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Part VI Material RemovalProcesses


Chapter Contents

21.1 Overview of Machining Technology

21.2 Theory of Chip Formation in Metal Machining21.2.1 The Orthogonal Cutting Model21.2.2 Actual Chip Formation

21.3 Force Relationships and the MerchantEquation21.3.1 Forces in Metal Cutting21.3.2 The Merchant Equation

21.4 Power and Energy Relationships in Machining

21.5 Cutting Temperature21.5.1 Analytical Methods to Compute

Cutting Temperatures21.5.2 Measurement of Cutting Temperature

The material removal processes are a family of shapingoperations (Figure 1.4) in which excess material is removedfrom a starting workpart so that what remains is the desiredfinal geometry. The ‘‘family tree’’ is shown in Figure 21.1.The most important branch of the family is conventionalmachining, in which a sharp cutting tool is used to me-chanically cut the material to achieve the desired geometry.The three principal machining processes are turning, dril-ling, and milling. The ‘‘other machining operations’’ inFigure 21.1 include shaping, planing, broaching, and saw-ing. This chapter begins our coverage of machining, whichruns through Chapter 24.

Another group of material removal processes is theabrasive processes, which mechanically remove material bythe action of hard, abrasive particles. This process group,which includes grinding, is covered in Chapter 25. The‘‘other abrasive processes’’ in Figure 21.1 include honing,lapping, and superfinishing. Finally, there are the non-traditional processes, which use various energy forms otherthan a sharp cutting tool or abrasive particles to removematerial. The energy forms include mechanical, electro-chemical, thermal, and chemical.1 The nontraditional pro-cesses are discussed in Chapter 26.

Machining is a manufacturing process in which asharp cutting tool is used to cut away material to leave the

1Some of the mechanical energy forms in the nontraditional processesinvolve the use of abrasive particles, and so they overlap with theabrasive processes in Chapter 25.


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desired part shape. The predominant cutting action in machining involves shear defor-mation of the work material to form a chip; as the chip is removed, a new surface isexposed. Machining is most frequently applied to shape metals. The process is illustratedin the diagram of Figure 21.2.

Machining is one of the most important manufacturing processes. The IndustrialRevolution and the growth of the manufacturing-based economies of the world can betraced largely to the development of the various machining operations (Historical Note22.1). Machining is important commercially and technologically for several reasons:

FIGURE 21.1Classification of material

removal processes.



Material removalprocesses


Turning andrelated operations

Drilling andrelated operations

Other machiningoperations


Other abrasiveprocesses

Mechanical energyprocesses


Thermal energyprocesses



FIGURE 21.2 (a) A cross-sectional view of the machining process. (b) Tool with negative rake angle; compare withpositive rake angle in (a).

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� Variety of work materials. Machining can be applied to a wide variety of workmaterials. Virtually all solid metals can be machined. Plastics and plastic compositescan also be cut by machining. Ceramics pose difficulties because of their highhardness and brittleness; however, most ceramics can be successfully cut by theabrasive machining processes discussed in Chapter 25.

� Variety of part shapes and geometric features. Machining can be used to create anyregular geometries, such as flat planes, round holes, and cylinders. By introducingvariations in tool shapes and tool paths, irregular geometries can be created, such asscrew threads and T-slots. By combining several machining operations in sequence,shapes of almost unlimited complexity and variety can be produced.

� Dimensional accuracy. Machining can produce dimensions to very close tolerances.Some machining processes can achieve tolerances of �0.025 mm (�0.001 in), muchmore accurate than most other processes.

� Good surface finishes. Machining is capable of creating very smooth surface finishes.Roughness values less than 0.4 microns (16 m-in.) can be achieved in conventionalmachining operations. Some abrasive processes can achieve even better finishes.

On the other hand, certain disadvantages are associated with machining and othermaterial removal processes:

� Wasteful of material. Machining is inherently wasteful of material. The chipsgenerated in a machining operation are wasted material. Although these chipscan usually be recycled, they represent waste in terms of the unit operation.

� Time consuming. Amachining operation generally takes more time to shape a givenpart than alternative shaping processes such as casting or forging.

Machining is generally performed after other manufacturing processes such ascasting or bulk deformation (e.g., forging, bar drawing). The other processes create thegeneral shape of the starting workpart, and machining provides the final geometry,dimensions, and finish.


Machining is not just one process; it is a group of processes. The common feature is theuse of a cutting tool to form a chip that is removed from the workpart. To perform theoperation, relative motion is required between the tool and work. This relative motion isachieved in most machining operations by means of a primary motion, called the cuttingspeed, and a secondary motion, called the feed. The shape of the tool and its penetrationinto the work surface, combined with these motions, produces the desired geometry ofthe resulting work surface.

Types of Machining Operations There are many kinds of machining operations, eachof which is capable of generating a certain part geometry and surface texture. We discussthese operations in considerable detail in Chapter 22, but for now it is appropriate toidentify and define the threemost common types: turning, drilling, andmilling, illustratedin Figure 21.3.

In turning, a cutting tool with a single cutting edge is used to removematerial from arotatingworkpiece to generate a cylindrical shape, as inFigure21.3(a).The speedmotion inturning is provided by the rotatingworkpart, and the feedmotion is achieved by the cuttingtoolmoving slowly in a directionparallel to the axis of rotation of theworkpiece.Drilling isused to create a round hole. It is accomplished by a rotating tool that typically has two

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cutting edges. The tool is fed in adirectionparallel to its axis of rotation into theworkpart toform the round hole, as in Figure 21.3(b). Inmilling, a rotating tool with multiple cuttingedges is fed slowly across the work material to generate a plane or straight surface. Thedirectionof the feedmotion is perpendicular to the tool’s axis of rotation.The speedmotionis provided by the rotating milling cutter. The two basic forms of milling are peripheralmilling and face milling, as in Figure 21.3(c) and (d).

Other conventional machining operations include shaping, planing, broaching, andsawing (Section 22.6). Also, grinding and similar abrasive operations are often includedwithin the category of machining. These processes commonly follow the conventionalmachining operations and are used to achieve a superior surface finish on the workpart.

The Cutting Tool A cutting tool has one or more sharp cutting edges and is made of amaterial that is harder than the work material. The cutting edge serves to separate a chipfrom the parent work material, as in Figure 21.2. Connected to the cutting edge are twosurfaces of the tool: the rake face and the flank. The rake face, which directs the flow of thenewly formed chip, is oriented at a certain angle called the rake angle a. It is measuredrelative to a plane perpendicular to the work surface. The rake angle can be positive, as inFigure 21.2(a), or negative as in (b). The flank of the tool provides a clearance between thetool and the newly generatedwork surface, thus protecting the surface fromabrasion,whichwould degrade the finish. This flank surface is oriented at an angle called the relief angle.

Most cutting tools in practice havemore complex geometries than those inFigure 21.2.There are two basic types, examples of which are illustrated in Figure 21.4: (a) single-pointtools and (b)multiple-cutting-edge tools.A single-point toolhasone cutting edgeand is usedfor operations such as turning. In addition to the tool features shown in Figure 21.2, there isone tool point from which the name of this cutting tool is derived. During machining, thepoint of the tool penetrates below the original work surface of the part. The point is usuallyrounded to a certain radius, called the nose radius. Multiple-cutting-edge tools have more

FIGURE 21.3 The three

most common types ofmachining processes:(a) turning, (b) drilling, andtwo forms of milling:

(c) peripheral milling, and(d) face milling.

Cutting tool

Feed motion(tool)

New surfaceWork

(a) (b)




Speed motion (tool)

Speed motion (work)

Speed motion

New surface



Feed motion(work)

Milling cutter




RotationMilling cutter

New surface

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than one cutting edge and usually achieve their motion relative to the workpart by rotating.Drilling and milling use rotating multiple-cutting-edge tools. Figure 21.4(b) shows a helicalmilling cutter used in peripheral milling. Although the shape is quite different from a single-point tool, many elements of tool geometry are similar. Single-point and multiple-cutting-edge tools and the materials used in them are discussed in more detail in Chapter 23.

Cutting Conditions Relative motion is required between the tool and work to performa machining operation. The primary motion is accomplished at a certain cutting speed v.In addition, the tool must be moved laterally across the work. This is a much slowermotion, called the feed f. The remaining dimension of the cut is the penetration of thecutting tool below the original work surface, called the depth of cut d. Collectively, speed,feed, and depth of cut are called the cutting conditions. They form the three dimensionsof the machining process, and for certain operations (e.g., most single-point tooloperations) they can be used to calculate the material removal rate for the process:

RMR ¼ vfd ð21:1ÞwhereRMR¼material removal rate,mm3/s (in3/min); v¼ cutting speed,m/s (ft/min),whichmust be converted to mm/s (in/min); f ¼ feed, mm (in); and d ¼ depth of cut, mm (in).

The cutting conditions for a turning operation are depicted in Figure 21.5. Typicalunits used for cutting speed are m/s (ft/min). Feed in turning is expressed in mm/rev

FIGURE21.4 (a)Asingle-point toolshowingrakeface,flank,andtoolpoint;and (b)ahelicalmillingcutter, representative

of tools with multiple cutting edges.

FIGURE 21.5 Cutting

speed, feed, and depth ofcut for a turning operation.

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(in/rev), and depth of cut is expressed in mm (in). In other machining operations,interpretations of the cutting conditions may differ. For example, in a drilling operation,depth is interpreted as the depth of the drilled hole.

Machining operations usually divide into two categories, distinguished by purposeand cutting conditions: roughing cuts and finishing cuts. Roughing cuts are used toremove large amounts of material from the starting workpart as rapidly as possible, inorder to produce a shape close to the desired form, but leaving somematerial on the piecefor a subsequent finishing operation. Finishing cuts are used to complete the part andachieve the final dimensions, tolerances, and surface finish. In productionmachining jobs,one or more roughing cuts are usually performed on the work, followed by one or twofinishing cuts. Roughing operations are performed at high feeds and depths—feeds of 0.4to 1.25 mm/rev (0.015–0.050 in/rev) and depths of 2.5 to 20 mm (0.100–0.750 in) aretypical. Finishing operations are carried out at low feeds and depths—feeds of 0.125 to 0.4mm (0.005–0.015 in/rev) and depths of 0.75 to 2.0mm (0.030–0.075 in) are typical. Cuttingspeeds are lower in roughing than in finishing.

A cutting fluid is often applied to the machining operation to cool and lubricate thecutting tool (cutting fluids are discussed in Section 23.4). Determining whether a cuttingfluid should be used, and, if so, choosing the proper cutting fluid, is usually included withinthe scope of cutting conditions. Given the workmaterial and tooling, the selection of theseconditions is very influential in determining the success of a machining operation.

Machine Tools Amachine tool is used to hold the workpart, position the tool relativeto the work, and provide power for the machining process at the speed, feed, and depththat have been set. By controlling the tool, work, and cutting conditions, machine toolspermit parts to be made with great accuracy and repeatability, to tolerances of 0.025 mm(0.001 in) and better. The term machine tool applies to any power-driven machine thatperforms a machining operation, including grinding. The term is also applied to machinesthat perform metal forming and pressworking operations (Chapters 19 and 20).

The traditional machine tools used to perform turning, drilling, and milling arelathes, drill presses, and milling machines, respectively. Conventional machine tools areusually tended by a human operator, who loads and unloads the workparts, changescutting tools, and sets the cutting conditions. Manymodern machine tools are designed toaccomplish their operations with a form of automation called computer numericalcontrol (Section 38.3).


The geometry of most practical machining operations is somewhat complex. A simplifiedmodel of machining is available that neglects many of the geometric complexities, yetdescribes themechanics of the process quite well. It is called the orthogonal cuttingmodel,Figure 21.6. Although an actual machining process is three-dimensional, the orthogonalmodel has only two dimensions that play active roles in the analysis.


By definition, orthogonal cutting uses a wedge-shaped tool in which the cutting edge isperpendicular to the direction of cutting speed. As the tool is forced into thematerial, thechip is formed by shear deformation along a plane called the shear plane, which isoriented at an angle f with the surface of the work. Only at the sharp cutting edge of thetool does failure of the material occur, resulting in separation of the chip from the parent

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material. Along the shear plane, where the bulk of the mechanical energy is consumed inmachining, the material is plastically deformed.

The tool in orthogonal cutting has only two elements of geometry: (1) rake angle and(2) clearanceangle. As indicatedpreviously, the rakeangleadetermines thedirection thatthe chip flows as it is formed from the workpart; and the clearance angle provides a smallclearance between the tool flank and the newly generated work surface.

During cutting, the cutting edge of the tool is positioned a certain distance belowthe original work surface. This corresponds to the thickness of the chip prior to chipformation, to. As the chip is formed along the shear plane, its thickness increases to tc. Theratio of to to tc is called the chip thickness ratio (or simply the chip ratio) r:

r ¼ totc


Since the chip thickness after cutting is always greater than the corresponding thicknessbefore cutting, the chip ratio will always be less than 1.0.

Inaddition to to, theorthogonal cuthasawidthdimensionw, as shown inFigure21.6(a),even though this dimension does not contribute much to the analysis in orthogonal cutting.

The geometry of the orthogonal cutting model allows us to establish an importantrelationship between the chip thickness ratio, the rake angle, and the shear plane angle. Letls be the length of the shear plane.We canmake the substitutions: to¼ ls sinf, and tc¼ ls cos(f � a). Thus,

r ¼ ls sinf

ls cos (f � a)¼ sin f

cos (f � a)

This can be rearranged to determine f as follows:

tan f ¼ r cos a

1� r sin að21:3Þ

The shear strain that occurs along the shear plane can be estimated by examiningFigure 21.7. Part (a) shows shear deformation approximated by a series of parallel platessliding against one another to form the chip. Consistent with our definition of shear strain

FIGURE 21.6 Orthogonal cutting: (a) as a three-dimensional process, and (b) how it reduces to two dimensions inthe side view.

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(Section 3.1.4), each plate experiences the shear strain shown in Figure 21.7(b). Referring topart (c), this can be expressed as

g ¼ AC



which can be reduced to the following definition of shear strain in metal cutting:

g ¼ tan (f� a) þ cot f ð21:4Þ

Example 21.1OrthogonalCutting

In a machining operation that approximates orthogonal cutting, the cutting tool has arake angle ¼ 10�. The chip thickness before the cut to ¼ 0.50 mm and the chip thicknessafter the cut tc ¼ 1.125 in. Calculate the shear plane angle and the shear strain in theoperation.

Solution: The chip thickness ratio can be determined from Eq. (21.2):

r ¼ 0:50

1:125¼ 0:444

The shear plane angle is given by Eq. (21.3):

tan f ¼ 0:444 cos 10

1� 0:444 sin 10¼ 0:4738

f ¼ 25:4�

FIGURE 21.7 Shear strain during chip formation: (a) chip formation depicted as a series of parallel plates sliding

relative to each other; (b) one of the plates isolated to illustrate the definition of shear strain based on this parallelplate model; and (c) shear strain triangle used to derive Eq. (21.4).

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Finally, the shear strain is calculated from Eq. (21.4):

g ¼ tan (25:4� 10)þ cot 25:4

g ¼ 0:275þ 2:111 ¼ 2:386 n


We should note that there are differences between the orthogonal model and an actualmachining process. First, the shear deformation process does not occur along a plane, butwithin a zone. If shearingwere to take place across a plane of zero thickness, it would implythat the shearing action must occur instantaneously as it passes through the plane, ratherthan over some finite (although brief) time period. For the material to behave in a realisticway, the sheardeformationmustoccurwithin a thin shear zone.Thismore realisticmodelofthe shear deformation process in machining is illustrated in Figure 21.8. Metal-cuttingexperiments have indicated that the thickness of the shear zone is only a few thousandths ofan inch. Since the shear zone is so thin, there is not a great loss of accuracy inmost cases byreferring to it as a plane.

Second, in addition to shear deformation that occurs in the shear zone, anothershearing action occurs in the chip after it has been formed. This additional shear isreferred to as secondary shear to distinguish it from primary shear. Secondary shearresults from friction between the chip and the tool as the chip slides along the rake faceof the tool. Its effect increases with increased friction between the tool and chip. Theprimary and secondary shear zones can be seen in Figure 21.8.

Third, formation of the chip depends on the type of material being machined andthe cutting conditions of the operation. Four basic types of chip can be distinguished,illustrated in Figure 21.9:

� Discontinuous chip. When relatively brittle materials (e.g., cast irons) are machinedat low cutting speeds, the chips often form into separate segments (sometimes thesegments are loosely attached). This tends to impart an irregular texture to themachined surface. High tool–chip friction and large feed and depth of cut promotethe formation of this chip type.

� Continuous chip. When ductile work materials are cut at high speeds and relativelysmall feeds and depths, long continuous chips are formed. A good surface finishtypically results when this chip type is formed. A sharp cutting edge on the tool and

FIGURE 21.8 Morerealistic view of chip

formation, showing shearzone rather than shearplane. Also shown is the

secondary shear zoneresulting from tool–chipfriction.



Primary shearzone

Secondary shear zone


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low tool–chip friction encourage the formation of continuous chips. Long, continuouschips (as in turning) can cause problems with regard to chip disposal and/or tanglingabout the tool. To solve these problems, turning tools are often equipped with chipbreakers (Section 23.3.1).

� Continuous chip with built-up edge. When machining ductile materials at low-to-medium cutting speeds, friction between tool and chip tends to cause portions of thework material to adhere to the rake face of the tool near the cutting edge. Thisformation is called a built-up edge (BUE). The formation of a BUE is cyclical; itforms and grows, then becomes unstable and breaks off. Much of the detached BUEis carried away with the chip, sometimes taking portions of the tool rake face with it,which reduces the life of the cutting tool. Portions of the detached BUE that are notcarried off with the chip become imbedded in the newly created work surface,causing the surface to become rough.

The preceding chip types were first classified by Ernst in the late 1930s [13]. Sincethen, the available metals used in machining, cutting tool materials, and cutting speedshave all increased, and a fourth chip type has been identified:

� Serrated chips (the term shear-localized is also used for this fourth chip type). Thesechips are semi-continuous in the sense that they possess a saw-tooth appearance thatis produced by a cyclical chip formation of alternating high shear strain followed bylow shear strain. This fourth type of chip is most closely associated with certaindifficult-to-machine metals such as titanium alloys, nickel-base superalloys, andaustenitic stainless steels when they are machined at higher cutting speeds. However,the phenomenon is also found with more common work metals (e.g., steels) whenthey are cut at high speeds [13].2


Several forces can be defined relative to the orthogonal cutting model. Based on theseforces, shear stress, coefficient of friction, and certain other relationships can bedefined.

Tool Tool

Irregular surface dueto chip discontinuities

Good finish typical

(a) (b)

Tool Tool

Particle of BUEon new surface

(c) (d)

Built-up edge

High shearstrain zone

Low shearstrain zone

Discontinuous chip Continuous chip Continuous chip

FIGURE 21.9 Four types of chip formation in metal cutting: (a) discontinuous, (b) continuous, (c) continuous with

built-up edge, (d) serrated.

2A more complete description of the serrated chip type can be found in Trent &Wright [12], pp. 348–367.

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Consider the forces actingon the chipduringorthogonal cutting inFigure 21.10(a). The forcesapplied against the chip by the tool can be separated into two mutually perpendicularcomponents: friction force and normal force to friction. The friction force F is the frictionalforceresistingtheflowofthechipalongtherakefaceof thetool.ThenormalforcetofrictionNis perpendicular to the friction force. These two components can be used to define thecoefficient of friction between the tool and the chip:

m ¼ F


The friction force and its normal force can be added vectorially to form a resultantforce R, which is oriented at an angle b, called the friction angle. The friction angle isrelated to the coefficient of friction as

m ¼ tan b ð21:6ÞInaddition to the tool forces actingon thechip, thereare twoforce components applied

by the workpiece on the chip: shear force and normal force to shear. The shear forceFs is theforce that causes shear deformation tooccur in the shear plane, and thenormal force to shearFn is perpendicular to the shear force.Based on the shear force,we candefine the shear stressthat acts along the shear plane between the work and the chip:

t ¼ Fs


where As ¼ area of the shear plane. This shear plane area can be calculated as

As ¼ tow

sin fð21:8Þ

The shear stress in Eq. (21.7) represents the level of stress required to perform themachining operation. Therefore, this stress is equal to the shear strength of the workmaterial (t ¼ S) under the conditions at which cutting occurs.

Vector addition of the two force components Fs and Fn yields the resultant forceR0.In order for the forces acting on the chip to be in balance, this resultant R0 must be equalin magnitude, opposite in direction, and collinear with the resultant R.

FIGURE 21.10 Forces in metal cutting: (a) forces acting on the chip in orthogonal cutting, and (b) forces acting onthe tool that can be measured.

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None of the four force components F, N, Fs, and Fn can be directly measured in amachining operation, because the directions in which they are applied vary with differenttool geometries and cutting conditions. However, it is possible for the cutting tool to beinstrumented using a forcemeasuring device called a dynamometer, so that two additionalforce components acting against the tool can be directlymeasured: cutting force and thrustforce. The cutting force Fc is in the direction of cutting, the same direction as the cuttingspeedv, and the thrust forceFt is perpendicular to the cutting forceand is associatedwith thechip thickness before the cut to. The cutting force and thrust force are shown in Figure 21.10(b) together with their resultant force R00. The respective directions of these forces areknown, so the force transducers in the dynamometer can be aligned accordingly.

Equations can be derived to relate the four force components that cannotbe measured to the two forces that can be measured. Using the force diagram inFigure 21.11, the following trigonometric relationships can be derived:

F ¼ Fc sin a þ Ft cos a ð21:9ÞN ¼ Fc cos a � Ft sin a ð21:10ÞFs ¼ Fc cos f � Ft sin f ð21:11ÞFn ¼ Fc sin f þ Ft cos f ð21:12Þ

If cutting force and thrust force are known, these four equations can be used to calculateestimates of shear force, friction force, and normal force to friction. Based on these forceestimates, shear stress and coefficient of friction can be determined.

Note that in the special caseoforthogonal cuttingwhen the rakeanglea¼ 0,Eqs. (21.9)and (21.10) reduce to F¼ Ft andN¼ Fc, respectively. Thus, in this special case, friction forceand its normal force could be directly measured by the dynamometer.

Example 21.2Shear Stress inMachining

Suppose in Example 21.1 that cutting force and thrust force are measured during anorthogonal cutting operation: Fc ¼ 1559 N and Ft ¼ 1271 N. The width of the orthogonalcutting operation w ¼ 3.0 mm. Based on these data, determine the shear strength of thework material.

Solution: FromExample 21.1, rake anglea¼ 10�, and shear plane anglef¼ 25.4�. Shearforce can be computed from Eq. (21.11):

Fs ¼ 1559 cos 25:4� 1271 sin 25:4 ¼ 863 N

FIGURE 21.11 Force diagram showinggeometric relationships between F, N,Fs, Fn, Fc, and Ft.

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The shear plane area is given by Eq. (21.8):

As ¼ (0:5)(3:0)

sin 25:4¼ 3:497 mm2

Thus the shear stress, which equals the shear strength of the work material, is

t ¼ S ¼ 863

3:497¼ 247 N/mm2 ¼ 247MPa


This example demonstrates that cutting force and thrust force are related to the shearstrength of the work material. The relationships can be established in a more direct way.Recalling from Eq. (21.7) that the shear force Fs ¼ S As, the force diagram of Figure 21.11can be used to derive the following equations:

Fc ¼ Sto w cos (b� a)

sin f cos(f þ b� a)¼ Fs cos (b� a)

cos(fþ b� a)ð21:13Þ


Ft ¼ Stw sin (b� a)

sinf cos(fþ b� a)¼ Fs sin (b� a)

cos (fþ b� a)ð21:14Þ

These equations allow one to estimate cutting force and thrust force in an orthogonalcutting operation if the shear strength of the work material is known.


One of the important relationships in metal cutting was derived by Eugene Merchant[10]. Its derivation was based on the assumption of orthogonal cutting, but its generalvalidity extends to three-dimensional machining operations. Merchant started with thedefinition of shear stress expressed in the form of the following relationship derived bycombining Eqs. (21.7), (21.8), and (21.11):

t ¼ Fc cosf� Ft sin f


Merchant reasoned that, out of all the possible angles emanating from the cuttingedge of the tool at which shear deformation could occur, there is one angle f thatpredominates. This is the angle at which shear stress is just equal to the shear strength ofthe work material, and so shear deformation occurs at this angle. For all other possibleshear angles, the shear stress is less than the shear strength, so chip formation cannotoccur at these other angles. In effect, the workmaterial will select a shear plane angle thatminimizes energy. This angle can be determined by taking the derivative of the shearstress S in Eq. (21.15) with respect to f and setting the derivative to zero. Solving for f, weget the relationship named after Merchant:

f ¼ 45þ a

2� b


Among the assumptions in theMerchant equation is that shear strength of the workmaterial is a constant, unaffected by strain rate, temperature, and other factors. Becausethis assumption is violated in practical machining operations, Eq. (21.16) must be

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considered an approximate relationship rather than an accurate mathematical equation.Let us nevertheless consider its application in the following example.

Example 21.3EstimatingFriction Angle

Using the data and results from our previous examples, determine (a) the friction angleand (b) the coefficient of friction.

Solution: (a) From Example 21.1, a ¼ 10�, and f ¼ 25.4�. Rearranging Eq. (21.16),the friction angle can be estimated:

b ¼ 2 (45)þ 10� 2 (25:4) ¼ 49:2�

(b) The coefficient of friction is given by Eq. (21.6):

m ¼ tan 49:2 ¼ 1:16n

Lessons Based on theMerchant Equation The real value of theMerchant equation isthat it defines the general relationship between rake angle, tool–chip friction, and shearplane angle. The shear plane angle can be increased by (1) increasing the rake angle and(2) decreasing the friction angle (and coefficient of friction) between the tool and thechip. Rake angle can be increased by proper tool design, and friction angle can bereduced by using a lubricant cutting fluid.

The importance of increasing the shear plane angle can be seen in Figure 21.12. If allother factors remain the same, a higher shear plane angle results in a smaller shear planearea. Since the shear strength is applied across this area, the shear force required to formthe chip will decrease when the shear plane area is reduced. A greater shear plane angleresults in lower cutting energy, lower power requirements, and lower cutting temperature.These are good reasons to try to make the shear plane angle as large as possible duringmachining.

Approximation of Turning by Orthogonal Cutting The orthogonal model can be usedto approximate turning and certain other single-point machining operations so long as thefeed in these operations is small relative to depth of cut. Thus, most of the cutting will takeplace in the direction of the feed, and cutting on the point of the tool will be negligible.Figure 21.13 indicates the conversion from one cutting situation to the other.

FIGURE 21.12 Effect of shear plane angle f: (a) higher f with a resulting lower shear plane area;(b) smaller fwith a corresponding larger shear plane area. Note that the rake angle is larger in (a), which

tends to increase shear angle according to the Merchant equation.

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The interpretation of cutting conditions is different in the two cases. The chipthickness before the cut to in orthogonal cutting corresponds to the feed f in turning, andthe width of cut w in orthogonal cutting corresponds to the depth of cut d in turning. Inaddition, the thrust force Ft in the orthogonal model corresponds to the feed force Ff inturning. Cutting speed and cutting force have the same meanings in the two cases.Table 21.1 summarizes the conversions.


A machining operation requires power. The cutting force in a production machiningoperation might exceed 1000 N (several hundred pounds), as suggested by Example 21.2.Typical cutting speeds are several hundred m/min. The product of cutting force and speedgives the power (energy per unit time) required to perform a machining operation:

Pc ¼ Fcv ð21:17Þwhere Pc ¼ cutting power, N-m/s or W (ft-lb/min); Fc ¼ cutting force, N (lb); and v ¼cutting speed, m/s (ft/min). In U.S. customary units, power is traditionally expressed as

TABLE 21.1 Conversion key: turning operationvs. orthogonal cutting.

Turning Operation Orthogonal Cutting Model

Feed f ¼ Chip thickness before cut toDepth d ¼ Width of cut w

Cutting speed v ¼ Cutting speed vCutting force Fc ¼ Cutting force Fc

Feed force Ff ¼ Thrust force Ft

FIGURE 21.13Approximation of turningby the orthogonal model:

(a) turning; and (b) thecorresponding orthogo-nal cutting.

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horsepower by dividing ft-lb/min by 33,000. Hence,

HPc ¼ Fcv

33; 000ð21:18Þ

where HPc ¼ cutting horsepower, hp. The gross power required to operate the machinetool is greater than thepowerdelivered to the cutting process becauseofmechanical lossesin the motor and drive train in the machine. These losses can be accounted for by themechanical efficiency of the machine tool:

Pg ¼ Pc

Eor HPg ¼ HPc


where Pg¼ gross power of the machine tool motor, W;HPg¼ gross horsepower; andE¼mechanical efficiency of the machine tool. Typical values of E for machine tools arearound 90%.

It is often useful to convert power into power per unit volume rate ofmetal cut. Thisis called the unit power, Pu (or unit horsepower, HPu), defined:

Pu ¼ Pc

RMRor HPu ¼ HPc


where RMR ¼ material removal rate, mm3/s (in3/min). The material removal rate can becalculated as the product of vtow. This is Eq. (21.1) using the conversions from Table 21.1.Unit power is also known as the specific energy U.

U ¼ Pu ¼ Pc

RMR¼ Fcv

vtow¼ Fc


The units for specific energy are typically N-m/mm3 (in-lb/in3). However, the lastexpression in Eq. (21.21) suggests that the units might be reduced to N/mm2 (lb/in2).It is more meaningful to retain the units as N-m/mm3 or J/mm3 (in-lb/in3).

Example 21.4PowerRelationships inMachining

Continuing with our previous examples, let us determine cutting power and specificenergy in the machining operation if the cutting speed ¼ 100 m/min. Summarizing thedata and results from previous examples, to ¼ 0.50 mm, w ¼ 3.0 mm, Fc ¼ 1557 N.

Solution: From Eq. (21.18), power in the operation is

Pc ¼ (1557 N)(100 m/min) ¼ 155; 700 N�m/min ¼ 155; 700 J/min ¼ 2595 J/s ¼ 2595W

Specific energy is calculated from Eq. (21.21):

U ¼ 155; 700

100(103)(3:0)(0:5)¼ 155; 700

150; 000¼ 1:038 N-m/min3


Unit power and specific energy provide a useful measure of how much power (orenergy) is required to remove a unit volume of metal during machining. Using thismeasure, different work materials can be compared in terms of their power and energyrequirements. Table 21.2 presents a listing of unit horsepower and specific energy valuesfor selected work materials.

The values in Table 21.2 are based on two assumptions: (1) the cutting tool is sharp,and (2) the chip thickness before the cut to¼ 0.25 mm (0.010 in). If these assumptions arenot met, some adjustments must be made. For worn tools, the power required to performthe cut is greater, and this is reflected in higher specific energy andunit horsepower values.As an approximate guide, the values in the table should bemultiplied by a factor between1.00 and 1.25 depending on the degree of dullness of the tool. For sharp tools, the factor is

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1.00. For tools in a finishing operation that are nearly worn out, the factor is around 1.10,and for tools in a roughing operation that are nearly worn out, the factor is 1.25.

Chip thickness before the cut to also affects the specific energy and unit horsepowervalues. As to is reduced, unit power requirements increase. This relationship is referred to asthe size effect.Forexample, grinding, inwhich thechips areextremely small by comparison tomost other machining operations, requires very high specific energy values. TheU andHPu

values inTable21.2 can still beused toestimatehorsepowerandenergy for situations inwhichto is not equal to 0.25 mm (0.010 in) by applying a correction factor to account for anydifference in chip thickness before the cut. Figure 21.14 provides values of this correction

TABLE 21.2 Values of unit horsepower and specific energy for selected workmaterials using sharp cutting tools and chip thickness before the cut to = 0.25 mm(0.010 in).

Specific Energy U orUnit Power Pu


Hardness N-m/mm3 in-lb/in3Unit HorsepowerHPu hp/(in


Carbon steel 150–200 1.6 240,000 0.6201–250 2.2 320,000 0.8251–300 2.8 400,000 1.0

Alloy steels 200–250 2.2 320,000 0.8251–300 2.8 400,000 1.0301–350 3.6 520,000 1.3351–400 4.4 640,000 1.6

Cast irons 125–175 1.1 160,000 0.4175–250 1.6 240,000 0.6

Stainless steel 150–250 2.8 400,000 1.0Aluminum 50–100 0.7 100,000 0.25Aluminum alloys 100–150 0.8 120,000 0.3Brass 100–150 2.2 320,000 0.8Bronze 100–150 2.2 320,000 0.8Magnesium alloys 50–100 0.4 60,000 0.15

Data compiled from [6], [8], [11], and other sources.

FIGURE 21.14 Correctionfactor for unit horsepowerand specific energy when

values of chip thicknessbefore the cut to aredifferent from 0.25 mm

(0.010 in).0.125











0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.040 0.050

0.38 0.50 0.63

Chip thickness before cut to (mm)

Chip thickness before cut to (in.)

0.75 0.88 0.1 1.25






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factor as a function of to. The unit horsepower and specific energy values in Table 21.2 shouldbemultipliedbytheappropriatecorrectionfactorwhen to isdifferent from0.25mm(0.010 in).

In addition to tool sharpness and size effect, other factors also influence the values ofspecific energy andunit horsepower for a given operation. These other factors include rakeangle, cutting speed, andcutting fluid.As rakeangleor cutting speedare increased, orwhencutting fluid is added, the U andHPu values are reduced slightly. For our purposes in theend-of-chapter exercises, the effects of these additional factors can be ignored.


Of the total energy consumed in machining, nearly all of it (�98%) is converted into heat.This heat can cause temperatures to be very high at the tool–chip interface—over 600�C(1100�F) is not unusual. The remaining energy (�2%) is retained as elastic energy in the chip.

Cutting temperatures are important because high temperatures (1) reduce tool life,(2) produce hot chips that pose safety hazards to the machine operator, and (3) can causeinaccuracies inworkpart dimensions due to thermal expansion of theworkmaterial. In thissection, we discuss the methods of calculating and measuring temperatures in machiningoperations.


There are several analytical methods to calculate estimates of cutting temperature.References [3], [5], [9], and [15] present some of these approaches. We describe themethod by Cook [5], which was derived using experimental data for a variety of workmaterials to establish parameter values for the resulting equation. The equation can beused to predict the increase in temperature at the tool–chip interface during machining:

DT ¼ 0:4U



� �0:333


whereDT¼mean temperature rise at the tool–chip interface, C� (F�);U¼ specific energyin the operation, N-m/mm3 or J/mm3 (in-lb/in3); v ¼ cutting speed, m/s (in/sec); to ¼ chipthickness before the cut,m (in); rC¼ volumetric specific heat of theworkmaterial, J/mm3-C (in-lb/in3-F); K ¼ thermal diffusivity of the work material, m2/s (in2/sec).

Example 21.5CuttingTemperature

For the specific energy obtained in Example 21.4, calculate the increase in temperatureabove ambient temperature of 20�C.Use the given data from the previous examples in thischapter: v¼ 100m/min, to¼ 0.50mm. In addition, the volumetric specific heat for theworkmaterial ¼ 3.0 (10�3) J/mm3-C, and thermal diffusivity ¼ 50 (10�6) m2/s (or 50 mm2/s).

Solution: Cutting speed must be converted to mm/s: v¼ (100 m/min)(103 mm/m)/(60 s/min) ¼ 1667 mm/s. Eq. (21.22) can now be used to compute the mean temperature rise:

DT ¼ 0:4(1:038)




� �0:333

¼ (138:4)(2:552) ¼ 353�Cn


Experimental methods have been developed to measure temperatures in machining.The most frequently used measuring technique is the tool–chip thermocouple. Thisthermocouple consists of the tool and the chip as the two dissimilar metals forming the

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thermocouple junction. By properly connecting electrical leads to the tool and work-part (which is connected to the chip), the voltage generated at the tool–chip interfaceduring cutting can be monitored using a recording potentiometer or other appropriatedata-collection device. The voltage output of the tool–chip thermocouple (measured inmV) can be converted into the corresponding temperature value by means of calibra-tion equations for the particular tool–work combination.

The tool–chip thermocouple has been utilized by researchers to investigate therelationship between temperature and cutting conditions such as speed and feed. Trigger[14] determined the speed–temperature relationship to be of the following general form:

T ¼ K vm ð21:23Þwhere T ¼ measured tool–chip interface temperature and v ¼ cutting speed. Theparameters K and m depend on cutting conditions (other than v) and work material.Figure 21.15 plots temperature versus cutting speed for several work materials, withequations of the form of Eq. (21.23) determined for each material. A similar relationshipexists between cutting temperature and feed; however, the effect of feed on temperatureis not as strong as cutting speed. These empirical results tend to support the generalvalidity of the Cook equation: Eq. (21.22).


[1] ASM Handbook, Vol. 16, Machining. ASM Inter-national, Materials Park, Ohio, 1989.

[2] Black, J, and Kohser, R. DeGarmo’s Materials andProcesses in Manufacturing, 10th ed. John Wiley &Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2008.

[3] Boothroyd, G., and Knight, W. A. Fundamentals ofMetal Machining and Machine Tools, 3rd ed. CRCTaylor and Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, 2006.

[4] Chao, B. T., and Trigger, K. J.‘‘Temperature Distri-bution at the Tool-Chip Interface in Metal

FIGURE 21.15Experimentally measuredcutting temperaturesplotted against speed

for three work materials,indicating generalagreement with

Eq. (21.23). (Based ondata in [9].)3






400 600

Cutting speed (ft/min)

800 1000






, °F

B1113 Free machining steel (T = 86.2v 0.348)

18-8 Stainless steel (T = 135v 0.361)

RC-130B Titanium (T = 479v 0.182)

3The units reported in the Loewen and Shaw ASME paper [9] were �F for cutting temperature and ft/minfor cutting speed. We have retained those units in the plots and equations of our figure.

References 501

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Cutting,’’ ASME Transactions, Vol. 77, October1955, pp. 1107– 1121.

[5] Cook, N.‘‘Tool Wear and Tool Life,’’ ASME Trans-actions, Journal of Engineering for Industry,Vol. 95, November 1973, pp. 931–938.

[6] Drozda, T. J., and Wick, C. (eds.). Tool and Manu-facturing Engineers Handbook, 4th ed., Vol. I,Machining. Society of Manufacturing Engineers,Dearborn, Michigan, 1983.

[7] Kalpakjian, S., and Schmid, R. Manufacturing Pro-cesses for Engineering Materials, 4th ed. PrenticeHall/Pearson, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2003.

[8] Lindberg, R. A. Processes and Materials of Manu-facture, 4th ed. Allyn and Bacon, Inc., Boston, 1990.

[9] Loewen, E. G., and Shaw, M. C.‘‘On the Analysis ofCutting Tool Temperatures,’’ ASME Transactions,Vol. 76, No. 2, February 1954, pp. 217–225.

[10] Merchant, M. E., ‘‘Mechanics of the Metal CuttingProcess: II. Plasticity Conditions in Orthogonal Cut-ting,’’ Journal of Applied Physics,Vol. 16, June 1945pp. 318–324.

[11] Schey, J. A. Introduction to Manufacturing Pro-cesses, 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill Book Company, NewYork, 1999.

[12] Shaw, M. C. Metal Cutting Principles, 2nd ed. Ox-ford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2005.

[13] Trent, E.M., andWright, P. K.Metal Cutting, 4th ed.Butterworth Heinemann, Boston, 2000.

[14] Trigger, K. J.‘‘Progress Report No. 2 on Tool–ChipInterface Temperatures,’’ ASME Transactions,Vol. 71, No. 2, February 1949, pp. 163–174.

[15] Trigger, K. J., and Chao, B. T.‘‘An Analytical Eval-uation of Metal Cutting Temperatures,’’ ASMETransactions,Vol. 73, No. 1, January 1951, pp. 57–68.


