Married at First Sight by Gu Lingfei Chapter 2161 to 2170 - NovelJt (2024)

Chapter 2161- Tania: “…From your point of view, your son has no merit at all.”

Zachary was the oldest son and direct grandson, who grew up beside her in-laws.

At that time, Tania was a new mother and didn’t know how to take care of the baby. Her parents-in-law were willing to take over the baby-raising, so she was happy and relaxed.

Her husband had just taken over the York Corporation and was very busy.

She also often accompanied her husband to socialize.

The parents-in-law took care of the eldest son personally, and also treated the eldest son as the successor of the York family.

Of course, the oldest son was brought up by his parents-in-law, so he naturally got close to his parents-in-law and listened to his parents-in-law the most.

Later, the father-in-law passed away, and the only person who could take care of the oldest son was the mother-in-law.

Tania, a mother, couldn’t control the oldest son.

Fortunately, the parents-in-law were very good elders, whether it was Zachary or other children, they were all well educated.

It could be said that she and her sisters-in-law were all shopkeepers.

Liam: “It’s not that there are no advantages, but that there is no cute daughter.”

Tania yelled at her husband: “Do you have a daughter? How do you know that your daughter is cute? Your home is a monk’s temple. I married you, but I couldn’t get a daughter after three births. I dreamed of having a daughter. I bought so many beautiful dress was finally given away.”

Liam smiled and said, “Maybe we could have a daughter if we had four children.”

Tania: “I’m afraid of giving birth to the Four Great Vajras.”

Liam: “…”

Also, their family had not had a daughter for several generations.

“Look forward to your granddaughter.” Tania sighed and closed the album, “I don’t know when I can hold my grandson. I dare not say it in front of Serenity. Now that the couple are not at home, I dare to say it. When Zack reached the marriageable age, I was looking forward to his marriage. When he got married, I was looking forward to holding a granddaughter. Now, whether it is a grandson or a granddaughter, it is enough to have a grandchild. “

Liam: “What are you worried about? Your son and daughter-in-law are in very good health. Sooner or later, your pain of holding grandchildren will be cured. When you are like my mother, holding grandchildren one after another, you will have a headache again.”

People were always insatiable. They wanted a granddaughter if they had a grandson.

When Liam thought about it, he thought there were too many grandchildren and the noise would make his head spin.

But the child was not at home, and the house was too quiet.

Suddenly a maid came in quickly and told the couple: “Sir, madam, the young master and the young mistress are back.”

It is said that the husband and wife looked at each other.

The maid: “The young master got off the car with the young mistress in his arms.”

“Ah? Did something happen to Serenity?”

As soon as Tania heard that her son was holding her daughter-in-law off the car, she became anxious, worried that something might happen to her daughter-in-law.

She put down the photo album, got up and walked out, and said as she walked, “No wonder he came back early, what happened?”

Liam followed suit.

The couple had just walked to the gate of the courtyard, and Zachary had already returned to the gate of the main house in the center with his beloved wife in the car driven by the housekeeper.


Tania walked over quickly, opened the car door and leaned in, asking with concern: “Serenity, what’s wrong with you?”

Zachary got off the car.

“Mom, let Serenity get out of the car first. We just came back from the car and Serenity is a little tired. I’ll take her in and lie down for a while.”

Zachary wanted to hug Serenity and get out of the car.

Serenity blushed, and said helplessly: “I don’t need you to hug me anymore, I’m fine, I’m just sleepy, I’ll go by myself.”

“How is this going?” Liam also asked.

Zachary grinned, “Good thing, Dad, you are going to be a grandfather.”

“Serenity is pregnant?”

Both Liam and his wife asked in surprise.

Chapter 2162 – Zachary nodded, “During FC Manor, Serenity vomited and asked Dr. Carden to take her pulse. Dr. Carden said that Serenity is pregnant, so I hurriedly took Serenity back to rest.”

“Really, great, great!”

Tania was so happy that she hugged her husband and said with a smile, “Husband, I’m going to be a grandma.”

Liam was also very happy.

The next moment, Tania pushed her husband away, and also pushed Zack who was about to help Serenity get out of the car, while she carefully helped Serenity get out of the car.

Serenity was extremely embarrassed.

“Mom, I’m really fine, not tired, not tired at all.”

She was sleepy on the car and just wanted to sleep.

Zachary said that she was tired.

To take her off the car.

Then everyone freaked out and thought something happened to her.

