt. Tak wara. Koctie nine Aj itelsterslow JM Ac iS No.

ya rar to Holabird bus to door Phone ReiHlemtown 3H7-M. rn oi your loan, riervlce Is fsst and iiipr.i a :r.t TODAY'S MOVIES CENTUBY Greer Garson In JTLTI. MISBEHAVES. Runs 99 mir.s. 11.18.

1.15. 3.27. 5.24. 7.36. 9 48.

HIPPODROME Leslie In NORTH. WEST STAMPEDE. Runs 80 mins, 11.00, 1.45. 4.30. 7.15.

10.10. KEITHS Joan Fontaine KISS TTT8 BLOOD OFF MY HANDS, Runs 78 rmns. 10.30. 12.26. 2.22.

4 18. 6 14. 8.10. 10.06. NEW Ids Luplno in ROAD HOUSE.

Runt 95 mins. 10.00, 12.00. 2.00. 4.00. 6.00, 8 00.

10.00. STANLEY Bette Dsv's In JUNE BUTTE. Runs 97 mins. II IS, 120, 3 2S, tua, 7 30. 9 50.

VALENCIA John Wayne in RED RIVER. Huns 125 mir.l. 1 48. 4 04. 7 04.

9 4, CENTRE Red Skelton In A SOUTHER YANKEE Run 90 mini. J.32. 3.34. 4.36, 7 38. 9.40.

LITTLE Laurence Olivier lr V. Runs 140 mini. 11.30. 2.02. 4.34.

7.06. 9 35 MAYFA.tR Kristin Miller JUNO 7 Hum 7a min. 11.3. 1 OS. 3.6.1.

4 vj. an, a u. io PARKWAY rted Ma'Murr In AH ivNut i NT AFFAIR, hum ml hi. l.yj. 3 38 37.

7 36. 3U. IIOKKKMRAT ft llii 'jie 'llii. iricnuiy. Money usually the same day TRACT NO.

AA-392-1-358 This protert Includes the grading, drainace, and surfacing of a dual highway along thn Friendship International Airport Road. i'tt j-n'l nl Nrw At 'rtt rumtt'irr Aort-a Kitrhrn umiI (ir up trai iir-i, Hnriuit A Mi'lrm jj ud 404 N. Ptti-u. VE. 301(1 .1 Pier LUMiiER BIROS AND OTHER PETS (66) SUPPIIf'S.

BI.DO. SUPPLY St SALV. CO. 1010 F'uvetle St. SAjJfi00 "WELL PUMPS New PrerlcsA Jet Tyne.

O. i TI, V. Cnp. MOO tiitls per hour. F'nr wells 20 to fl.

tn depth. Keg glfiri. on sale 00. Also Lain astir Shallow and Ileen Will PtllllpK BALTIMORE SALVAGE CO. 201-209 Prntt Bt.

WINTER COAT'S (211 10; I boys, size f. C'H CX. 3314. WORKMARTER FLOOR SANDERS. $325" Floor KdKers.

Fasv Terms. BEARS. ItOKHUCK AND CO. Ave. at Harford oilrrtM.

For iiks 1 im fnmrio'o Frdronm Snne un beginning at Die Northwestern Bound MONTGOMERY WARD RETAIL STORE Sf-r: JtV.rri irviiiAi, vrr'KKiN( Pcditsreen Persia kittens, white with blue eyes. Also oihe NEW OFFICE 5 E. North Ave, Near Charles Above Bickford's Cafeteria PHONE VERNON 1186 ry line of the Airport and extending vrr. Dinina Bwm Suitff 59 un Drossed Rough Well-Seasoned BRICK LATH WINDOWS DOORS SASH SCREENS nonnwesieriy toward me Washington. roiorea.x'J-fOi..

DiintiaiityiiOH-J uvir.t Boom BfW, SR9 up Baltimore Expressway Interchange KITTENS Ped. Persians. All colors. Rea an ati Area, a distance of 0.582 miles. (REIN CuiFUlY CAsi-i A-1 e.

MiXemUtt PIPE BOILERS RADIATORS FORCED CONCRETE fcURF ACING rnroirf. asy chain, cuil iprlnm and rtnin to bom or apart- HORSES, LIVESTOCK, ITC. (87) The employment agency for furnish nr.KKi'i ttu VHi iinifs (in, llolHteiii Ilriic Oil tiL BCna or I.I t.m-t. Ep- utwomii to lxrtn Mn and LA ATORI ES CO MOD KS TANKS WALL URINALS Cuyahocra Wrecking Co. HATH UM tir'I'U.

aHO HoiiMii: Hi. hub, ateiiitlrt. ti55 Arljiai T- DK.MANHH Bh4 KPfalt tjtj. 11 ter jy.iVM, ri Anrtion Hmtt I Bt 3 Dmaooii. ha 1S8? 10USEII01B FINANCE 1 on lieaulilijlly snoned inure in foal Washtnctnn Jfilvd.

FPaOH. ft. ix.ia J6-a. LlMLLtt i-or tuoiber at iowesi 1 pony sanaie: 1 loiir-wneel express OK r.lec. KelvlilRtor.

6 CU ROSLYN John Ireland In OPEff PP.CRFT. wanoii. ctiaries HMirtz. Old Hurford Rd Ev MS drums with COat A- cromot frlct: PHO.XE ORleans 73d3 ft. 150.

Reconditioned miarantred noun Lane, nr. parkvine. Home Saturda Kuns ea mins. 2.32, 4 .58, 7.24. 9.60, 12.16 2 42 A.

M. 7iaoOiJL servei 7 cil. It Also apt size Croslev. FriitldRtre. NorKe CORPORATION aiitieiiiruiavs pniv; INVENTORY HALE 40-o0Vi OFF Pratts poultry regulator.

Pratts I)DT cattle At barn spray. Pratts lice killer, lilaik lent 40 lluiild. luuiKhbov autnmallc water fountains. ili liui ys poultry reineiilrs, A1.1.1 ml klllrr II I Mill I.I'M 1 1 1 t'l: Ma tin 1,1 lit I It 1.11m Jw. new UMCMir glue All aiiHrantred.

1800 I'KATT BT soic.Bishow Lurrsbsr co TIMES John Ireland tn OPEV SECRET. Kill HAL; Hlxieen ln-rtie registered Anvu l. I-J. Q' ll.l t. i rt.

tuns 70 mill, lii, 4 i'H. 7.04. 40. 12.16. lii'ller.

Waller C. Cliaiuimn, Baletii, Va FIDELITY BMin Chnilt's and Lexington pi LE. 41 A Mnpiimrnt St. Ti Ju in; it tit a t. ti i a ai( I Ing lalinr on the above protect is, MARY A Nil H1ATK KMI'LOYMKN-r MARYLAND AVENUE, ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND.

80MERSET COUNTY CONTRACT NO. 8-156-1-115. This project In-eludes the grading, drainage, and surfacing of relocated sertion of the Weslover Marlon Road. Ktate Route 411, l.cnliiiiin in Wesirivue and plt.ll.ll.l l.t.llll'llt H. Utiug t.iiii.iii!.

il nine citiiiii). went of Marion, a dintaiu of fcjo miles, i REINFORCED CuNCiiETE The employment agancy for fur-nlshmg labor on the above proirrt is, MARYLAND STATE EMPLOYMENT PPIIVK GUN BY BUILDINU, -SALISBURY, MARYLAND. Tl'Wftl In A 1 eiriMiofie Aua. VVAn i II riiicoil rniniiiiiiu mnf hii Aiiillhil inilll tnull. fiA r.riVr) Utei, paw Km.

I film Hfi ta lanrttg, i I m. itt? WAT't. HANtf jb( tltl fli.ui.l uf .1 i.l,i ejiui i JU fill, Bli. f-l'lvtii, 'U tihliK ill Bt PL. OJAH niiii iiii.iwuiMi at.

ri. laoa liuti Hilts du Redwood St. ItuiB iMa i.LliHi I. If. fitne.

MM At fir. iiitt LoaiJ LEADING miliiitB keep upliOlaUry clean hkfnli iLrt Al UH Wentiiigiunue. 2 ilr MnUMbi (,... IJtt lte.114 lu nun MVS Members Motion Uttur 1hatr Owners, na. tloubio duly.

Suitable for restaurant or 20 H. LIBERTY eor. 2nd Floor CLEANS rugs peautlfully. loo. tavern.