21.1. What are the three basic categories of materialremoval processes?

21.2. What distinguishes machining from other manu-facturing processes?

21.3. Identify some of the reasons why machining iscommercially and technologically important.

21.4. Name the three most common machiningprocesses.

21.5. What are the two basic categories of cutting tools inmachining? Give two examples of machining op-erations that use each of the tooling types.

21.6. What are the parameters of a machining operationthat are included within the scope of cuttingconditions?

21.7. Explain the difference between roughing and fin-ishing operations in machining.

21.8. What is a machine tool?21.9. What is an orthogonal cutting operation?

21.10. Why is the orthogonal cutting model useful in theanalysis of metal machining?

21.11. Name and briefly describe the four types of chipsthat occur in metal cutting.

21.12. Identify the four forces that act upon the chip in theorthogonal metal cutting model but cannot bemeasured directly in an operation.

21.13. Identify the two forces that can be measured in theorthogonal metal cutting model.

21.14. What is the relationship between the coefficient offriction and the friction angle in the orthogonalcutting model?

21.15. DescribeinwordswhattheMerchantequationtellsus.21.16. How is the power required in a cutting operation

related to the cutting force?21.17. What is the specific energy in metal machining?21.18. What does the term size effectmean inmetal cutting?21.19. What is a tool–chip thermocouple?


There are 17 correct answers in the following multiple choice questions (some questions have multiple answers that arecorrect). To attain a perfect score on the quiz, all correct answers must be given. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Eachomitted answer or wrong answer reduces the score by 1 point, and each additional answer beyond the correct number ofanswers reduces the score by 1 point. Percentage score on the quiz is based on the total number of correct answers.

21.1. Which of the following manufacturing processesare classified as material removal processes (twocorrect answers): (a) casting, (b) drawing, (c) extru-sion, (d) forging, (e) grinding, (f) machining,(g) molding, (h) pressworking, and (i) spinning?

21.2. A lathe is used to perform which one of thefollowingmanufacturing operations: (a) broaching,(b) drilling, (c) lapping, (d) milling, or (e) turning?

21.3. With which one of the following geometric forms isthe drilling operation most closely associated:

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(a) external cylinder, (b) flat plane, (c) round hole,(d) screw threads, or (e) sphere?

21.4. If the cutting conditions in a turning operation arecutting speed¼ 300 ft/min, feed¼ 0.010 in/rev, anddepth of cut ¼ 0.100 in, which one of the followingis the material removal rate: (a) 0.025 in3/min,(b) 0.3 in3/min, (c) 3.0 in3/min, or (d) 3.6 in3/min?

21.5. A roughing operation generally involves which oneof the following combinations of cutting condi-tions: (a) high v, f, and d; (b) high v, low f and d;(c) low v, high fandd; or (d) low v, f, andd, where v¼cutting speed, f ¼ feed, and d ¼ depth?

21.6. Which of the following are characteristics of theorthogonal cutting model (three best answers):(a) a circular cutting edge is used, (b) a multiple-cutting-edge tool is used, (c) a single-point tool isused, (d) only two dimensions play an active role inthe analysis, (e) the cutting edge is parallel to thedirection of cutting speed, (f) the cutting edge isperpendicular to the direction of cutting speed, and(g) the two elements of tool geometry are rake andrelief angle?

21.7. The chip thickness ratio is which one of the following:(a) tc/to, (b) to/tc, (c) f/d, or (d) to/w, where tc ¼ chipthickness after the cut, to ¼ chip thickness beforethe cut, f ¼ feed, d ¼ depth, and w ¼ width of cut?

21.8. Which one of the four types of chip would beexpected in a turning operation conducted at low

cutting speed on a brittle work material: (a) con-tinuous, (b) continuous with built-up edge,(c) discontinuous, or (d) serrated?

21.9. According to the Merchant equation, an increasein rake angle would have which of the followingresults, all other factors remaining the same (twobest answers): (a) decrease in friction angle,(b) decrease in power requirements, (c) decreasein shear plane angle, (d) increase in cutting tem-perature, and (e) increase in shear plane angle?

21.10. In using the orthogonal cutting model to approxi-mate a turning operation, the chip thickness beforethe cut to corresponds to which one of the followingcutting conditions in turning: (a) depth of cut d,(b) feed f, or (c) speed v?

21.11. Which one of the following metals would usuallyhave the lowest unit horsepower in a machiningoperation: (a) aluminum, (b) brass, (c) cast iron, or(d) steel?

21.12. For which one of the following values of chip thick-ness before the cut to would you expect the specificenergy in machining to be the greatest:(a) 0.010 in,(b) 0.025 in, (c) 0.12 mm, or (d) 0.50 mm?

21.13. Which of the following cutting conditions has thestrongest effect on cutting temperature: (a) feed or(b) speed?


Chip Formation and Forces in Machining

21.1. In an orthogonal cutting operation, the tool has arakeangle¼ 15�. The chip thickness before the cut¼0.30 mm and the cut yields a deformed chip thick-ness¼ 0.65 mm. Calculate (a) the shear plane angleand (b) the shear strain for the operation.

21.2. In Problem 21.1, suppose the rake angle werechanged to 0�. Assuming that the friction angleremains the same, determine (a) the shear planeangle, (b) the chip thickness, and (c) the shearstrain for the operation.

21.3. In an orthogonal cutting operation, the 0.25-inwide tool has a rake angle of 5�. The lathe is setso the chip thickness before the cut is 0.010 in.After the cut, the deformed chip thickness is meas-ured to be 0.027 in. Calculate (a) the shear planeangle and (b) the shear strain for the operation.

21.4. Ina turningoperation, spindle speed is set toprovidea cutting speed of 1.8 m/s. The feed and depth of cutof cut are 0.30mmand2.6mm, respectively. The toolrake angle is 8�. After the cut, the deformed chip

thickness is measured to be 0.49mm.Determine (a)shear plane angle, (b) shear strain, and (c) materialremoval rate. Use the orthogonal cutting model asan approximation of the turning process.

21.5. The cutting force and thrust force in an orthogonalcutting operation are 1470 N and 1589 N, respec-tively. The rake angle ¼ 5�, the width of the cut ¼5.0 mm, the chip thickness before the cut¼ 0.6, andthe chip thickness ratio ¼ 0.38. Determine (a) theshear strength of the work material and (b) thecoefficient of friction in the operation.

21.6. The cutting force and thrust force have beenmeasured in an orthogonal cutting operationto be 300 lb and 291 lb, respectively. The rakeangle¼ 10�, width of cut¼ 0.200 in, chip thicknessbefore the cut ¼ 0.015, and chip thickness ratio ¼0.4. Determine (a) the shear strength of the workmaterial and (b) the coefficient of friction in theoperation.

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21.7. An orthogonal cutting operation is performedusing a rake angle of 15�, chip thickness beforethe cut ¼ 0.012 in and width of cut ¼ 0.100 in. Thechip thickness ratio is measured after the cut to be0.55. Determine (a) the chip thickness after the cut,(b) shear angle, (c) friction angle, (d) coefficient offriction, and (e) shear strain.

21.8. The orthogonal cutting operation described in previ-ous Problem 21.7 involves a work material whoseshear strength is 40,000 lb/in2. Based on your answersto the previous problem, compute(a) the shear force,(b) cutting force, (c) thrust force, and (d) frictionforce.

21.9. In an orthogonal cutting operation, the rake angle¼�5�, chip thickness before the cut ¼ 0.2 mm andwidth of cut ¼ 4.0 mm. The chip ratio ¼ 0.4. Deter-mine (a) the chip thickness after the cut, (b) shearangle, (c) friction angle, (d) coefficient of friction,and (e) shear strain.

21.10. The shear strength of a certain work material ¼50,000 lb/in2. An orthogonal cutting operation isperformed using a tool with a rake angle ¼ 20� atthe following cutting conditions: cutting speed ¼100 ft/min, chip thickness before the cut¼ 0.015 in,and width of cut ¼ 0.150 in. The resulting chipthickness ratio ¼ 0.50. Determine (a) the shearplane angle, (b) shear force, (c) cutting force andthrust force, and (d) friction force.

21.11. Consider the data in Problem 21.10 except thatrake angle is a variable, and its effect on the forcesin parts (b), (c), and (d) is to be evaluated.(a) Using a spreadsheet calculator, compute thevalues of shear force, cutting force, thrust force, andfriction force as a function of rake angle over arange of rake angles between the high value of 20�

in Problem 21.10 and a low value of �10�. Useintervals of 5� between these limits. The chip thick-ness ratio decreases as rake angle is reduced andcan be approximated by the following relationship:r¼ 0.38þ 0.006a, where r¼ chip thickness and a¼

rake angle. (b) What observations can be madefrom the computed results?

21.12. Solve previous Problem 21.10 except that the rakeangle has been changed to �5� and the resultingchip thickness ratio ¼ 0.35.

21.13. A carbon steel bar with 7.64 in diameter has atensile strength of 65,000 lb/in2 and a shear strengthof 45,000 lb/in2. The diameter is reduced using aturning operation at a cutting speed of 400 ft/min.The feed is 0.011 in/rev and the depth of cut is0.120 in. The rake angle on the tool in the directionof chip flow is 13�. The cutting conditions result in achip ratio of 0.52. Using the orthogonalmodel as anapproximation of turning, determine (a) the shearplane angle, (b) shear force, (c) cutting force andfeed force, and (d) coefficient of friction betweenthe tool and chip.

21.14. Low carbon steel having a tensile strength of300 MPa and a shear strength of 220 MPa is cutin a turningoperationwith a cutting speed of 3.0m/s.The feed is 0.20 mm/rev and the depth of cut is3.0 mm. The rake angle of the tool is 5� in thedirection of chip flow. The resulting chip ratio is0.45. Using the orthogonal model as an approxima-tion of turning, determine (a) the shear plane angle,(b) shear force, (c) cutting force and feed force.

21.15. A turning operation is made with a rake angle of10�, a feed of 0.010 in/rev and a depth of cut¼ 0.100in. The shear strength of the work material isknown to be 50,000 lb/in2, and the chip thicknessratio is measured after the cut to be 0.40. Deter-mine the cutting force and the feed force. Use theorthogonal cutting model as an approximation ofthe turning process.

21.16. Show how Eq. (21.3) is derived from the definitionof chip ratio, Eq. (21.2), and Figure 21.5(b).

21.17. Show how Eq. (21.4) is derived from Figure Derive the force equations for F, N, Fs, and Fn

(Eqs. (21.9) through (21.12) in the text) using theforce diagram of Figure 21.11.

Power and Energy in Machining

21.19. In a turning operation on stainless steel with hard-ness ¼ 200 HB, the cutting speed ¼ 200 m/min,feed ¼ 0.25 mm/rev, and depth of cut ¼ 7.5 mm.Howmuch power will the lathe draw in performingthis operation if its mechanical efficiency ¼ 90%.Use Table 21.2 to obtain the appropriate specificenergy value.

21.20. In Problem 21.18, compute the lathe power re-quirements if feed ¼ 0.50 mm/rev.

21.21. In a turning operation on aluminum, cuttingspeed ¼ 900 ft/min, feed ¼ 0.020 in/rev, and depthof cut ¼ 0.250 in. What horsepower is required of

the drive motor, if the lathe has a mechanicalefficiency ¼ 87%? Use Table 21.2 to obtain theappropriate unit horsepower value.

21.22. In a turning operation on plain carbon steel whoseBrinell hardness ¼ 275 HB, the cutting speed isset at 200 m/min and depth of cut ¼ 6.0 mm. Thelathe motor is rated at 25 kW, and its mechanicalefficiency ¼ 90%. Using the appropriate specificenergy value from Table 21.2, determine the maxi-mum feed that can be set for this operation. Use ofa spreadsheet calculator is recommended for theiterative calculations required in this problem.

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21.23. A turning operation is to be performed on a 20 hplathe that has an 87% efficiency rating. The rough-ing cut is made on alloy steel whose hardness is inthe range 325 to 335HB. The cutting speed is 375 ft/min, feed is 0.030 in/rev, and depth of cut is 0.150 in.Based on these values, can the job be performed onthe 20 hp lathe? Use Table 21.2 to obtain theappropriate unit horsepower value.

21.24. Suppose the cutting speed in Problems 21.7 and21.8 is 200 ft/min. From your answers to thoseproblems, find (a) the horsepower consumed inthe operation, (b) metal removal rate in in3/min,(c) unit horsepower (hp-min/in3), and (d) the spe-cific energy (in-lb/in3).

21.25. For Problem 21.12, the lathe has a mechanicalefficiency ¼ 0.83. Determine (a) the horsepowerconsumedby the turning operation; (b) horsepowerthat must be generated by the lathe; (c) unit horse-power and specific energy for the work material inthis operation.

21.26. In a turning operation on low carbon steel (175BHN), cutting speed ¼ 400 ft/min, feed ¼ 0.010 in/rev, and depth of cut ¼ 0.075 in. The lathe has amechanical efficiency ¼ 0.85. Based on the unithorsepower values in Table 21.2, determine (a) thehorsepower consumed by the turning operationand (b) the horsepower that must be generatedby the lathe.

21.27. Solve Problem 21.25 except that the feed¼ 0.0075 in/rev and the work material is stainless steel (Brinellhardness ¼ 240 HB).

21.28. A turningoperation is carried out on aluminum(100BHN). Cutting speed ¼ 5.6 m/s, feed ¼ 0.25 mm/rev, and depth of cut ¼ 2.0 mm. The lathe has amechanical efficiency ¼ 0.85. Based on the specificenergy values in Table 21.2, determine (a) the cut-ting power and (b) gross power in the turningoperation, in Watts.

21.29. Solve Problem21.27 butwith the following changes:cutting speed ¼ 1.3 m/s, feed ¼ 0.75 mm/rev, anddepth¼ 4.0 mm. Note that although the power usedin this operation is only about 10% greater than inthe previous problem, the metal removal rate isabout 40% greater.

21.30. A turning operation is performed on an enginelathe using a tool with zero rake angle in thedirection of chip flow. The work material is analloy steel with hardness ¼ 325 Brinell hardness.The feed is 0.015 in/rev, depth of cut is 0.125 in andcutting speed is 300 ft/min. After the cut, the chipthickness ratio is measured to be 0.45. (a) Using theappropriate value of specific energy from Table21.2, compute the horsepower at the drive motor, ifthe lathe has an efficiency ¼ 85%. (b) Based onhorsepower, compute your best estimate of thecutting force for this turning operation. Use theorthogonal cutting model as an approximation ofthe turning process.

21.31. A lathe performs a turning operation on a work-piece of 6.0 in diameter. The shear strength of thework is 40,000 lb/in2 and the tensile strength is60,000 lb/in2. The rake angle of the tool is 6�. Thecutting speed¼ 700 ft/min, feed¼ 0.015 in/rev, anddepth¼ 0.090 in. The chip thickness after the cut is0.025 in. Determine (a) the horsepower required inthe operation, (b) unit horsepower for this materialunder these conditions, and (c) unit horsepower asit would be listed in Table 21.2 for a to of 0.010 in.Use the orthogonal cutting model as an approxi-mation of the turning process.

21.32. In a turning operation on an aluminum alloy work-piece, the feed ¼ 0.020 in/rev, and depth of cut ¼0.250 in. Themotor horsepower of the lathe is 20 hpand it has a mechanical efficiency ¼ 92%. The unithorsepower value ¼ 0.25 hp/(in3/min) for this alu-minum grade. What is the maximum cutting speedthat can be used on this job?

Cutting Temperature

21.33. Orthogonal cutting is performed on a metal whosemass specific heat ¼ 1.0 J/g-C, density ¼ 2.9 g/cm3,and thermal diffusivity ¼ 0.8 cm2/s. The cuttingspeed is 4.5 m/s, uncut chip thickness is 0.25 mm,and width of cut is 2.2 mm. The cutting force ismeasured at 1170 N. Using Cook’s equation, deter-mine the cutting temperature if the ambient tem-perature ¼ 22�C.

21.34. Consider a turning operation performed on steelwhose hardness ¼ 225 HB at a speed ¼ 3.0 m/s,feed¼ 0.25 mm, and depth¼ 4.0 mm. Using valuesof thermal properties found in the tables anddefinitions of Section 4.1 and the appropriate

specific energy value from Table 21.2, computean estimate of cutting temperature using theCook equation. Assume ambient temperature ¼20�C.

21.35. An orthogonal cutting operation is performed on acertain metal whose volumetric specific heat ¼ 110in-lb/in3-F, and thermal diffusivity ¼ 0.140 in2/sec.The cutting speed¼ 350 ft/min, chip thickness be-fore the cut¼ 0.008 in, and width of cut ¼ 0.100 in.The cutting force is measured at 200 lb. UsingCook’s equation, determine the cutting tempera-ture if the ambient temperature ¼ 70�F.

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21.36. It is desired to estimate the cutting temperature fora certain alloy steel whose hardness ¼ 240 Brinell.Use the appropriate value of specific energy fromTable 21.2 and compute the cutting temperature bymeans of the Cook equation for a turning opera-tion in which the cutting speed is 500 ft/min, feed is0.005 in/rev, and depth of cut is 0.070 in. The workmaterial has a volumetric specific heat of 210 in lb/in3-F and a thermal diffusivity of 0.16 in2/sec.Assume ambient temperature ¼ 88�F.

21.37. An orthogonal machining operation removesmetal at 1.8 in3/min. The cutting force in theprocess ¼ 300 lb. The work material has a thermaldiffusivity ¼ 0.18 in2/sec and a volumetric specificheat ¼ 124 in-lb/in3-F. If the feed f ¼ to ¼ 0.010 inand width of cut ¼ 0.100 in, use the Cook formulato compute the cutting temperature in the opera-tion given that ambient temperature ¼ 70�F.

21.38. A turning operation uses a cutting speed ¼ 200 m/min, feed¼ 0.25mm/rev, and depthof cut¼ 4.00mm.Thethermaldiffusivityoftheworkmaterial¼20mm2/s and the volumetric specific heat¼ 3.5 (10�3) J/mm3-C. If the temperature increase above ambient temper-ature (20�F) ismeasuredbya tool–chip thermocoupleto be 700�C, determine the specific energy for thework material in this operation.

21.39. During a turning operation, a tool–chip thermo-couple was used to measure cutting temperature.The following temperature data were collectedduring the cuts at three different cutting speeds(feed and depth were held constant): (1) v¼ 100 m/min, T ¼ 505�C, (2) v ¼ 130 m/min, T ¼ 552�C,(3) v ¼ 160 m/min, T ¼ 592�C. Determine anequation for temperature as a function of cuttingspeed that is in the form of the Trigger equation,Eq. (21.23).

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Chapter Contents

22.1 Machining and Part Geometry

22.2 Turning and Related Operations22.2.1 Cutting Conditions in Turning22.2.2 Operations Related to Turning22.2.3 The Engine Lathe22.2.4 Other Lathes and Turning Machines22.2.5 Boring Machines

22.3 Drilling and Related Operations22.3.1 Cutting Conditions in Drilling22.3.2 Operations Related to Drilling22.3.3 Drill Presses

22.4 Milling22.4.1 Types of Milling Operations22.4.2 Cutting Conditions in Milling22.4.3 Milling Machines

22.5 Machining Centers and Turning Centers

22.6 Other Machining Operations22.6.1 Shaping and Planing22.6.2 Broaching22.6.3 Sawing

22.7 Machining Operations for Special Geometries22.7.1 Screw Threads22.7.2 Gears

22.8 High-Speed Machining

Machining is the most versatile and accurate of all man-ufacturing processes in its capability to produce a diversityof part geometries and geometric features. Casting can alsoproduce a variety of shapes, but it lacks the precision andaccuracy of machining. In this chapter, we describe theimportant machining operations and the machine toolsused to perform them. Historical Note 22.1 provides a briefnarrative of the development of machine tool technology.


To introduce our topic in this chapter, let us provide anoverview of the creation of part geometry by machining.Machined parts can be classified as rotational or nonrota-tional(Figure22.1).A rotationalworkparthasacylindricalordisk-like shape. The characteristic operation that producesthis geometry is one in which a cutting tool removesmaterialfrom a rotating workpart. Examples include turning andboring. Drilling is closely related except that an internalcylindrical shape is created and the tool rotates (ratherthan the work) in most drilling operations. A nonrotational(also called prismatic) workpart is block-like or plate-like, asinFigure 22.1(b).This geometry isachievedby linearmotionsof the workpart, combined with either rotating or linear toolmotions.Operations in this category includemilling, shaping,planing, and sawing.

Each machining operation produces a characteristicgeometry due to two factors: (1) the relative motions be-tween the tool and the workpart and (2) the shape of thecutting tool. We classify these operations by which partshape is created as generating and forming. In generating,the geometry of the workpart is determined by the feedtrajectory of the cutting tool. The path followed by the toolduring its feed motion is imparted to the work surface inorder to create shape. Examples of generating the work


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shape in machining include straight turning, taper turning, contour turning, peripheralmilling, and profile milling, all illustrated in Figure 22.2. In each of these operations,material removal is accomplished by the speed motion in the operation, but part shape isdetermined by the feed motion. The feed trajectory may involve variations in depth orwidth of cut during the operation. For example, in the contour turning and profile millingoperations shown in our figure, the feed motion results in changes in depth and width,respectively, as cutting proceeds.

In forming, the shape of the part is created by the geometry of the cutting tool. Ineffect, the cutting edge of the tool has the reverse of the shape to be produced on the partsurface. Form turning, drilling, and broaching are examples of this case. In theseoperations, illustrated in Figure 22.3, the shape of the cutting tool is imparted to thework in order to create part geometry. The cutting conditions in forming usually includethe primary speed motion combined with a feeding motion that is directed into the work.

FIGURE 22.1 Machined parts are classified as (a) rotational, or (b) nonrotational, shown here by block

and flat parts.

Historical Note 22.1 Machine tool technology

Material removal as a means of making things datesback to prehistoric times, when man learned to carvewood and chip stones to make hunting and farmingimplements. There is archaeological evidence that theancient Egyptians used a rotating bowstring mechanismto drill holes.

Development of modern machine tools is closelyrelated to the Industrial Revolution. When James Wattdesigned his steam engine in England around 1763, oneof the technical problems he faced was to make the boreof the cylinder sufficiently accurate to prevent steamfrom escaping around the piston. John Wilkinson built awater-wheel powered boring machine around 1775,which permitted Watt to build his steam engine.This boring machine is often recognized as the firstmachine tool.

Another Englishman, Henry Maudsley, developed thefirst screw-cutting lathe around 1800. Although theturning of wood had been accomplished for manycenturies, Maudsley’s machine added a mechanized tool

carriage with which feeding and threading operationscould be performed with much greater precision thanany means before.

Eli Whitney is credited with developing the firstmilling machine in the United States around 1818.Development of the planer and shaper occurred inEngland between 1800 and 1835, in response to theneed to make components for the steam engine, textileequipment, and other machines associated with theIndustrial Revolution. The powered drill press wasdeveloped by James Nasmyth around 1846, whichpermitted drilling of accurate holes in metal.

Most of the conventional boring machines, lathes,milling machines, planers, shapers, and drill presses usedtoday have the same basic designs as the early versionsdeveloped during the last two centuries. Modernmachining centers—machine tools capable ofperforming more than one type of cutting operation—were introduced in the late 1950s, after numericalcontrol had been developed (Historical Note 38.1).

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FIGURE 22.2 Generating shape in machining: (a) straight turning, (b) taper turning, (c) contour turning, (d) plainmilling, and (e) profile milling.

FIGURE 22.3 Forming to create shape in machining: (a) form turning, (b) drilling, and (c) broaching.

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Depth of cut in this category of machining usually refers to the final penetration into thework after the feed motion has been completed.

Forming and generating are sometimes combined in one operation, as illustrated inFigure 22.4 for thread cutting on a lathe and slotting on a milling machine. In threadcutting, the pointed shape of the cutting tool determines the form of the threads, but thelarge feed rate generates the threads. In slotting (also called slotmilling), thewidth of thecutter determines the width of the slot, but the feed motion creates the slot.

Machining is classified as a secondary process. In general, secondary processesfollow basic processes, whose purpose is to establish the initial shape of a workpiece.Examples of basic processes include casting, forging, and bar rolling (to produce rod andbar stock). The shapes produced by these processes usually require refinement bysecondary processes. Machining operations serve to transform the starting shapes intothe final geometries specified by the part designer. For example, bar stock is the initialshape, but the final geometry after a series of machining operations is a shaft. We discussbasic and secondary processes in more detail and provide additional examples in Section40.1.1 on process planning.


Turning is a machining process in which a single-point tool removes material from thesurface of a rotating workpiece. The tool is fed linearly in a direction parallel to the axis ofrotation to generate a cylindrical geometry, as illustrated inFigures 22.2(a) and22.5. Single-point tools used in turning and other machining operations are discussed in Section 23.3.1.Turning is traditionally carried out on a machine tool called a lathe,which provides powerto turn the part at a given rotational speed and to feed the tool at a specified rate and depthof cut. Included on the DVD that accompanies this text is a video clip on turning.


Turning and Lathe Basics. This clip contains four segments: (1) lathe types, (2) latheturrets, (3) lathe workholding, and (4) turning operations.

FIGURE 22.4Combination of formingand generating to createshape: (a) thread cutting

on a lathe, and (b) slotmilling.

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The rotational speed in turning is related to the desired cutting speed at the surface of thecylindrical workpiece by the equation

N ¼ v


where N ¼ rotational speed, rev/min; v ¼ cutting speed, m/min (ft/min); and Do ¼original diameter of the part, m (ft).

The turning operation reduces the diameter of the work from its original diameterDo to a final diameter Df, as determined by the depth of cut d:

Df ¼ Do � 2d ð22:2ÞThe feed in turning is generally expressed in mm/rev (in/rev). This feed can be convertedto a linear travel rate in mm/min (in/min) by the formula

f r ¼ Nf ð22:3Þwhere fr ¼ feed rate, mm/min (in/min); and f ¼ feed, mm/rev (in/rev).

The time to machine from one end of a cylindrical workpart to the other is given by

Tm ¼ L

f rð22:4Þ

where Tm ¼machining time, min; andL¼ length of the cylindrical workpart, mm (in). Amore direct computation of the machining time is provided by the following equation:

Tm ¼ pDoL


whereDo¼work diameter, mm (in);L¼workpart length, mm (in); f¼ feed, mm/rev (in/rev); and v ¼ cutting speed, mm/min (in/min). As a practical matter, a small distance isusually added to the workpart length at the beginning and end of the piece to allow forapproach and overtravel of the tool. Thus, the duration of the feed motion past the workwill be longer than Tm.

FIGURE 22.5 Turningoperation.

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The volumetric rate of material removal can be most conveniently determined bythe following equation:

RMR ¼ vfd ð22:6ÞwhereRMR¼material removal rate,mm3/min (in3/min). In using this equation, the units for fare expressed simply asmm(in), in effect neglecting the rotational character of turning.Also,caremust be exercised to ensure that the units for speed are consistent with those for f and d.


A variety of other machining operations can be performed on a lathe in addition toturning; these include the following, illustrated in Figure 22.6:

FIGURE 22.6 Machining operations other than turning that are performed on a lathe: (a) facing, (b) taper turning,(c) contour turning, (d) form turning, (e) chamfering, (f) cutoff, (g) threading, (h) boring, (i) drilling, and (j) knurling.

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(a) Facing. The tool is fed radially into the rotating work on one end to create a flatsurface on the end.

(b) Taper turning. Instead of feeding the tool parallel to the axis of rotation of the work,the tool is fed at an angle, thus creating a tapered cylinder or conical shape.

(c) Contour turning. Instead of feeding the tool along a straight line parallel to the axis ofrotation as in turning, the tool follows a contour that is other than straight, thuscreating a contoured form in the turned part.

(d) Form turning. In this operation, sometimes called forming, the tool has a shape that isimparted to the work by plunging the tool radially into the work.

(e) Chamfering. The cutting edge of the tool is used to cut an angle on the corner of thecylinder, forming what is called a ‘‘chamfer.’’

(f) Cutoff. The tool is fed radially into the rotating work at some location along its lengthto cut off the end of the part. This operation is sometimes referred to as parting.

(g) Threading. A pointed tool is fed linearly across the outside surface of the rotatingworkpart in a direction parallel to the axis of rotation at a large effective feed rate, thuscreating threads in the cylinder. Methods of machining screw threads are discussed ingreater detail in Section 22.7.1.

(h) Boring. A single-point tool is fed linearly, parallel to the axis of rotation, on the insidediameter of an existing hole in the part.

(i) Drilling. Drilling can be performed on a lathe by feeding the drill into the rotatingwork along its axis. Reaming can be performed in a similar way.

(j) Knurling. This is not a machining operation because it does not involve cutting ofmaterial. Instead, it is a metal forming operation used to produce a regular cross-hatched pattern in the work surface.

Most lathe operations use single-point tools, which we discuss in Section 23.3.1.Turning, facing, taper turning, contour turning, chamfering, and boring are all performedwith single-point tools. A threading operation is accomplished using a single-point tooldesigned with a geometry that shapes the thread. Certain operations require tools otherthan single-point. Form turning is performed with a specially designed tool called a formtool. The profile shape ground into the tool establishes the shape of the workpart. Acutoff tool is basically a form tool. Drilling is accomplished by a drill bit (Section 23.3.2).Knurling is performed by a knurling tool, consisting of two hardened forming rolls, eachmounted between centers. The forming rolls have the desired knurling pattern on theirsurfaces. To perform knurling, the tool is pressed against the rotating workpart withsufficient pressure to impress the pattern onto the work surface.


The basic lathe used for turning and related operations is an engine lathe. It is a versatilemachine tool,manually operated, andwidely used in lowandmediumproduction.The termengine dates from the time when these machines were driven by steam engines.

Engine Lathe Technology Figure 22.7 is a sketch of an engine lathe showing itsprincipal components. The headstock contains the drive unit to rotate the spindle, whichrotates the work. Opposite the headstock is the tailstock, in which a center is mounted tosupport the other end of the workpiece.

Thecuttingtool isheldina toolpostfastenedtothecross-slide,whichisassembledtothecarriage.The carriage is designed to slide along theways of the lathe in order to feed the toolparallel to theaxisof rotation.Thewaysare like tracksalongwhich thecarriagerides, andthey

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aremadewithgreatprecisiontoachieveahighdegreeofparallelismrelativetothespindleaxis.The ways are built into the bed of the lathe, providing a rigid frame for the machine tool.

The carriage is driven by a leadscrew that rotates at the proper speed to obtain thedesired feed rate. The cross-slide is designed to feed in a direction perpendicular to thecarriage movement. Thus, by moving the carriage, the tool can be fed parallel to the workaxis to perform straight turning; or by moving the cross-slide, the tool can be fed radiallyinto the work to perform facing, form turning, or cutoff operations.

The conventional engine lathe andmost othermachines described in this section arehorizontal turning machines; that is, the spindle axis is horizontal. This is appropriate forthe majority of turning jobs, in which the length is greater than the diameter. For jobs inwhich the diameter is large relative to length and thework is heavy, it ismore convenient toorient the work so that it rotates about a vertical axis; these are vertical turning machines.

The size of a lathe is designated by swing and maximum distance between centers.The swing is the maximum workpart diameter that can be rotated in the spindle, deter-mined as twice the distance between the centerline of the spindle and the ways of themachine. The actual maximum size of a cylindrical workpiece that can be accommodatedon the lathe is smaller than the swing because the carriage and cross-slide assembly are inthe way. The maximum distance between centers indicates the maximum length of aworkpiece that can be mounted between headstock and tailstock centers. For example, a350 mm � 1.2 m (14 in � 48 in) lathe designates that the swing is 350 mm (14 in) and themaximum distance between centers is 1.2 m (48 in).

Methods of Holding theWork in a Lathe Thereare four commonmethodsused toholdworkparts in turning. These workholding methods consist of various mechanisms to graspthework, center and support it in position along the spindle axis, and rotate it. Themethods,illustrated in Figure 22.8, are (a)mounting the work between centers, (b) chuck, (c) collet,and (d) face plate. Our video clip on workholding illustrates the various aspects offixturing for turning and other machining operations.


Introduction to Workholding. This clip contains four segments: (1) workholding of parts,(2) principles of workholding, (3) 3-2-1 locational workholding method, and (4) work-piece reclamping.

FIGURE 22.7 Diagramof an engine lathe,indicating its principal


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Holding the work between centers refers to the use of two centers, one in theheadstock and the other in the tailstock, as in Figure 22.8(a). This method is appropriateforpartswith large length-to-diameter ratios.At theheadstock center, a device called adogis attached to the outside of the work and is used to drive the rotation from the spindle. Thetailstock center has a cone-shaped point which is inserted into a tapered hole in the end ofthe work. The tailstock center is either a ‘‘live’’ center or a ‘‘dead’’ center. A live centerrotates in a bearing in the tailstock, so that there is no relative rotation between the workand the live center, hence, no friction between the center and the workpiece. In contrast, adead center is fixed to the tailstock, so that it does not rotate; instead, theworkpiece rotatesabout it. Because of friction and the heat buildup that results, this setup is normally used atlower rotational speeds. The live center can be used at higher speeds.

The chuck, Figure 22.8(b), is available in several designs, with three or four jaws tograsp the cylindrical workpart on its outside diameter. The jaws are often designed so theycanalso grasp the insidediameter of a tubularpart.A self-centering chuckhas amechanismtomove the jaws in or out simultaneously, thus centering thework at the spindle axis.Otherchucks allow independent operation of each jaw. Chucks can be used with or without atailstock center. For parts with low length-to-diameter ratios, holding the part in the chuckin a cantilever fashion is usually sufficient to withstand the cutting forces. For longworkbars, the tailstock center is needed for support.

A collet consists of a tubular bushing with longitudinal slits running over half itslength and equally spaced around its circumference, as in Figure 22.8(c). The insidediameter of the collet is used to hold cylindrical work such as barstock. Owing to the slits,one end of the collet can be squeezed to reduce its diameter and provide a secure graspingpressure against the work. Because there is a limit to the reduction obtainable in a collet

FIGURE 22.8 Four workholding methods used in lathes: (a) mounting the work between centers using a dog,(b) three-jaw chuck, (c) collet, and (d) faceplate for noncylindrical workparts.

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of any given diameter, these workholding devices must be made in various sizes to matchthe particular workpart size in the operation.

A face plate, Figure 22.8(d), is a workholding device that fastens to the lathe spindleand is used to grasp parts with irregular shapes. Because of their irregular shape, these partscannot be held by otherworkholdingmethods. The faceplate is therefore equippedwith thecustom-designed clamps for the particular geometry of the part.


In addition to the engine lathe, other turning machines have been developed to satisfyparticular functions or to automate the turning process. Among these machines are(1) toolroom lathe, (2) speed lathe, (3) turret lathe, (4) chucking machine, (5) automaticscrew machine, and (6) numerically controlled lathe.

The toolroom lathe and speed lathe are closely related to the engine lathe. Thetoolroom lathe is smaller and has a wider available range of speeds and feeds. It is alsobuilt for higher accuracy, consistent with its purpose of fabricating components for tools,fixtures, and other high-precision devices.

The speed lathe is simpler in construction than theengine lathe. It has no carriage andcross-slide assembly, and therefore no leadscrew to drive the carriage. The cutting tool isheld by the operator using a rest attached to the lathe for support. The speeds are higher ona speed lathe, but the number of speed settings is limited.Applications of thismachine typeinclude wood turning, metal spinning, and polishing operations.

A turret lathe is amanually operated lathe in which the tailstock is replaced by a turretthatholdsuptosixcuttingtools.Thesetoolscanberapidlybrought intoactionagainst theworkone by one by indexing the turret. In addition, the conventional tool post used on an enginelathe is replacedbya four-sided turret that is capableof indexingup to four tools intoposition.Hence, because of the capacity to quickly change fromone cutting tool to the next, the turretlathe is used for high-productionwork that requires a sequenceof cuts tobemadeon thepart.

As the name suggests, a chucking machine (nicknamed chucker) uses a chuck in itsspindle to hold the workpart. The tailstock is absent on a chucker, so parts cannot bemounted between centers. This restricts the use of a chucking machine to short, light-weight parts. The setup and operation are similar to a turret lathe except that the feedingactions of the cutting tools are controlled automatically rather than by a human operator.The function of the operator is to load and unload the parts.

Abarmachine is similar to a chuckingmachine except that a collet is used (insteadofa chuck), which permits long bar stock to be fed through theheadstock into position.At theendof eachmachining cycle, a cutoff operation separates thenewpart.Thebar stock is thenindexed forward topresent stock for thenext part. Feeding the stock aswell as indexing andfeeding the cutting tools is accomplishedautomatically.Owing to its high level of automaticoperation, it is often called an automatic bar machine.One of its important applications isin the production of screws and similar small hardware items; the name automatic screwmachine is frequently used for machines used in these applications.

Bar machines can be classified as single spindle or multiple spindle. A single spindlebarmachine has one spindle that normally allows only one cutting tool to be used at a timeon the single workpart beingmachined. Thus, while each tool is cutting the work, the othertools are idle. (Turret lathes and chucking machines are also limited by this sequential,rather than simultaneous, tool operation). To increase cutting tool utilization and produc-tion rate,multiple spindle barmachines are available. Thesemachines havemore than onespindle, somultiplepartsaremachinedsimultaneouslybymultiple tools. Forexample, a six-spindle automatic bar machine works on six parts at a time, as in Figure 22.9. At the end ofeachmachining cycle, the spindles (including collets andworkbars) are indexed (rotated) tothenext position. Inour illustration, eachpart is cut sequentially by five sets of cutting tools,

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which takes six cycles (position 1 is for advancing the bar stock to a ‘‘stop’’). With thisarrangement, a part is completed at the end of each cycle. As a result, a six-spindleautomatic screw machine has a very high production rate.

The sequencing and actuation of the motions on screw machines and chuckingmachines have traditionally been controlled by cams and other mechanical devices. Themodern form of control is computer numerical control (CNC), in which the machine tooloperations are controlled by a ‘‘program of instructions’’ consisting of alphanumeric code(Section 38.3). CNC provides a more sophisticated and versatile means of control thanmechanical devices. This has led to the development of machine tools capable of morecomplex machining cycles and part geometries, and a higher level of automated operationthan conventional screwmachines and chuckingmachines. TheCNC lathe is an example ofthese machines in turning. It is especially useful for contour turning operations and closetolerance work. Today, automatic chuckers and bar machines are implemented by CNC.


Boring is similar to turning. It uses a single-point tool against a rotating workpart. Thedifference is that boring is performed on the inside diameter of an existing hole rather thanthe outside diameter of an existing cylinder. In effect, boring is an internal turning operation.Machine tools used to perform boring operations are called boring machines (also boringmills). Onemight expect that boringmachines would have features in commonwith turningmachines; indeed, as previously indicated, lathes are sometimes used to accomplish boring.

Boringmills can be horizontal or vertical. The designation refers to theorientation ofthe axis of rotation of the machine spindle or workpart. In a horizontal boring operation,the setup can be arranged in either of two ways. The first setup is one in which the work isfixtured to a rotating spindle, and the tool is attached to a cantilevered boring bar that feeds

FIGURE22.9 (a) Typeofpartproducedonasix-spindleautomaticbarmachine;and (b) sequenceofoperations

toproducethepart: (1) feedstock tostop, (2) turnmaindiameter, (3) formseconddiameterandspotface, (4)drill,(5) chamfer, and (6) cutoff.

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into thework, as illustrated inFigure 22.10(a). Theboring bar in this setupmust be very stiffto avoid deflection and vibration during cutting. To achieve high stiffness, boring bars areoften made of cemented carbide, whose modulus of elasticity approaches 620 � 103 MPa(90 � 106 lb/in2). Figure 22.11 shows a carbide boring bar.

The second possible setup is one in which the tool is mounted to a boring bar, andthe boring bar is supported and rotated between centers. The work is fastened to afeeding mechanism that feeds it past the tool. This setup, Figure 22.10(b), can be used toperform a boring operation on a conventional engine lathe.