Now mother-in-law’s cautiousness was not inferior to Zachary’s.

“You are just pregnant, the tire is not stable, and you have been on the car for several hours. You will be tired after coming back from such a far place. Mom will help you in, no, let Zack carry you in.” Tania was so happy that she didn’t know what to do.

She wanted to help Serenity, but she also thought it would be better for her son to carry his daughter-in-law in.

So, she went to pull back her son who had just been pushed aside by her, and said to her son: “Zachary, hold Serenity in, be careful.”

Zachary: “…”

He was pulled and pushed aside by his mother, and he was in a daze, not knowing what he had done wrong.

Before he could react, he was pulled back by his mother.

Shouldn’t the happiest person be him who is going to be a father?

He felt that his mother was happier than him.

ten minutes later.

“Serenity, drink some water.”

“Serenity, eat fruit.”

“Serenity, let’s drink some soup.”


Serenity, who was forced to lie on the sofa, was surrounded by her mother-in-law’s seniors, who either told her to drink some water, eat fruit snacks, or make her drink soup.

Everyone just hand-feeds her.

Zachary, the husband, has long been squeezed into a corner by the elders to bite his fingers.

He muttered: “Without me, Serenity would not be able to conceive. Now that Serenity is pregnant, ignore my contribution and push me out. That’s my wife.”

He just muttered a few words now.

The elders were ecstatic, he could understand.

In fact, he and Serenity were also ecstatic for several hours.

On the way back to Wiltspoon by car, the couple were still worried that it was just a dream. They pinched each other and knew the pain, so they believed it was the truth.

“Oh, I forgot to tell my sister.”

Zachary remembered that he hadn’t told Liberty or the Stone Family the good news yet.

So, Zachary, who couldn’t get close to his wife, started calling to announce the good news.

He told Liberty: “Sister, I have good news for you. Serenity is pregnant. Dr. Carden helped her take the pulse. It is absolutely unmistakable, but Serenity said that she should go to the hospital for an examination. She is always worried that it is just a dream. I’ll take her to the hospital for a check-up early tomorrow morning. Dr. Carden is a master student of a miracle doctor. Her medical skills are very good, and she can’t get her pulse wrong.”

After Zachary finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He was talking completely on his own, without giving Liberty a chance to reply.

Liberty froze on the phone for a while before digesting the meaning of her brother-in-law’s words.

Serenity is pregnant!
After Liberty digested the meaning of Zachary’s words, she was so happy that
she yelled.
She was taking her son in the lobby of the business at the moment, and Mrs.
Stone was thinking about s-e-x.
After Sonny got out of kindergarten, she picked him up and brought him to the
Stone family. She planned to have dinner at the Stone Family, then stay at the
Stone Family for one night, and then leave the Stone Family to go to
kindergarten tomorrow.
She didn’t expect to receive a happy message from her brother-in-law.
“What’s wrong?”
Liberty yelled. Audrey, Darrell, Alice and even Sonny all looked at Liberty.
“Good news, good news.”
Liberty smiled and said: “Auntie, Uncle, Cousin, I have good news for you,
Serenity is pregnant, and Zachary just called to announce the good news.”
As soon as she finished speaking, Mrs. Stone’s cell phone rang.
It was Clive who called back.
While answering her son’s call, Mrs. Stone asked Liberty with a smile, “Are you
“Mom, it’s confirmed. Zachary said that Dr. Carden helped Serenity take the
pulse. Dr. Carden is a master of a genius doctor. Her medical skills are beyond
words. People call her a little genius doctor. The pulse is easy to get for her.
She can’t go wrong.”
Clive didn’t know that his mother was asking about Liberty, so he thought her
mother was asking, so he happily answered his mother.
Mrs. Stone could no longer hold back her smile, and asked her son, “How do
you know?”
“Zachary called me and told me. He asked me to tell you that he was so happy
that he couldn’t remember your number, so he called me.”
Mrs. Stone smiled and said, “He can remember your phone number.”
Clive said: “He and I have been rivals for so many years, and I have already
memorized the other party’s phone number.”
“Mom, this is good news. It’s great news. You don’t have to worry about Serenity
not being able to give birth. She can give birth. Zachary said that the husband
and wife are in good health. It’s just that the fate of the child has not yet come.
Now the fate is coming. Well, there is good news.”
Clive knew that his mother was always worried that Serenity would not give
In fact, he was also a little worried.
Clive’s cousin’s parents were both dead, and Serenity’s mother’s family was not
strong enough. If she really couldn’t have a baby, she didn’t know what would
happen in the future.
It’s all right now. She didn’t worry about anything, just waited for the baby to be
born next year.
Clive’s own child was born years ago.
Serenity didn’t have the pressure to have a child in other families. The elders of
the York family look forward to her having a daughter. Therefore, as long as
Serenity could give birth, everything would be fine.
Then there’s time for a wedding.
“Okay, okay, that’s great.” Mrs. Stone happily patted her thigh.
Mr. Stone was afraid that her thigh would become red from the slap, so he
stretched out his hand to block it, and let her slap it on his palm.
Mrs. Stone looked at him.
“As long as you’re happy, you can yell like Liberty. Why do you keep patting
your own thigh? Doesn’t it hurt?” Mr. Stone talked about his wife.
Mrs. Stone smiled and hugged her husband, excitedly said: “Husband, Serenity
is pregnant, she is pregnant!”
“Yes, yes, we all know.” Mr. Stone said to Liberty and Alice: “Liberty, you see
your aunt gave me a hug with excitement, she didn’t know how long she had
been so excited. Alice is pregnant but at that time, she was not so excited.”
Alice smiled and said, “I’m different from Clive. Mom has always been worried
about Serenity, but now she’s relieved, and I’m also happy for Serenity.”
They were all relatives of Serenity’s natal family, so they were naturally worried
for Serenity, for fear that Serenity would be kicked out by her husband’s family.
“Mom, what’s wrong with Auntie?” Sonny asked her mother.
Sonny only knew that everyone was talking about his aunt, but he didn’t know
what happened to her.
Liberty picked up her son and kissed her a few times, then said with a smile,
“Your aunt has a baby in her belly.”
Sonny: “Is it the little brother?