Like new. (Hiurnnti-rd. O'Hara ASFLL ri2TRisimo CO. AERO. Middle River Tyrone power IKY 11' lhil w.

North Ave. LA. 5000. JE.C" wo. 51 Sr.

PS ROSE CP WASHINGTON SQUARE. UTZLE HOUSEWARES KttKlUKKATOK Kxcrllent cond cu ALPHA, 725 Frederick Susan Hayward In lurcrarc range yi S.rr'S-.aii A WEW LUMBER ft. tan lirlD finance. Itras. IViS Home jO 4.

A RECORD BREAKER COMBINATION DOORS Rtrt rirvd uirrnTiii TAP ROOTS, stead st. ClIPlAPFR THAN UHED AMBASSADOR, ICSIH liberty HrM Red lirPPlMPH AT'H Prldlilalre I ni COMfTNA I ION IHXMIM AND WINDOWS fc. PAN-, V- n(fl '-v Iijnt uiucity mug. riWDi fu. Uibo J21 HOWARD 2nd Floor Near Lexington St.

SA. 1680 NORTH rVK NR, CHARLES Above IHuMrllit'S ofrlril Phone Vkmon ltuo HTGHLANDTOWN OFFICB 3104 Eastern 2nd Floor Phono BR, 34J4 t.krll,,,, a mill MF1IN AN KFK. niri'iri. nffird iitnlitr nrw. nnfMuc lijif.n iinia.

t'jiH ifa APOLtO, ISrm Jlarfotdueora Itaft In rill ha received ly (lie lltlt Roads Cam iti snarl. nntision at it oltitti, liitt kail Lexinkto ntrtiiiitHAIOH $45 AMI MP! Also Hl(lli-. riAtlll 1 CIHM IIIHIIKt fit i. ud Mtiie (o Onirr, 1NHUI.A I ON WALLItuAliOsi PL WOODS PLY WOODS All Types and Slices In Stock, a' SFEETROCK 4 c. Sq.

Ft, PROMPT DKt.TVKRY ARCADE, 6346 Harford James Stewart 14 street, Baltimore 3, Maryland, until bougut and repaired CALL NOW! MO 12 the best pJace to get KOI't. jHua xtienur ave Noon on the 23rd day of November, 1948, CALL ROflO CAPIIOL, LUMBER CO. 23C1 SHJCtAIBLANB ASTOR, 618 Poplar Groye Marlene DieU at which time and place they will be putv hj 4 sx how pr grrgr IXrz.N-OS I.i lor REFRIGERATOR Norse, new. 6 cu. ft List price $214.93.

For auiclt sale $184.95 rich in FLAME OF NEW ORLEANS. uciy upeneo ana read. ATLANTIC MILL LUMBER CO EES M.VWiVirf AURORA, E. North Ave. Dennis Morgan QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS RE 800 B1XJCK CAROLINE ST.

in ADMEN OF MISSOURI. Ash QUIRED. Bids must be made upon the MTLHV OHS KOCTC BOARD PICKET E.SCB I.r,frhr REPRIG BoiiKht. sold ft repaired. Phone WOife 0088.

AVALON. 4300 Park Hghts Gregory Peck blank proposal form which, with specifi SMALL 2-RM. HOUSE Must be moved in ints CAbJS. r. La Our ctji.

REFRIGERATOR 8 cu. it. Copeland. Good AVE. HAVEN LE.

14M cations and plans will be furnished by AVENUE. 1401 N. James Mason In "ONE TRIP" LOANS $20 to $1,500 Phone us firsts the cash you need can be waiting for you. Yes. indeed! Convenient louns arranged with speed.

"Associate With AuniBi." conq. sou. iu. $J0U complete. Apply 25 Eastern Ave Essex Eastern Roller Rink.

XMAS CASH FURNITURE LOANS SIGNATURE LOANS AUTO LOANS IN 5 MINUTES. tne commission upon application and Bide, gupplj Lumirj Ai S- OR j-iS UPTURNED GLASS. REFRIGERATOR. Westlnghouse. 9 cubic ft i guf l.ere.

Mine cash payment of $5.00, for each separate T.D. 9 Internal lonal Angle Dozer. Good AVON, 3019 Hamilton Robert Young In tiubu niglils. cond. For information call Fork 3039.

project, as hereafter no charges will be SITTING PRETTY. tH rJOORS WINDOWS vivli irMBFH co. pl, lis; At co r. it-t REFRIGERATOR, 16 cu. stainless steel $351) Universal Gas Heat urn Unit.

Com permitted. No bids will be received unless THE ASSOCIATES INDUS BELNORD. 2700 Phila. Rd. Georga Raft MACKiVEHY A.VD MOTORS piete used 6 months.

Very cheap. Call accompanied by a certified check or bid i RACE STREET. 1136 E. Pratt: St. BR.

3S08 f. einer son, inc. PL. 3167. REFRIGERATOR 6 cu.

ft. Like-1? 4120 Wood ha ven Ave. MO. 5217. south 170H8fter JLP.M.

day S.undaf. bond payable to the State Roads Commis boulevard, 3302 Greenmount James 100.000 Parts For A I Makes i ef drawers. 34 In. high by 1a3 for uuci of e.t. LL C4J4.

ru 7 PX 2 I TRIAL LOAN CO. Rooms 405-406 Tower Building 222 East Baltimore Street sion of Maryland, as required by Sec. fetewart in ROPE. WASHERS. CLEANERS.

REFRIGERATORS lwt 'rnau. i larire draw RL RIGER ATORS Erand new. Philro i 9- BRIDGE. 2101 Fdmondson Linda Darnell Chapter Vht, Acts oi 1939. of the amount ublic Service.

605 W. North. LA. 0011 -r. aai-ai a er 7 p.m.

Norge. Crosley. Immediate delivery. We In FOREVER AMBER. as set forth In the proposal form.

PL. lblu accept trace-ins. Easy terms. Ollira (21 OLD RIFT.ES Good cond. $25.

TU. UATTF.E.-E.t Fhopwprn. al lsteea. $10.50 AYABIS BROADWAY, 509 8 Broadway John The successful bidder will be required 1611 w. Norto Ave.

LA. 5000. Open Ann4 KtupiMJCO, MAtilaon 5S11 5.1 Pare A i $50 OR MORE? Wayne in IN OLD CALIFORNIA. to give bond, and comply with the Arts of iKOOMS of modern furniture." Very reas" UPATCF. DD computing alicer i LOOKING RFHItlfcHATOHSrWejiinThouse.

apt alxc AUTO OR Pnijvrrirng' tniua CAitiro. 4707 Hsrford Rd Aian Ladd Sa tne General Assembly of Maryland, re l.ravinir town. 2 ti, Exeler st, API, BEYOND GLORY. eieivinalor. medium tir.e.

Aonlv Robert xou can borrow Iiuu for 1 rear at au aver. specting contracts. 1. loo 0011 various types welding rods Leavltt .3011 Garrison blvd. Telephone CAPITOL, 151 W.

Balto. George Raft la nciuning ras i.k NO REFUND WILL BE MADE FOR RE go cusi oi ii. -ja per montn. FAVORITE FINANCE CO. RACK STREET.

CASE8.t double duty, late model, cr'ect eond Will install At luirantM (82) JEtl VISION, RADIO TURN OF SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS REFRIGERATORS KnilflllT X. Kran casino. 1123 Light Roddy McDowell la SMALL LOAN INC. 8 E. NORTH AVE.

4022 EASTERN AVE. IS 0 PRATT rT. CI. 318-'-J, TELEVISION RCA. Crosley.

Motorola, ROCKY. The Commission reserves the right to WALNCoTl.t; Is fMe Sa-Ploortcf. Re Gt-NLRAL WRECKIVG Cesa3etkeAr CC ftO'ASRj 5vc. tl per bunttf O.a s. 401 pu'J aT Phtlco.

Teletone Free home demontlra BM'KHilltA ITJKS UnUKtit- d. rpna red A-Aats. completely rebuilt. Superior 815 E. 25TH STREET.

BE. 2310. Near tireeiirnotint Ave. LOANS NO DELAY CONSUMER CRFTHT HKttVint. TMr- cluster.

303 Broadway George Raft reject any and all bids. Q'HARA. J611 W. North ave. LA.

snnn in RACE STREET. tion. Easy payments. No outside antenna heeded. Results guaranteed.