A vertical boring machine is used for large, heavy workparts with large diameters;usually the workpart diameter is greater than its length. As in Figure 22.12, the part isclamped to a worktable that rotates relative to themachine base. Worktables up to 40 ft indiameter are available. The typical boring machine can position and feed several cutting

FIGURE 22.10 Two forms of horizontal boring: (a) boring bar is fed into a rotating workpart, and (b) work is fed past a

rotating boring bar.

FIGURE 22.11 Boringbar made of cemented

carbide (WC–Co) thatuses indexable cementedcarbide inserts. (Courtesy

of Kennametal Inc.,Latrobe, Pennsylvania.)

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tools simultaneously. The tools aremounted on tool heads that can be fed horizontally andvertically relative to theworktable.Oneor twoheadsaremountedonahorizontal cross-railassembled to the machine tool housing above the worktable. The cutting tools mountedabove the work can be used for facing and boring. In addition to the tools on the cross-rail,one or two additional tool heads can be mounted on the side columns of the housing toenable turning on the outside diameter of the work.

The tool heads used on a vertical boring machine often include turrets toaccommodate several cutting tools. This results in a loss of distinction between thismachine and a vertical turret lathe. Somemachine tool builders make the distinction thatthe vertical turret lathe is used for work diameters up to 2.5 m (100 in), while the verticalboring machine is used for larger diameters [7]. Also, vertical boring mills are oftenapplied to one-of-a-kind jobs, while vertical turret lathes are used for batch production.


Drilling, Figure 22.3(b), is a machining operation used to create a round hole in aworkpart. This contrasts with boring, which can only be used to enlarge an existing hole.Drilling is usually performed with a rotating cylindrical tool that has two cutting edgeson its working end. The tool is called a drill or drill bit (described in Section 23.3.2). Themost common drill bit is the twist drill, described in Section 23.3.2. The rotating drillfeeds into the stationary workpart to form a hole whose diameter is equal to the drilldiameter. Drilling is customarily performed on a drill press, although other machinetools also perform this operation. The video clip on hole making illustrates the drillingoperation.


Basic Hole Making: Two segments are included in this clip: (1) the drill and (2) hole-making machines.

FIGURE 22.12A vertical boring mill.

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The cutting speed in a drilling operation is the surface speed at the outside diameter ofthe drill. It is specified in this way for convenience, even though nearly all of the cutting isactually performed at lower speeds closer to the axis of rotation. To set the desired cuttingspeed in drilling, it is necessary to determine the rotational speed of the drill. Letting Nrepresent the spindle rev/min,

N ¼ v


where v¼ cutting speed, mm/min (in/min); andD¼ the drill diameter, mm (in). In somedrilling operations, the workpiece is rotated about a stationary tool, but the same formulaapplies.

Feed f in drilling is specified in mm/rev (in/rev). Recommended feeds are roughlyproportional to drill diameter; higher feeds are used with larger diameter drills. Sincethere are (usually) two cutting edges at the drill point, the uncut chip thickness (chipload) taken by each cutting edge is half the feed. Feed can be converted to feed rate usingthe same equation as for turning:

f r ¼ Nf ð22:8Þwhere fr ¼ feed rate, mm/min (in/min).

Drilled holes are either through holes or blind holes, Figure 22.13. In through holes,the drill exits the opposite side of the work; in blind holes, it does not. The machiningtime required to drill a through hole can be determined by the following formula:

Tm ¼ t þA

f rð22:9Þ

where Tm ¼ machining (drilling) time, min; t ¼ work thickness, mm (in); fr ¼ feed rate,mm/min (in/min); andA¼ an approach allowance that accounts for the drill point angle,representing the distance the drill must feed into the work before reaching full diameter,Figure 22.10(a). This allowance is given by

A ¼ 0:5D tan 90� u


� �ð22:10Þ

whereA¼ approach allowance, mm (in); and u ¼ drill point angle. In drilling a throughhole, the feed motion usually proceeds slightly beyond the opposite side of the work,

FIGURE 22.13 Twohole types: (a) through

hole and (b) blind hole.

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thus making the actual duration of the cut greater than Tm in Eq. (22.9) by a smallamount.

In a blind-hole, hole depth d is defined as the distance from the work surface to thedepthof the full diameter, Figure 22.13(b).Thus, for a blindhole,machining time is givenby

Tm ¼ dþA

f rð22:11Þ

where A ¼ the approach allowance by Eq. (22.10).The rate of metal removal in drilling is determined as the product of the drill cross-

sectional area and the feed rate:

RMR ¼ pD2 f r4


This equation is valid only after the drill reaches full diameter and excludes the initialapproach of the drill into the work.


Several operationsare related todrilling.These are illustrated inFigure22.14 anddescribedin this section. Most of the operations follow drilling; a hole must be made first by drilling,and then the hole is modified by one of the other operations. Centering and spot facing areexceptions to this rule. All of the operations use rotating tools.

(a) Reaming. Reaming is used to slightly enlarge a hole, to provide a better tolerance onits diameter, and to improve its surface finish. The tool is called a reamer, and it usuallyhas straight flutes.

(b) Tapping. This operation is performed by a tap and is used to provide internal screwthreads on an existing hole. Tapping is discussed in more detail in Section 22.7.1.

FIGURE 22.14Machining operationsrelated to drilling:(a) reaming, (b) tapping,

(c) counterboring,(d) countersinking,(e) center drilling, and(f) spot facing.

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(c) Counterboring. Counterboring provides a stepped hole, in which a larger diameterfollows a smaller diameter partially into the hole. A counterbored hole is used to seatbolt heads into a hole so the heads do not protrude above the surface.

(d) Countersinking. This is similar to counterboring, except that the step in the hole iscone-shaped for flat head screws and bolts.

(e) Centering. Also called center drilling, this operation drills a starting hole to accuratelyestablish its location for subsequent drilling. The tool is called a center drill.

(f) Spot facing. Spot facing is similar to milling. It is used to provide a flat machinedsurface on the workpart in a localized area.


The standardmachine tool for drilling is the drill press. There are various types of drill press,themost basic of which is the upright drill, Figure 22.15. The upright drill stands on the floorand consists of a table for holding the workpart, a drilling head with powered spindle for thedrill bit, and a base and column for support. A similar drill press, but smaller, is the benchdrill, which is mounted on a table or bench rather than the floor.

The radial drill, Figure 22.16, is a large drill press designed to cut holes in largeparts. It has a radial arm along which the drilling head can be moved and clamped. Thehead therefore can be positioned along the arm at locations that are a significant distancefrom the column to accommodate large work. The radial arm can also be swiveled aboutthe column to drill parts on either side of the worktable.

The gang drill is a drill press consisting basically of two to six upright drills connectedtogether in an in-line arrangement. Each spindle is powered and operated independently,and they share a common worktable, so that a series of drilling and related operations canbe accomplished in sequence (e.g., centering, drilling, reaming, tapping) simply by slidingthe workpart along the worktable from one spindle to the next. A related machine is themultiple-spindle drill, in which several drill spindles are connected together to drillmultiple holes simultaneously into the workpart.

In addition,CNC drill presses are available to control the positioning of the holes intheworkparts. These drill presses areoften equippedwith turrets toholdmultiple tools thatcan be indexed under control of the CNC program. The term CNC turret drill is used forthese machine tools.

Workholding on a drill press is accomplished by clamping the part in a vise, fixture,or jig. A vise is a general-purpose workholding device possessing two jaws that grasp the

FIGURE 22.15 Upr ightdrill press.

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work in position. A fixture is a workholding device that is usually custom-designed for theparticular workpart. The fixture can be designed to achieve higher accuracy in position-ing the part relative to the machining operation, faster production rates, and greateroperator convenience in use. A jig is a workholding device that is also specially designedfor the workpart. The distinguishing feature between a jig and a fixture is that the jigprovides a means of guiding the tool during the drilling operation. A fixture does notprovide this tool guidance feature. A jig used for drilling is called a drill jig.


Milling is a machining operation in which a workpart is fed past a rotating cylindrical toolwith multiple cutting edges, as illustrated in Figure 22.2(d) and (e). (In rare cases, a toolwith one cutting edge, called a fly-cutter, is used). The axis of rotation of the cutting tool isperpendicular to the direction of feed. This orientation between the tool axis and the feeddirection is one of the features that distinguishes milling from drilling. In drilling, thecutting tool is fed in a direction parallel to its axis of rotation. The cutting tool in milling iscalled a milling cutter and the cutting edges are called teeth. Aspects of milling cutter

FIGURE 22.16 Radialdrill press. (Courtesy of

Willis Machinery andTools Co., Toledo, Ohio.)

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geometry are discussed in Section 23.3.2. The conventional machine tool that performsthis operation is a milling machine. The reader can view milling operations and thevarious milling machines in our video clip on milling and machining centers.


Milling and Machining Center Basics. View the segment titled Milling Cutters andOperations.

The geometric form created by milling is a plane surface. Other work geometriescan be created either bymeans of the cutter path or the cutter shape. Owing to the varietyof shapes possible and its high production rates, milling is one of the most versatile andwidely used machining operations.

Milling is an interrupted cutting operation; the teeth of the milling cutter enter andexit the work during each revolution. This interrupted cutting action subjects the teeth toa cycle of impact force and thermal shock on every rotation. The tool material and cuttergeometry must be designed to withstand these conditions.


There are two basic types of milling operations, shown in Figure 22.17: (a) peripheralmilling and (b) face milling. Most milling operations create geometry by generating theshape (Section 22.1).

PeripheralMilling In peripheral milling, also called plainmilling, the axis of the tool isparallel to the surface being machined, and the operation is performed by cutting edgeson the outside periphery of the cutter. Several types of peripheral milling are shown inFigure 22.18: (a) slab milling, the basic form of peripheral milling in which the cutterwidth extends beyond the workpiece on both sides; (b) slotting, also called slot milling,in which the width of the cutter is less than the workpiece width, creating a slot in thework—when the cutter is very thin, this operation can be used tomill narrow slots or cut aworkpart in two, called saw milling; (c) side milling, in which the cutter machines theside of the workpiece; (d) straddle milling, the same as side milling, only cutting takesplace on both sides of the work; and form milling, in which the milling teeth have a

FIGURE 22.17 Twobasic types of millingoperations: (a) peripheralorplainmillingand (b) face


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special profile that determines the shape of the slot that is cut in the work. Formmilling istherefore classified as a forming operation (Section 22.1).

In peripheral milling, the direction of cutter rotation distinguishes two forms ofmilling: up milling and down milling, illustrated in Figure 22.19. In up milling, also calledconventional milling, the direction of motion of the cutter teeth is opposite the feeddirection when the teeth cut into the work. It is milling ‘‘against the feed.’’ In downmilling, also called climb milling, the direction of cutter motion is the same as the feeddirection when the teeth cut the work. It is milling ‘‘with the feed.’’

The relative geometries of these two forms of milling result in differences in theircutting actions. In upmilling, the chip formed by each cutter tooth starts out very thin andincreases in thickness during the sweep of the cutter. In downmilling, each chip starts outthick and reduces in thickness throughout the cut. The length of a chip in down milling isless than in up milling (the difference is exaggerated in our figure). This means that thecutter is engaged in the work for less time per volume of material cut, and this tends toincrease tool life in down milling.

The cutting force direction is tangential to the periphery of the cutter for the teeththat are engaged in the work. In up milling, this has a tendency to lift the workpart as thecutter teeth exit the material. In down milling, this cutter force direction is downward,tending to hold the work against the milling machine table.

Face Milling In face milling, the axis of the cutter is perpendicular to the surface beingmilled, andmachining is performedbycuttingedgesonboth theendandoutsideperipheryof

FIGURE 22.18Peripheral milling: (a)slabmilling, (b)slotting, (c)side milling, (d) straddle

milling, and (e) form mill-ing. (e)

FIGURE 22.19 Two

forms of peripheralmilling operation with a20-teeth cutter: (a) up

milling, and (b) downmilling.

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the cutter. As in peripheral milling, various forms of face milling exist, several of which areshown in Figure 22.20: (a) conventional facemilling, in which the diameter of the cutter isgreater than theworkpartwidth, so the cutteroverhangs theworkonboth sides; (b)partialface milling, where the cutter overhangs the work on only one side; (c) end milling, inwhich the cutter diameter is less than theworkwidth, so a slot is cut into thepart; (d)profilemilling, a form of endmilling inwhich the outside periphery of a flat part is cut; (e) pocketmilling, another form of end milling used to mill shallow pockets into flat parts; and(f) surface contouring, in which a ball-nose cutter (rather than square-end cutter) is fedback and forth across the work along a curvilinear path at close intervals to create a three-dimensional surface form. The same basic cutter control is required to machine thecontours of mold and die cavities, in which case the operation is called die sinking.


The cutting speed is determined at the outside diameter of a milling cutter. This can beconverted to spindle rotation speed using a formula that should now be familiar:

N ¼ v


Thefeedfinmillingisusuallygivenasafeedpercuttertooth;calledthechipload,itrepresentsthesize of the chip formed by each cutting edge. This can be converted to feed rate by taking intoaccount the spindle speed and the number of teeth on the cutter as follows:

f r ¼ Nnt f ð22:14Þwhere fr¼ feed rate,mm/min (in/min);N¼ spindle speed, rev/min;nt¼numberof teethonthe cutter; and f¼ chip load in mm/tooth (in/tooth).

Material removal rate in milling is determined using the product of the cross-sectional area of the cut and the feed rate. Accordingly, if a slab-milling operation is

FIGURE 22.20 Facemilling: (a) conventional

facemilling, (b)partial facemilling, (c) end milling,(d) profile milling,(e) pocket milling, and

(f) surface contouring.

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cutting a workpiece with width w at a depth d, the material removal rate is

RMR ¼ wd f r ð22:15ÞThis neglects the initial entry of the cutter before full engagement. Eq. (22.15) can beapplied to endmilling, side milling, face milling, and other milling operations, making theproper adjustments in the computation of cross-sectional area of cut.

ThetimerequiredtomillaworkpieceoflengthLmustaccountfortheapproachdistancerequired to fully engage the cutter. First, consider the case of slab milling, Figure 22.21. Todetermine the time to perform a slabmilling operation, the approach distanceA to reach fullcutter depth is given by

A ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffid D� dð Þ


where d¼depth of cut,mm (in); andD¼ diameter of themilling cutter,mm (in). The timeTm in which the cutter is engaged milling the workpiece is therefore

Tm ¼ LþA

f rð22:17Þ

For facemilling, let us consider the twopossible casespictured inFigure 22.22.The first caseis when the cutter is centeredover a rectangular workpiece as in Figure 22.22(a). The cutterfeeds fromright to left across theworkpiece. In order for the cutter to reach the fullwidthofthe work, it must travel an approach distance given by the following:

A ¼ 0:5 D�ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiD2 � w2

p� �ð22:18Þ

FIGURE 22.21 Slab(peripheral) millingshowing entry of cutter

into the workpiece.

FIGURE 22.22 Facemilling showing approachand overtravel distances

for two cases: (a) whencutter is centeredover theworkpiece, and (b) when

cutter is offset to one sideover the work.

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whereD¼ cutterdiameter,mm(in) andw¼widthof theworkpiece,mm(in). IfD¼w, thenEq. (22.18) reduces toA¼ 0.5D. And ifD<w, then a slot is cut into thework andA¼ 0.5D.

The secondcase iswhen thecutter isoffset toone sideof thework, as inFigure22.22(b).In this case, the approach distance is given by

A ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiw D� wð Þ


where w ¼ width of the cut, mm (in). In either case, the machining time is given by

Tm ¼ LþA

f rð22:20Þ

It should be emphasized in all of these milling scenarios that Tm represents the time thecutter teeth are engaged in the work, making chips. Approach and overtravel distances areusually addedat thebeginningandendof eachcut toallowaccess to thework for loadingandunloading. Thus the actual duration of the cutter feedmotion is likely to be greater thanTm.


Milling machines must provide a rotating spindle for the cutter and a table for fastening,positioning, and feeding the workpart. Various machine tool designs satisfy these require-ments. To begin with, milling machines can be classified as horizontal or vertical. Ahorizontal milling machine has a horizontal spindle, and this design is well suited forperforming peripheral milling (e.g., slab milling, slotting, side and straddle milling) onworkparts that are roughly cube shaped. A vertical millingmachine has a vertical spindle,and this orientation is appropriate for facemilling, endmilling, surface contouring, anddie-sinking on relatively flat workparts.

Other than spindle orientation, milling machines can be classified into the followingtypes: (1) knee-and-column, (2) bed type, (3) planer type, (4) tracer mills, and (5) CNCmilling machines.

The knee-and-column milling machine is the basic machine tool for milling. Itderives its name from the fact that its two main components are a column that supportsthe spindle, and a knee (roughly resembling a human knee) that supports the worktable.It is available as either a horizontal or a vertical machine, as illustrated in Figure 22.23. Inthe horizontal version, an arbor usually supports the cutter. The arbor is basically a shaftthat holds the milling cutter and is driven by the spindle. An overarm is provided on

FIGURE 22.23 Two basic types of knee-and-column milling machine: (a) horizontal and (b) vertical.

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horizontal machines to support the arbor. On vertical knee-and-column machines,milling cutters can be mounted directly in the spindle without an arbor.

One of the features of the knee-and-column milling machine that makes it soversatile is its capability for worktable feed movement in any of the x–y–z axes. Theworktable can be moved in the x-direction, the saddle can be moved in the y-direction,and the knee can be moved vertically to achieve the z-movement.

Two special knee-and-column machines should be identified. One is the uni-versal milling machine, Figure 22.24(a), which has a table that can be swiveled in ahorizontal plane (about a vertical axis) to any specified angle. This facilitates thecutting of angular shapes and helixes on workparts. Another special machine is theram mill, Figure 22.24(b), in which the toolhead containing the spindle is located onthe end of a horizontal ram; the ram can be adjusted in and out over the worktable tolocate the cutter relative to the work. The toolhead can also be swiveled to achieve anangular orientation of the cutter with respect to the work. These features provideconsiderable versatility in machining a variety of work shapes.

Bed-type milling machines are designed for high production. They are con-structed with greater rigidity than knee-and-columnmachines, thus permitting them toachieve heavier feed rates and depths of cut needed for highmaterial removal rates. Thecharacteristic construction of the bed-type milling machine is shown in Figure 22.25.

FIGURE 22.24 Special types of knee-and-column milling machine: (a) universal—overarm, arbor, and cutter omittedfor clarity: and (b) ram type.

FIGURE 22.25 Simplex bed-type milling machine horizontalspindle.

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The worktable is mounted directly to the bed of the machine tool, rather than using theless rigid knee-type design. This construction limits the possible motion of the table tolongitudinal feeding of the work past the milling cutter. The cutter is mounted in aspindle head that can be adjusted vertically along the machine column. Single spindlebed machines are called simplex mills, as in Figure 22.25, and are available in eitherhorizontal or vertical models.Duplexmills use two spindle heads. The heads are usuallypositioned horizontally on opposite sides of the bed to perform simultaneous opera-tions during one feeding pass of the work. Triplex mills add a third spindle mountedvertically over the bed to further increase machining capability.

Planer type mills are the largest milling machines. Their general appearance andconstruction are those of a large planer (see Figure 22.31); the difference is that milling isperformed insteadofplaning.Accordingly, oneormoremillingheads are substituted for thesingle-point cutting tools used on planers, and themotion of the work past the tool is a feedratemotion rather than a cutting speedmotion. Planermills are built tomachine very largeparts. Theworktable andbedof themachine areheavy and relatively low to the ground, andthe milling heads are supported by a bridge structure that spans across the table.

A tracer mill, also called a profiling mill, is designed to reproduce an irregular partgeometry that has been created on a template. Using either manual feed by a humanoperator or automatic feed by the machine tool, a tracing probe is controlled to follow thetemplatewhile amilling head duplicates the path taken by the probe tomachine the desiredshape. Tracermills are of two types: (1) x�y tracing, in which the contour of a flat templateis profilemilled using two-axis control; and (2) x–y–z tracing, in which the probe follows athree-dimensional pattern using three-axis control. Tracer mills have been used forcreating shapes that cannot easily be generated by a simple feeding action of the workagainst the milling cutter. Applications include molds and dies. In recent years, many ofthese applications have been taken over by CNC milling machines.

Computer numerical control milling machines are milling machines in which thecutter path is controlled by alphanumerical data rather than a physical template. They areespecially suited to profile milling, pocket milling, surface contouring, and die sinkingoperations, in which two or three axes of the worktable must be simultaneously controlledto achieve the required cutter path. An operator is normally required to change cutters aswell as load and unload workparts.


Amachining center, illustrated inFigure 22.26, is a highly automatedmachine tool capable ofperforming multiple machining operations under computer numerical control in one setupwith minimal human attention. Workers are needed to load and unload parts, which usuallytakes considerable less time than the machine cycle time, so one worker may be able to tendmore than onemachine. Typical operations performed on amachining center aremilling anddrilling, which use rotating cutting tools.

The typical features that distinguish amachining center from conventional machinetools and make it so productive include:

� Multiple operations in one setup. Most workparts require more than one operationto completely machine the specified geometry. Complex parts may require dozens ofdistinct machining operations, each requiring its ownmachine tool, setup, and cuttingtool.Machining centers are capable of performingmost or all of the operations at onelocation, thus minimizing setup time and production lead time.

� Automatic tool changing. To change from one machining operation to the next, thecutting tools must be changed. This is done on a machining center under CNC

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program control by an automatic tool-changer designed to exchange cutters betweenthe machine tool spindle and a tool storage carousels. Capacities of these carouselscommonly range from 16 to 80 cutting tools. The machine in Figure 22.26 has twostorage carousels on the left side of the column.

� Pallet shuttles. Some machining centers are equipped with pallet shuttles, which areautomatically transferred between the spindle position and the loading station, asshown in Figure 22.26. Parts are fixtured on pallets that are attached to the shuttles. Inthis arrangement, the operator can be unloading the previous part and loading thenext part while the machine tool is engaged in machining the current part. Non-productive time on the machine is thereby reduced.

� Automatic workpart positioning. Many machining centers have more than threeaxes.Oneof the additional axes is oftendesigned as a rotary table toposition the part atsome specified angle relative to the spindle. The rotary table permits the cutter toperform machining on four sides of the part in a single setup.

Machining centers are classified as horizontal, vertical, or universal. The designa-tion refers to spindle orientation. Horizontal machining centers normally machine cube-shaped parts, in which the four vertical sides of the cube can be accessed by the cutter.Vertical machining centers are suited to flat parts on which the tool can machine the topsurface. Universal machining centers have workheads that swivel their spindle axes toany angle between horizontal and vertical, as in Figure 22.26. Our video clip onmachining centers shows several of these machines.


Milling and Machining Center Basics. The relevant segments are: (1) vertical machiningcenters, (2) horizontal machining centers, and (3) machining center workholding.

FIGURE 22.26A universal machiningcenter. Capability toorient the workhead

makes this a five-axismachine. (Courtesy ofCincinnati Milacron,

Batavia, Ohio.)

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FIGURE 22.27Computer numericalcontrol, four-axis turning

center. (Courtesy ofCincinnati Milacron,Batavia, Ohio.).

FIGURE 22.28 Operation of a mill-turn center: (a) example part with turned, milled, and drilled surfaces;and (b) sequence of operations on a mill-turn center: (1) turn second diameter, (2) mill flat with part in

programmed angular position, (3) drill hole with part in same programmed position, and (4) cutoff.

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Success of CNCmachining centers led to the development of CNC turning centers. Amodern CNC turning center, Figure 22.27, is capable of performing various turning andrelated operations, contour turning, and automatic tool indexing, all under computer control.In addition, the most sophisticated turning centers can accomplish (1) workpart gaging(checking key dimensions after machining), (2) tool monitoring (sensors to indicate whenthe tools are worn), (3) automatic tool changing when tools become worn, and even(4) automatic workpart changing at the completion of the work cycle [14].

Another type of machine tool related tomachining centers and turning centers is theCNC mill-turn center. This machine has the general configuration of a turning center; inaddition, it can position a cylindrical workpart at a specified angle so that a rotating cuttingtool (e.g., milling cutter) can machine features into the outside surface of the part, asillustrated in Figure 22.28. An ordinary turning center does not have the capability tostop theworkpart at adefinedangular position, and itdoesnotpossess rotating tool spindles.

Further progress in machine tool technology has taken the mill-turn center one stepfurther by integrating additional capabilities into a single machine. The additional capa-bilities include (1) combining milling, drilling, and turning with grinding, welding, andinspection operations, all in one machine tool; (2) using multiple spindles simultaneously,either on a single workpiece or two different workpieces; and (3) automating the parthandling function by adding industrial robots to the machine [2], [20]. The termsmultitaskingmachine andmultifunctionmachine are sometimes used for these products.


In addition to turning, drilling, and milling, several other machining operations should beincluded in our survey: (1) shaping and planing, (2) broaching, and (3) sawing.


Shaping and planing are similar operations, both involving the use of a single-point cuttingtool moved linearly relative to the workpart. In conventional shaping and planing, astraight, flat surface is created by this action. The difference between the two operations isillustrated in Figure 22.29. In shaping, the speed motion is accomplished by moving thecutting tool; while in planing, the speed motion is accomplished by moving the workpart.

Cutting tools used in shaping and planing are single-point tools (Section 23.3.1).Unlike turning, interrupted cutting occurs in shaping and planing, subjecting the tool to

(a) Shaping


New surface

Speed motion(linear, tool)

Feed motion(intermittent, tool)Feed motion

(intermittent, work)

(b) Planing


New surface

Speed motion(linear, work)

FIGURE 22.29 (a) Shaping, and (b) planing.

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an impact loading upon entry into the work. In addition, these machine tools are limitedto low speeds due to their start-and-stop motion. The conditions normally dictate use ofhigh-speed steel cutting tools.

Shaping Shaping is performed on a machine tool called a shaper, Figure 22.30. Thecomponents of the shaper include a ram, which moves relative to a column to providethe cutting motion, and a worktable that holds the part and accomplishes the feed motion.The motion of the ram consists of a forward stroke to achieve the cut, and a return strokeduring which the tool is lifted slightly to clear the work and then reset for the next pass. Oncompletion of each return stroke, the worktable is advanced laterally relative to the rammotion in order to feed the part. Feed is specified in mm/stroke (in/stroke). The drivemechanism for the ram can be either hydraulic or mechanical. Hydraulic drive has greaterflexibility in adjusting the stroke length and a more uniform speed during the forwardstroke, but it ismoreexpensive thanamechanical drive unit.Bothmechanical andhydraulicdrives are designed to achieve higher speeds on the return (noncutting) stroke than on theforward (cutting) stroke, thereby increasing the proportion of time spent cutting.

Planing The machine tool for planing is a planer. Cutting speed is achieved by areciprocating worktable that moves the part past the single-point cutting tool. Theconstruction and motion capability of a planer permit much larger parts to be machinedthan on a shaper. Planers can be classified as open side planers or double-column planers.The open-side planer, also known as a single-column planer, Figure 22.31, has a single

FIGURE 22.30Components of a shaper.

FIGURE 22.31Open-side planer.

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column supporting the cross-rail on which a toolhead is mounted. Another toolhead canalso be mounted and fed along the vertical column. Multiple toolheads permit more thanone cut to be taken on each pass. At the completion of each stroke, each toolhead ismovedrelative to the cross-rail (or column) to achieve the intermittent feed motion. Theconfiguration of the open-side planer permits very wide workparts to be machined.

Adouble-columnplanerhas twocolumns,oneoneither sideof thebaseandworktable.The columns support the cross-rail, on which one or more toolheads are mounted. The twocolumns provide amore rigid structure for the operation; however, the two columns limit thewidth of the work that can be handled on this machine.

Shaping and planing can be used to machine shapes other than flat surfaces. Therestriction is that the cut surface must be straight. This allows the cutting of grooves, slots,gear teeth, and other shapes as illustrated in Figure 22.32. Special machines and toolgeometriesmust be specified to cut some of these shapes. An important example is the gearshaper, a vertical shaper with a specially designed rotary feed table and synchronized toolhead used to generate teeth on spur gears. Gear shaping and other methods of producinggears are discussed in Section 22.7.2.


Broaching is performed using a multiple-teeth cutting tool by moving the tool linearlyrelative to the work in the direction of the tool axis, as in Figure 22.33. The machine tool iscalled a broaching machine, and the cutting tool is called a broach. Aspects of broachgeometry are discussed in Section 23.3.2. In certain jobs forwhich broaching can be used, itis a highly productive method of machining. Advantages include good surface finish, closetolerances, and a variety of work shapes. Owing to the complicated and often custom-shaped geometry of the broach, tooling is expensive.

There are two principal types of broaching: external (also called surface broaching)and internal.Externalbroaching is performedon theoutside surfaceof thework to create acertain cross-sectional shape on the surface. Figure 22.34(a) shows some possible crosssections that can be formed by external broaching. Internal broaching is accomplished onthe internal surface of a hole in the part. Accordingly, a starting holemust be present in the

FIGURE 22.32 Types of

shapes that can cut byshaping and planing: (a) V-groove, (b)squaregroove,

(c) T-slot, (d) dovetail slot,and (e) gear teeth.

FIGURE 22.33 The

broaching operation.

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part so as to insert the broach at the beginning of the broaching stroke. Figure 22.34(b)indicates some of the shapes that can be produced by internal broaching.

The basic function of a broaching machine is to provide a precise linear motion of thetool past a stationary work position, but there are various ways in which this can be done.Most broaching machines can be classified as either vertical or horizontal machines. Thevertical broaching machine is designed to move the broach along a vertical path, while thehorizontalbroachingmachinehasahorizontal tool trajectory.Mostbroachingmachinespullthe broach past thework.However, there are exceptions to this pull action.One exception isa relatively simple type calledabroachingpress,usedonly for internal broaching, that pushesthe tool through the workpart. Another exception is the continuous broaching machine, inwhich theworkparts are fixtured to an endless belt loop andmoved past a stationary broach.Because of its continuous operation, this machine can be used only for surface broaching.

22.6.3 SAWING

Sawing is a process in which a narrow slit is cut into thework by a tool consisting of a seriesof narrowly spaced teeth. Sawing is normallyused to separate aworkpart into twopieces, orto cut off an unwanted portion of a part. These operations are often referred to as cutoffoperations. Sincemany factories require cutoff operations at some point in the productionsequence, sawing is an important manufacturing process.

In most sawing operations, the work is held stationary and the saw blade is movedrelative to it. Saw blade tooth geometry is discussed in Section 23.3.2. There are threebasic types of sawing, as in Figure 22.35, according to the type of blade motion involved:(a) hacksawing, (b) bandsawing, and (c) circular sawing.

Hacksawing, Figure 22.35(a), involves a linear reciprocating motion of the sawagainst the work. This method of sawing is often used in cutoff operations. Cutting isaccomplished only on the forward stroke of the saw blade. Because of this intermittentcutting action, hacksawing is inherently less efficient than the other sawing methods, bothof which are continuous. The hacksaw blade is a thin straight tool with cutting teeth on oneedge.Hacksawing can be done eithermanually orwith a power hacksaw.A power hacksawprovides a drive mechanism to operate the saw blade at a desired speed; it also applies agiven feed rate or sawing pressure.

Bandsawing involves a linear continuousmotion, using a bandsawblademade in theform of an endless flexible loop with teeth on one edge. The sawing machine is a bandsaw,

FIGURE 22.34 Work shapes that can be cut by: (a) external broaching, and (b) internal broaching. Cross-hatching

indicates the surfaces broached.

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which provides a pulley-like drivemechanism to continuouslymoveandguide thebandsawblade past the work. Bandsaws are classified as vertical or horizontal. The designationrefers to the direction of saw blade motion during cutting. Vertical bandsaws are used forcutoff aswell as other operations such as contouring and slotting.Contouringon a bandsawinvolves cutting a part profile from flat stock.Slotting is the cutting of a thin slot into a part,an operation for which bandsawing is well suited. Contour sawing and slotting areoperations in which the work is fed into the saw blade.

Vertical bandsaw machines can be operated either manually, in which the operatorguides and feeds the work past the bandsaw blade, or automatically, in which the work ispower fed past the blade. Recent innovations in bandsaw design have permitted the use ofCNC to perform contouring of complex outlines. Some of the details of the verticalbandsawing operation are illustrated inFigure 22.35(b).Horizontal bandsaws are normallyused for cutoff operations as alternatives to power hacksaws.

Circular sawing, Figure 22.35(c), uses a rotating saw blade to provide a continuousmotion of the tool past the work. Circular sawing is often used to cut long bars, tubes, andsimilar shapes to specified length. The cutting action is similar to a slot milling operation,except that the sawblade is thinner and containsmanymore cutting teeth than a slotmillingcutter. Circular sawing machines have powered spindles to rotate the saw blade and afeeding mechanism to drive the rotating blade into the work.

Two operations related to circular sawing are abrasive cutoff and friction sawing. Inabrasive cutoff, an abrasive disk is used to perform cutoff operations on hard materialsthat would be difficult to saw with a conventional saw blade. In friction sawing, a steeldisk is rotated against the work at very high speeds, resulting in friction heat that causesthematerial to soften sufficiently to permit penetration of the disk through the work. Thecutting speeds in both of these operations are much faster than in circular sawing.


One of the reasons for the technological importance of machining is its capability toproduce unique geometric features such as screw threads and gear teeth. In this section wediscuss the cutting processes that are used to accomplish these shapes, most of which areadaptations of machining operations discussed earlier in the chapter.




Worktable Worktable



FeedFeed Feed

Return stroke

Cutting stroke

Blade frame


Saw blade

Saw blade

Saw bladeSpeed motion

Blade direction

FIGURE 22.35 Three types of sawing operations: (a) power hacksaw, (b) bandsaw (vertical), and (c) circular saw.

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Threaded hardware components are widely used as fasteners in assembly (screws, bolts,and nuts, Section 32.1) and for transmission of motion in machinery (e.g., lead screws inpositioning systems, Section 38.3.2). We can define threads as grooves that form a spiralaround the outside of a cylinder (external threads) or the inside of a round hole (internalthreads).We have previously considered themanufacture of threaded components in ourcoverage of thread rolling in Section 19.2. Thread rolling is by far the most commonmethod for producing external threads, but the process is not economical for lowproduction quantities and the workmetal must be ductile. Metallic threaded componentscan also bemade by casting, especially investment casting and die casting (Sections 11.2.4and 11.3.3), and plastic parts with threads can be injection molded (Section 13.6). Finally,threaded components can be machined, and this is the topic we address here. Thediscussion is organized into external and internal thread machining.

External Threads The simplest andmost versatile method of cutting an external threadon a cylindrical workpart is single-point threading, which employs a single-point cuttingtool on a lathe. This process is illustrated in Figure 22.6(g). The starting diameter of theworkpiece is equal to themajordiameter of the screw thread.The toolmust have theprofileof the thread groove, and the lathe must be capable of maintaining the same relationshipbetween the tool and the workpiece on successive passes in order to cut a consistent spiral.This relationship is achieved bymeans of the lathe’s lead screw (seeFigure 22.7).More thanone turning pass is usually required. The first pass takes a light cut; the tool is then retractedand rapidly traversedback to the startingpoint; andeachensuingpass traces the same spiralusing ever greater depths of cut until the desired form of the thread groove has beenestablished. Single-point threading is suitable for low or evenmedium production quantit-ies, but less time-consuming methods are more economical for high production.

An alternative to using a single-point tool is a threading die, shown inFigure 22.36. Tocut an external thread, the die is rotated around the starting cylindrical stock of the properdiameter, beginning at one end and proceeding to the other end. The cutting teeth at theopening of the die are tapered so that the starting depth of cut is less at the beginning ofthe operation, finally reaching full thread depth at the trailing side of the die. The pitchof the threading die teeth determines the pitch of the screw that is being cut. The die inFigure 22.36 has a slit that allows the size of the opening to be adjusted to compensate fortool wear on the teeth or to provide for minor differences in screw size. Threading dies cutthe threads in a single pass rather than multiple passes as in single-point threading.

FIGURE 22.36 Threading die.

Cutting teeth

Clearancefor chips

Adjusting screwSlit

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Threading dies are typically used in manual operations, in which the die is fixed in aholder that can be rotated by hand. If theworkpiece has a head or other obstacle at the otherend, thediemustbeunwoundfromthescrewjustcreated inorder toremove it.This isnotonlytime consuming, but it also risks possible damage to the thread surfaces. In mechanizedthreading operations, cycle times can be reduced by using self-opening threading dies,whichare designedwith an automatic device that opens the cutting teeth at the endof each cut. Thiseliminates the need to unwind the die from the work and avoids possible damage to thethreads. Self-openingdies areequippedwith four sets of cutting teeth, similar to the threadingdie in Figure 22.36, except that the teeth can be adjusted and removed for resharpening, andthe toolholder mechanism possesses the self-opening feature. Different sets of cutting teethare required for different thread sizes.

The term thread chasing is often applied to production operations that utilize self-opening dies. Two types of thread chasing equipment are available: (1) stationary self-opening dies, inwhich theworkpiece rotates and the die does not, like a turning operation;and (2) revolving self-opening dies, in which the die rotates and the workpiece does not,like a drilling operation.

Two additional external threading operations should be mentioned: thread millingand threadgrinding.Threadmilling involves theuseof amilling cutter to shape the threadsof a screw.One possible setup is illustrated in Figure 22.37. In this operation a form-millingcutter, whose profile is that of the thread groove, is oriented at an angle equal to the helixangle of the thread and fed longitudinally as the workpiece is slowly rotated. In a variationof this operation, a multiple-form cutter is used, so that multiple screw threads can be cutsimultaneously to increase production rates. Possible reasons for preferring threadmillingover thread chasing include (1) the size of the thread is too large to be readily cut with a dieand (2) threadmilling is generally noted to producemore accurate and smoother threads.

Thread grinding is similar to threadmilling except the cutter is a grinding wheel withthe shape of the thread groove, and the rotational speed of the grinding wheel is muchgreater than inmilling. The process can be used to completely form the threads or to finish

FIGURE 22.37 Thread

milling using a form-milling cutter.


Helix angle

Cutting edges

Feed direction Form-millingcutter




Helix angle

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threads that have been formed by one of the previously discussed processes. Threadgrinding is especially applicable for threads that have been hardened by heat treatment.

Internal Threads The most common process for cutting internal threads is tapping, inwhich a cylindrical tool with cutting teeth arranged in a spiral whose pitch is equal to that ofthe screw threads, is simultaneously rotated and fed into a pre-existing hole. The operation isillustrated in Figure 22.14(b), and the cutting tool is called a tap.The end of the tool is slightlyconical to facilitate entry into the hole. The initial hole size is approximately equal to theminor diameter of the screw thread. In the simplest version of the process, the tap is a solidpiece and the tapping operation is performed on a drill press equipped with a tapping head,whichallowspenetration into thehole at a rate that corresponds to the screwpitch.At theendof the operation, the spindle rotation is reversed so the tap can be unscrewed from the hole.

In addition to solid taps, collapsible taps are available, just as self-opening dies areavailable for external threading. Collapsible taps have cutting teeth that automaticallyretract into the tool when the thread has been cut, allowing it to be quickly removed fromthe tapped hole without reversing spindle direction. Thus, shorter cycle times are possible.

Although production tapping can be accomplished on drill presses and otherconventional machine tools (e.g., lathes, turret lathes), several types of specialized ma-chines have been developed for higher production rates. Single-spindle tapping machinesperform tapping oneworkpiece at a time, withmanual or automatic loading and unloadingof the starting blanks. Multiple-spindle tapping machines operate on multiple work partssimultaneously and provide for different hole sizes and screw pitches to be accomplishedtogether. Finally gang drills (Section 22.3.3) can be set up to perform drilling, reaming, andtapping in rapid sequence on the same part.

22.7.2 GEARS

Gears are machinery components used to transmit motion and power between rotatingshafts. As illustrated in Figure 22.38, the transmission of rotational motion is achieved

FIGURE 22.38Two meshing spur gears.