“Sonny, you want to say that the baby in your aunt’s belly is your little sister!”
Liberty taught his son.
Sonny’s big eyes flickered, and he said childishly: “Why do you say little sister?”
His instinctive reaction was that his aunt was going to give him a little brother.
Liberty: “Don’t you want to have a little sister? You used to tell your aunt to give
him a little sister.”
Sonny said: “Titus has a little sister, and I like her, so I’ll tell my aunt to ask for a
little sister instead of a little brother.”
“Both men and women are fine.”
Mrs. Stone smiled and said, “It’s the first child of the Serenity, and as long as the
child is healthy and well, it has no way to protect itself. Liberty, let’s go to
Wildridge Manor and send some extra supplies to Serenity.”
Alice reminded her mother-in-law.
Alice: “Yes, let’s go there when they come back.”
Zachary was so happy, he only told everyone that he was going to be a father,
but he didn’t make it clear that he had brought Serenity back to Wiltspoon.
Everyone thought he and Serenity were still in FC Manor.
The butler came in from outside.
“Sir, Madam, there is a Ms. Farrell outside; she wants to see Madam.”
Hearing this, everyone stopped laughing.
Ms. Farrell?
People from Farrell’s family in Jensburg.
Liberty looked at Mrs. Stone.
Mrs. Stone said coldly: “Liberty, go out and see who is here. I don’t see anyone
except Kathryn.”
Last week, she took Liberty to Jensburg to secretly inquire about the past of the
Farrell family.
He didn’t confront the Farrell family directly.
It took a week to inquire about the news, and the result was the same as what
her son investigated.
With so many people in the Farrell family, Mrs. Stone only had a little affection
for Kathryn.
“Auntie, I’ll go out and have a look.”
Liberty put down her son, but Sonny wanted to go out with her, so Liberty led
her son out.
A taxi was parked at the entrance of the Stone Family’s villa.
Liberty walked to the entrance of the villa, and the passengers in the back seat
of the taxi got out of the car with a few gifts.
Kathryn thanked the taxi driver.
The driver said something polite, then turned around and drove away.
Kathryn was wearing a black-striped short-sleeved T-shirt with a white bottom,
black cropped pants, and simple flat sandals. Her hair was coiled behind her
head, and she had on black sunglasses and a black mask.
People couldn’t easily see her appearance.
Liberty felt that if she didn’t wear sunglasses and a mask, she wouldn’t attract
everyone’s attention, because she was dressed very ordinary.
Liberty had seen Kathryn’s photos, and when she was in Jensburg, she and her
aunt secretly saw Kathryn herself, remembering that Kathryn was very beautiful
and very similar to her.
Kathryn had a very good temperament, her gestures were full of nobility.
Ordinary clothes couldn’t hide her natural extravagance. Wearing a mask and
sunglasses, so that no one could see her true face, well, it saved a lot of
Liberty now understood Kathryn’s attire.
After getting off the car, Kathryn walked over and said hello politely: “Hi, excuse
me, can I go in?”
The butler who followed Liberty quickly opened the door of the villa