Call O'Hara by ORDER of the State Roads Com KiAr SCALE-lUectri 75. 743 McHenrr 319 FALLSWAY (NearGav) RIFLES iDeer Get that deer rifle now COLUMBIA. 709 Wash. Blvd. Jsmrs i.i;vurrAi).i.EBHiLpiNo, mission this 9th day of November.

1948. television. 1611 w. North Avenue. LA 50(10.

Open evenings 'til 9. Stewart in ROPE. MOUNT MULBERRY STS. ROSE RH ANTS CO. INf FOOD FREEZERS I have a Springfield Sporti r.

an 8 mm A.auser 8 Dorter At a H-nun. Lee Navy Sporter all In fine cond. Robert Bennett. 11 Pirkl-Onrf Kit fl Uannr MEN'S SUITS EA RLE. 4837 Belalr Rd Red Eke.ton in WAR SURPLUS radio equipment, including AVE FAYFrrTE RT PLAA 1140 ROBERT M.


615 N. HOWARD ST. TOPCOATS. PANTS. BPORT COATS transmitters, receivers, amplifiers.

tmn formers Ac thousands of radio At elec PROPOSALS EDGEWOOD. 3500 fcdmondson Jamea A'itQuy used, fteaaonahle hie won in ROPE. tronic Items. 4633 Yoik nr. Hex CITY OF BALTIMORE KOCKKKS (Platform) spring fine 2JJ- 3004 Chartea St i'lXVASTERa.

Knnhm atQ 'ineater. HO. 8120. EUREKA. 404 S.

Fremont Eddie Dean la 0ms-tB) ftr re4 a.f 1. JPftZ15l F.ocr ins. ifjjt4. p. m.

ecu 5 j. f- for cu a.e. ilOso XLtCiHIC iiwsirr mewl was now $49 95 FEDERAL WORKS AOINPT TELEVISION SERVICE on any make. set. SHADOW VALLEY.

HEED HOMEY as E. ec. Co- 23 Ayejjog? Buildings Administration. Office of the Antenna repairs As correction. Prompt FOREST.

3300 Gsrrijon Suian Eayward ROOF PLANK 1,200 sci. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF HIOHWAYS November 10, 1948. ft. 2J-in gypsum 1 p. e.ectric.

60-cycla ainale uivision engineer. Konui noi. un. (usiim service. Fair prices.

Expert workmanship in TAP ROOTS. tU J4I3. House and Appraisers Stores. 2nd and 882 Linden Ave American Television VE 14fi2. or 3H45.

GARDEN. Cross Ac Light Diana Lnn la V. loTSBP r.hitllt RUG SALE Liirmnui streets, fnuaaeipnia 6, Pennsyl- Sealed bids or proposals. In duplicate. TEXAS.

BROOKLYN AND HEAVEN. Prac E3. eJ ft TJP ff vauia, mov. to. jab ciealed bids, tn trioii COME TO THE MASTER LOAN SERVICE ddressed to the Board of Estimates of the Fl.EVIfilON SET Croslev.

new. 52 so. In Plrluii'. I.lnt nrire 177 till F'nr nulrk GLEN. Glen Burnte Gene Autry In THE win ne receivea at tins on ice unti Oriental rugs.

Consult Mr. Dulkerlan. M5l Scnller tlrr rii7. eiicli Yrs at 2110(1 Chart, fit Iik 3705 LAST ROUNDUP. Mayor and City Council.

of Baltimore, and 10 A.M.. Dec. 2. 1948 and then oiiblich Muil i-ILV TRAOt-SJ. prri.

r'V Met a1 OAX If Pi I Vrt. 1 24 fl 0 00 snip, (ill, MA. 9822. FRIGIDAIliE I enit Fitrmturt. GRAND.

(M 8 CrrkHre John Sutton la marked "Proposal to pave and surfer RADIO. Used Phll.o, Ftunr Model, T7 ftO. aliened, ror rurnlMiing the materials, and Peilurmtng the work for Interior painting ItLt. gic ii in ii iliMilnv enw I KK COUNT EHPF-t I Roland Avrnuo from ML University park. CALL RIIONE RADIO f.Ell,.

till, v7H0 No Evdomers No Mariannes rrtufaut cbalr it tallies. boilUlen. me caionsvme Brunch, Bam- CWfNN, 4M Liberty IUI4U, George Raft way to ouL Elmhurst Road In Bureau et nADluM ri-imired In your home RADIO Walbroolc Mill Lumber Co ivortn Ave, in itftis cirttti. HOSPITAL. Call GI B328 anv time more.

Maryland, in strict accordance with tne specifications dated PB-Div. 2. Feb. 19. RUG 9x12.

carpet rug in good BORROW $75 P'f VnrtH Ar mnn Highways Contract 844 Bituminous Concrete Surfacing" will be received at HAMPDEN. 911 W. 36th Scott TELEVISION Sii'lS As M. HOME SUP nrisonaoie. J74 lata ana arawmgs (it any) mentioned OAK Fl OORiNn Ml ABILENE TOWN.

ply. Be'nir Rd. WO. 1071 8. the office of the Comptroller, Room 204, therein: and the general conditions dated RUGS Antique OrlentalT small sizes.

HO. Vat. C. rer. Bal'o.

CA. 4077. HARFORD, 2615 Harford Ava Gardner la $TS3 Repay Monthly' City Hall. Baltimore, until Wednes ni'H i. eves For 12 Months Ort'llB FLR.MTIRS iUSSJ us iuuen vt.vua.

oepi. is, la and addendum thereto dated May 15. 1944. Specifications and other data may be had at the Office of day, November 24, 1948 at 12.00 o'clock Rl'GS Carpet. $9.

$12. S15. All HILTON. 3117 W. North, All Star Cast la oon.

Eastern Standard Time, at which Greenmount Avi Above terms are based on prompt monthly nr.Hillen, uesjej. ira rs. fades Cabinets and 5. 3 1 '71N eal'-LSirPieasant OrrtCE FUR.V. nrw Uied.

bousht Mlf BOATS AND YACHTS (83) ideal Christmas gifts PHOTO-ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC PILOT the Custodian of the Building or the office time they will be publicly opened and read cap. 200 8 SAPE Double door. Che NOTORIOUS WOLF. way. Essex Georte Raft in RACK STREET.

oi me tnvision engineer, or piinno Build loud by the Board of Estimates in Room mmmoi ui ti ru'aw Ortire Eoiiit. ings Administration, Room NO. n07. Lemon It In said City Rail, iitniinttii. wasiiitiBton.

ye. William A HORN. 2010 Prs't- Roberts la out i ww, g'n tr.111 01 tier ufm. ttiigin a 4.i4v. 1 n'liiu A ufi' K.

fcr aiitf boiml.t Mlttrf lilviiH.ii rmMneer MAI MiN.SA OP Hit DFJtltT rue proposed cunt met documents may HOLDS your boat nn course while ynu be examined, without charge at the office (oailHOWARO, ill N. Howard ltd Bkeiloa IA POULTRY o. fe 'wi'S new ued bouvfit eold toAhll PLs" WOiilJ- iitJl ilia titalrwvrk Miiiildinus RAG Eli MILLWORK CO. of the Highways Engineer, 303 Municipal OTHER LOANS $5 TO $300 MASTER Loan Service, Inc. 31? HVlllilahla RlilMlnv JO I I OS 214 Osy fit.

LE. 4ti 81 "JVV JlAkl. A HI, IDEAL. 903 W. 36th John Wayne In GOLDEN HAMSTERS 82 ea.

Downing'! i. FVUL Dfttsd t'TTee; coia. i.g a. f.i. CJ TT4 4 ic! S.srcr.e tct a.r 4- a.

d.a-r.e By fc.jis jai-. msi ieei Sirroco Or-fi Ps- fu.t ni-r -O 5-4Tiorrr o. 411 C3rt.o., cnal r- weif t'' eond tFS Lf-'H "L'-'-t it 7 rnvf i- t' a tl5 i. So ctB rav3ir.t H-i, lili Oraca k. CR.

5CM L.A, I V.N' Ai-3 1 or ca A3 TTJs aTai e. c.i azJ co S-rit t- rt Si. a a Aj.r f5 io. At Sye-t. rctnoiat'l In.

Pt.14 r'wni i. 't JW At A J. 41 A A iKtrr JVrfAv or -l er et u'. aie.ty "I turns S.vffl AIV3 LOW FSICeT 3f (tro.i ai; frtn th r. roj rtlax with your guests.