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between meshing gears by teeth located around their respective circumferences. Theteeth have a special curved shape called an involute, which minimizes friction and wearbetween contacting teeth of meshing gears. Depending on the relative numbers of teethof the two gears, the speed of rotation can be increased or decreased from one gear to thenext, with a corresponding decrease or increase in torque. We examine these speedeffects in our discussion of numerical control positioning systems in Section 38.3.2.

There are various gear types, the most basic and least complicated to produce is thespur gear represented in Figure 22.38. It has teeth that are parallel to the axis of the gear’srotation. A gear with teeth that form an angle relative to the axis of rotation is called ahelical gear. The helical tooth design allows more than one tooth to be in contact forsmoother operation. Spur and helical gears provide rotation between shafts whose axesare parallel. Other types, such as bevel gears, provide motion between shafts that are atan angle with each other, usually 90�. A rack is a straight gear (a gear of infinite radius),which allows rotational motion to be converted into linear motion (e.g., rack-and-pinionsteering on automobiles). The variety of gear types is far too great for us to discuss themall, and the interested reader is referred to texts on machine design for coverage of geardesign and mechanics. Our interest here is on the manufacture of gears.

Several of the shape processing operations discussed in previous chapters can beused to produce gears. These include investment casting, die casting, plastic injectionmolding, powder metallurgy, forging, and other bulk deformation operations (e.g., gearrolling, Section 19.2). The advantage of these operations over machining is materialsavings because no chips are produced. Sheet-metal stamping operations (Section 20.1)are used to produce thin gears used in watches and clocks. The gears produced by all ofthe preceding operations can often be used without further processing. In other cases, abasic shape processing operation such as casting or forging is used to produce a startingmetal blank, and these parts are then machined to form the gear teeth. Finishingoperations are often required to achieve the specified accuracies of the teeth dimensions.

The principal machining operations used to cut gear teeth are form milling, gearhobbing, gear shaping, andgear broaching. Formmilling andgear broachingare consideredto be forming operations in the sense of Section 22.1, while gear hobbing and gear shapingare classified as generating operations. Finishing processes for gear teeth include gearshaving, gear grinding, and burnishing. The video clip on gears and gear manufacturingillustrates the various aspects of gear technology.Many of theprocesses used tomake gearsare also used to produce splines, sprockets, and other special machinery components.


Gears and Gear Manufacturing. This clip contains two segments: (1) gear functions and(2) gear machining methods.

Form Milling In this process, illustrated in Figure 22.39, the teeth on a gear blank aremachinedindividuallybyaform-millingcutterwhosecuttingedgeshavetheshapeofthespacesbetween the teeth on the gear. Themachining operation is classified as forming (Section 22.1)because theshapeof thecutterdetermines thegeometryof thegear teeth.Thedisadvantageofformmilling is that production rates are slowbecause each tooth space is createdoneat a timeand the gear blankmust be indexedbetween each pass to establish the correct size of the geartooth,whichalso takes time.Theadvantageof formmillingovergearhobbing(discussednext)is that themilling cutter is much less expensive. The slow production rates and relatively low-cost tooling make form milling appropriate for low-production quantities.

Gear Hobbing Gear hobbing is also a milling operation, but the cutter, called a hob, ismuch more complex and therefore much more expensive than a form milling cutter. In

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addition, special milling machines (called hobbing machines) are required to accomplishthe relative speed and feed motions between the cutter and the gear blank. Gear hobbingis illustrated in Figure 22.40. As shown in the figure, the hob has a slight helix and itsrotation must be coordinated with the much slower rotation of the gear blank in order forthe hob’s cutting teeth to mesh with the blank’s teeth as they are being cut. This isaccomplished for a spur gear by offsetting the axis of rotation of the hob by an amountequal to 90� less the helix angle relative to the axis of the gear blank. In addition to theserotary motions of the hob and the workpiece, a straight-line motion is also required tofeed the hob relative to the gear blank throughout its thickness. Several teeth are cutsimultaneously in hobbing, which allows for higher production rates than form milling.Accordingly, it is a widely used gear making process for medium and high productionquantities.

Gear Shaping In gear shaping, a reciprocating cutting tool motion is used rather than arotational motion as in form milling and gear hobbing. Two quite different forms ofshaping operation (Section 22.6.1) are used to produce gears. In the first type, a single-point tool takes multiple passes to gradually shape each tooth profile using computerizedcontrols or a template. The gear blank is slowly rotated or indexed, with the same profilebeing imparted to each tooth. The procedure is slow and applied only in the fabrication ofvery large gears.

In the second type of gear shaping operation, the cutter has the general shape of agear, with cutting teeth on one side. The axes of the cutter and the gear blank are parallel,as illustrated in Figure 22.41, and the action is similar to a pair of conjugate gears except

FIGURE 22.39 Form

milling of gear teeth on astarting blank.

Cutting edges

Gear blank

Indexingof blank

Form - millingcutter


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FIGURE 22.40 Gearhobbing.

Cutting edges

Gear blank

Work feed

Cutter rotation



FIGURE 22.41 Gearshaping.






Gear blank

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that the reciprocation of the cutter is gradually creating the form of the matching teeth inits mating component. At the beginning of the operation for a given gear blank, the cutteris fed into the blank after each stroke until the required depth has been reached. Then,after each successive pass of the tool, both the cutter and the blank are rotated a smallamount (indexed) so as to maintain the same tooth spacing on each. Gear shaping by thissecond method is widely used in industry, and specialized machines (called gear shapers)are available to accomplish the process.

Gear Broaching Broaching (Section 22.6.2) as a gear making process is noted for shortproduction cycle times and high tooling cost. It is therefore economical only for highvolumes. Good dimensional accuracy and fine surface finish are also features of gearbroaching. The process can be applied for both external gears (the conventional gear)and internal gears (teeth on the inside of the gear). For making internal gears, theoperation is similar to that shown in Figure 22.3(c), except the cross section of the toolconsists of a series of gear-shaped cutting teeth of increasing size to form the gear teeth insuccessive steps as the broach is drawn through the work blank. To produce externalgears, the broach is tubular with inward-facing teeth. As mentioned, the cost of tooling inboth cases is high due to the complex geometry.

Finishing Operations Some metal gears can be used without heat treatment, whilethose used in more demanding applications are usually heat treated to harden the teethfor maximumwear resistance. Unfortunately, heat treatment (Chapter 27) often resultsinwarpage of theworkpiece, and the proper gear-tooth shapemust be restored.Whetherheat treated or not, some type of finishing operation is generally required to improvedimensional accuracy and surface finish of the gear after machining. Finishing processesapplied to gears that have not been heat treated include shaving and burnishing.Finishing processes applied to hardened gears include grinding, lapping, and honing(Chapter 25).

Gear shaving involves the use of a gear-shaped cutter that is meshed and rotatedwith the gear. Cutting action results from reciprocation of the cutter during rotation.Each tooth of the gear-shaped cutter hasmultiple cutting edges along its width, producingvery small chips and removing very little metal from the surface of each gear tooth. Gearshaping is probably the most common industrial process for finishing gears. It is oftenapplied to a gear prior to heat treatment, and then followed by grinding and/or lappingafter heat treatment.

Gear burnishing is a plastic deformation process in which one or more hardenedgear-shaped dies are rolled in contact with the gear, and pressure is applied by the dies toeffect cold working of the gear teeth. Thus, the teeth are strengthened through strainhardening, and surface finish is improved.

Grinding, honing, and lapping are three finishing processes that can be used onhardened gears. Gear grinding can be based on either of two methods. The first is formgrinding, in which the grinding wheel has the exact shape of the tooth spacing (similar toformmilling), and a grinding pass or series of passes are made to finish form each tooth inthe gear. The other method involves generating the tooth profile using a conventionalstraight-sided grinding wheel. Both of these grinding methods are very time consumingand expensive.

Honing and lapping, discussed in Section 25.2.1 and 25.2.2, respectively, are twofinishing processes that can be adapted to gear finishing using very fine abrasives. The toolsin both processes usually possess the geometry of a gear that meshes with the gear to beprocessed.Gear honinguses a tool that ismadeof either plastic impregnatedwith abrasivesor steel coated with carbide. Gear lapping uses a cast iron tool (othermetals are sometimessubstituted), and the cutting action is accomplished by the lapping compound containingabrasives.

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One persistent trend throughout the history of metal machining has been the use of higherandhigher cutting speeds. In recent years, there hasbeen renewed interest in this areadue toits potential for faster production rates, shorter lead times, reduced costs, and improvedpartquality. In its simplest definition, high-speedmachining (HSM)means using cutting speedsthat are significantly higher than those used in conventional machining operations. Someexamples of cutting speed values for conventional and HSM are presented in Table 22.1,according to data compiled by Kennametal Inc.1

Other definitions of HSM have been developed to deal with the wide variety ofwork materials and tool materials used in machining. One popular HSM definition is theDN ratio—the bearing bore diameter (mm) multiplied by the maximum spindle speed(rev/min). For high-speed machining, the typical DN ratio is between 500,000 and1,000,000. This definition allows larger diameter bearings to fall within the HSM range,even though they operate at lower rotational speeds than smaller bearings. Typical HSMspindle velocities range between 8000 and 35,000 rpm, although some spindles today aredesigned to rotate at 100,000 rpm.

Another HSM definition is based on the ratio of horsepower to maximum spindlespeed, or hp/rpm ratio. Conventional machine tools usually have a higher hp/rpm ratiothan machines equipped for high-speed machining. By this metric, the dividing linebetween conventional machining and HSM is around 0.005 hp/rpm. Thus, high-speedmachining includes 50 hp spindles capable of 10,000 rpm (0.005 hp/rpm) and 15 hpspindles that can rotate at 30,000 rpm (0.0005 hp/rpm).

Other definitions emphasize higher production rates and shorter lead times, ratherthan functions of spindle speed. In this case, important noncutting factors come into play,such as high rapid traverse speeds and quick automatic tool changes (‘‘chip-to-chip’’ timesof 7 sec and less).

Requirements for high-speed machining include the following: (1) high-speed spin-dles using special bearings designed for high rpm operation; (2) high feed rate capability,typically around 50 m/min (2000 in/min); (3) CNC motion controls with ‘‘look-ahead’’

1Kennametal Inc., Latrobe, Pennsylvania, is a leading cutting tool producer.

TABLE 22.1 Comparison of cutting speeds used in conventional versus high-speed machining for selectedwork materials.

Solid Tools (end mills, drills)a Indexable Tools (face mills)a

Conventional Speed High Cutting Speed Conventional Speed High Cutting Speed

Work Material m/min ft/min m/min ft/min m/min ft/min m/min ft/min

Aluminum 300+ 1000+ 3000+ 10,000+ 600+ 2000+ 3600+ 12,000+Cast iron, soft 150 500 360 1200 360 1200 1200 4000Cast iron, ductile 105 350 250 800 250 800 900 3000Steel, free machining 105 350 360 1200 360 1200 600 2000Steel, alloy 75 250 250 800 210 700 360 1200Titanium 40 125 60 200 45 150 90 300

aSolid tools are made of one solid piece, indexable tools use indexable inserts. Appropriate tool materials include cemented carbide andcoated carbide of various grades for all materials, ceramics for all materials, polycrystalline diamond tools for aluminum, and cubic boronnitride for steels (see Section 23.2 for discussion of these tool materials).Source:Kennametal Inc., Latrobe, Pennsylvania [3].

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features that allow the controller to see upcoming directional changes and to makeadjustments to avoid undershooting or overshooting the desired tool path; (4) balancedcutting tools, toolholders, and spindles to minimize vibration effects; (5) coolant deliverysystems that provide pressures an order of magnitude greater than in conventionalmachining; and (6) chip control and removal systems to cope with the much larger metalremoval rates inHSM.Also importantare thecutting toolmaterials.As listed inTable22.1,various toolmaterials areused forhigh-speedmachining, and thesematerials arediscussedin the following chapter.

Applications of HSM seem to divide into three categories [3]. One is in the aircraftindustry, by companies such as Boeing, in which long airframe structural components aremachined from large aluminum blocks. Much metal removal is required, mostly bymilling. The resulting pieces are characterized by thin walls and large surface-to-volumeratios, but they can be produced more quickly and are more reliable than assembliesinvolving multiple components and riveted joints. A second category involves themachining of aluminum by multiple operations to produce a variety of componentsfor industries such as automotive, computer, and medical. Multiple cutting operationsmean many tool changes as well as many accelerations and decelerations of the tooling.Thus, quick tool changes and tool path control are important in these applications. Thethird application category for HSM is in the die and mold industry, which fabricatescomplex geometries from hard materials. In this case, high-speed machining involvesmuch metal removal to create the mold or die cavity and finishing operations to achievefine surface finishes.


[1] Aronson, R. B.‘‘Spindles are the Key toHSM,’’Man-ufacturing Engineering, October 2004, pp. 67–80.

[2] Aronson, R. B.‘‘MultitalentedMachine Tools,’’Man-ufacturing Engineering, January 2005, pp. 65–75.

[3] Ashley, S.‘‘High-speedMachining GoesMainstream,’’Mechanical Engineering, May 1995, pp. 56–61.

[4] ASM Handbook, Vol. 16, Machining. ASM Inter-national, Materials Park, Ohio, 1989.

[5] Black, J, and Kohser, R. DeGarmo’s Materials andProcesses in Manufacturing, 10th ed. John Wiley &Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2008.

[6] Boston, O. W.Metal Processing, 2nd ed. John Wiley& Sons, Inc., New York, 1951.

[7] Drozda, T. J., and Wick, C. (eds.) Tool and Manu-facturing Engineers Handbook, 4th ed. Vol. I,Machining. Society of Manufacturing Engineers,Dearborn, Michigan, 1983.

[8] Eary, D. F., and Johnson, G. E. Process Engineering:for Manufacturing. Prentice Hall, Inc., EnglewoodCliffs, New Jersey, 1962.

[9] Kalpakjian, S., and Schmid, S. R. ManufacturingEngineering and Technology, 4th ed. PrenticeHall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2003.

[10] Kalpakjian, S., and Schmid S. R.Manufacturing Pro-cesses for Engineering Materials, 6th ed. PearsonPrentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2010.

[11] Krar, S. F., and Ratterman, E. Superabrasives:Grinding and Machining with CBN and Diamond.McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1990.

[12] Lindberg, R. A. Processes and Materials of Man-ufacture, 4th ed. Allyn and Bacon, Inc., Boston,1990.

[13] Marinac, D.‘‘Smart Tool Paths for HSM,’’Manufac-turing Engineering, November 2000, pp. 44–50.

[14] Mason, F., and Freeman, N. B.‘‘Turning CentersCome of Age,’’ Special Report 773, American Ma-chinist, February 1985, pp. 97–116.

[15] Modern Metal Cutting. AB Sandvik Coromant,Sandvik, Sweden, 1994.

[16] Ostwald, P. F., and J. Munoz, Manufacturing Pro-cesses and Systems, 9th ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,New York, 1997.

[17] Rolt, L. T. C.A Short History ofMachine Tools. TheMIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1965.

[18] Steeds, W. A History of Machine Tools—1700–1910. Oxford University Press, London, 1969.

[19] Trent, E.M., andWright, P. K.Metal Cutting, 4th ed.Butterworth Heinemann, Boston, 2000.

[20] Witkorski, M., and Bingeman, A.‘‘The Case forMultiple Spindle HMCs,’’ Manufacturing Engineer-ing, March 2004, pp. 139–148.

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22.1. What are the differences between rotational partsand prismatic parts in machining?

22.2. Distinguish between generating and forming whenmachining workpart geometries.

22.3. Give two examples of machining operations inwhich generating and forming are combined tocreate workpart geometry.

22.4. Describe the turning process.22.5. What is the difference between threading and

tapping?22.6. How does a boring operation differ from a turning

operation?22.7. What is meant by the designation 12 in � 36 in

lathe?22.8. Name the various ways in which a workpart can be

held in a lathe.22.9. What is the difference between a live center and a

dead center, when these terms are used in thecontext of workholding in a lathe?

22.10. How does a turret lathe differ from an enginelathe?

22.11. What is a blind hole?22.12. What is the distinguishing feature of a radial drill

press?22.13. What is the difference between peripheral milling

and face milling?

22.14. Describe profile milling.22.15. What is pocket milling?22.16. Describe the difference between up milling and

down milling.22.17. How does a universal milling machine differ from a

conventional knee-and-column machine?22.18. What is a machining center?22.19. What is the difference between a machining center

and a turning center?22.20. What can a mill-turn center do that a conventional

turning center cannot do?22.21. How do shaping and planing differ?22.22. What is the difference between internal broaching

and external broaching?22.23. Identify the three basic forms of sawing operation.22.24. (Video) For what types of parts are vertical turret

lathes used?22.25. (Video) List the four axes for a vertical machining

center with a rotational axis on the table.22.26. (Video) What is the purpose of a tombstone that is

used with a horizontal machining center?22.27. (Video) List the three parts of a common twist

drill.22.28. (Video) What is a gang-drilling machine?


There are 23 correct answers in the following multiple choice questions (some questions have multiple answers that arecorrect). To attain a perfect score on the quiz, all correct answers must be given. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Eachomitted answer or wrong answer reduces the score by 1 point, and each additional answer beyond the correct number ofanswers reduces the score by 1 point. Percentage score on the quiz is based on the total number of correct answers.

22.1. Which of the following are examples of generatingthe workpart geometry in machining, as opposedto forming the geometry (two best answers):(a) broaching, (b) contour turning, (c) drilling,(d) profile milling, and (e) thread cutting?

22.2. In a turning operation, the change in diameter ofthe workpart is equal to which one of the following:(a) 1 � depth of cut, (b) 2 � depth of cut, (c) 1 �feed, or (d) 2 � feed?

22.3. A lathe can be used to perform which of thefollowing machining operations (three correctanswers): (a) boring, (b) broaching, (c) drilling,(d) milling, (e) planing, and (f) turning?

22.4. A facing operation is normally performed on whichone of the following machine tools: (a) drill press,(b) lathe, (c) milling machine, (d) planer, or(e) shaper?

22.5. Knurling is performed on a lathe, but it is not ametal cutting operation: (a) true or (b) false?

22.6. Which one of the following cutting tools cannot beused on a turret lathe: (a) broach, (b) cutoff tool,(c) drill bit, (d) single-point turning tool, or(e) threading tool?

22.7. Which one of the following turning machines per-mits very long bar stock to be used: (a) chuckingmachine, (b) engine lathe, (c) screw machine,(d) speed lathe, or (e) turret lathe?

22.8. The twist drill is the most common type of drill bit:(a) true or (b) false?

22.9. A tap is a cutting tool used to create which one ofthe following geometries: (a) external threads,(b) flat planar surfaces, (c) holes used in beerkegs, (d) internal threads, or (e) square holes?

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22.10. Reaming is used forwhich of the following functions(three correct answers): (a) accurately locate a holeposition, (b) enlarge a drilled hole, (c) improvesurface finish on a hole, (d) improve tolerance onhole diameter, and (e) provide an internal thread?

22.11. End milling is most similar to which one of thefollowing: (a) face milling, (b) peripheral milling,(c) plain milling, or (d) slab milling?

22.12. The basic milling machine is which one of thefollowing: (a) bed type, (b) knee-and-column,(c) profiling mill, (d) ram mill, or (e) universalmilling machine?

22.13. A planing operation is best described by which oneof the following: (a) a single-point tool moveslinearly past a stationary workpart, (b) a toolwith multiple teeth moves linearly past a stationaryworkpart, (c) a workpart is fed linearly past a

rotating cutting tool, or (d) a workpart moveslinearly past a single-point tool?

22.14. A broaching operation is best described by whichone of the following: (a) a rotating tool moves pasta stationary workpart, (b) a tool withmultiple teethmoves linearly past a stationary workpart, (c) aworkpart is fed past a rotating cutting tool, or (d) aworkpart moves linearly past a stationary single-point tool?

22.15. The three basic types of sawing, according to typeof blade motion involved, are (a) abrasive cutoff,(b) bandsawing, (c) circular sawing, (d) contouring,(e) friction sawing, (f) hacksawing, and (g) slotting?

22.16. Gear hobbing is a special form of which one of thefollowing machining operations: (a) grinding,(b) milling, (c) planing, (d) shaping, or (e) turning?


Turning and Related Operations

22.1. A cylindrical workpart 200 mm in diameter and700 mm long is to be turned in an engine lathe.Cutting speed ¼ 2.30 m/s, feed ¼ 0.32 mm/rev, anddepth of cut ¼ 1.80 mm. Determine (a) cuttingtime, and (b) metal removal rate.

22.2. In a production turning operation, the foreman hasdecreed that a single pass must be completed onthe cylindrical workpiece in 5.0 min. The piece is400 mm long and 150 mm in diameter. Using afeed ¼ 0.30 mm/rev and a depth of cut ¼ 4.0 mm,what cutting speed must be used to meet thismachining time requirement?

22.3. A facing operation is performed on an engine lathe.The diameter of the cylindrical part is 6 in and thelength is 15 in. The spindle rotates at a speed of 180rev/min.Depthof cut¼ 0.110 in, and feed¼ 0.008 in/rev. Assume the cutting tool moves from the outerdiameter of the workpiece to exactly the center at aconstant velocity. Determine (a) the velocity of thetool as it moves from the outer diameter towardsthe center and (b) the cutting time.

22.4. A tapered surface is to be turned on an automaticlathe. The workpiece is 750mm long withminimumand maximum diameters of 100 mm and 200 mm atopposite ends. The automatic controls on the lathepermit the surface speed to be maintained at aconstant value of 200 m/min by adjusting the rota-tional speed as a function of workpiece diameter.Feed ¼ 0.25 mm/rev and depth of cut ¼ 3.0 mm.The rough geometry of the piece has already beenformed, and this operation will be the final cut.

Determine (a) the time required to turn the taperand (b) the rotational speeds at the beginning andend of the cut.

22.5. In the taper turning job of Problem 22.4, supposethat the automatic lathe with surface speed controlis not available and a conventional lathe must beused. Determine the rotational speed that would berequired to complete the job in exactly the sametime as your answer to part (a) of that problem.

22.6. A cylindrical work bar with 4.5 in diameter and 52 inlength is chucked inanengine latheand supportedatthe opposite end using a live center. A 46.0-inportion of the length is to be turned to a diameterof 4.25 in one pass at a speed of 450 ft/min.Themetalremoval rate should be 6.75 in3/min. Determine(a) the required depth of cut, (b) the requiredfeed, and (c) the cutting time.

22.7. A 4.00-in-diameter workpiece that is 25 in long is tobe turned down to a diameter of 3.50 in, using twopasses on an engine lathe using a cutting speed ¼300 ft/min, feed ¼ 0.015 in/rev, and depth of cut ¼0.125 in. The bar will be held in a chuck andsupported on the opposite end in a live center.With this workholding setup, one end must beturned to diameter; then the bar must be reversedto turn the other end. Using an overhead craneavailable at the lathe, the time required to load andunload the bar is 5 min, and the time to reverse thebar is 3 min. For each turning cut an allowancemust be added to the cut length for approach andovertravel. The total allowance (approach plus

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overtravel) ¼ 0.50 in. Determine the total cycletime to complete this turning operation.

22.8. The end of a large tubular workpart is to be facedon a CNC vertical boring mill. The part has anoutside diameter of 38.0 in and an inside diameterof 24.0 in. If the facing operation is performed at arotational speed of 40.0 rev/min, feed of 0.015 in/rev, and depth of cut of 0.180 in, determine (a) thecutting time to complete the facing operation and

the cutting speeds and metal removal rates at thebeginning and end of the cut.

22.9. Solve Problem 22.8 except that the machine toolcontrols operate at a constant cutting speed bycontinuously adjusting rotational speed for theposition of the tool relative to the axis of rotation.The rotational speed at the beginning of the cut ¼40 rev/min, and is continuously increased there-after to maintain a constant cutting speed.


22.10. A drilling operation is to be performed with a12.7-mm diameter twist drill in a steel workpart.The hole is a blind hole at a depth of 60 mm and thepoint angle is 118�. The cutting speed is 25 m/minand the feed is 0.30 mm/rev. Determine (a) thecutting time to complete the drilling operation, and(b) metal removal rate during the operation, afterthe drill bit reaches full diameter.

22.11. A two-spindle drill simultaneously drills a 1/2 inhole and a 3/4 in hole through a workpiece that is1.0 in thick. Both drills are twist drills with pointangles of 118�. Cutting speed for the material is 230ft/min. The rotational speed of each spindle can beset individually. The feed rate for both holes mustbe set to the same value because the two spindleslower at the same rate. The feed rate is set so thetotal metal removal rate does not exceed 1.50 in3/min. Determine (a) the maximum feed rate (in/min) that can be used, (b) the individual feeds (in/rev) that result for each hole, and (c) the timerequired to drill the holes.

22.12. ACNC drill press is to perform a series of through-hole drilling operations on a 1.75-in thick alumi-num plate that is a component in a heat exchanger.Each hole is 3/4 in diameter. There are 100 holes in

all, arranged in a 10 � 10 matrix pattern, and thedistance between adjacent hole centers (along thesquare) ¼ 1.5 in. The cutting speed ¼ 300 ft/min,the penetration feed (z-direction) ¼ 0.015 in/rev,and the traverse rate between holes (x-y plane) ¼15.0 in/min. Assume that x-y moves are made at adistance of 0.50 in above the work surface, and thatthis distance must be included in the penetrationfeed rate for each hole. Also, the rate at which thedrill is retracted from each hole is twice the pene-tration feed rate. The drill has a point angle¼ 100�.Determine the time required from the beginning ofthe first hole to the completion of the last hole,assuming the most efficient drilling sequence willbe used to accomplish the job.

22.13. A gun-drilling operation is used to drill a 9/64-in diameter hole to a certain depth. It takes4.5 minutes to perform the drilling operation usinghigh pressure fluid delivery of coolant to the drillpoint. The current spindle speed ¼ 4000 rev/min,and feed ¼ 0.0017 in/rev. In order to improve thesurface finish in the hole, it has been decided toincrease the speed by 20% and decrease the feedby 25%. How long will it take to perform theoperation at the new cutting conditions?


22.14. A peripheral milling operation is performed on thetop surface of a rectangular workpart which is400 mm long � 60 mm wide. The milling cutter,which is 80 mm in diameter and has five teeth,overhangs the width of the part on both sides.Cutting speed ¼ 70 m/min, chip load ¼ 0.25 mm/tooth, and depth of cut ¼ 5.0 mm. Determine(a) the actual machining time to make one passacross the surface and (b) the maximum materialremoval rate during the cut.

22.15. A face milling operation is used to machine 6.0 mmfrom the top surface of a rectangular piece ofaluminum 300 mm long by 125 mm wide in a singlepass. The cutter follows a path that is centered overthe workpiece. It has four teeth and is 150 mm indiameter. Cutting speed ¼ 2.8 m/s, and chip load ¼

0.27 mm/tooth. Determine (a) the actual machin-ing time to make the pass across the surface and(b) the maximum metal removal rate duringcutting.

22.16. A slab milling operation is performed on the topsurface of a steel rectangular workpiece 12.0 inlong by 2.5 in wide. The helical milling cutter, whichhas a 3.0 in diameter and ten teeth, is set up tooverhang the width of the part on both sides.Cutting speed is 125 ft/min, feed is 0.006 in/tooth,and depth of cut ¼ 0.300 in. Determine (a) theactual machining time to make one pass across thesurface and (b) the maximum metal removal rateduring the cut. (c) If an additional approach dis-tance of 0.5 in is provided at the beginning of thepass (before cutting begins), and an overtravel

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distance is provided at the end of the pass equal tothe cutter radius plus 0.5 in, what is the duration ofthe feed motion.

22.17. A face milling operation is performed on the topsurface of a steel rectangular workpiece 12.0 inlong by 2.5 in wide. The milling cutter follows apath that is centered over the workpiece. It has fiveteeth and a 3.0 in diameter. Cutting speed¼ 250 ft/min, feed¼ 0.006 in/tooth, and depth of cut¼ 0.150in. Determine (a) the actual cutting time to makeone pass across the surface and (b) the maximummetal removal rate during the cut. (c) If an addi-tional approach distance of 0.5 in is provided at thebeginning of the pass (before cutting begins), andan overtravel distance is provided at the end of thepass equal to the cutter radius plus 0.5 in, what isthe duration of the feed motion.

22.18. Solve Problem 22.17 except that the workpiece is5.0 in wide and the cutter is offset to one side sothat the swath cut by the cutter¼ 1.0 in wide. This iscalled partial face milling, Figure 22.20(b).

22.19. A face milling operation removes 0.32 in depth ofcut from the end of a cylinder that has a diameter of

3.90 in. The cutter has a 4-in diameter with 4 teeth,and its feed trajectory is centered over the circularface of the work. The cutting speed is 375 ft/minand the chip load is 0.006 in/tooth. Determine(a) the time to machine, (b) the average metalremoval rate (considering the entire machiningtime), and (c) the maximum metal removal rate.

22.20. The top surface of a rectangular workpart is ma-chined using a peripheral milling operation. Theworkpart is 735 mm long by 50 mm wide by 95 mmthick. The milling cutter, which is 60 mm in diame-ter and has five teeth, overhangs the width of thepart equally on both sides. Cutting speed ¼ 80 m/min, chip load¼ 0.30 mm/tooth, and depth of cut¼7.5 mm. (a) Determine the time required to makeone pass across the surface, given that the setup andmachine settings provide an approach distance of5 mm before actual cutting begins and an over-travel distance of 25 mm after actual cutting hasfinished. (b) What is the maximum material re-moval rate during the cut?

Machining and Turning Centers

22.21. A three-axis CNC machining center is tended by aworker who loads and unloads parts betweenmachining cycles. The machining cycle takes5.75 min, and the worker takes 2.80 min using ahoist to unload the part just completed and loadand fixture the next part onto the machine work-table. A proposal has been made to install a two-position pallet shuttle at the machine so that theworker and the machine tool can perform theirrespective tasks simultaneously rather than se-quentially. The pallet shuttle would transfer theparts between the machine worktable and the load/unload station in 15 sec. Determine (a) the currentcycle time for the operation and (b) the cycle timeif the proposal is implemented. What is the per-centage increase in hourly production rate thatwould result from using the pallet shuttle?

22.22. A part is produced using six conventional machinetools consisting of threemilling machines and threedrill presses. The machine cycle times on thesemachines are 4.7 min, 2.3 min, 0.8 min, 0.9 min,3.4 min, and 0.5 min. The average load/unload timefor each of these operations is 1.25 min. Thecorresponding setup times for the six machinesare 1.55 hr, 2.82 hr, 57 min, 45 min, 3.15 hr, and36 min, respectively. The total material handlingtime to carry one part between the machines is20 min (consisting of five moves between six ma-chines). A CNC machining center has been

installed, and all six operations will be performedon it to produce the part. The setup time for themachining center for this job is 1.0 hr. In addition,the machine must be programmed for this part(called ‘‘part programming’’), which takes 3.0 hr.The machine cycle time is the sum of the machinecycle times for the six machines. Load/unload timeis 1.25 min. (a) What is the total time to produceone of these parts using the six conventional ma-chines if the total consists of all setups, machinecycle times, load/unload times, and part transfertimes betweenmachines? (b)What is the total timeto produce one of these parts using the CNCmachining center if the total consists of the setuptime, programming time, machine cycle time, andload/unload time, and what are the percent savingsin total time compared to your answer in (a)? (c) Ifthe same part is produced in a batch of 20 pieces,what is the total time to produce them under thesame conditions as in (a) except that the totalmaterial handling time to carry the 20 parts inone unit load between the machines is 40 min?(d) If the part is produced in a batch of 20 pieces onthe CNCmachining center, what is the total time toproduce them under the same conditions as in part(b), and what are the percent savings in total timecompared to your answer in (c)? (e) In futureorders of 20 pieces of the same part, the program-ming time will not be included in the total time

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because the part program has already been pre-pared and saved. In this case, how long does it taketo produce the 20 parts using the machining center,

and what are the percent savings in total timecompared to your answer in (c)?

Other Operations

22.23. A shaper is used to reduce the thickness of a 50 mmpart to 45 mm. The part is made of cast iron and hasa tensile strength of 270 MPa and a Brinell hard-ness of 165 HB. The starting dimensions of the partare 750 mm� 450 mm� 50 mm. The cutting speedis 0.125 m/sec and the feed is 0.40 mm/pass. Theshaper ram is hydraulically driven and has a returnstroke time that is 50% of the cutting stroke time.An extra 150 mm must be added before and afterthe part for acceleration and deceleration to takeplace. Assuming the rammoves parallel to the longdimension of the part, how long will it take tomachine?

22.24. An open side planer is to be used to plane the topsurface of a rectangular workpart, 20.0 in� 45.0 in.The cutting speed is 30 ft/min, the feed is 0.015 in/pass, and the depth of cut is 0.250 in. The length ofthe stroke across the work must be set up so that

10 in are allowed at both the beginning and end ofthe stroke for approach and overtravel. The returnstroke, including an allowance for acceleration anddeceleration, takes 60% of the time for the forwardstroke. The workpart is made of carbon steel with atensile strength of 50,000 lb/in2 and a Brinell hard-ness of 110 HB. How long will it take to completethe job, assuming that the part is oriented in such away as to minimize the time?

22.25. High-speed machining is being considered to pro-duce the aluminum part in Problem 22.15. Allcutting conditions remain the same except forthe cutting speed and the type of insert used inthe cutter. Assume the cutting speed will be at thelimit given in Table 22.1. Determine (a) the newtime to machine the part and (b) the new metalremoval rate. (c) Is this part a good candidate forhigh-speed machining? Explain.

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Chapter Contents

23.1 Tool Life23.1.1 Tool Wear23.1.2 Tool Life and the Taylor Tool Life


23.2 Tool Materials23.2.1 High-Speed Steel and Its Predecessors23.2.2 Cast Cobalt Alloys23.2.3 Cemented Carbides, Cermets, and

Coated Carbides23.2.4 Ceramics23.2.5 Synthetic Diamonds and Cubic Boron


23.3 Tool Geometry23.3.1 Single-Point Tool Geometry23.3.2 Multiple-Cutting-Edge Tools

23.4 Cutting Fluids23.4.1 Types of Cutting Fluids23.4.2 Application of Cutting Fluids

Machining operations are accomplished using cutting tools.The high forces and temperatures during machining createa very harsh environment for the tool. If cutting forcebecomes too high, the tool fractures. If cutting temperaturebecomes too high, the tool material softens and fails. Ifneither of these conditions causes the tool to fail, continualwear of the cutting edge ultimately leads to failure.

Cutting tool technology has two principal aspects: toolmaterial and tool geometry. The first is concernedwith devel-oping materials that can withstand the forces, temperatures,andwearingaction in themachiningprocess.The seconddealswith optimizing the geometry of the cutting tool for the toolmaterial and for a given operation. These are the issues weaddress in the present chapter. It is appropriate to begin byconsidering tool life, because this is a prerequisite formuch ofour subsequent discussion on tool materials. It also seemsappropriate to include a section on cutting fluids at the end ofthis chapter; cutting fluids are often used in machining opera-tions to prolong the life of a cutting tool. In theDVD includedwith this book is a video clip on Cutting-Tool Materials.


Cutting-Tool Materials. This clip has three segments:(1) cutting-tool materials, which includes an overview ofthe different cutting-tool categories; (2) tool material qual-ity trade-offs; and (3) tool failure modes.


As suggested by our opening paragraph, there are threepossiblemodes bywhich a cutting tool can fail inmachining:

1. Fracture failure. This mode of failure occurs when thecutting force at the tool point becomes excessive, caus-ing it to fail suddenly by brittle fracture.


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2. Temperature failure. This failure occurs when the cutting temperature is too high forthe tool material, causing the material at the tool point to soften, which leads to plasticdeformation and loss of the sharp edge.

3. Gradual wear. Gradual wearing of the cutting edge causes loss of tool shape,reduction in cutting efficiency, an acceleration of wearing as the tool becomes heavilyworn, and finally tool failure in a manner similar to a temperature failure.

Fracture and temperature failures result in premature loss of the cutting tool. Thesetwo modes of failure are therefore undesirable. Of the three possible tool failures,gradual wear is preferred because it leads to the longest possible use of the tool, with theassociated economic advantage of that longer use.

Product quality must also be considered when attempting to control the mode oftool failure. When the tool point fails suddenly during a cut, it often causes damage to thework surface. This damage requires either rework of the surface or possible scrapping ofthe part. The damage can be avoided by selecting cutting conditions that favor gradualwearing of the tool rather than fracture or temperature failure, and by changing the toolbefore the final catastrophic loss of the cutting edge occurs.

23.1.1 TOOL WEAR

Gradual wear occurs at two principal locations on a cutting tool: the top rake face and theflank. Accordingly, two main types of tool wear can be distinguished: crater wear andflank wear, illustrated in Figures 23.1 and 23.2. We will use a single-point tool to explaintool wear and the mechanisms that cause it. Crater wear, Figure 23.2(a), consists of acavity in the rake face of the tool that forms and grows from the action of the chip slidingagainst the surface. High stresses and temperatures characterize the tool–chip contactinterface, contributing to the wearing action. The crater can be measured either by itsdepth or its area. Flank wear, Figure 23.2(b), occurs on the flank, or relief face, of thetool. It results from rubbing between the newly generated work surface and the flank faceadjacent to the cutting edge. Flank wear is measured by the width of the wear band, FW.This wear band is sometimes called the flank wear land.

Certain features of flank wear can be identified. First, an extreme condition of flankwear often appears on the cutting edge at the location corresponding to the original surfaceof the workpart. This is called notch wear. It occurs because the original work surface isharder and/or more abrasive than the internal material, which could be caused by work

FIGURE 23.1 Diagram

of worn cutting tool,showing the principallocations and types of

wear that occur.

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hardening from cold drawing or previous machining, sand particles in the surface fromcasting, or other reasons.As a consequence of the harder surface, wear is accelerated at thislocation. A second region of flank wear that can be identified is nose radius wear; thisoccurs on the nose radius leading into the end cutting edge.

The mechanisms that cause wear at the tool–chip and tool–work interfaces inmachining can be summarized as follows:

� Abrasion. This is a mechanical wearing action caused by hard particles in the workmaterial gouging and removing small portions of the tool. This abrasive actionoccurs in both flank wear and crater wear; it is a significant cause of flank wear.

� Adhesion. When twometals are forced into contact under high pressure and tempera-ture, adhesionorweldingoccur between them.These conditions are present between the

FIGURE 23.2 (a) Craterwear and (b) flank wearon a cemented carbide

tool, as seen through atoolmaker’s microscope.(Courtesy of Manufactur-

ing Technology Labora-tory, Lehigh University,photos by J. C. Keefe.)



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chip and the rake face of the tool. As the chip flows across the tool, small particles of thetool are broken away from the surface, resulting in attrition of the surface.

� Diffusion. This is a process in which an exchange of atoms takes place across a closecontact boundary between two materials (Section 4.3). In the case of tool wear,diffusion occurs at the tool–chip boundary, causing the tool surface to becomedepleted of the atoms responsible for its hardness. As this process continues, thetool surface becomes more susceptible to abrasion and adhesion. Diffusion isbelieved to be a principal mechanism of crater wear.

� Chemical reactions. The high temperatures and clean surfaces at the tool–chipinterface in machining at high speeds can result in chemical reactions, in particular,oxidation, on the rake face of the tool. The oxidized layer, being softer than theparent tool material, is sheared away, exposing new material to sustain the reactionprocess.

� Plastic deformation. Another mechanism that contributes to tool wear is plasticdeformation of the cutting edge. The cutting forces acting on the cutting edge athigh temperature cause the edge to deform plastically, making it more vulnerable toabrasion of the tool surface. Plastic deformation contributes mainly to flank wear.

Most of these tool-wear mechanisms are accelerated at higher cutting speeds andtemperatures. Diffusion and chemical reaction are especially sensitive to elevatedtemperature.