“Hi, I’m Liberty.”
Liberty generously stretched out her right hand towards Kathryn.
Although Kathryn was wearing sunglasses and a black mask, Liberty
recognized her.
Because Kathryn was very similar to her.
Not only did the two look alike, but they even had a somewhat similar body
Hearing that it was Liberty, Kathryn quickly extended her right hand to shake
Liberty’s hand. After shaking hands, she took off her mask and sunglasses, and
said, “Miss Hunt, hello, I’m Kathryn.”
Liberty smiled and said: “Ms. Farrell.”
She also taught her son to say hello to Kathryn.
Kathryn looked at Sonny, bent down, reached out and touched Sonny’s head,
and praised: “What a handsome child, he must be your son.”
Liberty nodded, “He’s my son, his nsme is Sonny.”
“Sonny, hello.”
Sonny responded childishly: “Aunt Farrell, hello, Aunt Farrell, why do you
resemble my mother?”
Kathryn smiled and said: “Because I have a relationship with your mother, so we
are a bit similar. Sonny and Aunt Farrell are also a bit similar.”
Sonny: “I am like my mother; you are like my mother; you are like me.”
Kathryn patted his head again, and praised him for being smart.
She stood up straight and said to Liberty: “Miss Hunt, I take the liberty to bother
you, is Mrs. Stone at home?”
“My aunt is in the house, Ms. Farrell please.”
Liberty made a gesture of invitation to Kathryn, and asked Kathryn to follow her
into the hall.
As soon as she entered the room, Kathryn saw Mrs. Stone sitting on the sofa.
“Auntie, Ms. Farrell is here.” Liberty walked over and said something.
Kathryn walked up to Mrs. Stone, and said hello politely: “Mrs. Stone, hello, I’m
Kathryn, I would like to trouble you.”
Mrs. Stone looked up at her.
Although she had seen Kathryn several times from a distance in Jensburg, she
had never met Kathryn at close range.
Kathryn and Liberty were somewhat similar. If she and Liberty were sisters,
everyone would believe it.
“Ms. Farrell, please sit down.” Mrs. Stone motioned Kathryn to sit down.
Liberty asked her to sit down on the single sofa.
Kathryn said hello to Mr. Stone and Alice again.
It seemed that she also checked the information of the owner of the business.
The information on the Liberty sisters was too simple, Serenity was now the
oldest wife of the York family, and was a celebrity in Wiltspoon, Kathryn didn’t
need to investigate, just search the Internet, there were many reports about
“I met Ms. Farrell for the first time. We have no past or business relationship. I
don’t know what Ms. Farrell’s purpose is?”
Mrs. Stone would not tell Kathryn that she had already met Kathryn, so she
regarded it as the first meeting.