Remote rourse-rhaugcr provides steering from any part of boat. Completely Installed on most yachts un to 55 feet In length, for only SBE5.C0. uilding. Baltimore, on and after No WQ. 8300.

Mamstrys. can rear 2B01 W. Nortn Ave, FLYING TIGERS. SAW DEWAT.T. KtW.

1 jTn iZ 'O 3 f. M. vember 12. 1948, and copies thereof may be there obtained on payment of $3.00. Rvington.

4113 Frederick Red Bkeltoa PKARIE. JHC 707 N. Howard. LET 6000. NEW Westinghouse push-button operated "SILENT GLOW" Burners HOTELS RESORTS (100) ln A SOUTHERN YANKEE.

for each copy, which payment will not SEWING MACHINE Elect nc portable usF-ffloviE, ai w. Lexington Hit compressed air clutch control, only line new. Only S50. MA 23H7 be refunded. CALL CHENOWFTH WO PI 49 Bros, IB FX NT ASIA.

Calvert and Favette Streets IX 4124. SEWING MACHINE Singer. Good condU tion OA fit nuna.Tr. A certified check of the bidder, drawn lane. Dundalk John Carroll! is ANGEL, TLTS At THliRa.

FVER MIAMI BEACH, FLA. CURTIS ENC.INE EQUIP, CO. i a solvent clearing-house bank, madi IN ETC ILE, 1(15 Katii IHtilillnk 11 North Cliailrn Ull'rrl. HA. 3252 ZilSisr, At HOt.lIAVq T'J.

8250, fit 1 NU A I i ft i it Tr mm 1m I nT ayslile tu the Mayor and City t'mineil of 104 LlfillT. HA, 0-104 It A or ft, Broadway Donald Karrr UILt JJUI'wJNKKS a (July iu Ma. HO 8tWl.NO MACHI.Nt;.WtilN.l-.R. hit iiA- Baltimore, for the sum of tine Thousand in 1 HA IN TO ALCAJKAZ. iil.L'ti 35-1 1.

tl uner, niwTibt "yeitr, ItVi run i.iiintv iiiiiiiiiiig Entrance 204 North Liberty Street LE 7810 Onen Dally till 5 P. Saturday fill raoin -O'Uet Heet" latest model with Dollars ($1,000.00) will be required with tinwooo, 903 fi. Liiiwood Lola Butler ta tKin Cnryiler engines and ghip-to-short phone. erpostat Ac tqr.troU. Easy terms.

Note MICKEY. each bid. 12 Noon LORD BALTO, 1110 W. Eslto. John Car.

MATTHEWS CRUISER Model "38" In Bond In the amount of the contract Listen to James Connolly and the News tioned or new. Fully reconditioned with genuine SinEer parts and guarantee. 9.nly,uhoried Sineer stores In city. Ill W. Lexington.

1570; 5416 Har-ford Rd. CL. 4Ja2; HOB Preri.ti(k Ave. -I 3i'2a l.lhcriv MO. ltifil.

3503 Kaslrrn Am WO roil In ANGEL IN EXILE. BALTIMORE SALVAGE CO 211 -309 PRATT FT StCliOll Willi B.4S P. fine condition. Brand new engines. Beautiful equipment price will be required of the auccessful LORD CALVERT, 2444 Wash.

Blvd. Dane blddw. fa 4j ta fca-e tea rl at .1 KEIV MA 1'H MAKIMR FNOINI5 Clark in F-MHRAttAMl A YOU. I'l aiun tar I- The Board of Fstlmatrs reserves th LYCEUM. Sparrows point -Belly Grab! I11111I.I Meg) Mute Ulirrlnl Willi 2-1 rctluc un Ker.

Fine rnnillt.liin. "a Pi.iient Ion yrara to oo cl 44' Fiiserri Ave Kex 22,30 -an aa Ujr ta ir el atd Ight to rrlect any and all bids and or to In THAT LADY IN EH IN and get tret estimate, no oblldidlon. All OAK WOOD Over us KliLer. 1940 engine. alve technical defects.

If In its Judgment, cHEnry. 1032 Light George Raft In fcfcWINU MACHINES NEW AMI USED Console Models. Low As SHU. 50 We Electrify Your Old Machine PASTS HM SPWKll uirniuv tu RACE STREET. the Interests of the Mayor and City Coun i t'jaran-eea.


MET, North Penr.a. Linda Darnell In cil of Baltimore may so require. Chrvsler Crown. IV. HO, Very good cond MORTON LOOSE 10 W.

EAGER ST. Auto Mis From SSI S1SSI lfl'7 PASTERN AVE t-K. (I.ttl3. rORi.YF.K- AUktH. No forms of contract documents will be O.

sRs- Exciianue your old buruet NEW, Reisterstown -Trrona Power In FKWINt MACHINES. SlNCtHtS New Elcrtric vmir un i.A delivered to prospective Bidders within 24 jiew ouiei reat oil burner A LUCK Or Hit IRISH. Piuj.viiN1-.NT New England yachtsman hus Treadles. $15. Electric Portables.

un new ESSEX, Eosex June Dupreg tn FOUR OVEr.Oj.Ar Mans, size 26. Parfect mud jum laxcn delivery on a new 4 -cabin Flying BridKe Owens Flagship Cruiser and therefore we are offering his tmriA- FEATHERS. YORK SEWING MACH. EXCH. II N.

Fhitaw St. Onen Evenlnita. SA. 47Pfl hours ef the time set for opening bios, without the consent of the Highways Engineer. Bids when filed shall be Irrevocable.

NEW GLEN, Glen Burr! Jeanne Craln ia FTSXTTT? ail a -rr! a ractei and b. ti 0" Co. .3 r. a.c.- SJIw-4 ra ai, ref machine etc. --'Jcdron 1 3 9 3-J.

l'a. tods asw. Or will t.i aoy- fe" -i- Irrc-i. removal Ldir.orr'.tM.. 75-4 I jsr CLAT1.

r5 FRO 11 7--V CO I 1 TIFfT A BNCOt S-'A a- SEWING MACHINES sinner, heavy-du7v. PAi-LEiS Ac bMDS madfc to order Curtm ln. a 33' Chris Craft Cruiser used less than APARTMENT FOR FUGGY. No. 731.

21 E. North Avenue. EW NEMO, 4815 Eastern Ave. Jamea SEWINO MArmwa to CTi. 1707.

SPRAY EOUIPMSST ROMV Rjr VTFn Pisilurn IN MINUTES Attention of bidders Is called to the minimum wage rates to be paid on this Mason in WICKED LADY. Rewlnt Center. 643 W. Ri.ltn PT. 40m NORTH WAY, 6701 Hsrlord Irene Dunne nours oy owner, nils boat is powered with a 130 P.

Chris Craft Motor and tins many extras. Including Dyer Dink Pilot Chair, Special Compass. Electric Bilge pump. elc. Boat and Equipment.

In biiiuritul condition Priced for Fall ssie P.i-n C- 2103 Oreermount. CH 574A SHEET MFTAL WORKING MACHINERY in LIFE WITH FATHER. Collins Aveavw I Lincoln Road MIAMI BEACH r- i ii'. liuxe wtule. SB cat OVERLCA, Beiasr Road William Bishop la fvery room eernae No endorsers! No co-slnnersl No embarrass KILUMAN LI 8058 ITT FRI FfPTOWTS AVE AD VEN TUBES OF SILVERADO.

i owens Yachl Dundalk ing investigations with your car as sn room with view the eceonl MIVAU Appro fd PALACE, Gay Ac Hoffman Diana Lynn la project, (Signed) JAMES H. McKAY. Highways Engineer. Approved: C. MARKLAND KELLY.

President, Board of Estimates. i which vvora nomrr tsnrsr. lit) in lhrat. Ooud cond. with motor.

1 No. Texto Power ComblnRtion Machine, euuipmcnt and motor. 1 Gas Fired Oven for bked enamel work. 72 In by 34 in. 40 in.

Triangle Sign 619 W. Franklin St. ClirllV. VOIir ftrriNATMRIi! AtriMfT nrill net PAINT Ail colors. $189.

cat. TEXAS, BROOKLYN AND JlJSAVfc.M. 1MMED1ATF! nFt.IVU.RV Member AAA EACH! Terraces ot r. Aiari, aij. ijAj(34w.