As cutting proceeds, the various wear mechanisms result in increasing levels of wear onthe cutting tool. The general relationship of tool wear versus cutting time is shown inFigure 23.3.Although the relationship shown is for flankwear, a similar relationship occursfor craterwear. Three regions canusually be identified in the typicalwear growth curve. Thefirst is the break-in period, inwhich the sharp cutting edgewears rapidly at the beginning ofits use. This first region occurs within the first fewminutes of cutting. The break-in period isfollowed by wear that occurs at a fairly uniform rate. This is called the steady-state wearregion. In our figure, this region is pictured as a linear function of time, although there aredeviations from the straight line in actual machining. Finally, wear reaches a level at whichthe wear rate begins to accelerate. This marks the beginning of the failure region, in whichcutting temperatures are higher, and the general efficiency of the machining process isreduced. If allowed to continue, the tool finally fails by temperature failure.

FIGURE 23.3 Tool wear

as a function of cuttingtime. Flank wear (FW) isused here as the measure

of tool wear. Crater wearfollows a similar growthcurve.

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The slope of the tool wear curve in the steady-state region is affected by workmaterial and cutting conditions. Harder work materials cause the wear rate (slope of thetool wear curve) to increase. Increased speed, feed, and depth of cut have a similar effect,with speed being the most important of the three. If the tool wear curves are plotted forseveral different cutting speeds, the results appear as in Figure 23.4. As cutting speed isincreased, wear rate increases so the same level of wear is reached in less time.

Tool life is defined as the length of cutting time that the tool can be used. Operatingthe tool until final catastrophic failure is one way of defining tool life. This is indicated inFigure 23.4 by the end of each tool wear curve. However, in production, it is often adisadvantage to use the tool until this failure occurs because of difficulties in resharpeningthe tool and problems with work surface quality. As an alternative, a level of tool wear canbe selectedas a criterionof tool life, and the tool is replacedwhenwear reaches that level.Aconvenient tool life criterion is a certain flank wear value, such as 0.5 mm (0.020 in),illustratedas thehorizontal lineon the graph.Wheneachof the threewear curves intersectsthat line, the life of the corresponding tool is defined as ended. If the intersection points areprojected down to the time axis, the values of tool life can be identified, as we have done.

Taylor Tool Life Equation If the tool life values for the three wear curves in Figure 23.4are plotted on a natural log–log graph of cutting speed versus tool life, the resultingrelationship is a straight line as shown in Figure 23.5.1

The discovery of this relationship around 1900 is credited to F. W. Taylor. It can beexpressed in equation form and is called the Taylor tool life equation:

vTn ¼ C ð23:1Þwhere v ¼ cutting speed, m/min (ft/min); T ¼ tool life, min; and n and C areparameters whose values depend on feed, depth of cut, work material, tooling(material in particular), and the tool life criterion used.

The value of n is relative constant for a given tool material, whereas the value of Cdepends on tool material, work material, and cutting conditions. We will elaborate onthese relationships when we discuss the various tool materials in Section 23.2.

FIGURE 23.4 Effect ofcutting speed on toolflank wear (FW) for three

cutting speeds.Hypothetical values ofspeed and tool life are

shown for a tool lifecriterion of 0.50-mm flankwear.

(1) (2) (3)

T = 5 T = 12 T = 41

v = 130v = 100 m/mm

v = 160

Tool life criterion givenas flank wear level0.50 mm



k w




10 20 30

Time of cutting (min)


1The reader may have noted in Figure 23.5 that we have plotted the dependent variable (tool life) on thehorizontal axis and the independent variable (cutting speed) on the vertical axis. Although this is a reversalof the normal plotting convention, it nevertheless is the way the Taylor tool life relationship is usuallypresented.

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Basically, Eq. (23.1) states that higher cutting speeds result in shorter tool lives.Relating the parameters n and C to Figure 23.5, n is the slope of the plot (expressed inlinear terms rather than in the scale of the axes), and C is the intercept on the speed axis.C represents the cutting speed that results in a 1-min tool life.

The problem with Eq. (23.1) is that the units on the right-hand side of the equationare not consistent with the units on the left-hand side. To make the units consistent, theequation should be expressed in the form

vTn ¼ C T nref

� � ð23:2Þ

where Tref ¼ a reference value for C. Tref is simply 1 min when m/min (ft/min) andminutes are used for v and T, respectively.

The advantage of Eq. (23.2) is seen when it is desired to use the Taylor equationwith units other than m/min (ft/min) and minutes—for example, if cutting speed wereexpressed as m/sec and tool life as sec. In this case, Tref would be 60 sec and C wouldtherefore be the same speed value as in Eq. (23.1), although converted to units of m/sec.The slope n would have the same numerical value as in Eq. (23.1).

Example 23.1Taylor Tool LifeEquation

Determine the values ofC and n in the plot of Figure 23.5, using two of the three points onthe curve and solving simultaneous equations of the form of Eq. (23.1).

Solution: Choosingthetwoextremepoints:v¼160m/min,T¼5min;andv¼100m/min,T ¼ 41 min; we have

160 5ð Þn ¼ C

100 41ð Þn ¼ C

Setting the left-hand sides of each equation equal,

160 5ð Þn ¼ 100 41ð Þn

Taking the natural logarithms of each term,

ln 160ð Þ þ n ln 5ð Þ ¼ ln 100ð Þ þ n ln 41ð Þ5:0752þ 1:6094 n ¼ 4:6052þ 3:7136 n

0:4700 ¼ 2:1042 n

n ¼ 0:4700

2:1042¼ 0:223

FIGURE 23.5 Naturallog–log plot of cuttingspeed vs. tool life.






1.0 2 3 5 10

Tool life (min)

20 30 50 100




d (f



(1) v = 160, T = 5

(2) v = 130, T = 12

(3) v = 100, T = 41

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Substituting this value of n into either starting equation, we obtain the value of C:

C ¼ 160 5ð Þ0:223 ¼ 229


C ¼ 100 41ð Þ0:223 ¼ 229

The Taylor tool life equation for the data of Figure 23.5 is therefore

vT0:223 ¼ 229n

An expanded version of Eq. (23.2) can be formulated to include the effects of feed,depth of cut, and even work material hardness:

vTnfmdpHp ¼ KT nref f m

ref d pref H q

ref ð23:3Þ

where f ¼ feed, mm (in); d ¼ depth of cut, mm (in); H ¼ hardness, expressed in anappropriate hardness scale;m,p, andq are exponentswhose values are experimentallydetermined for the conditions of the operation;K¼ a constant analogous to C in Eq.(23.2); and fref, dref, andHref are reference values for feed, depth of cut, and hardness.

The values of m and p, the exponents for feed and depth, are less than 1.0. Thisindicates the greater effect of cutting speed on tool life, because the exponent of v is 1.0.After speed, feed is next in importance, som has a value greater than p. The exponent forwork hardness, q, is also less than 1.0.

Perhaps the greatest difficulty in applying Eq. (23.3) in a practical machiningoperation is the tremendous amount of machining data that would be required todetermine the parameters of the equation. Variations in work materials and testingconditions also cause difficulties by introducing statistical variations in the data. Equa-tion (23.3) is valid in indicating general trends among its variables, but not in its ability toaccurately predict tool life performance. To reduce these problems andmake the scope ofthe equation more manageable, some of the terms are usually eliminated. For example,omitting depth and hardness reduces Eq. (23.3) to the following:

vTnfm ¼ KT nref f m

ref ð23:4Þ

where the terms have the same meaning as before, except that the constant K willhave a slightly different interpretation.

Tool Life Criteria in Production Although flank wear is the tool life criterion in ourprevious discussion of the Taylor equation, this criterion is not very practical in a factoryenvironment because of the difficulties and time required to measure flank wear.Following are nine alternative tool life criteria that are more convenient to use in aproduction machining operation, some of which are admittedly subjective:

1. Complete failure of the cutting edge (fracture failure, temperature failure, or wearinguntil complete breakdown of the tool has occurred). This criterion has disadvantages,as discussed earlier.

2. Visual inspection of flank wear (or crater wear) by the machine operator (without atoolmaker’s microscope). This criterion is limited by the operator’s judgment andability to observe tool wear with the naked eye.

3. Fingernail test across the cutting edge by the operator to test for irregularities.

4. Changes in the sound emitting from the operation, as judged by the operator.

5. Chips become ribbony, stringy, and difficult to dispose of.

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6. Degradation of the surface finish on the work.

7. Increased power consumption in the operation, as measured by a wattmeter con-nected to the machine tool.

8. Workpiece count. The operator is instructed to change the tool after a certain specifiednumber of parts have been machined.

9. Cumulative cutting time. This is similar to the previous workpiece count, except thatthe length of time the tool has been cutting is monitored. This is possible on machinetools controlled by computer; the computer is programmed to keep data on the totalcutting time for each tool.


The threemodes of tool failure allow us to identify three important properties required ina tool material:

� Toughness. To avoid fracture failure, the tool material must possess high toughness.Toughness is the capacity of a material to absorb energy without failing. It is usuallycharacterized by a combination of strength and ductility in the material.

� Hot hardness. Hot hardness is the ability of a material to retain its hardness at hightemperatures. This is required because of the high-temperature environment inwhich the tool operates.

� Wear resistance. Hardness is the single most important property needed to resistabrasive wear. All cutting-tool materials must be hard. However, wear resistance inmetal cutting depends onmore than just tool hardness, because of the other tool-wearmechanisms. Other characteristics affecting wear resistance include surface finish onthe tool (a smoother surface means a lower coefficient of friction), chemistry of tooland work materials, and whether a cutting fluid is used.

Cutting-tool materials achieve this combination of properties in varying de-grees. In this section, the following cutting-tool materials are discussed: (1) high-speedsteel and its predecessors, plain carbon and low alloy steels; (2) cast cobalt alloys;(3) cemented carbides, cermets, and coated carbides; (4) ceramics; (5) synthetic diamondand cubic boron nitride. Before examining these individual materials, a brief overviewand technical comparison will be helpful. The historical development of these materialsis described in Historical Note 23.1. Commercially, the most important tool materialsare high-speed steel and cemented carbides, cermets, and coated carbides. These twocategories account for more than 90% of the cutting tools used in machining operations.

Table 23.1 and Figure 23.6 present data on properties of various tool materials. Theproperties are those related to the requirements of a cutting tool: hardness, toughness, andhothardness.Table23.1 lists roomtemperaturehardnessand transverse rupture strength forselectedmaterials. Transverse rupture strength (Section 3.1.3) is a property used to indicatetoughness for hard materials. Figure 23.6 shows hardness as a function of temperature forseveral of the tool materials discussed in this section.

In addition to these property comparisons, it is useful to compare the materials interms of the parameters n and C in the Taylor tool life equation. In general, thedevelopment of new cutting-tool materials has resulted in increases in the values ofthese two parameters. Table 23.2 provides a listing of representative values of n and C inthe Taylor tool life equation for selected cutting-tool materials.

The chronological development of tool materials has generally followed a path inwhich new materials have permitted higher and higher cutting speeds to be achieved.

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TABLE 23.1 Typical hardness values (at room temperature) and transverse rupturestrengths for various tool materials.a

Transverse Rupture Strength

Material Hardness MPa lb/in2

Plain carbon steel 60 HRC 5200 750,000High-speed steel 65 HRC 4100 600,000Cast cobalt alloy 65 HRC 2250 325,000Cemented carbide (WC)Low Co content 93 HRA, 1800 HK 1400 200,000High Co content 90 HRA, 1700 HK 2400 350,000

Cermet (TiC) 2400 HK 1700 250,000Alumina (Al2O3) 2100 HK 400 60,000Cubic boron nitride 5000 HK 700 100,000Polycrystalline diamond 6000 HK 1000 150,000Natural diamond 8000 HK 1500 215,000

Compiled from [4], [9], [17], and other sources.aNote: The values of hardness and TRS are intended to be comparative and typical. Variations inproperties result from differences in composition and processing.

Historical Note 23.1 Cutting-tool materials

In 1800, England was leading the Industrial Revolution,and iron was the leading metal in the revolution. Thebest tools for cutting iron were made of cast steel by thecrucible process, invented in 1742 by B. Huntsman. Caststeel, whose carbon content lies between wrought ironand cast iron, could be hardened by heat treatment tomachine the other metals. In 1868, R. Mushet discoveredthat by alloying about 7% tungsten in crucible steel, ahardened tool steel was obtained by air quenching afterheat treatment. Mushet’s tool steel was far superior to itspredecessor in machining.

Frederick W. Taylor stands as an important figure in thehistory of cutting tools. Starting around 1880 at MidvaleSteel in Philadelphia and later at Bethlehem Steel inBethlehem, Pennsylvania, he began a series of experimentsthat lasted a quarter century, yielding a much improvedunderstanding of the metal-cutting process. Among thedevelopments resulting from the work of Taylor andcolleague Maunsel White at Bethlehem was high-speedsteel (HSS), a class of highly alloyed tool steels thatpermitted substantially higher cutting speeds than previouscutting tools. The superiority of HSS resulted not only fromgreater alloying, but also from refinements in heattreatment. Tools of the new steel allowed cutting speedsmore than twice those of Mushet’s steel and almost fourtimes those of plain carbon cast steels.

Tungsten carbide (WC) was first synthesized in thelate 1890s. It took nearly three decades before a useful

cutting tool material was developed by sintering the WCwith a metallic binder to form cemented carbides. Thesewere first used in metal cutting in the mid-1920s inGermany, and in the late 1920s in the United States(Historical Note 7.2). Cermet cutting tools based ontitanium carbide were first introduced in the 1950s, buttheir commercial importance dates from the 1970s. Thefirst coated carbides, consisting of one coating on a WC–Co substrate, were first used around 1970. Coatingmaterials included TiC, TiN, and Al2O3. Modern coatedcarbides have three or more coatings of these and otherhard materials.

Attempts to use alumina ceramics in machiningdate from the early 1900s in Europe. Their brittlenessinhibited success in these early applications.Processing refinements over many decades haveresulted in property improvements in these materials.U.S. commercial use of ceramic cutting tools datesfrom the mid-1950s.

The first industrial diamonds were produced by theGeneral Electric Company in 1954. They were singlecrystal diamonds that were applied with some success ingrinding operations starting around 1957. Greateracceptance of diamond cutting tools has resulted fromthe use of sintered polycrystalline diamond (SPD), datingfrom the early 1970s. A similar tool material, sinteredcubic boron nitride, was first introduced in 1969 by GEunder the trade name Borazon.

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Table 23.3 identifies the cutting-tool materials, together with their approximate year ofintroduction and typical maximum allowable cutting speeds at which they can be used.Dramatic increases inmachining productivity have beenmade possible because of advancesin tool material technology, as indicated in our table. Machine tool practice has not alwayskept pace with cutting-tool technology. Limitations on horsepower, machine tool rigidity,spindle bearings, and the widespread use of older equipment in industry have acted tounderutilize the possible upper speeds permitted by available cutting tools.


Before the development of high-speed steel, plain carbon steel and Mushet’s steel werethe principal tool materials for metal cutting. Today, these steels are rarely used in

FIGURE 23.6 Typical hothardness relationships for

selected tool materials. Plaincarbon steel shows arapid loss of hardness astemperature increases. High-

speed steel is substantiallybetter, whereas cementedcarbides and ceramics are

significantly harder atelevated temperatures.

TABLE 23.2 Representative values of n and C in the Taylor tool life equation,Eq. (23.1), for selected tool materials.


Nonsteel Cutting Steel Cutting

Tool Material n m/min (ft/min) m/min ft/min

Plain carbon tool steel 0.1 70 (200) 20 60High-speed steel 0.125 120 (350) 70 200Cemented carbide 0.25 900 (2700) 500 1500Cermet 0.25 600 2000Coated carbide 0.25 700 2200Ceramic 0.6 3000 10,000

Compiled from [4], [9], and other sources.The parameter values are approximated for turning at feed ¼ 0.25 mm/rev (0.010 in/rev) and depth ¼2.5 mm (0.100 in). Nonsteel cutting refers to easy-to-machine metals such as aluminum, brass, and castiron. Steel cutting refers to the machining of mild (unhardened) steel. It should be noted that significantvariations in these values can be expected in practice.

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industrial machining applications. The plain carbon steels used as cutting tools could beheat-treated to achieve relatively high hardness (Rockwell C 60), because of their fairlyhigh carbon content. However, because of low alloying levels, they possess poor hothardness (Figure 23.6), which renders them unusable in metal cutting except at speedstoo low to be practical by today’s standards. Mushet’s steel has been displaced byadvances in tool steel metallurgy.

High-speed steel (HSS) is a highly alloyed tool steel capable ofmaintaining hardnessat elevated temperatures better than high carbon and lowalloy steels. Its goodhot hardnesspermits tools made of HSS to be used at higher cutting speeds. Compared with the othertool materials at the time of its development, it was truly deserving of its name ‘‘highspeed.’’Awide variety of high-speed steels are available, but they can be divided into twobasic types: (1) tungsten-type, designated T-grades by the American Iron and SteelInstitute (AISI); and (2) molybdenum-type, designated M-grades by AISI.

Tungsten-type HSS contains tungsten (W) as its principal alloying ingredient.Additional alloying elements are chromium (Cr), and vanadium (V). One of the originalandbest knownHSSgrades isT1, or 18-4-1 high-speed steel, containing 18%W,4%Cr, and1%V.MolybdenumHSS grades contain combinations of tungsten andmolybdenum (Mo),plus the same additional alloying elements as in the T-grades. Cobalt (Co) is sometimesadded to HSS to enhance hot hardness. Of course, high-speed steel contains carbon, theelement common to all steels. Typical alloying contents and functions of each alloyingelement in HSS are listed in Table 23.4.

Commercially, high-speed steel is one of themost important cutting-toolmaterialsin use today, despite the fact that it was introduced more than a century ago. HSS isespecially suited to applications involving complicated tool geometries, such as drills,taps, milling cutters, and broaches. These complex shapes are generally easier and lessexpensive to produce from unhardenedHSS than other tool materials. They can then beheat-treated so that cutting-edge hardness is very good (Rockwell C 65), whereastoughness of the internal portions of the tool is also good. HSS cutters possess bettertoughness than any of the harder nonsteel tool materials used for machining, such ascemented carbides and ceramics. Even for single-point tools, HSS is popular amongmachinists because of the ease with which desired tool geometry can be ground into thetool point. Over the years, improvements have been made in the metallurgical formu-lation and processing of HSS so that this class of tool material remains competitive inmany applications. Also, HSS tools, drills in particular, are often coated with a thin film

TABLE 23.3 Cutting-tool materials with their approximate dates of initial use andallowable cutting speeds.

Allowable Cutting Speeda

Nonsteel Cutting Steel Cutting

Tool MaterialYear of

Initial Use m/min ft/min m/min ft/min

Plain carbon tool steel 1800s Below 10 Below 30 Below 5 Below 15High-speed steel 1900 25–65 75–200 17–33 50–100Cast cobalt alloys 1915 50–200 150–600 33–100 100–300Cemented carbides (WC) 1930 330–650 1000–2000 100–300 300–900Cermets (TiC) 1950s 165–400 500–1200Ceramics (Al2O3) 1955 330–650 1000–2000Synthetic diamonds 1954, 1973 390–1300 1200–4000Cubic boron nitride 1969 500–800 1500–2500Coated carbides 1970 165–400 500–1200

aCompiled from [9], [12], [16], [19], and other sources.

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of titanium nitride (TiN) to provide significant increases in cutting performance.Physical vapor deposition processes (Section 28.5.1) are commonly used to coat theseHSS tools.


Cast cobalt alloy cutting tools consistof cobalt, around40%to50%;chromium,about25%to35%;andtungsten,usually15%to20%;withtraceamountsofotherelements.Thesetoolsaremade into the desired shape by casting in graphite molds and then grinding to final size andcutting-edge sharpness. High hardness is achieved as cast, an advantage over HSS, whichrequiresheattreatmenttoachieveitshardness.Wearresistanceofthecastcobaltsisbetterthanhigh-speed steel, but not as good as cemented carbide. Toughness of cast cobalt tools is betterthan carbides but not as good as HSS. Hot hardness also lies between these two materials.

As might be expected from their properties, applications of cast cobalt tools aregenerally between those of high-speed steel and cemented carbides. They are capable ofheavy roughing cuts at speeds greater than HSS and feeds greater than carbides. Workmaterials include both steels and nonsteels, as well as nonmetallicmaterials such as plasticsand graphite. Today, cast cobalt alloy tools are not nearly as important commercially aseither high-speed steel or cemented carbides. They were introduced around 1915 as a toolmaterial that would allow higher cutting speeds thanHSS. The carbides were subsequentlydeveloped and proved to be superior to the cast Co alloys in most cutting situations.


Cermets are defined as composites of ceramic and metallic materials (Section 9.2.1).Technically speaking, cemented carbides are included within this definition; however,cermets based onWC–Co, includingWC–TiC–TaC–Co, are known as carbides (cementedcarbides) in common usage. In cutting-tool terminology, the term cermet is applied to

TABLE 23.4 Typical contents and functions of alloying elements in high-speed steel.


Typical Content inHSS, % by Weight Functions in High-Speed Steel

Tungsten T-type HSS: 12–20 Increases hot hardnessM-type HSS: 1.5–6 Improves abrasion resistance through

formation of hard carbides in HSSMolybdenum T-type HSS: none Increases hot hardness

M-type HSS: 5–10 Improves abrasion resistance throughformation of hard carbides in HSS

Chromium 3.75–4.5 Depth hardenability during heat treatmentImproves abrasion resistance throughformation of hard carbides in HSS

Corrosion resistance (minor effect)Vanadium 1–5 Combines with carbon for wear resistance

Retards grain growth for better toughnessCobalt 0–12 Increases hot hardnessCarbon 0.75–1.5 Principal hardening element in steel

Provides available carbon to form carbideswith other alloying elements for wearresistance

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ceramic-metal composites containing TiC, TiN, and certain other ceramics not includingWC. One of the advances in cutting-tool materials involves the application of a very thincoating to aWC–Co substrate. These tools are called coated carbides. Thus, we have threeimportant and closely related tool materials to discuss: (1) cemented carbides, (2) cermets,and (3) coated carbides.

Cemented Carbides Cemented carbides (also called sintered carbides) are a class ofhard tool material formulated from tungsten carbide (WC) using powder metallurgytechniques (Chapter 16) with cobalt (Co) as the binder (Sections 7.3.2, 9.2.1, and 17.3.1).There may be other carbide compounds in the mixture, such as titanium carbide (TiC)and/or tantalum carbide (TaC), in addition to WC.

Thefirst cementedcarbidecutting toolsweremadeofWC–Co(HistoricalNote7.2)andcould be used tomachine cast irons and nonsteelmaterials at cutting speeds faster than thosepossiblewithhigh-speedsteelandcast cobaltalloys.However,whenthestraightWC–Cotoolswere used to cut steel, crater wear occurred rapidly, leading to early failure of the tools. Astrong chemical affinity exists between steel and the carbon in WC, resulting in acceleratedwear by diffusion and chemical reaction at the tool–chip interface for this work-toolcombination. Consequently, straight WC–Co tools cannot be used effectively to machinesteel. It was subsequently discovered that additions of titanium carbide and tantalum carbideto theWC–Comix significantly retarded the rateof craterwearwhen cutting steel.ThesenewWC–TiC–TaC–Co tools could be used for steel machining. The result is that cementedcarbidesaredividedintotwobasic types: (1)nonsteel-cuttinggrades, consistingofonlyWC–Co; and (2) steel-cutting grades, with combinations of TiC and TaC added to theWC–Co.

The general properties of the two types of cemented carbides are similar: (1) highcompressive strength but low-to-moderate tensile strength; (2) high hardness (90 to 95HRA); (3) good hot hardness; (4) goodwear resistance; (5) high thermal conductivity; (6)highmodulus of elasticity—E values up to around 600� 103MPa (90� 106lb/in2); and (7)toughness lower than high-speed steel.

Nonsteel-cutting grades refer to those cemented carbides that are suitable formachining aluminum, brass, copper, magnesium, titanium, and other nonferrous metals;anomalously, gray cast iron is included in this group of work materials. In the nonsteel-cutting grades, grain size and cobalt content are the factors that influence properties of thecemented carbidematerial. The typical grain size found in conventional cemented carbidesranges between 0.5 and 5mm(20 and 200m-in). As grain size is increased, hardness and hothardness decrease, but transverse rupture strength increases.2 The typical cobalt content incemented carbides used for cutting tools is 3% to 12%. The effect of cobalt content onhardness and transverse rupture strength is shown in Figure 9.9. As cobalt contentincreases, TRS improves at the expense of hardness and wear resistance. Cementedcarbides with low percentages of cobalt content (3% to 6%) have high hardness andlow TRS, whereas carbides with high Co (6% to 12%) have high TRS but lower hardness(Table 23.1). Accordingly, cemented carbides with higher cobalt are used for roughingoperations and interrupted cuts (such as milling), while carbides with lower cobalt(therefore, higher hardness and wear resistance) are used in finishing cuts.

Steel-cutting grades are used for low carbon, stainless, and other alloy steels. Forthese carbide grades, titanium carbide and/or tantalum carbide is substituted for some ofthe tungsten carbide. TiC is themore popular additive inmost applications. Typically, from10% to 25% of the WC might be replaced by combinations of TiC and TaC. Thiscomposition increases the crater wear resistance for steel cutting, but tends to adversely

2The effect of grain size (GS) on transverse rupture strength (TRS) is more complicated than we arereporting. Published data indicate that the effect of GS on TRS is influenced by cobalt content. At lowerCo contents (less than 10%), TRS does indeed increase as GS increases, but at higher Co contents (greaterthan 10%) TRS decreases as GS increases [4], [16].

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affect flank wear resistance for nonsteel-cutting applications. That is why two basiccategories of cemented carbide are needed.

One of the important developments in cemented carbide technology in recent years istheuseof very fine grain sizes (submicron sizes)of thevarious carbide ingredients (WC,TiC,and TaC). Although small grain size is usually associated with higher hardness but lowertransverse rupture strength, the decrease in TRS is reduced or reversed at the submicronparticle sizes. Therefore, these ultrafine grain carbides possess high hardness combinedwithgood toughness.

Since the two basic types of cemented carbidewere introduced in the 1920s and 1930s,the increasing number and variety of engineering materials have complicated the selectionof themost appropriate cemented carbide for a givenmachining application. To address theproblem of grade selection, two classification systems have been developed: (1) the ANSI(American National Standards Institute) C-grade system, developed in the United Statesstarting around 1942; and (2) the ISO R513-1975(E) system, introduced by the Interna-tional Organization for Standardization (ISO) around 1964. In the C-grade system,summarized in Table 23.5, machining grades of cemented carbide are divided into twobasic groups, corresponding to nonsteel-cutting and steel-cutting categories. Within eachgroup there are four levels, corresponding to roughing, general purpose, finishing, andprecision finishing.

TheISOR513-1975(E) system, titled ‘‘ApplicationofCarbides forMachiningbyChipRemoval,’’ classifies allmachininggradesof cemented carbides into threebasic groups, eachwith its own letter and color code, as summarized in Table 23.6. Within each group, thegrades are numbered on a scale that ranges from maximum hardness to maximumtoughness. Harder grades are used for finishing operations (high speeds, low feeds anddepths), whereas tougher grades are used for roughing operations. The ISO classificationsystem can also be used to recommend applications for cermets and coated carbides.

TABLE 23.5 The ANSI C-grade classification system for cemented carbides.

Machining Application Nonsteel-cutting Grades Steel-cutting Grades Cobalt and Properties

Roughing C1 C5 High Co for max. toughnessGeneral purpose C2 C6 Medium to high CoFinishing C3 C7 Medium to low CoPrecision finishing C4 C8 Low Co for max. hardness

Work materials Al, brass, Ti, cast iron Carbon and alloy steelsTypical ingredients WC–Co WC–TiC–TaC–Co

TABLE 23.6 ISO R513-1975(E) ‘‘Application of Carbides for Machining by Chip Removal.’’

Group Carbide Type Work Materials Number Scheme (Cobalt and Properties)

P (blue) Highly alloyed WC–TiC–TaC–Co

Steel, steel castings, ductile castiron (ferrous metals with longchips)

P01 (low Co for maximum hardness)to

P50 (high Co for maximum toughness)M (yellow) Alloyed WC–TiC–

TaC–CoFree-cutting steel, gray cast

iron, austenitic stainless steel,superalloys

M10 (low Co for maximum hardness)to

M40 (high Co for maximum toughness)K (red) Straight WC–Co Nonferrous metals and alloys, gray

cast iron (ferrous metals withshort chips), nonmetallics

K01 (low Co for maximum hardness)to

K40 (high Co for maximum toughness)

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The two systemsmap into each other as follows: TheANSIC1 throughC4-gradesmapinto the ISO K-grades, but in reverse numerical order, and the ANSI C5 through C8 gradestranslate into the ISO P-grades, but again in reverse numerical order.

Cermets Although cemented carbides are technically classified as cermet composites,the term cermet in cutting-tool technology is generally reserved for combinations of TiC,TiN, and titaniumcarbonitride (TiCN),withnickel and/ormolybdenumasbinders. Someofthe cermet chemistries aremore complex (e.g., ceramics such as TaxNbyC and binders suchasMo2C).However, cermets excludemetallic composites that are primarily basedonWC–Co. Applications of cermets include high-speed finishing and semifinishing of steels,stainless steels, and cast irons. Higher speeds are generally allowed with these toolscompared with steel-cutting carbide grades. Lower feeds are typically used so that bettersurface finish is achieved, often eliminating the need for grinding.

Coated Carbides The development of coated carbides around 1970 represented asignificant advance in cutting-tool technology. Coated carbides are a cemented carbideinsert coated with one or more thin layers of wear-resistant material, such as titaniumcarbide, titanium nitride, and/or aluminum oxide (Al2O3). The coating is applied to thesubstrate by chemical vapor deposition or physical vapor deposition (Section 28.5). Thecoating thickness is only 2.5 to 13 mm (0.0001 to 0.0005 in). It has been found that thickercoatings tend to be brittle, resulting in cracking, chipping, and separation from thesubstrate.

The first generation of coated carbides had only a single layer coating (TiC, TiN, orAl2O3). More recently, coated inserts have been developed that consist of multiple layers.The first layer applied to theWC–Cobase is usually TiNorTiCNbecause of good adhesionand similar coefficient of thermal expansion. Additional layers of various combinations ofTiN, TiCN, Al2O3, and TiAlN are subsequently applied.

Coated carbides are used to machine cast irons and steels in turning and millingoperations.Theyarebest applied athigh cutting speeds in situations inwhichdynamic forceand thermal shock are minimal. If these conditions become too severe, as in someinterrupted cut operations, chipping of the coating can occur, resulting in prematuretool failure. In this situation, uncoated carbides formulated for toughness are preferred.When properly applied, coated carbide tools usually permit increases in allowable cuttingspeeds compared with uncoated cemented carbides.

Use of coated carbide tools is expanding to nonferrous metal and nonmetalapplications for improved tool life and higher cutting speeds. Different coating materialsare required, such as chromium carbide (CrC), zirconium nitride (ZrN), and diamond [11].


Cutting tools made from ceramics were first used commercially in the United States inthe mid-1950s, although their development and use in Europe dates back to the early1900s. Today’s ceramic cutting tools are composed primarily of fine-grained aluminumoxide (Al2O3), pressed and sintered at high pressures and temperatures with no binderinto insert form (Section 17.2). The aluminum oxide is usually very pure (99% is typical),although some manufacturers add other oxides (such as zirconium oxide) in smallamounts. In producing ceramic tools, it is important to use a very fine grain size inthe alumina powder, and to maximize density of the mix through high-pressure compac-tion to improve the material’s low toughness.

Aluminum oxide cutting tools are most successful in high-speed turning of cast ironand steel. Applications also include finish turning of hardened steels using high cuttingspeeds, low feeds and depths, and a rigid work setup. Many premature fracture failures of

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ceramic tools are because of non-rigid machine tool setups, which subject the tools tomechanical shock. When properly applied, ceramic cutting tools can be used to obtainvery good surface finish. Ceramics are not recommended for heavy interrupted cutoperations (e.g., rough milling) because of their low toughness. In addition to its use asinserts in conventional machining operations, Al2O3 is widely used as an abrasive ingrinding and other abrasive processes (Chapter 25).

Other commercially available ceramic cutting-tool materials include silicon nitride(SiN), sialon (silicon nitride and aluminum oxide, SiN–Al2O3), aluminum oxide andtitanium carbide (Al2O3–TiC), and aluminum oxide reinforced with single crystal-whiskers of silicon carbide. These tools are usually intended for special applications,a discussion of which is beyond our scope.


Diamond is the hardest material known (Section 7.5.1). By some measures of hardness,diamond is three to four times as hard as tungsten carbide or aluminum oxide. Since highhardness is oneof thedesirablepropertiesof a cutting tool, it is natural to thinkofdiamondsfor machining and grinding applications. Synthetic diamond cutting tools are made ofsintered polycrystalline diamond (SPD), which dates from the early 1970s. Sinteredpolycrystalline diamond is fabricated by sintering fine-grained diamond crystals underhigh temperatures and pressures into the desired shape. Little or no binder is used. Thecrystals have a random orientation and this adds considerable toughness to the SPD toolscomparedwith single crystal diamonds.Tool inserts are typicallymadebydepositing a layerof SPDabout 0.5mm (0.020 in) thick on the surface of a cemented carbide base. Very smallinserts have also been made of 100% SPD.

Applications of diamond cutting tools include high-speed machining of nonferrousmetals and abrasive nonmetals such as fiberglass, graphite, and wood. Machining of steel,other ferrous metals, and nickel-based alloys with SPD tools is not practical because ofthe chemical affinity that exists between these metals and carbon (a diamond, after all, iscarbon).

Next todiamond,cubicboronnitride (Section7.3.3) is thehardestmaterialknown,andits fabrication intocutting tool inserts isbasically the sameasSPD; that is, coatingsonWC–Coinserts. Cubic boron nitride (symbolized cBN) does not react chemicallywith iron and nickelas SPD does; therefore, the applications of cBN-coated tools are for machining steel andnickel-based alloys. Both SPD and cBN tools are expensive, as one might expect, and theapplications must justify the additional tooling cost.


A cutting tool must possess a shape that is suited to the machining operation. Oneimportant way to classify cutting tools is according to the machining process. Thus, wehave turning tools, cutoff tools, milling cutters, drill bits, reamers, taps, and many othercutting tools that are named for the operation in which they are used, each with its owntool geometry—in some cases quite unique.

As indicated in Section 21.1, cutting tools can be divided into single-point tools andmultiple-cutting-edge tools. Single-point tools are used in turning, boring, shaping, andplaning. Multiple-cutting-edge tools are used in drilling, reaming, tapping, milling, broach-ing, and sawing. Many of the principles that apply to single-point tools also apply to theother cutting-tool types, simply because the mechanism of chip formation is basically thesame for all machining operations.

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The general shape of a single-point cutting tool is illustrated in Figure 21.4(a). Figure 23.7shows a more detailed drawing. The reader can observe single-point tools in action in ourvideo clip on turning and lathe basics.


Turning and Lathe Basics. The relevant segment is titled ‘‘Turning Operations.’’

We have previously treated the rake angle of a cutting tool as one parameter. In asingle-point tool, the orientation of the rake face is defined by two angles, back rake angle(ab) and side rake angle (as). Together, these angles are influential in determining thedirection of chip flowacross the rake face. The flank surface of the tool is definedby the endrelief angle (ERA) and side relief angle (SRA). These angles determine the amount ofclearance between the tool and the freshly cut work surface. The cutting edge of a single-point tool is divided into two sections, side cutting edge and end cutting edge. These twosections are separated by the tool point, which has a certain radius, called the nose radius.The side cutting edge angle (SCEA) determines the entry of the tool into thework and canbe used to reduce the sudden force the tool experiences as it enters aworkpart.Nose radius(NR) determines to a large degree the texture of the surface generated in the operation. Avery pointed tool (small nose radius) results in very pronounced feedmarks on the surface.We return to this issueof surface roughness inmachining inSection 24.2.2.Endcutting edgeangle (ECEA) provides a clearance between the trailing edge of the tool and the newlygenerated work surface, thus reducing rubbing and friction against the surface.

In all, there are seven elements of tool geometry for a single-point tool. Whenspecified in the following order, they are collectively called the tool geometry signature:back rake angle, side rake angle, end relief angle, side relief angle, end cutting edge angle,side cutting edge angle, and nose radius. For example, a single-point tool used in turningmight have the following signature: 5, 5, 7, 7, 20, 15, 2/64 in.

FIGURE 23.7 (a) Sevenelements of single-point tool

geometry, and (b) the toolsignature convention thatdefines the seven elements.

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Chip Breakers Chip disposal is a problem that is often encountered in turning and othercontinuousoperations.Long,stringychipsareoftengenerated,especiallywhenturningductilematerials athigh speeds.Thesechips causeahazard to themachineoperatorand theworkpartfinish, and they interfere with automatic operation of the turning process. Chip breakers arefrequently used with single-point tools to force the chips to curl more tightly than they wouldnaturally be inclined to do, thus causing them to fracture. There are two principal forms ofchip breaker design commonly used on single-point turning tools, illustrated in Figure 23.8:(a) groove-type chip breaker designed into the cutting tool itself, and (b) obstruction-typechipbreaker designedas an additional deviceon the rake faceof the tool. The chipbreakerdistance can be adjusted in the obstruction-type device for different cutting conditions.

Effect of Tool Material on Tool Geometry It was noted in our discussion of theMerchant equation (Section 21.3.2) that a positive rake angle is generally desirable becauseit reduces cutting forces, temperature, and power consumption. High-speed steel-cuttingtools arealmost always groundwith positive rake angles, typically ranging from+5� to+20�.HSShas good strength and toughness, so that the thinner cross sectionof the tool createdbyhigh positive rake angles does not usually cause a problem with tool breakage. HSS toolsare predominantly made of one piece. The heat treatment of high-speed steel can becontrolled to provide a hard cutting edge while maintaining a tough inner core.

With the development of the very hard tool materials (e.g., cemented carbides andceramics), changes in tool geometry were required. As a group, these materials havehigher hardness and lower toughness thanHSS. Also, their shear and tensile strengths arelow relative to their compressive strengths, and their properties cannot be manipulatedthrough heat treatment like those of HSS. Finally, cost per unit weight for these very hardmaterials is higher than the cost of HSS. These factors have affected cutting-tool designfor the very hard tool materials in several ways.

First, the very hard materials must be designed with either negative rake or smallpositiveangles.This change tends to load the toolmore incompressionand less in shear, thusfavoring the high compressive strength of these harder materials. Cemented carbides, forexample, are used with rake angles typically in the range from�5� to +10�. Ceramics haverake angles between�5� and�15�. Relief angles aremade as small as possible (5� is typical)to provide as much support for the cutting edge as possible.

Another difference is theway inwhich the cutting edge of the tool is held in position.The alternative ways of holding and presenting the cutting edge for a single-point tool areillustrated inFigure 23.9.Thegeometryof aHSS tool is ground froma solid shank, as shownin part (a) of the figure. The higher cost and differences in properties and processing of theharder tool materials have given rise to the use of inserts that are either brazed ormechanically clamped to a toolholder. Part (b) shows a brazed insert, in which a cemented

FIGURE 23.8 Twomethods of chip breaking

in single-point tools:(a) groove-type and(b) obstruction-type chip


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carbide insert is brazed to a tool shank. The shank is made of tool steel for strength andtoughness. Part (c) illustrates one possible design for mechanically clamping an insert in atoolholder. Mechanical clamping is used for cemented carbides, ceramics, and the otherhard materials. The significant advantage of the mechanically clamped insert is that eachinsert contains multiple cutting edges. When an edge wears out, the insert is unclamped,indexed(rotated in the toolholder) to thenext edge, and reclamped in the toolholder.Whenall of the cutting edges are worn, the insert is discarded and replaced.