Kathryn looked at Mrs. Stone, and without beating around the bush, she said
directly: “I am the daughter of Farrell’s family in Jensburg, but I just returned to
Farrell’s family a year ago. The former daughter of Farrell’s family was a
counterfeit. After reading some past history of the Farrell family, I know that Mrs.
Stone is also surnamed Farrell, and I want to ask Mrs. Stone to verify my
suspicions, so I take the liberty to come here to disturb you.”
Mrs. Stone remained silent, waiting for Kathryn to continue.
Kathryn: “I want to do a blood test with Mrs. Stone to find an answer to my
If Mrs. Stone was the daughter of her aunt, she and Mrs. Stone would be
cousin. They could test their DNA to see if they were related by blood.
Mrs. Stone didn’t expect Kathryn to propose a DNA blood relationship test.
Kathryn continued: “My mom and I also took a DNA test, and I kept a copy of
the results here. Mrs. Stone and I can also take a blood test to see if we are
related. We can tell if Mrs. Stone is part of our Farrell family by comparing the
She and Mrs. Stone could do a blood test, but it would be better to compare
their DNA with that of her mother. That would at least show that Mrs. Stone and
she had the same blood.
It could also indirectly show that there was a high probability that Mrs. Stone
and her mother were sisters.
Mrs. Stone looked at Kathryn quietly. After a long time, she asked Kathryn: “Ms.
Farrell came here secretly without telling your family? Do you know what you
are doing? After you make this decision, how much impact will it have? Ms.
Farrell, are you clear in your heart?”
Kathryn proposed to do a blood relationship test with her, and Mrs. Stone was
willing to cooperate.
But Kathryn was the biological daughter of the head of the Farrell family, and
maybe she would be the head of the Farrell family in the future. If Kathryn did
this, she would probably lose her job as the head of the Farrell family.
Mrs. Stone wanted to see if Kathryn was sincere or not.
Even though Kathryn didn’t grow up with her parents, she had the powerful
genes of Matriarch Farrell running through her body. Who knew if Kathryn would
grow up to be as cruel as her mother?
Kathryn met Mrs. Stone’s gaze calmly, and said, “Mrs. Stone, I am already
twenty-eight years old. I am mature in thinking and have my own ideas. I know
exactly what I am doing. I admit that I came here secretly. My mother didn’t
know that I came here. I also know the consequences of my decision, but I still
want to verify it. I don’t want things that don’t belong to me!”
What Kathryn meant was that if Mrs. Stone was proved to be her cousin, then
she would return the Farrell family to Mrs. Stone.
During her mother’s lifetime, if the Farrell family couldn’t be returned to Mrs.
Stone after she took over the position of head of the Farrell family, she would
also return the position of head of the Farrell family to Mrs. Stone’s line.
Her mother had obtained the position of head of the family through improper
For her to return the position of head of the Farrell family to Mrs. Stone’s line, it
could be regarded as an atonement for her aunt’s family who died in vain.
Mrs. Stone said indifferently: “I am old, and I don’t have to fight for some things.
I just want the truth, and I just want to know how my parents and family
members died. I am very grateful for Ms. Farrell’s kindness. Ms. Farrell really
wants to do something, I hope Ms. Farrell can help, let me find out the truth.”
After being silent for a while, Kathryn said: “I only heard about that rumor
recently, but I can’t verify whether it’s true or not. My mother is very taboo about
topics related to her sisters and sisters, and no one is allowed to ask. Maybe it’s
because my foundation is not stable, so I can’t find it.”
After all, it had only been more than a year since she returned to the Farrell
family, and she hadn’t cultivated many confidantes and cronies.
Her mother’s hand was still covering the entire Farrell family. If there was any
movement in the family, as long as her mother wanted to know, she would know.
In the Farrell family, the head of the family was really powerful, just like a local
No wonder her mother tasted the power of the head of the family when she was
young, she fell in love with power, and in order to seize power, she even killed
her compatriots, elder sister and younger sister who raised her as a daughter.
Although there was no evidence to prove all this.
But from the fact that her mother had a deep taboo about this matter and no one
was allowed to mention it, it could be guessed that her mother had ghosts in her
heart and a guilty conscience.
After thinking about it, Kathryn said again: “Decades have passed, even if there
were traces left at the beginning, they can’t be found now.”
Mrs. Stone looked at Kathryn again.
Kathryn was Matriarch Farrell’s biological daughter, but what she saw from
Kathryn was righteousness, this child might be an exception to Matriarch Farrell.