Ballo you a cash loan of $50 to $1,500 In only five minutes at the STATE FINANCE PARAMOUNT, 6650 Belalr Rd. James NEW CHRISRAFT BOATS Chrls-Craft RECORDS 35.000 clsusi- Stewart in ROPE. relaxing, dining and kkmcingl Lathron As Scripps. marine e.nRine. All LOitPOKA 1 JON.

N. Y. Office TKofolgar 3-7360 tin ppouiar. s.v to fO'i discount Pane Radto 321 Charles St sizrs i.nmn itistb nnnn PATTERSON, 3016 Eastern Ave. Red SHOTGUN L.

C. Smith, single trigger. 38 40-ft. Wheeler Sedan Cruiser 3 aeu 7 31 Skellon in A SOUTHERN YANKEE. cv-s cau "lector, engraved.

$135. Call PIANO it. cnris-ciait sleeps 8. Twin screw, IKES, PikesyiUe Dennis Morgan is TWO "If- iUJf VERY LOW PRE-SEASON cv 54: A-. ATI SHL PLFBOARO, GUYS FROM TEXAS.

ASHAir.HtHS CnniR-cTFlAFT RAf.E Ar. SF.PVtr 18 good condition. 41 a. vve st. PIMLICO, 5132 Park Hihts.

Wm. Powell RATES NOW IN EFFECT Foot of Light St. LE 3222 tn MR. FEABODY AND MIHkUllU Corittt. uk vr to olgy.


1948. Baltimore 18, Md. SEALED PROPOSALS, In duplicate, ad SHUFFLEBOARDS American. SA. 42fl2.

Ttr nTOf RED WING. 2241 Monument AJaa "5 E4. Ladd BEYOND GLORY. Cte. ecu Eiriord TRAVEL (103) EX.

4817 York Rd. Irene Dunne tn aiNutu bewitig Machines Ac others nm WANT YOUR BOAT DELIVERED IN Qualified executive will deliver your sssn-line powered boat for $1, plus expenses. but 1505, Sun. )0 i uo A oNew Suinls Mil 7H Eutaw ud FINANCE CORPORATION 1200 E. FAYETTE ST.

CORNER OF AISQUJTH BROADWAY 6100 PC cLi Nj Gt. SINK 484n. flUinss, Perfect ronrT we tijy trna.ine pianos "-op li Pcriirr Oroye SLJ.o.ST7J i ba.rct Sriie. M4o. others S63 up dressed to the Board of Estimates, will be received at the office of the City Comp Fl.t.V rem; ST Sicj -3 China closet, small round dining table ere.

SA. 3231. THE CHESAPEAKE BAY FERRY SYSTEM troller. City Hall, Baltimore 2, Maryland, SOFA Duncan Phyfe. Arm chairs, rain ATo.iome

Perfect dining Immpd. Deliwery 1949 Models Johnson Outboard Motors CENTURY BOATS STAOMERS. 1520 N. GAY ST. until 12 o'clock noon, E.S.T..

Wednesday, November 24, 1948, endorsed as follows: rm. set. sofa-bed. At odd 1.1181 urisn. Mt.

b048. Pieces. Must AUTO LOANS UP TO $1,500 sell. No dealers. 5814 Jonqn 11 FIA' OS Student upright 148 Schedule Effective May $15 (A) "Furnishing.

Delivering and Installing SOLOVGX New. Reasonably priced. 200 Conkling sf. 0 23 53 Ucr.ii:t Snoet guaranteedl ier.waT Grand Window Draperies for the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute," (B) "Furnishing and SPACE HEATERS Army coal fired. $1750 Until Further Notice DAILY SUNDAY SANDY POINT LV.

MATAPEAKC SSP5 o-er 10 r.ew and used rrands. spinets Delivering Maps, Map Cases, Globes and Charts." (C) "Furnishing and Delivering -A-5 I ai. a sib; rnre-nc leg. 1-5 te. $150 GKrERED to person finding speed boat, white At red.

Coast Guard No. 13 A 1800, Supposed to be north or smith of Hanover fit. Bridge. C. W.

Stork. BK 2im. 43' ACT, perfect condition. 175 fTo. Hall- LV, ll.MVU Or AMFRICA ABERDEEN PROVTNO GROUND Hint niisirs Jen T.omo urilnterrunteri iiu uD-xa.

our 4U years or tie. ad Cai. is your guarantee of Textbooks published by Silver Burdette s. STEAM CLEANER Mercury. Prarticsllv At Co." PERSONAL LOANS TO $300 UNIVERSAL FINANCE COMPANY.



2280 C.A.4 P.AAvE Li ir.cciei '-r; ar C. zw li, fo pus -c Cc. C9 LA Scott, sleeps 8. shower, stRinless steel galley, many" extras. A fine yneh.t for Specifications for the above may be BRADSHAW MOTOR SERVICE.

Church st. and Gishc! Brooklyn. Prospect 17fiS riorida ana ready to co. sin.7fln VAs -irser. JJew.

w.T"r STICKELL-WHEELER YACHT CO. La. 7150 STEAM. CLEANER Outfit with obtained at the office of the Assistant Superintendent in charge of the Business Division of the Department of Education, 3 East 25th Street, Baltimore 18, Maryland. complete equipment.

$800; $875 With trailers. FO 3422. GAS EASC-E. tia tea. Grarscn.

casa by I want a fast utility or modern fishing boat between 28 and 40 ft. Single or twin. Give all details, speed and enclose snapshot Lowest cash price. Box 756. slEk i'CBiNO 650 pieces.

1 inch. 8.455 Each bid must be accompanied by a LIFE WITH FATHER. iRtALTO. 846 W. North Linda Dansell la I FOREVER AMBER.

1 RlTZ. 160. WasJUBgton Jamea Stewart la ROPE. SENATOR. 5904 York P.4 Red.

Skelton ia A SOUTHERN YANKEE. I STATE. 2026 E. Monument James Stewart I tn ROPE. strand Dundalk James Stewart la ROPE.

TOWSON, York Rd. Diana Lyna In TEXAS. BROOKLYN At HEAVEN. 1 uptown. 5010 Park Hshts.

Red Ekeltea in A SOUTHERN YANKEE. VtLMA, Beiair Road Georga Raft la I RACE BTREET. WALBROOK, 3100 W. North James Etetr- i art ROPE. WAVERLY, 32il Greenmour.t Linda Par-i neil ln FOREVER AMBER.

i WESTPORT, 2205 Russell Deancgt Durbia I UP EN CENTRAL PARK- i WESTWAv. 53.10 EdmontUon Alaa Ladd. la BEYOND GLORY. OTHER THEATERS I ALDINC. 3310 E.

Balto. Dana Aodrewi la I DEEP WATERS. APEX, 110 S. Broadway Edw Robinson in SLIGHT CASE OP MURDER. BROOKLYN.

3720 8. Hanover Louis Hay-i ward in BLACK. ARROW, i DELUXE, 1313 E. Fort Ronald Reagan ta I VOICE OF THE TURTLE. I echo, 124 E.

Fort Jck Carson in APRILj i SHOWERS. EDGEMERC. EdgemeTe, Md. Dana-j Andrews In DEEP WATERS. lELLlCOTT, EHieott City Tyrone Power la I LUCK OF THE IRISH.

embassy, 415 E. Baito. Margaret Lock-wood tn JASSY. HIGHLAND, 329 Eastern Abbott Ac Cos-teilo NOOSE HANGS HIGH. Hollywood.

Arbutus Burt Lancaster la ALL MY SONS. a te new Chickenng Grand a.d Spictts Aateneas oldest and most piano since 1823. Rebuilt S3 pianos. $399; student DP- New Solovos. $375 P.ecn: Piano salon Howard and ss Open Men and Tnurs Call LE.

fif 00. vcu" bt-y p.uf Por srade yalua price ONE Or WORLDS FINEST PIANOS HAMMANV3 PIANO STORE sit a st pl 6739 OPiiS THUR-5DA N1C5HT certified check of the bidder for $50.00 i. B.e. recced. t.

Ar STL 20 pieces 305 ft. IV3 in. ODX. 490. 8,630 B.T.L.

Phone Esex 1P33 i BAXji made payable to the Mayor and City Coun MAIION Al GALL. INC S500.000 A-4. --VJS. "tier. izZTTi ST.ENOfVPE" MACHINS carrvlne caseT Oray, Palmer Ae Falcon (air-cooled) Motorr cil of Baltimore, and drawn on a solvent clearing-house bank.