Inserts Cutting-tool inserts are widely used in machining because they are economicaland adaptable tomanydifferent types ofmachiningoperations: turning, boring, threading,milling, and even drilling. They are available in a variety of shapes and sizes for the varietyof cutting situations encountered in practice. A square insert is shown in Figure 23.9(c).Other common shapes used in turning operations are displayed inFigure 23.10. In general,

FIGURE 23.9 Three ways of holding and presenting the cutting edge for a single-point tool: (a) solid

tool, typical of HSS; (b) brazed insert, one way of holding a cemented carbide insert; and (c) mechanicallyclamped insert, used for cemented carbides, ceramics, and other very hard tool materials.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

Strength, power requirements, vibration tendency

Versatility and accessibility

FIGURE 23.10 Common insert shapes: (a) round, (b) square, (c) rhombus with two 80� point angles, (d) hexagon with

three 80� point angles, (e) triangle (equilateral), (f) rhombus with two 55� point angles, (g) rhombus with two 35� pointangles. Also shown are typical features of the geometry. Strength, power requirements, and tendency for vibrationincrease as we move to the left; whereas versatility and accessibility tend to be better with the geometries at the right.

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the largest point angle should be selected for strength and economy.Round inserts possesslarge point angles (and large nose radii) just because of their shape. Insertswith large pointangles are inherently stronger and less likely to chip or break during cutting, but theyrequire more power, and there is a greater likelihood of vibration. The economicadvantage of round inserts is that they can be indexed multiple times for more cutsper insert. Square inserts present four cutting edges, triangular shapes have three edges,whereas rhombus shapes have only two. Fewer edges are a cost disadvantage. If bothsides of the insert can be used (e.g., in most negative rake angle applications), then thenumber of cutting edges is doubled. Rhombus shapes are used (especially with acutepoint angles) because of their versatility and accessibility when a variety of operationsare to be performed. These shapes can be more readily positioned in tight spaces and canbe used not only for turning but also for facing (Figure 22.6(a)), and contour turning(Figure 22.6(c)).

Inserts are usually not made with perfectly sharp cutting edges, because a sharpedge is weaker and fractures more easily, especially for the very hard and brittle toolmaterials from which inserts are made (cemented carbides, coated carbides, cermets,ceramics, cBN, and diamond). Some kind of shape alteration is commonly performed onthe cutting edge at an almost microscopic level. The effect of this edge preparation is toincrease the strength of the cutting edge by providing a more gradual transition betweenthe clearance edge and the rake face of the tool. Three common edge preparations areshown in Figure 23.11: (a) radius or edge rounding, also referred to as honed edge,(b) chamfer, and (c) land. For comparison, a perfectly sharp cutting edge is shown in(d). The radius in (a) is typically only about 0.025 mm (0.001 in), and the land in (c) is 15�

or 20�. Combinations of these edge preparations are often applied to a single cutting edgeto maximize the strengthening effect.


Most multiple-cutting-edge tools are used in machining operations in which the tool isrotated. Primary examples are drilling and milling. On the other hand, broaching andsome sawing operations (hack sawing and band sawing) use multiple-cutting-edge toolsthat operate with a linear motion. Other sawing operations (circular sawing) use rotatingsaw blades.

Drills Various cutting tools are available for hole making, but the twist drill is by far themost common. It comes in diameters ranging from about 0.15 mm (0.006 in) to as large as

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Rake face


FIGURE 23.11 Three types of edge preparation that are applied to the cutting edge of an insert:(a) radius, (b) chamfer, (c) land, and (d) perfectly sharp edge (no edge preparation).

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75 mm (3.0 in). Twist drills are widely used in industry to produce holes rapidly andeconomically. The video clip on hole making illustrates the twist drill.


Hole making. See the segment titled ‘‘The Drill.’’

The standard twist drill geometry is illustrated in Figure 23.12. The body of the drillhas two spiral flutes (the spiral gives the twist drill its name). The angle of the spiral flutesis called the helix angle, a typical value of which is around 30�. While drilling, the flutesact as passageways for extraction of chips from the hole. Although it is desirable for theflute openings to be large to provide maximum clearance for the chips, the body of thedrill must be supported over its length. This support is provided by the web, which is thethickness of the drill between the flutes.

The point of the twist drill has a conical shape. A typical value for the point angle is118�. The point can be designed in various ways, but the most common design is a chiseledge, as in Figure 23.12. Connected to the chisel edge are two cutting edges (sometimescalled lips) that lead into the flutes. The portion of each flute adjacent to the cutting edgeacts as the rake face of the tool.

The cutting actionof the twist drill is complex.The rotation and feedingof thedrill bitresult in relativemotionbetween thecutting edgesand theworkpiece to formthechips. Thecutting speed along each cutting edge varies as a function of the distance from the axis ofrotation. Accordingly, the efficiency of the cutting action varies, beingmost efficient at theouter diameter of thedrill and least efficient at the center. In fact, the relative velocity at thedrill point is zero, so no cutting takes place. Instead, the chisel edge of the drill point pushesaside thematerial at the center as it penetrates into the hole; a large thrust force is requiredto drive the twist drill forward into the hole. Also, at the beginning of the operation, therotating chisel edge tends to wander on the surface of the workpart, causing loss ofpositional accuracy. Various alternative drill point designs have been developed to addressthis problem.

Chip removal can be a problem in drilling. The cutting action takes place inside thehole, and the flutes must provide sufficient clearance throughout the length of the drill toallow the chips to be extracted from the hole. As the chip is formed it is forced throughthe flutes to the work surface. Friction makes matters worse in two ways. In addition tothe usual friction in metal cutting between the chip and the rake face of the cutting edge,friction also results from rubbing between the outside diameter of the drill bit and the

FIGURE 23.12 Standard geometry of a twist drill.

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newly formed hole. This increases the temperature of the drill and work. Delivery ofcutting fluid to the drill point to reduce the friction and heat is difficult because the chipsare flowing in the opposite direction. Because of chip removal and heat, a twist drill isnormally limited to a hole depth of about four times its diameter. Some twist drills aredesigned with internal holes running their lengths, through which cutting fluid can bepumped to the hole near the drill point, thus delivering the fluid directly to the cuttingoperation. An alternative approach with twist drills that do not have fluid holes is to use a‘‘pecking’’ procedure during the drilling operation. In this procedure, the drill isperiodically withdrawn from the hole to clear the chips before proceeding deeper.

Twist drills are normally made of high-speed steel. The geometry of the drill isfabricated before heat treatment, and then the outer shell of the drill (cutting edges andfriction surfaces) is hardened while retaining an inner core that is relatively tough.Grinding is used to sharpen the cutting edges and shape the drill point.

Although twist drills are the most common hole-making tools, other drill types arealso available. Straight-flute drills operate like twist drills except that the flutes for chipremoval are straight along the length of the tool rather than spiraled. The simpler designof the straight-flute drill permits carbide tips to be used as the cutting edges, either asbrazed or indexable inserts. Figure 23.13 illustrates the straight-flute indexable-insertdrill. The cemented carbide inserts allow higher cutting speeds and greater productionrates than HSS twist drills. However, the inserts limit how small the drills can be made.Thus, the diameter range of commercially available indexable-insert drills runs fromabout 16 mm (0.625 in) to about 127 mm (5 in) [9].

A straight-flute drill designed for deep-hole drilling is the gun drill, shown inFigure 23.14. Whereas the twist drill is usually limited to a depth-to-diameter ratio of 4:1,and the straight-flute drill to about 3:1, the gun drill can cut holes up to 125 times its diameter.As shown inour figure, the gundrill has a carbide cutting edge, a single flute for chip removal,and a coolant hole running its complete length. In the typical gundrilling operation, theworkrotates around the stationary drill (opposite of most drilling operations), and the coolantflows into the cutting process and out of the hole along the flute, carrying the chips with it.Gun drills range in diameter from less than 2 mm (0.075 in) to about 50 mm (2 in).

Itwas previouslymentioned that twist drills are availablewith diameters up to 75mm(3 in). Twist drills that large are uncommon because so much metal is required in the drillbit. An alternative for large diameter holes is the spade drill, illustrated in Figure 23.15.Standard sizes range from 25 to 152mm (1 to 6 in). The interchangeable drill bit is held in a

FIGURE 23.13 Straight-flute drill that usesindexable inserts.

Carbide inserts (2)


Hole for clamping

Detail showing shape of six-sided insert (typical)


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toolholder, which provides rigidity during cutting. The mass of the spade drill is much lessthan a twist drill of the same diameter.

More information on hole-making tools can be found in several of our references [3]and [9].

Milling Cutters Classification of milling cutters is closely associated with the millingoperations described in Section 22.4.1. The video clip on milling shows some of the toolsin operation. The major types of milling cutters are the following:

� Plain milling cutters. These are used for peripheral or slab milling. As Figures 22.17(a) and 22.18(a) indicate, they are cylinder shaped with several rows of teeth. Thecutting edges are usually oriented at a helix angle (as in the figures) to reduce impact onentry into thework, and these cutters are called helical milling cutters. Tool geometryelements of a plain milling cutter are shown in Figure 23.16.

� Formmilling cutters. These are peripheral milling cutters in which the cutting edgeshave a special profile that is to be imparted to the work. An important application isin gear making, in which the form milling cutter is shaped to cut the slots betweenadjacent gear teeth, thereby leaving the geometry of the gear teeth.

� Face milling cutters. These are designed with teeth that cut on both the peripheryas well as the end of the cutter. Face milling cutters can be made of HSS, as in

FIGURE 23.15Spade drill.





Blade thickness


Rake face

Cross-section A-A

Blade holder


FIGURE 23.14 Gun drill.



Cross section A-A

Coolant hole

Carbide tip


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Figure 22.17(b), or they can be designed to use cemented carbide inserts. Figure 23.17shows a four-tooth face-milling cutter that uses inserts.

� End milling cutters. As shown in Figure 22.20(c), an end milling cutter looks like adrill bit, but close inspection indicates that it is designed for primary cutting with itsperipheral teeth rather than its end. (A drill bit cuts only on its end as it penetratesinto the work.) End mills are designed with square ends, ends with radii, and ballends. End mills can be used for face milling, profile milling and pocketing, cuttingslots, engraving, surface contouring, and die sinking.


Milling andMachining Center Basics. See the segment on milling cutters and operations.

FIGURE 23.16 Tool geometry

elements of an 18-tooth plainmilling cutter.

FIGURE 23.17 Tool geometry elements of a four-tooth face milling cutter: (a) side view and (b) bottom view.

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Broaches The terminology and geometry of the broach are illustrated in Figure 23.18.The broach consists of a series of distinct cutting teeth along its length. Feed isaccomplished by the increased step between successive teeth on the broach. This feedingaction is unique among machining operations, because most operations accomplishfeeding by a relative feed motion that is carried out by either the tool or the work.The total material removed in a single pass of the broach is the cumulative result of all thesteps in the tool. The speedmotion is accomplished by the linear travel of the tool past thework surface. The shape of the cut surface is determined by the contour of the cuttingedges on the broach, particularly the final cutting edge. Owing to its complex geometryand the low speeds used in broaching, most broaches are made of HSS. In broaching ofcertain cast irons, the cutting edges are cemented carbide inserts either brazed ormechanically held in place on the broaching tool.

Saw Blades For each of the three sawing operations (Section 22.6.3), the saw bladespossess certain common features, including tooth form, tooth spacing, and tooth set, as seenin Figure 23.19. Tooth form is concerned with the geometry of each cutting tooth. Rakeangle, clearance angle, tooth spacing, and other features of geometry are shown inFigure 23.19(a). Tooth spacing is the distance between adjacent teeth on the saw blade.This parameter determines the size of the teeth and the size of the gullet between teeth. Thegullet allows space for the formation of the chip by the adjacent cutting tooth. Differenttooth forms are appropriate for different work materials and cutting situations. Two formscommonly used in hacksaw and bandsaw blades are shown in Figure 23.19(b). The tooth setpermits the kerf cut by the sawblade to bewider than thewidth of the blade itself; otherwisethe blade would bind against the walls of the slit made by the saw. Two common tooth setsare illustrated in Figure 23.19(c).

FIGURE 23.18 Thebroach: (a) terminology of

the tooth geometry, and(b) a typical broach usedfor internal broaching.

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A cutting fluid is any liquid or gas that is applied directly to the machining operation toimprove cutting performance. Cutting fluids address two main problems: (1) heat genera-tion at the shear zone and friction zone, and (2) friction at the tool–chip and tool–workinterfaces. In addition to removing heat and reducing friction, cutting fluids provideadditional benefits, such as washing away chips (especially in grinding and milling),reducing the temperature of the workpart for easier handling, reducing cutting forces andpower requirements, improving dimensional stability of the workpart, and improvingsurface finish.


A variety of cutting fluids are commercially available. It is appropriate to discuss themfirst according to function and then to classify them according to chemical formulation.

Cutting Fluid Functions There are two general categories of cutting fluids, correspond-ing to the two main problems they are designed to address: coolants and lubricants.Coolants are cutting fluids designed to reduce the effects of heat in the machiningoperation. They have a limited effect on the amount of heat energy generated in cutting;instead, they carry away the heat that is generated, thereby reducing the temperature oftool and workpiece. This helps to prolong the life of the cutting tool. The capacity of acutting fluid to reduce temperatures in machining depends on its thermal properties.

FIGURE23.19 Features of sawblades: (a) nomenclature for sawbladegeometries, (b) twocommon tooth forms, and (c)two types of tooth set.

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Specific heat and thermal conductivity are the most important properties (Section 4.2.1).Water has high specific heat and thermal conductivity relative to other liquids, which iswhywater is used as the base in coolant-type cutting fluids. Theseproperties allow the coolant todraw heat away from the operation, thereby reducing the temperature of the cutting tool.

Coolant-type cutting fluids seem to be most effective at relatively high cuttingspeeds, in which heat generation and high temperatures are problems. They are mosteffective on tool materials that are most susceptible to temperature failures, such as high-speed steels, and are used frequently in turning and milling operations, in which largeamounts of heat are generated.

Lubricants are usually oil-based fluids (because oils possess good lubricatingqualities) formulated to reduce friction at the tool–chip and tool–work interfaces. Lubri-cant cutting fluids operate by extreme pressure lubrication, a special form of lubricationthat involves formation of thin solid salt layers on the hot, clean metal surfaces throughchemical reactionwith the lubricant. Compounds of sulfur, chlorine, and phosphorus in thelubricant cause the formation of these surface layers, which act to separate the two metalsurfaces (i.e., chipand tool).Theseextremepressure filmsare significantlymoreeffective inreducing friction in metal cutting than conventional lubrication, which is based on thepresence of liquid films between the two surfaces.

Lubricant-type cutting fluids are most effective at lower cutting speeds. They tendto lose their effectiveness at high speeds (above about 120 m/min [400 ft/min]) becausethe motion of the chip at these speeds prevents the cutting fluid from reaching the tool–chip interface. In addition, high cutting temperatures at these speeds cause the oils tovaporize before they can lubricate. Machining operations such as drilling and tappingusually benefit from lubricants. In these operations, built-up edge formation is retarded,and torque on the tool is reduced.

Although the principal purpose of a lubricant is to reduce friction, it also reduces thetemperature in the operation through several mechanisms. First, the specific heat andthermal conductivity of the lubricant help to remove heat from the operation, therebyreducing temperatures. Second, because friction is reduced, the heat generated fromfriction is also reduced. Third, a lower coefficient of friction means a lower friction angle.According toMerchant’s equation,Eq. (21.16), a lower frictionangle causes the shearplaneangle to increase, hence reducing the amount of heat energy generated in the shear zone.

There is typically an overlapping effect between the two types of cutting fluids.Coolants are formulated with ingredients that help reduce friction. And lubricants havethermal properties that, although not as good as those of water, act to remove heat fromthe cutting operation. Cutting fluids (both coolants and lubricants) manifest their effecton the Taylor tool life equation through higher C values. Increases of 10% to 40% aretypical. The slope n is not significantly affected.

Chemical Formulation of Cutting Fluids There are four categories of cutting fluidsaccording to chemical formulation: (1) cutting oils, (2) emulsified oils, (3) semichemicalfluids, and (4) chemical fluids. All of these cutting fluids provide both coolant andlubricating functions. The cutting oils are most effective as lubricants, whereas the otherthree categories are more effective as coolants because they are primarily water.

Cutting oils are based on oil derived from petroleum, animal, marine, or vegetableorigin.Mineral oils (petroleum based) are the principal type because of their abundance andgenerally desirable lubricating characteristics. To achievemaximum lubricity, several types ofoils are often combined in the same fluid. Chemical additives are also mixed with the oils toincrease lubricating qualities. These additives contain compounds of sulfur, chlorine, andphosphorus, and are designed to react chemicallywith the chip and tool surfaces to form solidfilms(extremepressurelubrication)thathelptoavoidmetal-to-metalcontactbetweenthetwo.

Emulsified oils consist of oil droplets suspended in water. The fluid is made byblending oil (usually mineral oil) in water using an emulsifying agent to promote blending

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and stability of the emulsion. A typical ratio of water to oil is 30:1. Chemical additivesbased on sulfur, chlorine, and phosphorus are often used to promote extreme pressurelubrication. Because they contain both oil and water, the emulsified oils combine coolingand lubricating qualities in one cutting fluid.

Chemical fluids are chemicals in a water solution rather than oils in emulsion. Thedissolved chemicals include compounds of sulfur, chlorine, and phosphorus, plus wettingagents. The chemicals are intended to provide some degree of lubrication to the solution.Chemical fluids provide good coolant qualities but their lubricating qualities are less thanthe other cutting fluid types. Semichemical fluids have small amounts of emulsified oiladded to increase the lubricating characteristics of the cutting fluid. In effect, they are ahybrid class between chemical fluids and emulsified oils.


Cutting fluids are applied to machining operations in various ways. In this section weconsider these application techniques. We also consider the problem of cutting-fluidcontamination and what steps can be taken to address this problem.

Application Methods The most common method is flooding, sometimes called flood-cooling because it is generally used with coolant-type cutting fluids. In flooding, a steadystream of fluid is directed at the tool–work or tool–chip interface of the machiningoperation. A second method of delivery is mist application, primarily used for water-based cutting fluids. In this method the fluid is directed at the operation in the form of ahigh-speed mist carried by a pressurized air stream. Mist application is generally not aseffective as flooding in cooling the tool. However, because of the high-velocity air stream,mist application may be more effective in delivering the cutting fluid to areas that aredifficult to access by conventional flooding.

Manual application by means of a squirt can or paint brush is sometimes used forapplying lubricants in tapping and other operations in which cutting speeds are low andfriction is a problem. It is generally not preferred by most production machine shopsbecause of its variability in application.

Cutting Fluid Filtration and Dry Machining Cutting fluids become contaminated overtime with a variety of foreign substances, such as tramp oil (machine oil, hydraulic fluid,etc.), garbage (cigarette butts, food, etc.), small chips,molds, fungi, andbacteria. In additionto causing odors and health hazards, contaminated cutting fluids do not perform theirlubricating function as well. Alternative ways of dealing with this problem are to: (1)replace the cutting fluid at regular and frequent intervals (perhaps twice per month); (2)use a filtration system to continuously or periodically clean the fluid; or (3) drymachining;that is, machine without cutting fluids. Because of growing concern about environmentalpollution and associated legislation, disposing old fluids has become both costly andcontrary to the general public welfare.

Filtration systems are being installed in numerous machine shops today to solve thecontamination problem. Advantages of these systems include: (1) prolonged cutting fluidlife between changes—insteadof replacing the fluid once or twice permonth, coolant livesof 1 year have been reported; (2) reduced fluid disposal cost, since disposal is much lessfrequentwhen a filter is used; (3) cleaner cutting fluid for better working environment andreduced health hazards; (4) lower machine tool maintenance; and (5) longer tool life.There are various types of filtration systems for filtering cutting fluids. For the interestedreader, filtration systems and the benefits of using them are discussed in reference [19].

The third alternative is called dry machining, meaning that no cutting fluid is used.Drymachining avoids the problems of cutting fluid contamination, disposal, and filtration,but can lead to problems of its own: (1) overheating the tool, (2) operating at lower cutting

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speeds and production rates to prolong tool life, and (3) absence of chip removal benefitsin grinding andmilling. Cutting-tool producers have developed certain grades of carbidesand coated carbides for use in dry machining.


[1] Aronson, R. B.‘‘Using High-Pressure Fluids,’’ Man-ufacturing Engineering, June 2004, pp. 87–96.

[2] ASM Handbook, Vol. 16: Machining, ASM Inter-national, Materials Park, Ohio, 1989.

[3] Black, J, and Kohser, R. DeGarmo’s Materials andProcesses in Manufacturing, 10th ed., John Wiley &Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2008.

[4] Brierley, R. G., and Siekman, H. J. Machining Prin-ciples and Cost Control. McGraw-Hill, New York,1964.

[5] Carnes, R., and Maddock, G.‘‘Tool Steel Selection,’’AdvancedMaterials&Processes,June2004,pp. 37–40.

[6] Cook, N. H.‘‘Tool Wear and Tool Life,’’ ASMETransactions, Journal of Engineering for Industry,Vol. 95, November 1973, pp. 931–938.

[7] Davis, J. R. (ed.), ASM Specialty Handbook ToolMaterials, ASM International, Materials Park, Ohio,1995.

[8] Destephani, J.‘‘The Science of pCBN,’’Manufactur-ing Engineering, January 2005, pp. 53–62.

[9] Drozda, T. J., and Wick, C. (eds.). Tool and Manu-facturing Engineers Handbook, 4th ed., Vol. I.Machining, Society of Manufacturing Engineers,Dearborn, Michigan, 1983.

[10] Esford, D.‘‘Ceramics Take a Turn,’’ CuttingTool Engineering, Vol. 52, No. 7, July 2000, pp.40–46.

[11] Koelsch, J. R.‘‘Beyond TiN,’’ Manufacturing Engi-neering, October 1992, pp. 27–32.

[12] Krar, S. F., and Ratterman, E. Superabrasives:Grinding and Machining with CBN and Diamond.McGraw-Hill, New York, 1990.

[13] Liebhold, P.‘‘The History of Tools,’’ Cutting ToolEngineer, June 1989, pp. 137–138.

[14] Machining Data Handbook, 3rd ed., Vols. I. and II.Metcut Research Associates, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio,1980.

[15] Modern Metal Cutting, AB Sandvik Coromant,Sandvik, Sweden, 1994.

[16] Owen, J. V.‘‘Are Cermets for Real?’’ManufacturingEngineering, October 1991, pp. 28–31.

[17] Pfouts, W. R.‘‘Cutting Edge Coatings,’’Manufactur-ing Engineering, July 2000, pp. 98–107.

[18] Schey, J. A. Introduction to Manufacturing Pro-cesses, 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1999.

[19] Shaw, M. C. Metal Cutting Principles, 2nd ed. Ox-ford University Press, Oxford, England, 2005.

[20] Spitler, D., Lantrip, J., Nee, J., and Smith, D. A.Fundamentals of Tool Design, 5th ed., Society ofManufacturingEngineers,Dearborn,Michigan, 2003.

[21] Tlusty, J. Manufacturing Processes and Equipment,Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey,2000.


23.1. What are the two principal aspects of cutting-tooltechnology?

23.2. Name the three modes of tool failure in machining.23.3. What are the two principal locations on a cutting

tool where tool wear occurs?23.4. Identify the mechanisms by which cutting tools

wear during machining.23.5. What is the physical interpretation of the parame-

ter C in the Taylor tool life equation?23.6. In addition to cutting speed, what other cutting

variables are included in the expanded version ofthe Taylor tool life equation?

23.7. What are some of the tool life criteria used inproduction machining operations?

23.8. Identify three desirable properties of a cutting-toolmaterial.

23.9. What are the principal alloying ingredients in high-speed steel?

23.10. What is the difference in ingredients between steelcutting grades and nonsteel-cutting grades ofcemented carbides?

23.11. Identify some of the common compounds thatform the thin coatings on the surface of coatedcarbide inserts.

23.12. Name the seven elements of tool geometry for asingle point cutting tool.

23.13. Why are ceramic cutting tools generally designedwith negative rake angles?

23.14. Identify the alternative ways by which a cuttingtool is held in place during machining.

23.15. Name the two main categories of cutting fluidaccording to function.

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23.16. Name the four categories of cutting fluid accordingto chemistry.

23.17. What are the principal lubricating mechanisms bywhich cutting fluids work?

23.18. What are the methods by which cutting fluids areapplied in a machining operation?

23.19. Why are cutting fluid filter systems becoming morecommon and what are their advantages?

23.20. Dry machining is being considered by machineshops because of certain problems inherent inthe use of cutting fluids. What are those problemsassociated with the use of cutting fluids?

23.21. What are some of the new problems introduced bymachining dry?

23.22. (Video) List the two principal categories of cuttingtools.

23.23. (Video) According to the video clip, what is theobjective in selection of cutting tools for a givenoperation?

23.24. (Video) What are the factors a machinist shouldknow to select the proper tooling? List at least five.

23.25. (Video) List five characteristics of a good toolmaterial.


There are 19 correct answers in the following multiple-choice questions (some questions have multiple answers that arecorrect). To attain a perfect score on the quiz, all correct answers must be given. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Eachomitted answer or wrong answer reduces the score by 1 point, and each additional answer beyond the correct number ofanswers reduces the score by 1 point. Percentage score on the quiz is based on the total number of correct answers.

23.1. Of the following cutting conditions, which one hasthe greatest effect on tool wear: (a) cutting speed,(b) depth of cut, or (c) feed?

23.2. As an alloying ingredient in high-speed steel,tungsten serves which of the following functions(two best answers): (a) forms hard carbidesto resist abrasion, (b) improves strength andhardness, (c) increases corrosion resistance,(d) increases hot hardness, and (e) increasestoughness?

23.3. Cast cobalt alloys typically contain which of thefollowing main ingredients (three best answers):(a) aluminum, (b) cobalt, (c) chromium, (d) iron,(e) nickel, (f) steel, and (g) tungsten?

23.4. Which of the following is not a common ingredientin cemented carbide cutting tools (two correctanswers): (a) Al2O3, (b) Co, (c) CrC, (d) TiC,and (e) WC?

23.5. An increase in cobalt content has which of thefollowing effects on WC-Co cemented carbides(two best answers): (a) decreases hardness,(b) decreases transverse rupture strength, (c) in-creases hardness, (d) increases toughness, and(e) increases wear resistance?

23.6. Steel-cutting grades of cemented carbide are typi-cally characterized by which of the following in-gredients (three correct answers): (a) Co, (b) Fe,(c) Mo, (d) Ni, (e) TiC, and (f) WC?

23.7. If you had to select a cemented carbide for anapplication involving finish turning of steel, whichC-grade would you select (one best answer):(a) C1, (b) C3, (c) C5, or (d) C7?

23.8. Which of the following processes are used to pro-vide the thin coatings on the surface of coatedcarbide inserts (two best answers): (a) chemicalvapor deposition, (b) electroplating, (c) physicalvapor deposition, (d) pressing and sintering, and(e) spray painting?

23.9. Which one of the following materials has the high-est hardness: (a) aluminum oxide, (b) cubic boronnitride, (c) high-speed steel, (d) titanium carbide,or (e) tungsten carbide?

23.10. Which of the following are the two main functionsof a cutting fluid in machining (two best answers):(a) improve surface finish on the workpiece,(b) reduce forces and power, (c) reduce frictionat the tool–chip interface, (d) remove heat from theprocess, and (e) wash away chips?


Tool Life and the Taylor Equation

23.1. Flank wear data were collected in a series of turn-ing tests using a coated carbide tool on hardenedalloy steel at a feed of 0.30 mm/rev and a depth of

4.0 mm. At a speed of 125 m/min, flank wear¼ 0.12mm at 1 min, 0.27 mm at 5 min, 0.45 mm at 11 min,0.58 mm at 15 min, 0.73 at 20 min, and 0.97 mm at

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25 min. At a speed of 165 m/min, flank wear ¼0.22 mm at 1 min, 0.47 mm at 5 min, 0.70 mm at 9min, 0.80mm at 11min, and 0.99mm at 13min. Thelast value in each case is when final tool failureoccurred. (a) On a single piece of linear graphpaper, plot flank wear as a function of time forboth speeds. Using 0.75 mm of flank wear as thecriterion of tool failure, determine the tool lives forthe two cutting speeds. (b) On a piece of naturallog-log paper, plot your results determined in theprevious part. From the plot, determine the valuesof n and C in the Taylor Tool Life Equation. (c) Asa comparison, calculate the values of n andC in theTaylor equation solving simultaneous equations.Are the resulting n and C values the same?

23.2. Solve Problem 23.1 except that the tool life crite-rion is 0.50 mm of flank land wear rather than0.75 mm.

23.3. A series of turning tests were conducted using acemented carbide tool, and flank wear data werecollected. The feed was 0.010 in/rev and the depthwas 0.125 in. At a speed of 350 ft/min, flank wear¼0.005 in at 1 min, 0.008 in at 5 min, 0.012 in at11 min, 0.0.015 in at 15 min, 0.021 in at 20 min, and0.040 in at 25 min. At a speed of 450 ft/min, flankwear ¼ 0.007 in at 1 min, 0.017 in at 5 min, 0.027 inat 9 min, 0.033 in at 11 min, and 0.040 in at 13 min.The last value in each case is when final tool failureoccurred. (a) On a single piece of linear graphpaper, plot flank wear as a function of time. Using0.020 in of flank wear as the criterion of tool failure,determine the tool lives for the two cutting speeds.(b) On a piece of natural log–log paper, plot yourresults determined in the previous part. From theplot, determine the values of n and C in the TaylorTool Life Equation. (c) As a comparison, calculatethe values of n andC in the Taylor equation solvingsimultaneous equations. Are the resulting n and Cvalues the same?

23.4. Solve Problem 23.3 except the tool life wear crite-rion is 0.015 in of flank wear. What cutting speedshould be used to get 20 minutes of tool life?

23.5. Tool life tests on a lathe have resulted in thefollowing data: (1) at a cutting speed of 375 ft/min, the tool life was 5.5 min; (2) at a cutting speedof 275 ft/min, the tool life was 53 min. (a) Deter-mine the parameters n and C in the Taylor tool lifeequation. (b) Based on the n and C values, what isthe likely tool material used in this operation?(c) Using your equation, compute the tool lifethat corresponds to a cutting speed of 300 ft/min.(d) Compute the cutting speed that corresponds toa tool life T ¼ 10 min.

23.6. Tool life tests in turning yield the following data:(1) when cutting speed is 100 m/min, tool life is

10 min; (2) when cutting speed is 75 m/min, tool lifeis 30 min. (a) Determine the n and C values in theTaylor tool life equation. Based on your equation,compute (b) the tool life for a speed of 110 m/min,and (c) the speed corresponding to a tool life of15 min.

23.7. Turning tests have resulted in 1-min tool life at acutting speed ¼ 4.0 m/s and a 20-min tool life at aspeed ¼ 2.0 m/s. (a) Find the n and C values in theTaylor tool life equation. (b) Project how long thetool would last at a speed of 1.0 m/s.

23.8. A 15.0-in � 2.0-in-workpart is machined in a facemilling operation using a 2.5-in diameter fly cutterwith a single carbide insert. The machine is set for afeed of 0.010 in/tooth and a depth of 0.20 in. If acutting speed of 400 ft/min is used, the tool lasts forthree pieces. If a cutting speed of 200 ft/min is used,the tool lasts for 12 parts. Determine the Taylortool life equation.

23.9. In a production turning operation, the workpart is125 mm in diameter and 300 mm long. A feed of0.225 mm/rev is used in the operation. If cuttingspeed ¼ 3.0 m/s, the tool must be changed everyfive workparts; but if cutting speed ¼ 2.0 m/s, thetool can be used to produce 25 pieces between toolchanges. Determine the Taylor tool life equationfor this job.

23.10. For the tool life plot of Figure 23.5, show that themiddle data point (v ¼ 130 m/min, T ¼ 12 min) isconsistent with the Taylor equation determined inExample Problem 23.1.

23.11. In the tool wear plots of Figure 23.4, completefailure of the cutting tool is indicated by the endof each wear curve. Using complete failure as thecriterion of tool life instead of 0.50 mm flankwear, the resulting data are: (1) v ¼ 160 m/min,T ¼ 5.75 min; (2) v ¼ 130 m/min, T ¼ 14.25 min;and (3) v¼ 100 m/min, T¼ 47 min. Determine theparameters n and C in the Taylor tool life equationfor this data.

23.12. The Taylor equation for a certain set of test condi-tions is vT.25 ¼ 1000, where the U.S. customaryunits are used: ft/min for v and min for T. Convertthis equation to the equivalent Taylor equation inthe International System of units (metric), where vis in m/sec and T is in seconds. Validate the metricequation using a tool life ¼ 16 min. That is, com-pute the corresponding cutting speeds in ft/min andm/sec using the two equations.

23.13. A series of turning tests are performed to determinethe parameters n,m, andK in the expanded versionof the Taylor equation, Eq. (23.4). The followingdata were obtained during the tests: (1) cuttingspeed ¼ 1.9 m/s, feed ¼ 0.22 mm/rev, tool life ¼10min; (2) cutting speed¼ 1.3 m/s, feed¼ 0.22mm/

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rev, tool life¼47min;and(3) cutting speed¼1.9m/s,feed¼ 0.32mm/rev, tool life¼ 8min. (a)Determinen,m, and K. (b) Using your equation, compute thetool lifewhenthecuttingspeedis1.5m/sandthefeedis 0.28 mm/rev.

23.14. Eq. (23.4) in the text relates tool life to speed andfeed. In a series of turning tests conducted todetermine the parameters n, m, and K, the follow-ing data were collected: (1) v¼ 400 ft/min, f¼ 0.010in/rev, T ¼ 10 min; (2) v ¼ 300 ft/min, f ¼ 0.010 in/rev, T¼ 35 min; and (3) v¼ 400 ft/min, f¼ 0.015 in/rev, T¼ 8 min. Determine n,m, andK. What is thephysical interpretation of the constant K?

23.15. The n andC values in Table 23.2 are based on a feedrate of 0.25 mm/rev and a depth of cut ¼ 2.5 mm.Determine how many cubic mm of steel would beremoved for each of the following tool materials,if a 10-min tool life were required in each case:(a) plain carbon steel, (b) high speed steel,(c) cemented carbide, and (d) ceramic. Use of aspreadsheet calculator is recommended.

23.16. A drilling operation is performed in which 0.5 indiameter holes are drilled through cast iron platesthat are 1.0 in thick. Sample holes have been drilledto determine the tool life at two cutting speeds. At80 surface ft/min, the tool lasted for exactly 50holes. At 120 surface ft/min, the tool lasted forexactly five holes. The feed of the drill was 0.003 in/rev. (Ignore effects of drill entrance and exit fromthe hole. Consider the depth of cut to be exactly1.00 in, corresponding to the plate thickness.) De-termine the values of n and C in the Taylor tool lifeequation for the above sample data, where cuttingspeed v is expressed in ft/min, and tool life T isexpressed in min.

23.17. The outside diameter of a cylinder made of tita-nium alloy is to be turned. The starting diameter is400 mm and the length is 1100 mm. The feed is 0.35mm/rev and the depth of cut is 2.5 mm. The cut willbe made with a cemented carbide cutting toolwhose Taylor tool life parameters are: n ¼ 0.24and C¼ 450. Units for the Taylor equation are minfor tool life and m/min for cutting speed. Computethe cutting speed that will allow the tool life to bejust equal to the cutting time for this part.

23.18. The outside diameter of a roll for a steel rollingmillis to be turned. In the final pass, the starting

diameter¼ 26.25 in and the length¼ 48.0 in. Thecutting conditions will be: feed¼ 0.0125 in/rev,and depth of cut¼ 0.125 in. A cemented carbidecutting tool is to be used and the parameters of theTaylor tool life equation for this setup are: n¼ 0.25and C¼ 1300. Units for the Taylor equation aremin for tool life and ft/min for cutting speed. It isdesirable to operate at a cutting speed so that thetool will not need to be changed during the cut.Determine the cutting speed that will make the toollife equal to the time required to complete theturning operation.

23.19. The workpart in a turning operation is 88 mm indiameter and 400 mm long. A feed of 0.25 mm/revis used in the operation. If cutting speed ¼ 3.5 m/s,the tool must be changed every three workparts;but if cutting speed ¼ 2.5 m/s, the tool can be usedto produce 20 pieces between tool changes. Deter-mine the cutting speed that will allow the tool to beused for 50 parts between tool changes.

23.20. In a production turning operation, the steel work-part has a 4.5 in diameter and is 17.5 in long. A feedof 0.012 in/rev is used in the operation. If cuttingspeed¼ 400 ft/min, the tool must be changed everyfour workparts; but if cutting speed ¼ 275 ft/min,the tool can be used to produce 15 pieces betweentool changes. A new order for 25 pieces has beenreceived but the dimensions of the workpart havebeen changed. The new diameter is 3.5 in, and thenew length is 15.0 in. The workmaterial and toolingremain the same, and the feed and depth are alsounchanged, so the Taylor tool life equation deter-mined for the previous workparts is valid for thenew parts. Determine the cutting speed that willallow one cutting tool to be used for the new order.

23.21. The outside diameter of a cylinder made of a steelalloy is tobe turned.The startingdiameter is 300mmand the length is 625 mm. The feed is 0.35 mm/revand the depth of cut is 2.5 mm. The cut will be madewith a cemented carbide cutting tool whose Taylortool life parameters are: n¼ 0.24 andC¼ 450.Unitsfor the Taylor equation are min for tool life and m/min for cutting speed. Compute the cutting speedthat will allow the tool life to be just equal to thecutting time for three of these parts.

Tooling Applications

23.22. Specify theANSIC-grade or grades (C1 throughC8in Table 23.5) of cemented carbide for each of thefollowing situations: (a) turning the diameter of ahigh carbon steel shaft from 4.2 in to 3.5 in,(b) making a final face milling pass using a shallow

depth of cut and feed on a titanium part, (c) boringout the cylinders of an alloy steel automobile engineblock before honing, and (d) cutting the threads onthe inlet and outlet of a large brass valve.

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23.23. A certain machine shop uses four cemented carbidegrades in its operations. The chemical compositionof these grades are as follows:Grade 1 contains 95%WCand 5%Co;Grade 2 contains 82%WC, 4%Co,and 14% TiC; Grade 3 contains 80%WC, 10% Co,and 10% TiC; and Grade 4 contains 89% WC and11% Co. (a) Which grade should be used for finishturning of unhardened steel? (b) Which gradeshould be used for rough milling of aluminum?(c) Which grade should be used for finish turningof brass? (d) Which of the grades listed would besuitable for machining cast iron? For each case,explain your recommendation.

23.24. List the ISO R513-1975(E) group (letter and colorin Table 23.6) and whether the number would betoward the lower or higher end of the ranges foreach of the following situations: (a) milling thehead gasket surface of an aluminum cylinder

head of an automobile (cylinder head has a holefor each cylinder and must be very flat and smoothto mate up with the block), (b) rough turning ahardened steel shaft, (c) milling a fiber-reinforcedpolymer composite that requires a precise finish,and (d) milling the rough shape in a die made ofsteel before it is hardened.

23.25. A turningoperation is performedona steel shaftwithdiameter¼ 5.0 in and length¼ 32 in.Aslot orkeywayhas been milled along its entire length. The turningoperation reduces the shaft diameter. For each of thefollowing tool materials, indicate whether it is a rea-sonable candidate to use in the operation: (a) plaincarbon steel, (b) high-speed steel, (c) cementedcarbide, (d) ceramic, and (e) sintered poly-crystalline diamond. For each material that is nota good candidate, give the reason why it is not.

Cutting Fluids

23.26. In a milling operation with no coolant, a cuttingspeed of 500 ft/min is used. The current cuttingconditions (dry) yield Taylor tool life equationparameters of n ¼ 0.25 and C ¼ 1300 (ft/min).When a coolant is used in the operation, the cuttingspeed can be increased by 20% and still maintainthe same tool life. Assuming n does not changewiththe addition of coolant, what is the resulting changein the value of C?