“Mrs. Stone, you don’t have to doubt my intentions. I really want to know if you
and I are related by blood.”
Kathryn could understand Mrs. Stone.
Based on the rumors about her biological mother, she and Mrs. Stone should
also have a hostile relationship.
And she actually asked Mrs. Stone to do a DNA blood relationship test, and
Mrs. Stone would suspect that she was normal.
“If those rumors are true, how will Ms. Farrell deal with it?” Mrs. Stone asked
Kathryn a question.
Kathryn was silent.
Although she did not grow up in Farrell family, and it had only been more than a
year since she returned to Farrell family, she was still the biological daughter of
the head of Farrell family.
It’s easy to say that righteousness destroys relatives, but how many people
could really do it?
After a long time, she said: “Mrs. Stone, If you have evidence, you can do
whatever you want. I can only guarantee that I will not be your enemy. Even if
my mother is punished as she should, I will not blame you. “
All she could do was avoid becoming Mrs. Stone’s enemy. Mrs. Stone would not
stand in the way of her mother being imprisoned. If the rumors were true, her
mother deserved what she got.
Mrs. Stone: “Ms. Farrell, it would be very embarrassing for you to send your
own mother in, but you can persuade your mother to surrender.”
Kathryn was silent again and said: “If the rumors can be proven to be true, I will
persuade my mother to surrender herself. If she is not willing to surrender, I
have the evidence in my hand, and I will give the evidence to you. You decide it.
If the rumors are true, Matriarch Farrell can be said to be cruel and merciless,
with no sisterhood. Such a vicious person has a daughter like Ms. Farrell who
understands righteousness. Ms. Farrell is righteous.”
Kathryn smiled wryly, and laughed at herself: “Maybe it’s because I didn’t grow
up with her, and I don’t have a deep relationship with my mother. I just want to
seek the truth. I don’t want things that don’t belong to me. The Farrell family is
also in chaos.”
Kathryn still enjoyed running her own business, breaking into her own world,
and sitting in the highest position in the country she had conquered.
Farrell’s villa, give it to her, she just thought it’s a hot potato, and it’s a mess.
She grew up in a bad environment, but her three views were upright. She felt
that even if her mother made a mistake, she should be punished.
Let her act as if she didn’t know anything, and it never happened, and she could
inherit the Farrell family and take over the huge Farrell family group with peace
of mind, Kathryn couldn’t do it.
Mrs. Stone: “Ms. Farrell, for your righteousness, I will also cooperate with you to
conduct a DNA blood relationship test. This is something I tried to do. Ms.
Farrell, you came to the door to ask for it and helped me a lot. Now I’m getting
old, so I don’t necessarily want to get back what originally belonged to my
lineage, but as long as I’m still alive, I have to investigate the death of my
parents and family members, and I can’t let them die in ignorance.”
Kathryn understood the meaning of Mrs. Stone’s words.
What Mrs. Stone meant was that she might not necessarily take back Farrell’s
house, but she wanted to find out the cause of death of her parents and family
Kathryn thought of the messy Farrell family, the love her parents, brother and
sister-in-law had for Shiloh, the resentment and eagerness of those clansmen
towards them, she wanted to run away.
If she had known that the Farrell family was not as beautiful as outsiders saw it,
she might as well continue to run her own company and take care of her own
Now that she had become the successor of the Farrell family, she was also
under a lot of pressure. Because she had no relationship with her biological
parents, even if her mother really cultivated her carefully, and according to the
family rules to pass on the position of head of the Farrell family to her, Kathryn
was still under great pressure.
She knew that once she was in power, she would start to eliminate her brother
and sister-in-law, and she knew all about the tricks they were doing behind the
Her mother was also aware of it

Although the son of the Matriarch of the Farrell family took their father’s
surname and could not take over the Farrell Group, her elder brother was
always his own son to her mother, and his mother couldn’t bear to beat her son
until he couldn’t straighten up.
However, as the head of the family, he must maintain the inheritance of power
centered on the head of the family, and couldn’t allow other people to fight
against the head of the family.
The wolf raised by the mother must be slaughtered by her.
Kathryn had no brotherhood towards her three elder brothers, they didn’t treat
her as a younger sister at all.
In the eyes of the brothers and sisters-in-law, Shiloh was their younger sister,
and they teamed up with Shiloh to trip her up, dig holes for her, and frame her in
various schemes.
Kathryn was very happy to let her do something to her brother and sister-in-law,
but now her brother and sister-in-law had some power, and she needed to work
hard to settle the accounts after she took over.
Kathryn just thought that if the Farrell Group didn’t need her to take over, she
wouldn’t see anything.
It could be said that when facing this matter, Kathryn was more or less evasive.
Mrs. Stone now told her that she didn’t have to snatch the position of family
head. Mrs. Stone, with her current position and status, did not look down on the
Among the several major families in Jensburg, the Farrell family had already
belonged to the tail of the crane, and one generation was not as good as the
If she couldn’t rejuvenate the Farrell family, it is estimated that the Farrell family
would soon slip out of the upper-class circle of Jensburg.
Mrs. Stone’s younger sister was the mother of Liberty and Serenity. She had
been dead for more than ten years and could be ignored. As for Serenity, she
was the oldest mistress of the York family, so she probably wouldn’t go to
Jensburg to take over the Farrell family.
Liberty was working hard in the catering industry, and Mrs. Stone’s biological
daughter, Elisa, probably won’t take over the Farrell family. Elisa didn’t have so
much planning.
Among these three people, perhaps only Liberty could take over the Farrell
After Kathryn cleared her mind, she looked at Liberty like she was looking at a
Liberty noticed that she was looking over and nodded slightly.
“Mrs. Stone, I understand what you mean. I will do my best to help you find out
about this matter. Then we can go to the hospital to do the DNA blood
relationship test now? I will do it later. Now I’ll go back to Jensburg.”
Kathryn came to Wiltspoon secretly.
She couldn’t let her parents, brother and sister-in-law know, not even her
clansmen know.
Even the confidants and cronies she cultivated after returning to Farrell’s house
didn’t know that she had come to Wiltspoon.
After all, she ran several companies independently, from a little girl with nothing
to a high position like today, she was someone who had seen big winds and
She could still do it by sneaking a trip to Wiltspoon without telling everyone.
People in the Farrell family still didn’t know that she was actually worth tens of
millions before returning to the Farrell family.
Now, her net worth had exceeded 100 million.
Mrs. Stone said: “Ms. Farrell, if you don’t go to the appraisal center, I can
accompany you to the hospital at any time.
“If we don’t go to the hospital right away, Mrs. Stone, you will give me a knife, I’ll
cut my finger and drop some blood for you to take for identification.” After
thinking about it, Kathryn said: “Mrs. Stone, you should give me a knife. I
suddenly felt that it would be safer for you to take a little of my blood for
identification, and my mother would not find out.