New. Reas, GI. 41101-M. In stock. Guaranteed rebuilt engines NEW ADDRESS i 3 i ir.t at G.3 C- 8TFNOTYPE wun'case.

$35 or oest offer" The successful bidder will be reoulred 201 KEY HIGHWAY. SOUTH 2283 TO LOAN ON MORTOAOES EASY PAYMENTS LOS'G TERMS EMPIRE FINANCE CO. 343 N. CALVERT ST. LE.

3121 315 W. Ma nti CJHRIS CRAFT 3-cabln cruiser. 42-ft STVRT.tKfi ETT ezu.2iL OAs iiA.Suc e. sriy A i e2 -J-d J- ED FIANC. Stleff.

Kirk. Gorham. Tiffany, ete. f4y Siinets. $495 and uo Grani; ana Uprights.

Reasonable 1 12 00 Mid. 2 12 00 Mid. 3 1.00 A.M. 1 1.00 A.M. 1 5.00 A.M.

3 5 00 A.M. 2 6.00 A.M. 1 6.00 A.M. 1 7.00 A.M. fC) 2 7.00 A.M.

1 8.00 A.M. 1 8.00 A.M. 1 9.00 A.M. C) 2 9.00 A.M. 3 9 20 A.M.

1 9.40 A.M. 2 9 40 A.M. 3 I0 00 A.M. 1 10 20 A.M. 2 10.20 A.M.

3 10 40 A 1 11.00 A.M. 2 11 00 A.M. let 3 11.20 A M. 1 1140 A M. 2 11.40 A.M.

3 12.00Noon 1 12.20 P.M. 2 12 20 P.M. 3 12 40 P.M. 1 1.00 P.M. 2 1.00 P.M.

3 120 P.M. 1 140 PM. 2 1.40 P.M. 3 2 00 P.M. 1 2.20 P.M.

2 2 20 P.M. 3 40 P.M 1 3.00 M. 2 3 00 P.M. 5 3 20 P.M. 1 3 40 P.M.

2 3 40 P.M. 3 4 00 P.M. 1 4 20 P.M. 3 4.20 P.M. 3 4.40 P.M.

1 5.00 P.M. IC) 3 8 00 P.M. 3 5 20 P.M. 1 3 40 P.M. 2 5 40 3 6 (10 P.M.

1 6.20 P.M. 2 6 20 P.M. 3 6.40 1 7.00 P.M. 2 7.00 P.M. (C) 3 7.20 P.M.

1 7 40 PM. 2 7.40 P.M. 3 8 00 P.M. 1 8 20 P.M. 2 8 20 P.M.

3 8.40 P.M. 1 9.00 P.M. 3 9.00 P.M. 2 9 45 P.M 1 9 45 P.M. 1 10.30 M.

3 10.30 P.M. 2 11.15 P.M. 1 11.15 P.M. to give bond for the faithful performance of his duties and In an amount equal to the contract price, and to comply with the City Charter respectlnt contracts. iiittiiuKutir iiuu.

twin screw, ouni if j. Located In Baltimore 8.000 WO 1223 FEDERAL PLAN TnANS W. Feyette Terms I-tiixxfr Piano 52a N. How- L.befor.s SJJA, MO, 6237 after, 1st Ar 2nd Mortgages Negotiated. PROMPT 847 -r i'73.

aiUKEK CON I ROLS Fire tender For Cpen Thurs. eves OAJ isAi.ji -F rd Rea; Sales EVINRUDE Service NOLAN BRO'IHBRS The Board of Estimates reserves the ouiclt sale. Comuleit $100. Call Evergreen ACTION. No Committee Fees.

3.59 per month pais all on $500 $7.17 per month nv all nn 1 nnn host. Ave 'ea. right to reject any or all bids. 538 Patterson Park Ave. WO 8477-W.

STORM WINDOWS SCREENS Assorted vi k.4.Hj;-o i Est 10 75 per month pays all on f-'T-'. vu v-n. 10 MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTORS Sales As Service SjILDIO BED. Good Cond. $30.

Wl. 5561 (Signed) JOHN W. LEWIS. Assistant Superintendent. C.

MARKLAND KELLY, President, Board of Estimates. KS8EX Z6U8-J, Tic i Cr.n Hoai uan; 1J Iter, a P. M. PIAW' PIANA Uyv rr-V CO 120 HonklnsPL PI. A.N OS EOJOIIT AND SOLO.

Defontes ii -L'327NhrJestiJLE i IN3.ALL in perfect order. $15 ea A.A'rhire 1433 F. St, PIPE 'L'cED'. all sires, cut and threaded to sue Caanuela. Ansles.

Pipes rer-ce. Fence Posts CAMSRIDGE IRON METAL CO. Aicee.i-.ra ar.d Chester streets 30 RICHARDSON Cruiser. Sleeps 4. Hull TABLES, lamps, bookcase Ac lounee cEaTf Ac motor Riiar.intee.

Best oner. ur, I aur CCLP CL; OR. 1555 or MU. 1040. MIDDLF RIVER BOAT SALES, Esex.493-R.

MAJOR REALTY SERVICE Jri82t)4. Eves. Ac LIjl43T FEDERAL PLAN LOANS 1st Ac 2nd MORTGAGES 3.58 per mo. pays all on 500 loan 7.16 per mo. pays all on $1,000 loan $14.32 per mo.

pays all on $2,000 loan $28,64 per mo pays all on $4,000 loan MR. PHILLIPS MR. STANLEY 4ip9EASTERN AVE. PE. 1974.

TELEVISION SET. sample. $145 enmnletV EVINRUDE Outboard Motors Sales and PQ 4 7 H.S eel cs5 Bire ircr.s a SEALED PROPOSALS Will be received or LUSKIN S. 5231 Park Hgts. tve.

Open service. Jenkins Marine Motor Sales 327-29 Calvert St. SA. 4689. v- 5- cr.

-o JOHNSON Ac TOWKRS. INC Distributors M. Marine Diesels TOILETS New. Will Install. No down TrjJp.

PajrOROsri, LA J159 TOOL BOX Large metal. $25. 5724 Sim" --i rew ail siifs. cut threaded 414 KEY HIGHWAY. SO.

0518 WE specialize In tough cases. When you 3J1 33. pa "oufK.l E. 9830 PLAV PEN. stroller, car bed.

Good condi- C. -ao. MO 7028. oiocks N. Pimlico race monds track.t the City School Board or Alexandria.

Virginia, at the office of Supt. of Schools, T. C. Williams. 208 N.

Columbus street. Alexandria. Virginia, until 2 00 P.M., Friday. December 10. 1948, for the construction of additions to the Maury Elementary School for construction of additions to the MacArtljur Elementary School, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read.

a CHRYSLER MARINE ENGINES SERVICE SALES INST ALLAT ION Marks Boat At Ems. Dealer, SO. 1804 TOP SOfL itiamir. nil rtlrt neb ujai uiuitcy anywncre eise. can us.

We place loans on property, inventories and fixtures, money owed you inheritances, anything DAVID Pf.ICKKIlT At ASRnr-ttTM Iawnanid.r!vea workIT 1005 ad ciii. Azu ii r-r -rvrt apv AiCirwr-f-H rr SEXTANT Falrchlld. Model A-10 Com olitle. 0 00 Dundullt 2218 nr 2B50 v-" wunrifBi nil mrt At 1 B.

Governor Herbert R. O'Conor scheduled to sail 3 Oovernor Harry W. Nice scheduled to sail S. John Dennis scheduled to gall Bus Connertlone Dally and Sunday Bus Connections Sunday only a r- 18282. LI.

8784. manure. Lsnnscanlng, F1K. 270ft BOAT Headquarters Del Mar-Va, Mnrlur 1... Jk a Hirfr-! Cja RAINS- Lionel, large ga'uge.

complete SO 1)069 BridPi Plans and Specifications and contract Cromwell at Hanover St FLUMEING SUPPLIES Eithtubsl $35: tuns. $5. eaolnet sinks. $45: au- hor stalls. 1T.2M')-;n2.

Jeerson Jirett-PLY HOOD PLYWOOD 4 i tij" ind em side $2 5 pc. ontiit 6 $3.18 pc. S-SETROCK 4'aC so ft EFT Roof Coatint. Gal $1.80." ARPOV 137 N. Fremont.

LA. 8179 LNGER -A MAHON ftjATiA OS. a YARD Ik 311 YACHT nunrt; set freight At passenger cars. Track, awitche. signals, platform, complete controls.