23.27. In a turning operation using high-speed steel tool-ing, cutting speed¼ 110 m/min. The Taylor tool lifeequation has parameters n¼ 0.140 andC¼ 150 (m/min) when the operation is conducted dry. When acoolant is used in the operation, the value of C isincreased by 15%. Determine the percent increasein tool life that results if the cutting speed ismaintained at 110 m/min.

23.28. A production turning operation on a steel work-piece normally operates at a cutting speed of 125 ft/min using high-speed steel tooling with no cuttingfluid. The appropriate n and C values in the Taylor

equation are given in Table 23.2 in the text. It hasbeen found that the use of a coolant type cuttingfluid will allow an increase of 25 ft/min in the speedwithout any effect on tool life. If it can be assumedthat the effect of the cutting fluid is simply toincrease the constant C by 25, what would be theincrease in tool life if the original cutting speed of125 ft/min were used in the operation?

23.29. A high speed steel 6.0 mm twist drill is being usedin a production drilling operation on mild steel. Acutting oil is applied by the operator by brushingthe lubricant onto the drill point and flutes prior toeach hole. The cutting conditions are: speed ¼25 m/min, and feed¼ 0.10 mm/rev, and holedepth ¼ 40 mm. The foreman says that the ‘‘speedand feed are right out of the handbook’’ for thisworkmaterial. Nevertheless, he says, ‘‘the chips areclogging in the flutes, resulting in friction heat, andthe drill bit is failing prematurely because of over-heating.’’ What’s the problem? What do you rec-ommend to solve it?

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Chapter Contents

24.1 Machinability

24.2 Tolerances and Surface Finish24.2.1 Tolerances in Machining24.2.2 Surface Finish in Machining

24.3 Selection of Cutting Conditions24.3.1 Selecting Feed and Depth of Cut24.3.2 Optimizing Cutting Speed

24.4 Product Design Considerations in Machining

In this chapter, we conclude our coverage of traditionalmachining technology by discussing several remainingtopics. The first topic is machinability, which is concernedwith how work material properties affect machining per-formance. The second topic is concerned with the tolerancesand surface finishes (Chapter 5) that can be expected inmachining processes. Third, we consider how to select cut-ting conditions (speed, feed, anddepthof cut) in amachiningoperation. This selection determines to a large extent theeconomic success of a given operation. Finally, we providesome guidelines for product designers to considerwhen theydesign parts that are to be produced by machining.


Properties of theworkmaterial havea significant influenceonthe success of the machining operation. These properties andother characteristics of the work are often summarized in theterm ‘‘machinability.’’ Machinability denotes the relativeease with which amaterial (usually a metal) can bemachinedusing appropriate tooling and cutting conditions.

There are various criteria used to evaluate machin-ability, the most important of which are: (1) tool life,(2) forces and power, (3) surface finish, and (4) ease ofchip disposal. Although machinability generally refers tothe work material, it should be recognized that machiningperformance depends on more than just material. The typeof machining operation, tooling, and cutting conditions arealso important factors. In addition, the machinability crite-rion is a source of variation. One material may yield alonger tool life, whereas another material provides a bettersurface finish. All of these factors make evaluation ofmachinability difficult.


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Machinability testing usually involves a comparison of work materials. The machiningperformance of a test material is measured relative to that of a base (standard) material.Possiblemeasuresof performance inmachinability testing include: (1) tool life, (2) toolwear,(3) cutting force, (4) power in the operation, (5) cutting temperature, and (6) materialremoval rate under standard test conditions. The relative performance is expressed as anindexnumber, called themachinability rating (MR).Thebasematerial usedas the standard isgiven a machinability rating of 1.00. B1112 steel is often used as the base material inmachinability comparisons. Materials that are easier to machine than the base have ratingsgreater than 1.00, andmaterials that aremore difficult tomachine have ratings less than 1.00.Machinability ratings are often expressed as percentages rather than index numbers. Let usillustrate how amachinability rating might be determined using a tool life test as the basis ofcomparison.

Example 24.1Machinability

A series of tool life tests are conducted on two work materials under identical cuttingconditions, varying only speed in the test procedure. The first material, defined as thebase material, yields a Taylor tool life equation vT 0.28 ¼ 350, and the other material(test material) yields a Taylor equation vT 0.27 ¼ 440, where speed is in m/min and toollife is in min. Determine the machinability rating of the test material using the cuttingspeed that provides a 60-min tool life as the basis of comparison. This speed is denotedby v60.

Solution: The base material has a machinability rating ¼ 1.0. Its v60 value can bedetermined from the Taylor tool life equation as follows:

v60 ¼ 350=600:28� � ¼ 111 m/min

The cutting speed at a 60-min tool life for the test material is determined similarly:

v60 ¼ 440=600:27� � ¼ 146 m/min

Accordingly, the machinability rating can be calculated as

MR(for the test material) ¼ 146

111¼ 1:31 (131%)


Many work material factors affect machining performance. Important mechanicalproperties include hardness and strength. As hardness increases, abrasive wear of the toolincreases so that tool life is reduced. Strength is usually indicated as tensile strength, eventhough machining involves shear stresses. Of course, shear strength and tensile strengthare correlated. As work material strength increases, cutting forces, specific energy, andcutting temperature increase, making the material more difficult to machine. On theother hand, very low hardness can be detrimental to machining performance. Forexample, low carbon steel, which has relatively low hardness, is often too ductile tomachine well. High ductility causes tearing of the metal as the chip is formed, resulting inpoor finish, and problems with chip disposal. Cold drawing is often used on low carbonbars to increase surface hardness and promote chip-breaking during cutting.

A metal’s chemistry has an important effect on properties; and in some cases,chemistry affects the wear mechanisms that act on the tool material. Through theserelationships, chemistry affects machinability. Carbon content has a significant effecton the properties of steel. As carbon is increased, the strength and hardness of the steelincrease; this reduces machining performance. Many alloying elements added to steelto enhance properties are detrimental to machinability. Chromium, molybdenum, andtungsten form carbides in steel, which increase tool wear and reduce machinability.Manganese and nickel add strength and toughness to steel, which reduce machinability.Certain elements can be added to steel to improve machining performance, such as

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lead, sulfur, and phosphorus. The additives have the effect of reducing the coefficientof friction between the tool and chip, thereby reducing forces, temperature, and built-up edge formation. Better tool life and surface finish result from these effects. Steelalloys formulated to improve machinability are referred to as free machining steels(Section 6.2.3).

Similar relationships exist for other work materials. Table 24.1 lists selected metalsand their approximatemachinability ratings. These ratings are intended to summarize themachining performance of the materials.


Machining operations are used to produce parts with defined geometries to tolerancesand surface finishes specified by the product designer. In this section we examine theseissues of tolerance and surface finish in machining.

TABLE 24.1 Approximate values of Brinell hardness and typical machinability ratings for selectedwork materials.

Work MaterialBrinell


Ratinga Work MaterialBrinell



Base steel: B1112 180–220 1.00 Tool steel (unhardened) 200–250 0.30Low carbon steel: 130–170 0.50 Cast iron

C1008, C1010, C1015 Soft 60 0.70Medium carbon steel: 140–210 0.65 Medium hardness 200 0.55

C1020, C1025, C1030 Hard 230 0.40High carbon steel: 180–230 0.55 Super alloys

C1040, C1045, C1050 Inconel 240–260 0.30Alloy steels24b Inconel X 350–370 0.15

1320, 1330, 3130, 3140 170–230 0.55 Waspalloy 250–280 0.124130 180–200 0.65 Titanium4140 190–210 0.55 Plain 160 0.304340 200–230 0.45 Alloys 220–280 0.204340 (casting) 250–300 0.25 Aluminum6120, 6130, 6140 180–230 0.50 2-S, 11-S, 17-S Soft 5.00c

8620, 8630 190–200 0.60 Aluminum alloys (soft) Soft 2.00d

B1113 170–220 1.35 Aluminum alloys (hard) Hard 1.25d

Free machining steels 160–220 1.50 Copper Soft 0.60Stainless steel Brass Soft 2.00d

301, 302 170–190 0.50 Bronze Soft 0.65d

304 160–170 0.40316, 317 190–200 0.35403 190–210 0.55416 190–210 0.90

Values are estimated average values based on [1], [4], [5], [7], and other sources. Ratings represent relative cutting speeds for a given toollife (see Example 24.1).aMachinability ratings are often expressed as percents (index number � 100%).bOur list of alloy steels is by no means complete. We have attempted to include some of the more common alloys and to indicate the rangeof machinability ratings among these steels.cThe machinability of aluminum varies widely. It is expressed here as MR ¼ 5.00, but the range is probably from 3.00 to 10.00 or more.dAluminum alloys, brasses, and bronzes also vary significantly in machining performance. Different grades have different machinabilityratings. For each case, we have attempted to reduce the variation to a single average value to indicate relative performance with otherwork materials.

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There is variability in any manufacturing process, and tolerances are used to setpermissible limits on this variability (Section 5.1.1). Machining is often selected whentolerances are close, because it is more accurate thanmost other shape-making processes.Table 24.2 indicates typical tolerances that can be achieved for most machining opera-tions examined in Chapter 22. It should be mentioned that the values in this tabulationrepresent ideal conditions, yet conditions that are readily achievable in a modern factory.If the machine tool is old and worn, process variability will likely be greater than theideal, and these tolerances would be difficult to maintain. On the other hand, newermachine tools can achieve closer tolerances than those listed.

Tighter tolerances usually mean higher costs. For example, if the product designerspecifies a tolerance of �0.10 mm on a hole diameter of 6.0 mm, this tolerance could beachieved by a drilling operation, according to Table 24.2. However, if the designerspecifies a tolerance of �0.025 mm, then an additional reaming operation is needed tosatisfy this tighter requirement. This is not to suggest that looser tolerances are alwaysgood. It often happens that closer tolerances and lower variability in themachining of theindividual components will lead to fewer problems in assembly, final product testing, fieldservice, and customer acceptance. Although these costs are not always as easy to quantifyas direct manufacturing costs, they can nevertheless be significant. Tighter tolerances thatpush a factory to achieve better control over its manufacturing processes may lead tolower total operating costs for the company over the long run.


Because machining is often the manufacturing process that determines the final geome-try and dimensions of the part, it is also the process that determines the part’s surfacetexture (Section 5.3.2). Table 24.2 lists typical surface roughness values that can be

TABLE 24.2 Typical tolerances and surface roughness values (arithmetic average) achievable in machiningoperations.







Machining Operation mm in mm m-in Machining Operation mm in mm m-in

Turning, boring 0.8 32 Reaming 0.4 16DiameterD < 25 mm �0.025 �0.001 DiameterD < 12 mm �0.025 �0.001

25 mm <D < 50 mm �0.05 �0.002 12 mm <D < 25 mm �0.05 �0.002

DiameterD > 50 mm �0.075 �0.003 DiameterD > 25 mm �0.075 �0.003

Drilling� 0.8 32 Milling 0.4 16DiameterD < 2.5 mm �0.05 �0.002 Peripheral �0.025 �0.001

2.5 mm <D < 6 mm �0.075 �0.003 Face �0.025 �0.001

6 mm <D < 12 mm �0.10 �0.004 End �0.05 �0.002

12 mm <D < 25 mm �0.125 �0.005 Shaping, slotting �0.025 �0.001 1.6 63DiameterD > 25 mm �0.20 �0.008 Planing �0.075 �0.003 1.6 63

Broaching �0.025 �0.001 0.2 8 Sawing �0.50 �0.02 6.0 250

�Drilling tolerances are typically expressed as biased bilateral tolerances (e.g., þ 0.010/–0.002).Values in this table are expressed as closest bilateral tolerance (e.g., �0.006).Compiled from various sources, including [2], [5], [7], [8], [12], and [15].

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achieved in various machining operations. These finishes should be readily achievable bymodern, well-maintained machine tools.

Let us examine how surface finish is determined in a machining operation. Theroughness of a machined surface depends on many factors that can be grouped as follows:(1) geometric factors, (2)workmaterial factors, and (3) vibrationandmachine tool factors.Our discussion of surface finish in this section examines these factors and their effects.

Geometric Factors These are the machining parameters that determine the surfacegeometry of a machined part. They include: (1) type of machining operation; (2) cuttingtool geometry, most importantly nose radius; and (3) feed. The surface geometry thatwould result from these factors is referred to as the ‘‘ideal’’ or ‘‘theoretical’’ surfaceroughness, which is the finish that would be obtained in the absence of work material,vibration, and machine tool factors.

Type of operation refers to the machining process used to generate the surface. Forexample, peripheral milling, facing milling, and shaping all produce a flat surface;however, the surface geometry is different for each operation because of differencesin tool shape and the way the tool interacts with the surface. A sense of the differencescan be seen in Figure 5.14 showing various possible lays of a surface.

Tool geometry and feed combine to form the surface geometry. The shape of thetool point is the important tool geometry factor. The effects can be seen for a single-pointtool in Figure 24.1. With the same feed, a larger nose radius causes the feed marks to beless pronounced, thus leading to a better finish. If two feeds are compared with the samenose radius, the larger feed increases the separation between feed marks, leading to anincrease in the value of ideal surface roughness. If feed rate is large enough and the noseradius is small enough so that the end cutting edge participates in creating the newsurface, then the end cutting-edge angle will affect surface geometry. In this case, a higherECEAwill result in a higher surface roughness value. In theory, a zero ECEAwould yielda perfectly smooth surface; however, imperfections in the tool, work material, andmachining process preclude achieving such an ideal finish.


New worksurface



New worksurface


New worksurface


New worksurface


New worksurfaceLarge nose



New worksurface


Zero noseradius

FIGURE 24.1 Effect of geometric factors in determining the theoretical finish on a work surface forsingle-point tools: (a) effect of nose radius, (b) effect of feed, and (c) effect of end cutting-edge angle.

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The effects of nose radius and feed can be combined in an equation to predict theideal average roughness for a surface produced by a single-point tool. The equationapplies to operations such as turning, shaping, and planing

Ri ¼ f 2


where Ri ¼ theoretical arithmetic average surface roughness, mm (in); f¼ feed, mm (in);and NR ¼ nose radius on the tool point, mm (in).

The equation assumes that the nose radius is not zero and that feed and nose radiuswill be the principal factors that determine the geometry of the surface. The values for Ri

will be in units of mm (in), which can be converted to mm (m-in). Eq. (24.1) can also beused to estimate the ideal surface roughness in face milling with insert tooling, using f torepresent the chip load (feed per tooth).

Equation (24.1) assumes a sharp cutting tool. As the tool wears, the shape of thecutting point changes, which is reflected in the geometry of the work surface. For slightamounts of tool wear, the effect is not noticeable. However, when tool wear becomessignificant, especially nose radius wear, surface roughness deteriorates compared withthe ideal values given by the preceding equations.

Work Material Factors Achieving the ideal surface finish is not possible in mostmachining operations because of factors related to the work material and its interactionwith the tool. Work material factors that affect finish include: (1) built-up edge effects—asthe BUE cyclically forms and breaks away, particles are deposited on the newly createdwork surface, causing it to have a rough ‘‘sandpaper’’ texture; (2) damage to the surfacecaused by the chip curling back into the work; (3) tearing of the work surface during chipformation when machining ductile materials; (4) cracks in the surface caused by dis-continuous chip formation when machining brittle materials; and (5) friction between thetool flank and thenewly generatedwork surface. Theseworkmaterial factors are influencedby cutting speed and rake angle, such that an increase in cutting speed or rake anglegenerally improves surface finish.

The work material factors usually cause the actual surface finish to be worse thanthe ideal. An empirical ratio can be developed to convert the ideal roughness value intoan estimate of the actual surface roughness value. This ratio takes into account BUEformation, tearing, and other factors. The value of the ratio depends on cutting speed aswell as workmaterial. Figure 24.2 shows the ratio of actual to ideal surface roughness as afunction of speed for several classes of work material.

The procedure for predicting the actual surface roughness in amachining operationis to compute the ideal surface roughness value and then multiply this value by the ratioof actual to ideal roughness for the appropriate class of work material. This can besummarized as

Ra ¼ raiRi ð24:2Þwhere Ra ¼ the estimated value of actual roughness; rai ¼ ratio of actual to ideal surfacefinish from Figure 24.2, and Ri ¼ ideal roughness value from Eq. (24.1).

Example 24.2SurfaceRoughness

A turning operation is performed on C1008 steel (a relatively ductile material) using atoolwith a nose radius¼ 1.2mm.The cutting conditions are speed¼ 100m/min, and feed¼0.25 mm/rev. Compute an estimate of the surface roughness in this operation.

Solution: The ideal surface roughness can be calculated from Eq. (24.1):

Ri ¼ (0:25)2=(32� 1:2) ¼ 0:0016mm ¼ 1:6 mm n

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From the chart in Figure 24.2, the ratio of actual to ideal roughness for ductile metals at100 m/min is approximately 1.25. Accordingly, the actual surface roughness for theoperation would be (approximately)

Ra ¼ 1:25� 1:6 ¼ 2:0 mm

Vibration and Machine Tool Factors These factors are related to the machine tool,tooling, and setup in the operation. They include chatter or vibration in the machine toolor cutting tool; deflections in the fixturing, often resulting in vibration; and backlash inthe feed mechanism, particularly on older machine tools. If these machine tool factorscan be minimized or eliminated, the surface roughness in machining will be determinedprimarily by geometric and work material factors described in the preceding.

Chatter or vibration in a machining operation can result in pronounced waviness inthe work surface. When chatter occurs, a distinctive noise occurs that can be recognizedby any experienced machinist. Possible steps to reduce or eliminate vibration include:(1) adding stiffness and/or damping to the setup, (2) operating at speeds that do not causecyclical forces whose frequency approaches the natural frequency of the machine toolsystem, (3) reducing feeds and depths to reduce forces in cutting, and (4) changing thecutter design to reduce forces. Workpiece geometry can sometimes play a role in chatter.Thin cross sections tend to increase the likelihood of chatter, requiring additionalsupports to alleviate the condition.


One of the practical problems inmachining is selecting the proper cutting conditions for agiven operation. This is one of the tasks in process planning (Section 40.1). For each

FIGURE 24.2 Ratio ofactual surface roughness

to ideal surfaceroughness for severalclasses of materials.

(Source: General ElectricCo. data [14].)








1.00 100 200

Cutting speed–ft/min

Cutting speed–m/min

300 400

30.5 61 91.5 122







io =

Free machining alloys

Ductile metals

Cast irons

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operation, decisions must be made about machine tool, cutting tool(s), and cuttingconditions. These decisions must give due consideration to workpart machinability, partgeometry, surface finish, and so forth.


Cutting conditions in a machining operation consist of speed, feed, depth of cut, andcutting fluid (whether a cutting fluid is to be used and, if so, type of cutting fluid). Toolingconsiderations are usually the dominant factor in decisions about cutting fluids (Section23.4). Depth of cut is often predetermined by workpiece geometry and operationsequence. Many jobs require a series of roughing operations followed by a final finishingoperation. In the roughing operations, depth is made as large as possible within thelimitations of availablehorsepower,machine tool and setup rigidity, strengthof the cuttingtool, and so on. In the finishing cut, depth is set to achieve the final dimensions for the part.

The problem then reduces to selection of feed and speed. In general, values of theseparameters should be decided in the order: feed first, speed second. Determining theappropriate feed rate for a given machining operation depends on the following factors:

� Tooling. What type of tooling will be used? Harder tool materials (e.g., cementedcarbides, ceramics, etc.) tend to fracture more readily than high-speed steel. Thesetools are normally used at lower feed rates. HSS can tolerate higher feeds because ofits greater toughness.

� Roughing or finishing. Roughing operations involve high feeds, typically 0.5 to 1.25mm/rev (0.020 to 0.050 in/rev) for turning; finishing operations involve low feeds,typically 0.125 to 0.4 mm/rev (0.005 to 0.015 in/rev) for turning.

� Constraints on feed in roughing. If the operation is roughing, how high can the feedrate be set? To maximize metal removal rate, feed should be set as high as possible.Upper limits on feed are imposed by cutting forces, setup rigidity, and sometimeshorsepower.

� Surface finish requirements in finishing. If the operation is finishing, what is thedesired surface finish? Feed is an important factor in surface finish, and computationslike those in Example 24.2 can be used to estimate the feed that will produce a desiredsurface finish.


Selection of cutting speed is based on making the best use of the cutting tool, whichnormally means choosing a speed that provides a high metal removal rate yet suitablylong tool life. Mathematical formulas have been derived to determine optimal cuttingspeed for a machining operation, given that the various time and cost components of theoperation are known. The original derivation of thesemachining economics equations iscredited toW. Gilbert [10]. The formulas allow the optimal cutting speed to be calculatedfor either of two objectives: (1) maximum production rate, or (2) minimum unit cost.Both objectives seek to achieve a balance between material removal rate and tool life.The formulas are based on a known Taylor tool life equation for the tool used in theoperation. Accordingly, feed, depth of cut, and work material have already been set. Thederivation will be illustrated for a turning operation. Similar derivations can be devel-oped for other types of machining operations [3].

Maximizing Production Rate Formaximumproduction rate, the speed thatminimizesmachining timeperworkpiece isdetermined.Minimizing cutting timeperunit is equivalent

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to maximizing production rate. This objective is important in cases when the productionorder must be completed as quickly as possible.

In turning, there are three time elements that contribute to the total productioncycle time for one part:

1. Part handling time Th. This is the time the operator spends loading the part into themachine tool at the beginning of the production cycle and unloading the part aftermachining is completed. Any additional time required to reposition the tool for thestart of the next cycle should also be included here.

2. Machining time Tm. This is the time the tool is actually engaged in machining duringthe cycle.

3. Tool change time Tt. At the end of the tool life, the tool must be changed, which takestime.This timemust beapportionedover thenumberof parts cut during the tool life. Letnp¼ the number of pieces cut in one tool life (the number of pieces cut with one cuttingedge until the tool is changed); thus, the tool change time per part ¼ Tt/np.

The sum of these three time elements gives the total time per unit product for theoperation cycle

Tc ¼ Th þ Tm þ Tt


where Tc ¼ production cycle time per piece, min; and the other terms are defined in thepreceding.

The cycle time Tc is a function of cutting speed. As cutting speed is increased, Tm

decreases and Tt/np increases; Th is unaffected by speed. These relationships are shown inFigure 24.3.

The cycle time per part is minimized at a certain value of cutting speed. Thisoptimal speed can be identified by recasting Eq. (24.3) as a function of speed. Machiningtime in a straight turning operation is given by previous Eq. (22.5)

Tm ¼ pDL


whereTm¼machining time, min;D¼workpart diameter, mm (in);L¼workpart length,mm (in); f ¼ feed, mm/rev (in/rev); and v ¼ cutting speed, mm/min for consistency ofunits (in/min for consistency of units).

FIGURE 24.3 Timeelements in a machiningcycle plotted as a function

of cutting speed. Totalcycle time per piece isminimized at a certain

value of cutting speed.This is the speed formaximum production rate.

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The number of pieces per tool np is also a function of speed. It can be shown that

np ¼ T


where T ¼ tool life, min/tool; and Tm ¼machining time per part, min/pc. Both Tand Tm

are functions of speed; hence, the ratio is a function of speed

np ¼ fC1=n


The effect of this relation is to cause the Tt/np term in Eq. (24.3) to increase as cuttingspeed increases. Substituting Eqs. (22.5) and (24.5) into Eq. (24.3) for Tc, we have

Tc ¼ Th þ pDL

fvþ Tt pDLv1=n�1

� �


The cycle time per piece is a minimum at the cutting speed at which the derivative ofEq. (24.6) is zero


dv¼ 0

Solving this equation yields the cutting speed for maximum production rate in theoperation

vmax ¼ C1n � 1� �


� �n ð24:7Þ

where vmax is expressed in m/min (ft/min). The corresponding tool life for maximumproduction rate is

Tmax ¼ 1

n� 1

� �Tt ð24:8Þ

Minimizing Cost per Unit For minimum cost per unit, the speed that minimizesproduction cost per piece for the operation is determined. To derive the equations for thiscase, we begin with the four cost components that determine total cost of producing onepart during a turning operation:

1. Cost of part handling time. This is the cost of the time the operator spends loadingand unloading the part. Let Co ¼ the cost rate (e.g., $/min) for the operator andmachine. Thus the cost of part handling time ¼ CoTh.

2. Cost of machining time. This is the cost of the time the tool is engaged in machining.Using Co again to represent the cost per minute of the operator and machine tool, thecutting time cost ¼ CoTm.

3. Cost of tool change time. The cost of tool change time ¼ CoTt/np.

4. Tooling cost. In addition to the tool change time, the tool itself has a cost that must beadded to the total operation cost. This cost is the cost per cutting edge Ct, divided by thenumberofpiecesmachinedwith that cuttingedgenp. Thus, tool cost perworkpiece is givenby Ct/np.

Tooling cost requires an explanation, because it is affected by different toolingsituations. For disposable inserts (e.g., cemented carbide inserts), tool cost is determined as

Ct ¼ Pt


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where Ct ¼ cost per cutting edge, $/tool life; Pt ¼ price of the insert, $/insert; and ne ¼number of cutting edges per insert.

This depends on the insert type; for example, triangular inserts that can be usedonly one side (positive rake tooling) have three edges/insert; if both sides of the insert canbe used (negative rake tooling), there are six edges/insert; and so forth.

For regrindable tooling (e.g., high-speed steel solid shank tools, brazed carbidetools), the tool cost includes purchase price plus cost to regrind:

Ct ¼ Pt

neþ TgCg ð24:10Þ

whereCt¼ cost per tool life, $/tool life;Pt¼ purchase price of the solid shank tool or brazedinsert, $/tool;ng¼numberof tool lives per tool,which is thenumberof times the tool canbeground before it can no longer be used (5 to 10 times for roughing tools and 10 to 20 timesfor finishing tools); Tg¼ time to grind or regrind the tool, min/tool life; andCg¼ grinder’srate, $/min.

The sum of the four cost components gives the total cost per unit productCc for themachining cycle:

Cc ¼ CoTh þ CoTm þ CoTt

npþ Ct


Cc is a function of cutting speed, just as Tc is a function of v. The relationships for theindividual terms and total cost as a function of cutting speed are shown in Figure 24.4.Eq. (24.11) can be rewritten in terms of v to yield:

Cc ¼ CoTh þ CopDL

fvþ CoTt þ Ctð Þ pDLv1=n�1

� �


The cutting speed that obtains minimum cost per piece for the operation can bedetermined by taking the derivative of Eq. (24.12) with respect to v, setting it to zero,and solving for vmin

vmin ¼ Cn

1� n� Co

CoTt þ Ct

� �n


FIGURE 24.4 Costcomponents in amachining operation

plotted as a function ofcutting speed. Total costper piece is minimizedat a certain value of

cutting speed. This is thespeed for minimum costper piece.

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The corresponding tool life is given by

Tmin ¼ 1

n� 1

� �CoTt þ Ct


� �ð24:14Þ

Example 24.3DeterminingCutting Speeds inMachiningEconomics

Suppose a turning operation is to beperformedwithHSS tooling onmild steel,withTaylortool life parameters n¼ 0.125,C¼ 70m/min (Table 23.2).Workpart length¼ 500mm anddiameter ¼ 100 mm. Feed ¼ 0.25 mm/rev. Handling time per piece ¼ 5.0 min, and toolchange time¼ 2.0 min. Cost of machine and operator¼ $30/hr, and tooling cost¼ $3 percutting edge. Find: (a) cutting speed for maximum production rate, and (b) cutting speedfor minimum cost.

Solution: (a) Cutting speed for maximum production rate is given by Eq. (24.7)

vmax ¼ 700:125

0:875� 12

� �0:125

¼ 50m/min

(b)ConvertingCo¼ $30/hr to $0.5/min,minimumcost cutting speed is givenbyEq. (24.13)

vmin ¼ 700:125

0:875� 0:5

0:5(2)þ 3:00

� �0:125

¼ 42m/minn

Example 24.4Production Rateand Cost inMachiningEconomics

Determine the hourly production rate and cost per piece for the two cutting speedscomputed in Example 24.3.

Solution: (a) For the cutting speed for maximum production, vmax ¼ 50 m/min, let uscalculate machining time per piece and tool life.

Machining timeTm ¼ p(0:5)(0:1)

(0:25)(10�3)(50)¼ 12:57 min/pc

Tool lifeT ¼ 70


� �8

¼ 14:76 min/cutting edge

From this we see that the number of pieces per tool np ¼ 14.76=12.57 ¼ 1.17. Use np ¼ 1.From Eq. (24.3), average production cycle time for the operation is

Tc ¼ 5:0þ 12:57þ 2:0=1 ¼ 19:57min/pc

CorrespondinghourlyproductionrateRp¼60=19.57¼3.1pc/hr.FromEq.(24.11),averagecost per piece for the operation is

Cc ¼ 0:5(5:0)þ 0:5(12:57)þ 0:5(2:0)=1þ 3:00=1 ¼ $12:79=pc

(b) For the cutting speed for minimum production cost per piece, vmin ¼ 42 m/min, themachining time per piece and tool life are calculated as follows

Machining timeTm ¼ p(0:5)(0:1)

(0:25)(10�3)(42)¼ 14:96 min/pc

Tool lifeT ¼ 70


� �8

¼ 59:54 min/cutting edge

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The number of pieces per tool np ¼ 59.54=14.96 ¼ 3.98 ! Use np ¼ 3 to avoid failureduring the fourth workpiece. Average production cycle time for the operation is

Tc ¼ 5:0þ 14:96þ 2:0=3 ¼ 20:63min/pc:

Corresponding hourly production rate Rp ¼ 60=20.63¼ 2.9 pc/hr. Average cost per piecefor the operation is

Cc ¼ 0:5(5:0)þ 0:5(14:96)þ 0:5(2:0)=3þ 3:00=3 ¼ $11:32/pc

Note that production rate is greater for vmax and cost per piece is minimum for vmin. n

Some Comments on Machining Economics Some practical observations can bemade relative to these optimum cutting speed equations. First, as the values of C and nincrease in the Taylor tool life equation, the optimum cutting speed increases by eitherEq. (24.7) or Eq. (24.13). Cemented carbides and ceramic cutting tools should be used atspeeds that are significantly higher than for high-speed steel tools.

Second, as the tool change time and/or tooling cost (Ttc andCt) increase, the cuttingspeed equations yield lower values. Lower speeds allow the tools to last longer, and it iswasteful to change tools too frequently if either the cost of tools or the time to changethem is high. An important effect of this tool cost factor is that disposable inserts usuallypossess a substantial economic advantage over regrindable tooling. Even though the costper insert is significant, the number of edges per insert is large enough and the timerequired to change the cutting edge is low enough that disposable tooling generallyachieves higher production rates and lower costs per unit product.

Third, vmax is always greater than vmin. The Ct/np term in Eq. (24.13) has the effectof pushing the optimum speed value to the left in Figure 24.4, resulting in a lower valuethan in Figure 24.3. Rather than taking the risk of cutting at a speed above vmax or belowvmin, some machine shops strive to operate in the interval between vmin and vmax—aninterval sometimes referred to as the ‘‘high-efficiency range.’’

The procedures outlined for selecting feeds and speeds in machining are oftendifficult to apply in practice. The best feed rate is difficult to determine because therelationships between feed and surface finish, force, horsepower, and other constraintsare not readily available for each machine tool. Experience, judgment, and experimen-tation are required to select the proper feed. The optimum cutting speed is difficult tocalculate because the Taylor equation parametersC and n are not usually known withoutprior testing. Testing of this kind in a production environment is expensive.


Several important aspects of product design have already been considered in ourdiscussion of tolerance and surface finish (Section 24.2). In this section, we presentsome design guidelines for machining, compiled from sources [1], [5], and [15]:

� If possible, parts should be designed that do not need machining. If this is notpossible, then minimize the amount of machining required on the parts. In general, alower-cost product is achieved through the use of net shape processes such asprecision casting, closed die forging, or (plastic) molding; or near net shape processessuch as impression die forging. Reasons why machining may be required includeclose tolerances; good surface finish; and special geometric features such as threads,precision holes, cylindrical sections with high degree of roundness, and similar shapesthat cannot be achieved except by machining.

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� Tolerances should be specified to satisfy functional requirements, but processcapabilities should also be considered. See Table 24.2 for tolerance capabilities inmachining. Excessively close tolerances add cost but may not add value to the part.As tolerances become tighter (smaller), product costs generally increase because ofadditional processing, fixturing, inspection, sortation, rework, and scrap.

� Surface finish should be specified to meet functional and/or aesthetic requirements,but better finishes generally increase processing costs by requiring additionaloperations such as grinding or lapping.

� Machined features such as sharp corners, edges, and points should be avoided; theyare often difficult to accomplish bymachining. Sharp internal corners require pointedcutting tools that tend to break during machining. Sharp external corners and edgestend to create burrs and are dangerous to handle.

� Deep holes that must be bored should be avoided. Deep hole boring requires a longboring bar. Boring bars must be stiff, and this often requires use of high modulusmaterials such as cemented carbide, which is expensive.

� Machined parts should be designed so they can be produced from standard availablestock. Choose exterior dimensions equal to or close to the standard stock size tominimize machining; for example, rotational parts with outside diameters that areequal to standard bar stock diameters.

� Parts should be designed to be rigid enough to withstand forces of cutting andworkholder clamping. Machining of long narrow parts, large flat parts, parts with thinwalls, and similar shapes should be avoided if possible.

� Undercuts as in Figure 24.5 should be avoided because they often require additionalsetups and operations and/or special tooling; they can also lead to stress concentra-tions in service.

� Materials with good machinability should be selected by the designer (Section 24.1).As a rough guide, the machinability rating of a material correlates with the allowablecutting speed and production rate that can be used. Thus, parts made of materialswith low machinability cost more to produce. Parts that are hardened by heattreatment must usually be finish ground or machined with higher cost tools afterhardening to achieve final size and tolerance.

� Machined parts should be designed with features that can be produced in a minimumnumber of setups—one setup if possible. This usually means geometric features thatcan be accessed from one side of the part (see Figure 24.6).

FIGURE 24.5 Two machinedparts with undercuts: crosssections of (a) bracket and (b) rota-

tional part. Also shown is how thepart design might be improved.

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� Machined parts should be designed with features that can be achieved with standardcutting tools. This means avoiding unusual hole sizes, threads, and features withunusual shapes requiring special form tools. In addition, it is helpful to design partssuch that the number of individual cutting tools needed in machining is minimized;this often allows the part to be completed in one setup on a machine such as amachining center (Section 22.5).


[1] Bakerjian, R. (ed.). Tool and Manufacturing Engi-neers Handbook. 4th ed. Vol VI, Design for Man-ufacturability. Society of Manufacturing Engineers,Dearborn, Michigan, 1992.

[2] Black, J, and Kohser, R. DeGarmo’s Materials andProcesses in Manufacturing, 10th ed., John Wiley &Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2008.

[3] Boothroyd, G., and Knight, W. A. Fundamentals ofMetal Machining and Machine Tools. 3rd ed. CRCTaylor & Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, 2006.

[4] Boston, O. W.Metal Processing. 2nd ed. John Wiley& Sons, New York, 1951.

[5] Bralla, J. G. (ed.). Design for ManufacturabilityHandbook. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1998.

[6] Brierley, R. G., and Siekman, H. J. Machining Prin-ciples and Cost Control. McGraw-Hill, New York,1964.

[7] Drozda, T. J., and Wick, C. (eds.). Tool and Manu-facturing Engineers Handbook. 4th ed. Vol I,Machining. Society of Manufacturing Engineers,Dearborn, Michigan, 1983.

[8] Eary, D. F., and Johnson, G. E. Process Engineering:forManufacturing. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,New Jersey, 1962.

[9] Ewell, J. R.‘‘Thermal Coefficients—A ProposedMachinability Index.’’Technical Paper MR67-200.Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Dearborn,Michigan, 1967.

[10] Gilbert, W. W. ‘‘Economics of Machining.’’Machin-ing—Theory and Practice. American Society forMetals, Metals Park, Ohio, 1950, pp. 465–485.

[11] Groover, M. P.‘‘A Survey on the Machinability ofMetals.’’Technical Paper MR76-269. Society ofManufacturing Engineers, Dearborn, Michigan,1976.

[12] Machining Data Handbook. 3rd ed. Vols. I. and II,Metcut Research Associates, Cincinnati, Ohio,1980.

[13] Schaffer, G. H.‘‘The Many Faces of SurfaceTexture.’’ Special Report 801, American Machinist& Automated Manufacturing. June 1988 pp. 61–68.

[14] Surface Finish. Machining Development Service,Publication A-5, General Electric Company, Sche-nectady, New York (no date).

[15] Trucks, H. E., and Lewis, G. Designing for Econom-ical Production. 2nd ed. Society of ManufacturingEngineers, Dearborn, Michigan, 1987.

[16] Van Voast, J.United States Air Force MachinabilityReport. Vol. 3. Curtis-Wright Corporation, 1954.


24.1. Define machinability.24.2. What are the criteria by which machinability is com-

monly assessed in aproductionmachiningoperation?

24.3. Name some of the important mechanical and phys-ical properties that affect the machinability of awork material.

FIGURE 24.6 Two partswith similar hole

features: (a) holes thatmust be machined fromtwo sides, requiring twosetups, and (b) holes that

can all be machined fromone side.

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24.4. Why do costs tend to increase when better surfacefinish is required on a machined part?

24.5. What are the basic factors that affect surface finishin machining?

24.6. What are the parameters that have the greatestinfluence in determining the ideal surface rough-ness Ri in a turning operation?

24.7. Name some of the steps that can be taken to reduceor eliminate vibrations in machining.

24.8. What are the factors on which the selection of feedin a machining operation should be based?

24.9. The unit cost in amachining operation is the sum offour cost terms. The first three terms are: (1) partload/unload cost, (2) cost of time the tool is actuallycutting the work, and (3) cost of the time to changethe tool. What is the fourth term?

24.10. Which cutting speed is always lower for a givenmachining operation, cutting speed for minimumcost or cutting speed for maximum productionrate? Why?


There are 14 correct answers in the following multiple choice questions (some questions have multiple answers that arecorrect). To attain a perfect score on the quiz, all correct answers must be given. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Eachomitted answer or wrong answer reduces the score by 1 point, and each additional answer beyond the correct number ofanswers reduces the score by 1 point. Percentage score on the quiz is based on the total number of correct answers.

24.1. Which of the following criteria are generally rec-ognized to indicate good machinability (four bestanswers): (a) ease of chip disposal, (b) high cuttingtemperatures, (c) high power requirements,(d) high value of Ra, (e) long tool life, (f) lowcutting forces, and (g) zero shear plane angle?

24.2. Of the various methods for testing machinability,which one of the following is the most important:(a) cutting forces, (b) cutting temperature, (c)horsepower consumed in the operation, (d) surfaceroughness, (e) tool life, or (f) tool wear?

24.3. A machinability rating greater than 1.0 indicatesthat the work material is (a) easier to machine thanthe base metal or (b) more difficult to machinethan the base metal, where the base metal has arating ¼ 1.0?

24.4. Ingeneral,whichoneofthefollowingmaterialshasthehighest machinability: (a) aluminum, (b) cast iron,(c) copper, (d) low carbon steel, (e) stainless steel,(f) titanium alloys, or (g) unhardened tool steel?

24.5. Which one of the following operations is generallycapable of the closest tolerances: (a) broaching, (b)drilling, (c) end milling, (d) planing, or (e) sawing?

24.6. When cutting a ductile work material, an increase incutting speed will generally (a) degrade surfacefinish, which means a higher value of Ra or(b) improve surface finish, which means a lowervalue of Ra?

24.7. Which one of the following operations is generallycapable of the best surface finishes (lowest value ofRa): (a) broaching, (b) drilling, (c) end milling,(d) planing, or (e) turning?