Kathryn recently cut her finger and bled a few drops. The wound would not be
severe, so her family would not find out.
Judging by the family’s disregard for her, even if she cut a few wounds on her
wrist, the family would not be able to find out.
Mrs. Stone said gently: “Ms. Farrell, you don’t have to be so impatient, you are
just a guest when you come, so stay for a meal.”
Kathryn: “Thank you, Mrs. Stone. I still don’t want to eat. I have to go back. I
have to be home before ten o’clock in the evening.”
After Mrs. Stone was silent, she said, “In that case, I won’t keep you either.”
She ordered the butler to bring a fruit knife, motioned the butler to pass the fruit
knife to Kathryn, and gave Kathryn a disposable cup.
Kathryn grabbed the fruit knife, dropped it, and sliced her finger. As soon as the
blood began to flow, she caught it in a disposable cup. After a few drops of
blood had dripped from the wound, she pressed it with her hand.
Seeing her doing all this without any hesitation, Mrs. Stone knew that this girl
was a ruthless person.
Fortunately, Kathryn seemed to be the one with the most righteous views of the
Farrell family, otherwise it would be quite a headache to have such an enemy.
Liberty went to get the hemostatic patch, tore off a wrapping paper of the
hemostatic patch, and then put the hemostatic patch on Kathryn’s wound.
Kathryn: “Thank you Ms. Hunt.”
Liberty: “You are welcome.”
Kathryn put the cup containing her own blood in front of Mrs. Stone, and said to
Mrs. Stone: “Mrs. Stone, for the appraisal, the blood should be enough, right?”
Mrs. Stone: “enough.”
She asked Liberty to get the plastic wrap and seal the cup tightly. She will take
Kathryn’s blood to the hospital for a DNA test later.
“Thank you, Ms. Farrell.” Mrs. Stone thanked her politely.
Kathryn smiled, “Mrs. Stone, it should be me thanking you, thanking you for
trusting me. Mrs. Stone, I’m short on time, so I won’t bother you for dinner. Let’s
go first. If there is a chance, I will invite you to dinner again.”
Mrs. Stone: “Liberty, help me see off Ms. Farrell.”
Kathryn was short of time and was in a hurry to leave, but Mrs. Stone didn’t
keep her and asked Liberty to send Kathryn out.
Liberty hummed and got up to see her off.
Kathryn put on her sunglasses and black mask again, and followed Liberty out.
“Ms. Farrell, how do you go back?” Liberty asked as she walked.
“I booked the ticket in advance, and now I am rushing to the airport. I can go
home around 10 o’clock in the evening.”
Kathryn had calculated the time well. It was because time was too tight that she
was in a hurry to go home.
Kathryn: “I have also made an appointment for online car-hailing, and now the
online car-hailing driver is waiting for me at the gate of the villa area.”
Liberty said: “Ms. Farrell, it’s a bit far from here to the gate of the villa area, let
me give you a ride.”
Kathryn was not polite, “I’m sorry to trouble you.”
Liberty turned around and went back to the house, took her car keys, and drove
Kathryn to the gate of the villa area.
Before getting out of the car, Kathryn stretched out her right hand to shake
hands with Liberty, she said: “Miss Hunt, please take care of me in the future.”
Liberty shook hands with her.
Kathryn waved her hand, said goodbye, and got out of the car.
Liberty watched her get into the online hailing car, and the online hailing car
drove away before she drove back