See by appointment. tC) Ferry service through to Claiborne LOANS SIMPLIFIED METHOD FAMILY FINANCE CORP. Light corner Baltimore. 2nd floor 3204 Greenmount Avenue S07 South Conkling Street 8440 Harford Road 1037 Light Street TR ACTOR New Frazer Farm Tractor 6 Homewood. 25th At Chas.

saim in ELEPHANT BOY. LINDEN. Linden At North Jamea Stewart in POPE. MIDWAY. Middle River meg Carney la THE BATTLING HOOFER.

monroe. 5924 w. Pratt Ava Gardner la ONE TOUCH OP VENUS- NORTH PT. DRIVC-IN, N. Pt Rd lrett Younit in LADY FROM CHEYENNE PATAPSCO.

Patapsco LoretLa Youob in THE CRUSADES. Pennington, Curtis Bay Red SkeHen te FULLER BRUSH MAN. PIC, 713 Wi-fc, Blvd. Randolph Scott la ABILENE TOWN. REALART, 719 w.

Pal to. Lath La Rue ia RETURN OF LASH. R1VOLI. 418 E. Balto.

John Carroll ta ANGEL IN EXILE. ROXY. 2339 E. Fayette Bin Crosbf ln EMPEROR WALTZ. VICTORY, Brooklyn James Steware la ROFF water SEOGP.

Dundalk Tyrone Power 1a LUCK OF THE IRISH. Windsor. 3113 W. North Linda Darn4 1n FOREVER AMBER. YORK, 2026 Greenmount Elisabeth Taylor In A ATT WITH JUDY ror yenieie yia prompt connection at Romancoke ROMANCOKE CLAIBORNE SERVICE Lv.

Romancoke Lv. Claiborne COAL, WOOD. FUEL OIL (84) VA ANTHRACITE- No 3 or stove. $15 65; nut. $15 65; pea.

$13 00: Smokeless egg. $14 25: Blue egg. $12.75: 60 lump $9 90: Briquets. $17 30 Prompt delivery Long-term finance plan speeds forward 2 speeds reverse. Suitable for light farming As gardening.

Bj1cU SJ95- Special price this week. i5. Suburban Tractor. 1409 Reisterstown Road. Pikesville.

Phone Pikes. 518 or 1774 Documents are open to punne inspection at- the office of Superintendent of Schools. T. Williams, or may be ob-tained at the office of Robert A. Wlllgoos.

Architect. 123 Fairfax street. Alexandria, Virginia, upon deposit of $12.50 per set per school. Deposits for Plans. Specifications and Forms of Proposal will be refunded to each bidder upon return of same In good condition within ten days after date of opening bids.

Those other than actual bidders will be charged a flat fee of 12.50 per et per school, not refundable. A Washington Trust Co. sent some heir to us. Ktrsrhmann. 225 E.

Redwood, LE. 0626 WE SELL KLNDLINO BLUE RIDGE COAL CQ, A. B. T-v es. 2'" E7.ATI7u5 New sraci S-rs.

frrra ja- kts s. ow a st EEATiiici n-n a vej fv-rr. fw. lr -r Nor-Ja At. LA.

5X-3 iZKTIZ.S 3 rs e- Arpt 5v. D. R- 113 fei. ATIN'O FLANT5. ri-a3 fc -w er type rs.i..

S3- down ray- wt 3 tears ta cay Fre c.wrn.:t A-i work fill auaxar- FT.r:N"'. r.x. cas ad cii bur-er? 100 A.M. 9 00 AM. 11.00 A.M.

1 00 P.M. 3 00 P.M. 5 00 M. 7.00 P.M. TYPEWRITER Remington Nlseless.

In 7.40 A.M.. 9.40 A.M. i 1140 AM. 1 40 P.M, 3.40 P.M. 6.40 P.M.

7.40 P.M. VA. HARD COAL perieci oraer as guaranteed: $79. Phone Pikes, 518 or 1774. PAY CASH Investigate ottr rates before ynti borrow or finance transaction' BALTIMORE BANKERS 21 E- Kavftte 8lreet.

LE. 378(1 MONEY ON ESTATES Trust. Inheritances. Mortgages. Ete B.

M. Mednick. 504 Kotz Bldg. Mill 2715 All bids must be accompanied by a certi No. 3 Ar nut coal.

JlS.eS per ton ASSOC! ATEJ FIJEL CL 0900 FTKWOOD. Onk, For TirerTlare. furnace Ac stoves. We- deliver. Essex 2154-H 704 Myrth Ave.

BEST GRADE Hard Coal. Pocahontas and wood. Highland Coal OR. 3605 POOL TABLES bought, sold, reoaired. Sud- jl-1 SFfoward jj, POWER HACK SAW or without itciMe motor stand.

Best offer takes a r. Pi kesSJ 3 or 1774. PES6E3. Verkotyee. ouoch.

drIIL. gaw. Crcsrs St.LE.J??". F5.f-5IN. MACHINE.

Holmah: boiler. water feed; 175618 St. Paul s.t a machine. Hoffman Style PC. A.

i2-li buck. A-1 eond. Can be uet ir eaning or tailorsna establlsit- r-'- PLfB. Tf 65-M. PSINTLSQ EQUIPVENT Job pressew: K-Ly.

Mrehle yertical; 44" Oswego cutter presses. R. BUKKg. LE, 5154 PEI.VTIJ.Q FP.ES. 1015.

Miller frederT T- ftc. r- PUMPS INDUSTHIAL Boiler Feed. Also y-r -r QUONSET-TTPE 5te-l 20S0'. GENERAL WRECKING CO. LEGAL NOTICES fied check of not less than 6 of tne base bid or acceptable bidder' bond of not less than 6 of the base bid.

made payable to the City School Board of Alexandria, Virginia. TYPEWRITER Underwood, In tTrst class cnndlMon $35 Lombard Typewriter Co 402 I-nrnbarf) HI 8748 TYPEWRITER PORTABLES-CORONA USED $45. HO. 3811. R'hted Repaired ADDING MCH.

Sold. Repaired. Exchanged Best Values Tn Balto TYPEWRITER SALES At SERVICE CO I04 Fpvrt.p- t.E ifi1W TYPEWRITERS Eout-ht. sold and rented" Repaired and rebuilt Established 1912 PTOOON S. 00 N.

Cflvwrt St. IF, a. J. i. 5.

i. at WO 8 4." MONEY TODAY the Baltimore Ohio BLUE FLAME ANTHRACITE K0EBYW00DS CFAPMAN COAL CO Wl SEABOARD FINANCE COMPANY GAI(R''N Mgr Loans uo to $300 2 F. Lexington. Suite ,14. 3rd Fl SA.

5434 No bid may be withdrawn after the sched Note: bests leaving Claiborne make connection with boats leaving Mataoeake one hour later. For connecting carrier lefomstlM omuft: RED STAR MOTOR COACHES. INC. Salisbury and Baltimore. Md.


STATE ROADS COMMISSION OF MARYLAND 222 E. Baltimore St Baltimore 2, Md PENNA HARD COAL $18 75 oet BEST ton Associated Fuel Co. MA. 0500 uled closing time for tne receipt oi bids for a period of thirty days. LOANS UP TO -R rjt yra vsai-ip 8.

CGS. EirxiN ATZS ItOi'cITAi. Et3-S. is 1 ciirs for DOGS. SUPPLIES.

ETC. (85) The Owner reserves' the right to reject No Better Terms Anywhere. Community Finance Ac Acceptance Coro TYPSWR1TER3 Royals, $47 50 any or all bids. 18 Park Avenue, nt F'nyette St. General Contractors will be required to BEAGLES, broke.

Frank Wells. 7941 Oak- le Rosedale. BOXER Mule puppy. 2 nics, olrL fine breed, fawn coin'. Call PL.

2454 between A. M. At 5 P. M. TU.

3025. New portables. Liberal trades. Terms. A pr 21 W.

25th st. O. 2830 TYPEWRITERS All makes. $25" uo. 4633 York Rrt nr Rer Theatpr be registered under the' State law gov.

ernlng the Registration of General PARTY has money to loan, any reasonable security, mttt loans preferred Strictly private Mr Phillips SA 7706 Eve FO 2127. or write 09 American Eldg Si-. S-T- ar.d oil S'. Iii. a ri- A f-i or.d bar.

eaiac 7J -tr A EOT WATE3 I-rTATXS. MORTGAGES First or second Prompt 135 AUCTION SALES Ot'X OF TOWN AUCTIONS' AIJCTIONSALES OF TOWN ALCflONS IC1 BOX oW confidential service. We take eare cf every thing. No worries to you Lowest rates I 1646. eve.