Mrs. Stone called her oldest son, Clive, when Liberty sent Kathryn out, and after
Clive answered the phone, she told her oldest son: “Let someone keep an eye
on Kathryn while she’s here. Remove all traces of her presence in Wiltspoon
after she has left it.”
Clive didn’t ask his mother why he did this, and replied: “Mom, I understand.”
Mrs. Stone: “Come back early to be with Alice when you’re done.”
Mrs. Stone hung up the phone.

When Kathryn came to visit, Serenity didn’t even know what she said or did at
the store.
She was now the group favorite of Wildridge Manor.
It wasn’t until 9 o’clock in the evening, when she returned to her and Zachary’s
room, that Zachary had a chance to go to her side.
“Wife.” Zachary returned to the room one step ahead of Serenity.
After the couple came back, they found out that Serenity was pregnant, and
Serenity was surrounded by her parents-in-law’s elders to inquire about her
health. If there was nothing wrong with Zachary, even if he sat next to Serenity,
he would be pulled aside by the elders.
After repeating this several times, he had no choice but to go back to the room
first and wait for his wife.
When he heard the door open, she came over.
As soon as Serenity came in, Zachary hugged his beloved wife into his arms.
Warm and fragrant nephrite filled his arms, and he hugged his wife tightly with
both arms, sighing: “My wife is finally back in my arms. You are pregnant,
obviously I also have credit, my mother and the others just drove me aside.”
There was a bit of grievance in his words.
Serenity nestled in his arms, listened to his aggrieved accusation, and said with
a smile: “Don’t be aggrieved, I’m surrounded by elders and want to slip away, I
can’t bear such a warm surround.”
Zachary picked her up, walked into the bedroom, and laid her on the big bed.
He leaned over and kissed her on the face, and said with a smile: “Just get used
to it. Grandma has rushed back after receiving the news. Grandma said she
was going to live in our house and watch me. By the way, why is grandma
looking at me? Shouldn’t she be looking at you?”
Serenity smiled and pinched his handsome face, and said with a smile: “I am
pregnant, not your big belly, you are stupid before me. I am in the first trimester,
try not to have s-e-x in the first trimester, why do you think grandma is looking at
She was just pregnant, but she took care of her sister from pregnancy to
childbirth. She had more experience in pregnancy and childbirth than Zachary.
Zachary: “…Yes, I’m going to be a vegetarian.”
He sat upright, with a slumped handsome face: “So, it’s better to have a child
after a few years in the two-person world.”
As he said that, his big hand covered Serenity’s flat belly. His eyes were so
gentle that water dripped out, “However, I am willing to be a vegetarian if I have
a baby. As long as you and the baby are fine, I can bear it.”
Serenity’s face turned red.
Zachary leaned down again, pushed up the clothes on Serenity’s lower
abdomen, and put his face on his wife’s lower abdomen, “Baby, I’m Dad, we
haven’t met yet, Dad is waiting for you to come out to meet Dad later, please
take care of me.”
Serenity: “Just got pregnant, the baby is still an embryo, how can the baby hear
what you say.”
Zachary: “If my baby can’t hear it, I want to say that we finally have our baby,
Seren. I am very happy, very happy, so happy that I want to jump up.”
Serenity: “There is no one else in the room now. If you want to jump up, you can
dance as much as you like. I promise I won’t tell anyone.”
Zachary kissed her belly, then tore off her clothes to cover her belly, then sat up
straight, and said: “It’s so late, let’s not dance, I’m afraid there will be too much
noise, my mother will scold me. Seren, from today onwards, I am not the darling
in the eyes of the elders, but you are. They will even ignore me. I’d better be
careful, hide and have fun by myself, don’t jump around, my mother will
definitely call me bl**dy when she finds out.”
Serenity laughed when Zachary thought that he was dragged into a corner by
the elders and couldn’t get close to her.
If Zachary jumped around and made too much noise, he might be scolded
bl**dy by Serenity’s mother-in-law

Married at First Sight by Gu Lingfei Chapter 2161 to 2170 - NovelJt (2024)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.