ORX. STFAM 84S, 33-3 COL 38 IN. CRN. STEAM 1.000. f--5 COL.

38 IN. AERO STEAM 420. FRICm FO ASH I E. 054 5, RADIOF.EC'ORDEH .13 Ac 12 In. vast Ac 'IW.

CU PA. M88. RANGF Chambers. Livir.gPm. Suite.

Ccxi coiid. Siis covers to match. Pxkes 140. USED WASHERS. S5.00 CP MODERN APPLIANCE l-l't-EAB-PPHPJi MP 4.200 VACUUM CLEANER UpriBht, Excellent cond.

Must sell. Cheap. $18. Also band V. 9104 VACUUM CLEANER Upright At hand.

Like new. Will sacrifice both for only $21. 183! N. Caroline St. ice MSiTa.

I ruot, $10. 1 COCICER Spaniel (female), red Ac white; 15 month old. A C. registered oaners. Champion Housebroken.

Call Tow- son 283, COCKFR SPANIELS, 9 wk. -Id. mule. registered, FO. 3727.

COCKER SPANIELS, black, male As female. Excellent show dogs. CU, I049-J COCKER 7 female, black. Reg. In- on.l Hoi sebi-ol- en C(i I TTT.

38S. COCKERS. Mack At buff. AKC rcg. Reas.

Pikes. 45-R, ACT7- 15; zs gl J3 E. 4x3i RANGE deep well, automarlc. at. tor.

tli Sj 1904 cost $300. sell for $125. HA mil ne --4 1ST AND 2ND MORTGAGE3 $7.16 Per Mo. Pays Int. on $1,000 $14.32 Per Mo.

Pays Prlnc. Int on $2,000 MR. MAURICE. 110 E. LEX.

PL. 5785. OUICK CONFIDENTIAL LOANS WESTPHAL LOAN CO. PLAZA 3456 402 Liberty Lexington Ac Liberty St ESTATE IXAN8 on Inheritances, mortgages MT VERNON REALTY CO 111 Charles St 1ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES Prompt." confidential service Low interest. Small nay ments SA.5671.

Evenings. LI4596 $8.38 MONTH PAYS $100 LOAN In 15 MOS PERSONAL FINANCE CO. MFN OR WOMEN CALL BR. 1780 VIOLIN and bow. $25.

Camera Kodak Spe-c'nl 616 In leather case with accessories, $15. Telescope 40x with tripod and clamp. $15. Limtiiaphone German Conversation JC21Te. $iL VFrnon 2908-Jjter 7 WRAPPING COUNTER Fxcellcnt condition.

Rcpsnnohle. BR. 8876. mos. JOISTS.

GEORGIA PINE 85 COCKER SPANIELS A reg PnrirMn orlre. Pels. 675-M, Railroad Company OFFICE OP THE SECRETARY Baltimore 1. October 1. 1949.

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of the Charter and By-Laws, the annual meeting of stockholders of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Compatiy will be held at the principal i off ic of the Company. 2 North Charles Street. Baltimore. on Monday. November 15.

1948, at 11 clock A. Eastern Standard Time, for the following purposes: 1. Election of twelve Directors to serv lor the ensuing year in accordance with the By-Laws 3. Approval and ratification of the (a) Acquisition the Company, as and when deemed advisable the President and Directors and subject to prior approval by tna Interstate Commerce Commission, of direct ownership of ail tna lines of railroad and properties of Baltimore and Ohio and Chicago Railroad Company, and fill The Ealtimore and Ohio Southwestern Pailroad Company, whica two companies are now totaiiy held subsidiaries forming a part of the Company's sTs'em and are included in its consolidated financial statements: fbl Purchase by the Company of vhB entire capita! stock of Central! i and Webster Springs Railroad Company 3. Transaction of other btisire-s as may properly come before th meeting or any adjournment, or adjournments, thereof.

Stockholders of record on the books the Company at the close of on Fririsy. October 8. 1948. the date by the Board cf Directors pursusnt to tJ By-Laws, will be entitled to vote at th annual meeting. The transfer books 001 Cl CUARLX3 A.

RAC5CH. Secretary. Ai! Bisks. new fToor models. or r.

ED. 0744. RECOREiS 'ict Out All RECORDS 25f0 OFF Synrh-ies Tone Poems Chamber Music Lute! Classics Operas Orerettas 3 popular HiU Children-New Long RECORDS 7S -s 1 "'VAL WorCK'N-3 C-I STTCHi-N iit-Cii. xce est g- COCKER PUPS A Ft. C.

Stud service Can row. 2972-W or Lint hi nun 13. COLLIE PUPS, sable male Ac blue merle female. 8 mos. Pedigreed.

Innoculated Housebroken. Country raised with children. Will hold to Chrlstmns. Reas Roslvn1378-W-5. COI 1.1 V.

PUPS Ped W. reed Champ Stork. Cheap. Arbutus DACHSHUND PUPPIES A rTc. Reg.

Cull IHVrsvllle 13B9. wr-i 3 TRUSTEES' SALE Woodworking Plant Concrete steel construction main building ceiling 12 feet plus G2x289 feet. Office equipment-machinery. Auction November 15, 1918 2.o0 P. McKenney, Virginia For Information Call W.

P. JOHNSON, BROKER Phone: 3035 Petersburg, Virginia stock :a.r5, SA t- wa St f7 5254 I urn -t ta shoo cow while our stock). SUN FINANCE CO 5533 Harford Road HA 1476' rtnns 30 to $300 "LOANS 1ST Ac 2ND MORTGAGES MONEY SAME DAY MR. ROBINSON PLt729. MO 0105 ATLAS LOAN SERVICE, 205 W.


$219.95 Easy terms. 605 North LA. 001 1 WASHER REPAIRS. ail. Used $20 uo.

Holls. $3 each up. Allen's. 745 N. Pulton Ave WI 2451.

W.ASHERSlRe-biilit "and giiaranteedTo Easy, Thor Maytag and many others. 39 50 un. Piil)hcServlce. 605WNorth. I A 001 1 WASHERS.

$35 up. Apex, Thor. Easy. ABC. Rebuilt like new.

Repairs Ar parts. Appliance 2501W.orth1Ai7989J. WASHING MACHINE. 1949. Thor, fully equipped.

3 mos, old; perfect cond. W'lth. J.25i PJhpne Mo. 6102. WASHING MACHINE General Elec.

Also tirhn-tered. rhslrs L'. 8313 VA A itc JS'it Zft 4 yv, -Jr IJ 1 KK PAKt.rS ST Rf FRIGERATtON 15 Of gs.Se ck of new TYLF.R Eoulp-t for Atores and restaurant DALMATIANS Well marked. AKC fe- r-'T-" Co I Park Ave. Lg, 1322 Ri rlviSATOH 4 cu.

$75. A-I "-d en bed. bureau. Blvd FINANCE. TNC i.7 i crjff r-g and I 1 sv iso a-i fci- A Tf CL.

4iT" BANKERT Preston St MTT 3141 frrrs, me- vw ESKIMO SPITZ A- COLLIFS Call LE. 8450 Southern Pet ho p. 10 07 8" Ch ar ley Bt GFRMAN SHEPHERD Pups. A C. reg.

Chsmn. bfd. 34 mo, old Inoculated, Reai. nr. 'g0as Miir fi RABBIT DOG LAV, In.

4 yrs. Role owner" fenf dog, Resdyjo OPIkesvllle RABBIT DOCS fcmlth Ml. Washington, fir3. ISii reach-tn, Excel- lert Good buy.

0724 REFRTGFPArOR. Be Cooler BELL. 135 ii) it. t'iei S. lijaarS SS.

SA. 8305. bfs Caa i Mt. 1 QUICK 1st and 2nd MORfOAGEsTtong er ms A. 1 59..

Eves. J.1..JS03II TURN oil debts over To lis to pav. tury Credit. Co 1309 Chsrles. VB 3300 REAROARD FINANCE CO.t6ANS 328 W.

Franklin fit. MU. 871)8. WASHING MACHINES New floor sarrTpTsT rrrhirt.lnns JtiQA Or FAKKEIi'S, 415 N. HOWARD BTREET.

I Leal..

The Evening Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.