24.8. Which of the following time components in theaverage production machining cycle is affected bycutting speed (two correct answers): (a) part load-ing and unloading time, and (b) setup time for themachine tool, (c) time the tool is engaged in cut-ting, and (d) average tool change time per piece?

24.9. Which cutting speed is always lower for a givenmachining operation: (a) cutting speed for maxi-mum production rate, or (b) cutting speed forminimum cost?

24.10. A high tooling cost and/or tool change time willtend to (a) decrease, (b) have no effect on, or(c) increase the cutting speed for minimum cost?



24.1. A machinability rating is to be determined for anew work material using the cutting speed for a 60-min tool life as the basis of comparison. For thebase material (B1112 steel), test data resulted inTaylor equation parameter values of n ¼ 0.29 and

C ¼ 500, where speed is in m/min and tool life ismin. For the new material, the parameter valueswere n ¼ 0.21 and C ¼ 400. These results wereobtained using cemented carbide tooling. (a) Com-pute a machinability rating for the new material.

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(b) Suppose the machinability criterion were thecutting speed for a 10-min tool life rather than thepresent criterion. Compute the machinability rat-ing for this case. (c) What do the results of the twocalculations show about the difficulties in machin-ability measurement?

24.2. A small company uses a band saw to cut through 2-inchmetal bar stock. Amaterial supplier is pushinga new material that is supposed to be more ma-chinable while providing similar mechanical prop-erties. The company does not have access tosophisticated measuring devices, but they dohave a stopwatch. They have acquired a sampleof the new material and cut both the presentmaterial and the new material with the sameband saw settings. In the process, they measuredhow long it took to cut through each material. Tocut through the present material, it took an averageof 2 minutes, 20 seconds. To cut through the newmaterial, it took an average of 2 minutes, 6 seconds.(a) Develop amachinability rating system based ontime to cut through the 2.0-inch bar stock, using thepresent material as the base material. (b) Usingyour rating system, determine the machinabilityrating for the new material.

24.3. A machinability rating is to be determined for anew work material. For the base material (B1112),

test data resulted in a Taylor equation with param-eters n ¼ 0.29 and C ¼ 490. For the new material,the Taylor parameters were n ¼ 0.23 and C ¼ 430.Units in both cases are: speed inm/min and tool lifein min. These results were obtained usingcemented carbide tooling. (a) Compute a machin-ability rating for the new material using cuttingspeed for a 30-min tool life as the basis of compari-son. (b) If the machinability criterion were tool lifefor a cutting speed of 150 m/min, what is themachinability rating for the new material?

24.4. Tool life turning tests have been conducted onB1112 steel with high-speed steel tooling, andthe resulting parameters of the Taylor equationare: n ¼ 0.13 and C ¼ 225. B1112 is the base metaland has a machinability rating ¼ 1.00 (100%).During the tests, feed ¼ 0.010 in/rev, and depthof cut ¼ 0.100 in. Based on this information, andmachinability data given in Table 24.1, determinethe cutting speed you would recommend for thefollowing work materials, if the tool life desiredin operation is 30 min (the same feed and depth ofcut are to be used): (a) C1008 low carbon steel with150 Brinell hardness, (b) 4130 alloy steel with 190Brinell hardness, and (c) B1113 steel with 170Brinell hardness.

Surface Roughness

24.5. In a turning operation on cast iron, the nose radius onthe tool¼ 1.5 mm, feed¼ 0.22 mm/rev, and speed¼1.8 m/s. Compute an estimate of the surface rough-ness for this cut.

24.6. A turning operation uses a 2/64 in nose radiuscutting tool on a free machining steel with a feedrate¼ 0.010 in/rev and a cutting speed¼ 300 ft/min.Determine the surface roughness for this cut.

24.7. A single-point HSS tool with a 3/64 in nose radius isused in a shaping operation on a ductile steel work-part. The cutting speed is 120 ft/min. The feed is0.014 in/pass and depth of cut is 0.135 in. Determinethe surface roughness for this operation.

24.8. A part to be turned in an engine lathe must have asurface finish of 1.6 mm. The part is made of a free-machining aluminum alloy. Cutting speed¼ 150 m/min, and depth of cut¼ 4.0 mm. The nose radius onthe tool ¼ 0.75 mm. Determine the feed that willachieve the specified surface finish.

24.9. Solve previous Problem 24.8 except that the part ismade of cast iron instead of aluminum and thecutting speed is reduced to 100 m/min.

24.10. A part to be turned in an engine lathe must have asurface finish of 1.5 mm. The part is made of alumi-num.The cutting speed is 1.5m/s and the depth is 3.0

mm. The nose radius on the tool ¼ 1.0 mm. Deter-mine the feed that will achieve the specified surfacefinish.

24.11. The surface finish specification in a turning job is0.8 mm. The work material is cast iron. Cuttingspeed¼ 75 m/min, feed¼ 0.3 mm/rev, and depth ofcut ¼ 4.0 mm. The nose radius of the cutting toolmust be selected. Determine the minimum noseradius that will obtain the specified finish in thisoperation.

24.12. A face milling operation is to be performed on acast iron part to finish the surface to 36 m-in. Thecutter uses four inserts and its diameter is 3.0 in.The cutter rotates at 475 rev/min. To obtain thebest possible finish, a type of carbide insert with 4/64 in nose radius is to be used. Determine therequired feed rate (in/min) that will achieve the36 m-in finish.

24.13. A face milling operation is not yielding the re-quired surface finish on the work. The cutter is afour-tooth insert type face milling cutter. The ma-chine shop foreman thinks the problem is that thework material is too ductile for the job, but thisproperty tests well within the ductility range for thematerial specified by the designer. Without

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knowing any more about the job, what changes in(a) cutting conditions and (b) tooling would yousuggest to improve the surface finish?

24.14. A turning operation is to be performed on C1010steel, which is a ductile grade. It is desired toachieve a surface finish of 64 m-in, while at the

same time maximizing the metal removal rate. Ithas been decided that the speed should be in therange 200 ft/min to 400 ft/min, and that the depth ofcut will be 0.080 in. The tool nose radius ¼ 3/64 in.Determine the speed and feed combination thatmeets these criteria.

Machining Economics

24.15. A high-speed steel tool is used to turn a steel work-part that is 300mm long and 80mm in diameter. Theparameters in the Taylor equation are: n¼ 0.13 andC ¼ 75 (m/min) for a feed of 0.4 mm/rev. Theoperator and machine tool rate ¼ $30/hr, and thetooling cost per cutting edge¼ $4. It takes 2.0min toload and unload the workpart and 3.50 min tochange tools. Determine (a) cutting speed for maxi-mum production rate, (b) tool life in min of cutting,and (c) cycle time and cost per unit of product.

24.16. Solve Problem 24.15 except that in part (a) deter-mine cutting speed for minimum cost.

24.17. A cemented carbide tool is used to turn a part with alength of 14.0 in and diameter¼ 4.0 in. The parame-ters in theTaylorequationare:n¼ 0.25andC¼ 1000(ft/min). The rate for the operator andmachine tool¼ $45/hr, and the tooling cost per cutting edge ¼$2.50. It takes 2.5 min to load and unload the work-part and 1.50 min to change tools. The feed ¼ 0.015in/rev. Determine (a) cutting speed for maximumproduction rate, (b) tool life in min of cutting, and(c) cycle time and cost per unit of product.

24.18. Solve Problem 24.17 except that in part (a) deter-mine cutting speed for minimum cost.

24.19. Compare disposable and regrindable tooling. Thesame grade of cemented carbide tooling is availa-ble in two forms for turning operations in a certainmachine shop: disposable inserts and brazed in-serts. The parameters in the Taylor equation forthis grade are: n¼ 0.25 and C¼ 300 (m/min) underthe cutting conditions considered here. For thedisposable inserts, price of each insert ¼ $6, thereare four cutting edges per insert, and the toolchange time ¼ 1.0 min (this is an average of thetime to index the insert and the time to replace itwhen all edges have been used). For the brazedinsert, the price of the tool¼ $30 and it is estimatedthat it can be used a total of 15 times before it mustbe scrapped. The tool change time for the regrind-able tooling ¼ 3.0 min. The standard time to grindor regrind the cutting edge is 5.0 min, and thegrinder is paid at a rate ¼ $20/hr. Machine timeon the lathe costs $24/hr. The workpart to be usedin the comparison is 375 mm long and 62.5 mm indiameter, and it takes 2.0 min to load and unloadthe work. The feed ¼ 0.30 mm/rev. For the two

tooling cases, compare (a) cutting speeds for mini-mum cost, (b) tool lives, (c) cycle time and costper unit of production. Which tool would yourecommend?

24.20. Solve Problem 24.19 except that in part (a) deter-mine the cutting speeds for maximum productionrate.

24.21. Three tool materials are to be compared for thesame finish turning operation on a batch of 150steel parts: high-speed steel, cemented carbide, andceramic. For the high-speed steel tool, the Taylorequation parameters are: n ¼ 0.130 and C ¼ 80 (m/min). The price of the HSS tool is $20 and it isestimated that it can be ground and reground 15times at a cost of $2 per grind. Tool change time is 3min. Both carbide and ceramic tools are in insertform and can be held in the same mechanicaltoolholder. The Taylor equation parameters forthe cemented carbide are: n ¼ 0.30 and C ¼ 650(m/min); and for the ceramic: n¼ 0.6 andC¼ 3,500(m/min). The cost per insert for the carbide is $8and for the ceramic is $10. There are six cuttingedges per insert in both cases. Tool change time is1.0 min for both tools. The time to change a part is2.5 min. The feed is 0.30 mm/rev, and depth of cut is3.5 mm. The cost of machine time is $40/hr. Thepart is 73.0 mm in diameter and 250 mm in length.Setup time for the batch is 2.0 hr. For the threetooling cases, compare: (a) cutting speeds for mini-mum cost, (b) tool lives, (c) cycle time, (d) cost perproduction unit, (e) total time to complete thebatch and production rate. (f) What is the propor-tion of time spent actually cutting metal for eachtooling? Use of a spreadsheet calculator isrecommended.

24.22. Solve Problem 24.21 except that in parts (a) and (b)determine the cutting speeds and tool lives formaximum production rate. Use of a spreadsheetcalculator is recommended.

24.23. A vertical boring mill is used to bore the insidediameter of a large batch of tube-shaped parts. Thediameter ¼ 28.0 in and the length of the bore ¼ 14.0in.Current cutting conditions are: speed¼ 200 ft/min,feed ¼ 0.015 in/rev, and depth ¼ 0.125 in. Theparameters of the Taylor equation for the cuttingtool in the operation are: n ¼ 0.23 and C ¼ 850 (ft/

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min). Tool change time¼ 3.0 min, and tooling cost¼$3.50 per cutting edge. The time required to load andunload the parts¼ 12.0 min, and the cost of machinetime on this boring mill ¼ $42/hr. Management hasdecreed that theproduction ratemustbe increasedby25%. Is that possible?Assume that feedmust remainunchanged to achieve the required surface finish.What is thecurrentproductionrateand themaximumpossible production rate for this job?

24.24. An NC lathe cuts two passes across a cylindricalworkpiece under automatic cycle. The operatorloads and unloads the machine. The starting diam-eter of the work is 3.00 in and its length¼ 10 in. Thework cycle consists of the following steps (withelement times given in parentheses where applica-ble): (1) Operator loads part into machine, startscycle (1.00min); (2) NC lathe positions tool for firstpass (0.10 min); (3) NC lathe turns first pass (timedepends on cutting speed); (4) NC lathe repositionstool for second pass (0.4 min); (5) NC lathe turnssecond pass (time depends on cutting speed); and(6) Operator unloads part and places in tote pan(1.00 min). In addition, the cutting tool must beperiodically changed. This tool change time takes1.00min. The feed rate¼ 0.007 in/rev and the depthof cut for each pass ¼ 0.100 in. The cost of theoperator and machine ¼ $39/hr and the tool cost ¼$2/cutting edge. The applicable Taylor tool lifeequation has parameters: n ¼ 0.26 and C ¼ 900(ft/min). Determine (a) the cutting speed for mini-mum cost per piece, (b) the average time requiredto complete one production cycle, (c) cost of theproduction cycle. (d) If the setup time for this job is3.0 hours and the batch size ¼ 300 parts, how longwill it take to complete the batch?

24.25. As indicated in Section 23.4, the effect of a cuttingfluid is to increase the value of C in the Taylor toollife equation. In a certain machining situation usingHSS tooling, the C value is increased from C¼ 200toC¼ 225 owing to the use of the cutting fluid. Then value is the same with or without fluid at n ¼0.125. Cutting speed used in the operation is v ¼125 ft/min. Feed ¼ 0.010 in/rev and depth ¼ 0.100in. The effect of the cutting fluid can be to either

increase cutting speed (at the same tool life) orincrease tool life (at the same cutting speed). (a)What is the cutting speed that would result fromusing the cutting fluid if tool life remains the sameas with no fluid? (b)What is the tool life that wouldresult if the cutting speed remained at 125 ft/min?(c) Economically, which effect is better, given thattooling cost¼ $2 per cutting edge, tool change time¼ 2.5 min, and operator and machine rate ¼ $30/hr? Justify you answer with calculations, using costper cubic in of metal machined as the criterion ofcomparison. Ignore effects of workpart handlingtime.

24.26. In a turning operation on ductile steel, it is desiredto obtain an actual surface roughness of 63 m-inwith a 2/64 in nose radius tool. The ideal roughnessis given by Eq. (24.1) and an adjustment will haveto be made using Figure 24.2 to convert the 63 m-inactual roughness to an ideal roughness, taking intoaccount the material and cutting speed. Disposableinserts are used at a cost of $1.75 per cutting edge(each insert costs $7 and there are four edges perinsert). Average time to change each insert ¼ 1.0min. The workpiece length¼ 30.0 in and its diame-ter¼ 3.5 in. The machine and operator’s rate¼ $39per hour including applicable overheads. The Tay-lor tool life equation for this tool and work combi-nation is given by: vT0.23f0.55 ¼ 40.75, where T ¼tool life, min; v ¼ cutting speed, ft/min; and f ¼feed, in/rev. Solve for (a) the feed in in/rev that willachieve the desired actual finish, (b) cutting speedfor minimum cost per piece at the feed determinedin (a). Hint: To solve (a) and (b) requires aniterative computational procedure. Use of aspreadsheet calculator is recommended for thisiterative procedure.

24.27. Solve Problem 24.26 only using maximum produc-tion rate as the objective rather than minimumpiece cost. Use of a spreadsheet calculator isrecommended.

24.28. Verify that the derivative of Eq. (24.6) results inEq. (24.7).

24.29. Verify that the derivative of Eq. (24.12) results inEq. (24.13).

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Chapter Contents

25.1 Grinding25.1.1 The Grinding Wheel25.1.2 Analysis of the Grinding Process25.1.3 Application Considerations in

Grinding25.1.4 Grinding Operations and Grinding


25.2 Related Abrasive Processes25.2.1 Honing25.2.2 Lapping25.2.3 Superfinishing25.2.4 Polishing and Buffing

Abrasivemachining involvesmaterial removal by the actionof hard, abrasive particles that are usually in the form of abonded wheel. Grinding is the most important abrasiveprocess. In terms of number ofmachine tools in use, grindingis the most common of all metalworking operations [11].Other traditional abrasiveprocesses includehoning, lapping,superfinishing, polishing, and buffing. The abrasive machin-ing processes are generally used as finishing operations,although some abrasive processes are capable of high mate-rial removal rates rivaling those of conventional machiningoperations.

The use of abrasives to shape parts is probably theoldest material removal process (Historical Note 25.1).Abrasive processes are important commercially and tech-nologically for the following reasons:

� They can be used on all types of materials ranging fromsoft metals to hardened steels and hard nonmetallicmaterials such as ceramics and silicon.

� Some of these processes can produce extremely finesurface finishes, to 0.025 mm (1 m-in).

� For certain abrasive processes, dimensions can be heldto extremely close tolerances.

Abrasivewater jet cutting and ultrasonicmachining arealso abrasive processes, because material removal is accom-plished by means of abrasives. However, they are commonlyclassified as nontraditional processes and are covered in thefollowing chapter.


Grinding is a material removal process accomplished byabrasive particles that are contained in a bonded grindingwheel rotating at very high surface speeds. The grindingwheel is usually disk-shaped, and is precisely balanced for


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high rotational speeds. The reader can see grinding in action in our video clip titled Basicsof Grinding.


Basics of Grinding. This clip contains four segments: (1) CNC grinding, (2) grindingwheel ring testing, (3) wheel dressing, and (4) grinding fluids.

Grinding can be likened to the milling process. Cutting occurs on either theperiphery or the face of the grinding wheel, similar to peripheral and face milling.Peripheral grinding is much more common than face grinding. The rotating grindingwheel consists of many cutting teeth (the abrasive particles), and the work is fed relativeto the wheel to accomplish material removal. Despite these similarities, there aresignificant differences between grinding and milling: (1) the abrasive grains in the wheelaremuch smaller andmore numerous than the teeth on amilling cutter; (2) cutting speedsin grinding are much higher than in milling; (3) the abrasive grits in a grinding wheel arerandomly oriented and possess on average a very high negative rake angle; and (4) agrinding wheel is self-sharpening—as the wheel wears, the abrasive particles become dulland either fracture to create fresh cutting edges or are pulled out of the surface of thewheel to expose new grains.

Historical Note 25.1 Development of abrasive processes

Use of abrasives predates any of the other machiningoperations. There is archaeological evidence that ancientpeople used abrasive stones such as sandstone found innature to sharpen tools and weapons and scrape awayunwanted portions of softer materials to make domesticimplements.

Grinding became an important technical trade inancient Egypt. The large stones used to build the Egyptianpyramids were cut to size by a rudimentary grindingprocess. The grinding of metals dates to around 2000 BCE

and was a highly valued skill at that time.Early abrasive materials were those found in nature,

such as sandstone, which consists primarily of quartz(SiO2); emery, consisting of corundum (Al2O3) plus equalor lesser amounts of the iron minerals hematite (Fe2O3)and magnetite (Fe3O4); and diamond. The first grindingwheels were likely cut out of sandstone and were nodoubt rotated under manual power. However, grindingwheels made in this way were not consistent in quality.

In the early 1800s, the first solid bonded grindingwheels were produced in India. They were used to grindgems, an important trade in India at the time. Theabrasives were corundum, emery, or diamond. Thebonding material was natural gum-resin shellac. Thetechnology was exported to Europe and the UnitedStates, and other bonding materials were subsequentlyintroduced: rubber bond in the mid-1800s, vitrified bond

around 1870, shellac bond around 1880, and resinoidbond in the 1920s with the development of the firstthermosetting plastics (phenol-formaldehyde).

In the late 1800s, synthetic abrasives were firstproduced: silicon carbide (SiC) and aluminum oxide(Al2O3). By manufacturing the abrasives, chemistry andsize of the individual abrasive grains could be controlledmore closely, resulting in higher quality grinding wheels.

The first real grinding machines were made by theU.S. firm Brown & Sharpe in the 1860s for grinding partsfor sewing machines, an important industry during theperiod. Grinding machines also contributed to thedevelopment of the bicycle industry in the 1890s andlater the U.S. automobile industry. The grinding processwas used to size and finish heat-treated (hardened) partsin these products.

The superabrasives diamond and cubic boron nitrideare products of the twentieth century. Syntheticdiamonds were first produced by the General ElectricCompany in 1955. These abrasives were used to grindcemented carbide cutting tools, and today this remainsone of the important applications of diamond abrasives.Cubic boron nitride (cBN), second only to diamond inhardness, was first synthesized in 1957 by GE using asimilar process to that for making artificial diamonds.Cubic BN has become an important abrasive for grindinghardened steels.

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Agrindingwheel consists of abrasive particles and bondingmaterial. The bondingmaterialholds the particles in place and establishes the shape and structure of the wheel. These twoingredients and the way they are fabricated determine the five basic parameters of agrindingwheel: (1) abrasivematerial, (2) grain size, (3) bondingmaterial, (4) wheel grade,and (5)wheel structure. To achieve thedesiredperformance in a given application, eachofthe parameters must be carefully selected.

Abrasive Material Different abrasive materials are appropriate for grinding differentworkmaterials. General properties of an abrasivematerial used in grinding wheels includehigh hardness, wear resistance, toughness, and friability. Hardness, wear resistance, andtoughness are desirable properties of any cutting-tool material. Friability refers to thecapacity of the abrasive material to fracture when the cutting edge of the grain becomesdull, thereby exposing a new sharp edge.

The development of grinding abrasives is described in our historical note. Today, theabrasivematerials of greatest commercial importance are aluminumoxide, silicon carbide,cubic boron nitride, and diamond. They are briefly described in Table 25.1, together withtheir relative hardness values.

Grain Size The grain size of the abrasive particle is important in determining surfacefinish and material removal rate. Small grit sizes produce better finishes, whereas largergrain sizes permit largermaterial removal rates. Thus, a choicemust bemadebetween thesetwo objectives when selecting abrasive grain size. The selection of grit size also depends tosome extent on the hardness of the work material. Harder work materials require smallergrain sizes to cut effectively, whereas softer materials require larger grit sizes.

The grit size ismeasured using a screenmesh procedure, as explained in Section 16.1.In this procedure, smaller grit sizes have larger numbers and vice versa. Grain sizes used ingrinding wheels typically range between 8 and 250. Grit size 8 is very coarse and size 250 isvery fine. Even finer grit sizes are used for lapping and superfinishing (Section 25.2).

Bonding Materials The bonding material holds the abrasive grains and establishes theshape and structural integrity of the grinding wheel. Desirable properties of the bond

TABLE 25.1 Abrasives of greatest importance in grinding.

Abrasive Description Knoop Hardness

Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) Most common abrasive material (Section 7.3.1), used to grind steeland other ferrous, high-strength alloys.


Silicon carbide (SiC) Harder than Al2O3, but not as tough (Section 7.2). Applicationsinclude ductile metals such as aluminum, brass, and stainless steel,as well as brittle materials such as some cast irons and certainceramics. Cannot be used effectively for grinding steel because ofthe strong chemical affinity between the carbon in SiC and the ironin steel.


Cubic boron nitride (cBN) When used as an abrasive, cBN (Section 7.3.3) is produced underthe trade name Borazon by the General Electric Company. cBNgrinding wheels are used for hard materials such as hardened toolsteels and aerospace alloys.


Diamond Diamond abrasives occur naturally and are also made synthetically(Section 7.5.1). Diamond wheels are generally used in grindingapplications on hard, abrasive materials such as ceramics, cementedcarbides, and glass.


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material include strength, toughness, hardness, and temperature resistance. The bondingmaterial must be able to withstand the centrifugal forces and high temperatures experi-enced by the grinding wheel, resist shattering in shock loading of the wheel, and hold theabrasive grains rigidly in place to accomplish the cutting action while allowing those grainsthat are worn to be dislodged so that new grains can be exposed. Bonding materialscommonly used in grinding wheels are identified and briefly described in Table 25.2.

Wheel Structure and Wheel Grade Wheel structure refers to the relative spacing ofthe abrasive grains in the wheel. In addition to the abrasive grains and bond material,grinding wheels contain air gaps or pores, as illustrated in Figure 25.1. The volumetricproportions of grains, bond material, and pores can be expressed as

Pg þ Pb þ Pp ¼ 1:0 ð25:1Þwhere Pg ¼ proportion of abrasive grains in the total wheel volume, Pb ¼ proportion ofbond material, and Pp ¼ proportion of pores (air gaps).

Wheel structure ismeasured ona scale that rangesbetween ‘‘open’’ and ‘‘dense.’’Anopen structure is one in whichPp is relatively large, and Pg is relatively small. That is, therearemorepores and fewer grains per unit volume in awheel of open structure. By contrast, a

TABLE 25.2 Bonding materials used in grinding wheels.

Bonding Material Description

Vitrified bond Consists chiefly of baked clay and ceramic materials. Most grindingwheels in common use are vitrified bonded wheels. They are strongand rigid, resistant to elevated temperatures, and relativelyunaffected by water and oil that might be used in grinding fluids.

Silicate bond Consists of sodium silicate (Na2SO3). Applications are generallylimited to situations in which heat generation must be minimized,such as grinding cutting tools.

Rubber bond Most flexible of the bonding materials and used as a bondingmaterial in cutoff wheels.

Resinoid bond Consists of various thermosetting resin materials, such as phenol-formaldehyde. It has very high strength and is used for roughgrinding and cutoff operations.

Shellac bond Relatively strong but not rigid; often used in applications requiring agood finish.

Metallic bond Metal, usually bronze, is the common bond material for diamond andcBN grinding wheels. Particulate processing (Chapters 16 and 17) isused to bond the metal matrix and abrasive grains to the outsideperiphery of the wheel, thus conserving the costly abrasive materials.

FIGURE 25.1 Typicalstructure of a grinding


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dense structure is one in which Pp is relatively small, and Pg is larger. Generally, openstructures are recommended in situations in which clearance for chips must be provided.Dense structures are used to obtain better surface finish and dimensional control.

Wheel grade indicates the grinding wheel’s bond strength in retaining the abrasivegrits during cutting. This is largely dependent on the amount of bonding material presentin the wheel structure—Pb in Eq. (25.1). Grade is measured on a scale that rangesbetween soft and hard. ‘‘Soft’’ wheels lose grains readily, whereas ‘‘hard’’ wheels retaintheir abrasive grains. Soft wheels are generally used for applications requiring lowmaterial removal rates and grinding of hard work materials. Hard wheels are typicallyused to achieve high stock removal rates and for grinding of relative soft work materials.

Grinding Wheel Specification The preceding parameters can be concisely designatedin a standard grinding wheel marking system defined by the American NationalStandards Institute (ANSI) [3]. This marking system uses numbers and letters to specifyabrasive type, grit size, grade, structure, and bond material. Table 25.3 presents anabbreviated version of the ANSI Standard, indicating how the numbers and letters areinterpreted. The standard also provides for additional identifications that might be usedby the grinding wheel manufacturers. The ANSI Standard for diamond and cubic boronnitride grinding wheels is slightly different than for conventional wheels. The markingsystem for these newer grinding wheels is presented in Table 25.4.

TABLE 25.3 Marking system for conventional grinding wheels as defined by ANSIStandard B74.13-1977 [3].

30 A 46 H 6 V XX

Manufacturer’s private marking for wheel (optional).Bond type: B � Resinoid, BF � resinoid reinforced, E � Shellac,

R � Rubber, RF � rubber reinforced, S � Silicate, V � Vitrified.Structure: Scale ranges from 1 to 15: 1 � very dense structure,

15 � very open structure.Grade: Scale ranges from A to Z: A�� soft, M � medium, Z � hard.

Grain size: Coarse � grit sizes 8 to 24, Medium � grit sizes 30 to 60, Fine � grit sizes 70 to 180, Very fine � grit sizes 220 to 600.

Abrasive type: A � aluminum oxide, C � silicon carbide. Prefix: Manufacturer’s symbol for abrasive (optional).

TABLE 25.4 Marking system for diamond and cubic boron nitride grinding wheels asdefined by ANSI Standard B74.13-1977 [3].

XX D 150 P YY M ZZ 3

Depth of abrasive � working depth of abrasive section in mm (shown) or inches, as in Figure 25.2(c).

Bond modification � manufacturer’s notation of special bond type or modification.

Bond type: B � Resin, M � metal, V � Vitrified. Concentration: Manufacturer’s designation. May be number or symbol.

Grade: Scale ranges from A to Z: A � soft, M � medium, Z � hard.Grain size: Coarse � grit sizes 8 to 24, Medium � grit sizes 30 to 60,

Fine � Grit sizes 70 to 180, Very fine � grit sizes 220 to 600.Abrasive type: D � diamond, B � cubic boron nitride.

Prefix: Manufacturer’s symbol for abrasive (optional).

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Grinding wheels come in a variety of shapes and sizes, as shown in Figure 25.2.Configurations (a), (b), and (c) areperipheral grindingwheels, inwhichmaterial removal isaccomplished by the outside circumference of thewheel. A typical abrasive cutoff wheel isshown in (d), which also involves peripheral cutting. Wheels (e), (f), and (g) are facegrindingwheels, inwhich the flat face of thewheel removesmaterial from thework surface.


The cutting conditions in grinding are characterized by very high speeds and very smallcut size, compared to milling and other traditional machining operations. Using surfacegrinding to illustrate, Figure 25.3(a) shows the principal features of the process. Theperipheral speed of the grinding wheel is determined by the rotational speed of the wheel:

v ¼ pDN ð25:2Þ

FIGURE 25.2 Some of the standard grinding wheel shapes: (a) straight, (b) recessed two sides, (c) metal wheelframe with abrasive bonded to outside circumference, (d) abrasive cutoff wheel, (e) cylinder wheel, (f) straight cupwheel, and (g) flaring cup wheel.

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where v ¼ surface speed of wheel, m/min (ft/min); N ¼ spindle speed, rev/min; and D ¼wheel diameter, m (ft).

Depth of cut d, called the infeed, is the penetration of the wheel below the originalwork surface. As the operation proceeds, the grinding wheel is fed laterally across thesurface on each pass by the work. This is called the crossfeed, and it determines the widthof the grinding pathw in Figure 25.3(a). This width, multiplied by depth d determines thecross-sectional area of the cut. In most grinding operations, the work moves past thewheel at a certain speed vw, so that the material removal rate is

RMR ¼ vwwd ð25:3ÞEach grain in the grinding wheel cuts an individual chip whose longitudinal shape

before cutting is shown in Figure 25.3(b) and whose assumed cross-sectional shape istriangular, as in Figure 25.3(c). At the exit point of the grit from the work, where the chipcross section is largest, this triangle has height t and width w0.

In a grinding operation, we are interested in how the cutting conditions combinewith the grinding wheel parameters to affect (1) surface finish, (2) forces and energy,(3) temperature of the work surface, and (4) wheel wear.

Surface Finish Most commercial grinding is performed to achieve a surface finish that issuperior to thatwhich canbeaccomplishedwith conventionalmachining.The surface finishof the workpart is affected by the size of the individual chips formed during grinding. Oneobvious factor in determining chip size is grit size—smaller grit sizes yield better finishes.

Let us examine the dimensions of an individual chip. From the geometry of thegrinding process in Figure 25.3, it can be shown that the average length of a chip is given by

lc ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiDd


where lc is the length of the chip, mm (in);D¼wheel diameter, mm (in); and d¼ depth ofcut, or infeed, mm (in).

FIGURE 25.3 (a) The geometry of surface grinding, showing the cutting conditions; (b) assumed longitudinalshape and (c) cross section of a single chip.

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This assumes the chip is formed by a grit that acts throughout the entire sweep arcshown in the diagram.

Figure 25.3(c) shows the assumed cross section of a chip in grinding. The cross-sectional shape is triangular with width w0 being greater than the thickness t by a factorcalled the grain aspect ratio rg, defined by

rg ¼ w0


Typical values of grain aspect ratio are between 10 and 20.The number of active grits (cutting teeth) per square inch on the outside periphery

of the grinding wheel is denoted by C. In general, smaller grain sizes give larger C values.C is also related to the wheel structure. A denser structure means more grits per area.Based on the value of C, the number of chips formed per time nc is given by

nc ¼ vwC ð25:6Þwhere v¼wheel speed, mm/min (in/min);w¼ crossfeed, mm (in); andC¼ grits per areaon the grinding wheel surface, grits/mm2 (grits/in2).

It stands to reason that surface finish will be improved by increasing the number ofchips formed per unit time on the work surface for a given width w. Therefore, accordingto Eq. (25.6), increasing v and/or C will improve finish.

Forces and Energy If the force required to drive the work past the grinding wheel wereknown, the specific energy in grinding could be determined as

U ¼ Fcv


whereU¼ specific energy, J/mm3 (in-lb/in3); Fc¼ cutting force, which is the force to drivethe work past the wheel, N (lb); v ¼ wheel speed, m/min (ft/min); vw ¼ work speed, mm/min (in/min); w ¼ width of cut, mm (in); and d ¼ depth of cut, mm (in).

In grinding, the specific energy is much greater than in conventional machining.There are several reasons for this. First is the size effect in machining. As discussed, thechip thickness in grinding is much smaller than for other machining operations, such asmilling. According to the size effect (Section 21.4), the small chip sizes in grinding causethe energy required to remove each unit volume of material to be significantly higherthan in conventional machining—roughly 10 times higher.

Second, the individual grains in a grinding wheel possess extremely negative rakeangles. The average rake angle is about –30�, with values on some individual grains believedto be as lowas –60�. These very low rake angles result in low values of shear plane angle andhigh shear strains, both of which mean higher energy levels in grinding.

Third, specific energy is higher in grinding because not all of the individual grits areengaged in actual cutting. Because of the random positions and orientations of the grains inthewheel, somegrainsdonotproject far enough into thework surface toaccomplishcutting.Three types of grain actions can be recognized, as illustrated in Figure 25.4: (a) cutting, inwhich the grit projects far enough into the work surface to form a chip and removematerial; (b) plowing, in which the grit projects into the work, but not far enough to causecutting; instead, the work surface is deformed and energy is consumed without anymaterial removal; and (c) rubbing, in which the grit contacts the surface during its sweep,but only rubbing friction occurs, thus consuming energy without removing any material.

The size effect, negative rake angles, and ineffective grainactions combine tomake thegrindingprocess inefficient in termsof energy consumptionper volumeofmaterial removed.

Using the specific energy relationship in Eq. (25.7), and assuming that the cuttingforce acting on a single grain in the grinding wheel is proportional to rgt, it can be

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shown [10] that

F0c ¼ K1


� �0:5 d


� �0:25


where F0c is the cutting force acting on an individual grain,K1 is a constant of proportion-

ality that depends on the strength of the material being cut and the sharpness of theindividual grain, and the other terms have been previously defined.

The practical significance of this relationship is that F0c affects whether an individual

grainwill be pulled out of the grindingwheel, an important factor in thewheel’s capacity to‘‘resharpen’’ itself. Referring back to our discussion on wheel grade, a hard wheel can bemade to appear softer by increasing the cutting force acting on an individual grain throughappropriate adjustments in vw, v, and d, according to Eq. (25.8).

Temperatures at the Work Surface Because of the size effect, high negative rakeangles, and plowing and rubbing of the abrasive grits against thework surface, the grindingprocess is characterized by high temperatures. Unlike conventional machining operationsin whichmost of the heat energy generated in the process is carried off in the chip, much ofthe energy in grinding remains in the ground surface [11], resulting in high work surfacetemperatures. The high surface temperatures have several possible damaging effects,primarily surface burns and cracks. The burn marks show themselves as discolorationson the surface causedbyoxidation.Grindingburns are often a signofmetallurgical damageimmediately beneath the surface. The surface cracks are perpendicular to the wheel speeddirection. They indicate an extreme case of thermal damage to the work surface.

A second harmful thermal effect is softening of the work surface. Many grindingoperations are carried out on parts that have been heat-treated to obtain high hardness.High grinding temperatures can cause the surface to lose some of its hardness. Third,thermal effects in grinding can cause residual stresses in the work surface, possiblydecreasing the fatigue strength of the part.

It is important to understand what factors influence work surface temperatures ingrinding. Experimentally, it has been observed that surface temperature is dependent onenergy per surface area ground (closely related to specific energyU). Because this variesinversely with chip thickness, it can be shown that surface temperature Ts is related togrinding parameters as follows [10]:

Ts ¼ K2d0:75 rgCv


� �0:5

D0:25 ð25:9Þ

where K2 ¼ a constant of proportionality.The practical implication of this relationship is that surface damage owing to high

work temperatures can be mitigated by decreasing depth of cut d, wheel speed v, and

FIGURE 25.4 Three types of grain action in grinding: (a) cutting, (b) plowing, and (c) rubbing.

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number of active grits per square inch on the grinding wheel C, or by increasing workspeed vw. In addition, dull grinding wheels and wheels that have a hard grade and densestructure tend to cause thermal problems. Of course, using a cutting fluid can also reducegrinding temperatures.

Wheel Wear Grinding wheels wear, just as conventional cutting tools wear. Threemechanisms are recognized as the principal causes of wear in grinding wheels: (1) grainfracture, (2) attritious wear, and (3) bond fracture.Grain fracture occurs when a portionof the grain breaks off, but the rest of the grain remains bonded in the wheel. The edges ofthe fractured area become new cutting edges on the grinding wheel. The tendency of thegrain to fracture is called friability. High friability means that the grains fracture morereadily because of the cutting forces on the grains Fc

0.Attritious wear involves dulling of the individual grains, resulting in flat spots and

rounded edges. Attritious wear is analogous to tool wear in a conventional cutting tool. Itis caused by similar physical mechanisms including friction and diffusion, as well aschemical reactions between the abrasive material and the work material in the presenceof very high temperatures.

Bond fractureoccurswhen the individual grains arepulledoutof thebondingmaterial.The tendency toward this mechanism depends on wheel grade, among other factors. Bondfracture usually occurs because the grain has become dull because of attritious wear, and theresulting cutting force is excessive. Sharp grains cutmoreefficientlywith lower cutting forces;hence, they remain attached in the bond structure.

The three mechanisms combine to cause the grinding wheel to wear as depicted inFigure 25.5. Three wear regions can be identified. In the first region, the grains are initiallysharp, and wear is accelerated because of grain fracture. This corresponds to the ‘‘break-in’’period in conventional tool wear. In the second region, the wear rate is fairly constant,resulting in a linear relationship between wheel wear and volume of metal removed. Thisregion is characterized by attritious wear, with some grain and bond fracture. In the thirdregion of the wheel wear curve, the grains become dull, and the amount of plowing andrubbing increases relative to cutting. In addition, some of the chips become clogged in thepores of thewheel. This is calledwheel loading, and it impairs the cutting action and leads tohigher heat andwork surface temperatures.As a consequence, grinding efficiency decreases,and the volume of wheel removed increases relative to the volume of metal removed.

The grinding ratio is a term used to indicate the slope of the wheel wear curve.Specifically

GR ¼ Vw


whereGR¼ the grinding ratio,Vw¼ the volume of workmaterial removed, andVg¼ thecorresponding volume of the grinding wheel that is worn in the process.

FIGURE 25.5 Typical wearcurve of a grinding wheel. Wear

is conveniently plotted as afunction of volume of materialremoved, rather than as a

function of time. (Based on[16].)

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The grinding ratio has the most significance in the linear wear region of Figure 25.5.Typical values of GR range between 95 and 125 [5], which is about five orders ofmagnitude less than the analogous ratio in conventional machining. Grinding ratio isgenerally increased by increasing wheel speed v. The reason for this is that the size of thechip formed by each grit is smaller with higher speeds, so the amount of grain fracture isreduced. Because higher wheel speeds also improve surface finish, there is a generaladvantage in operating at high grinding speeds. However, when speeds become too high,attritious wear and surface temperatures increase. As a result, the grinding ratio is reducedand the surface finish is impaired. This effect was originally reported byKrabacher [14], asin Figure 25.6.

When the wheel is in the third region of the wear curve, it must be resharpened by aprocedure called dressing,which consists of (1) breaking off the dulled grits on the outsideperiphery of the grinding wheel in order to expose fresh sharp grains and (2) removingchips that have become clogged in the wheel. It is accomplished by a rotating disk, anabrasive stick, or another grinding wheel operating at high speed, held against the wheelbeingdressed as it rotates.Althoughdressing sharpens thewheel, it does not guarantee theshape of the wheel. Truing is an alternative procedure that not only sharpens the wheel,but also restores its cylindrical shape and ensures that it is straight across its outsideperimeter. The procedure uses a diamond-pointed tool (other types of truing tools are alsoused) that is fed slowly and precisely across the wheel as it rotates. A very light depth istaken (0.025 mm or less) against the wheel.


In this section, we attempt to bring together the previous discussion of wheel parametersand theoretical analysis of grinding and consider their practical application. We alsoconsider grinding fluids, which are commonly used in grinding operations.

Application Guidelines There aremany variables in grinding that affect the performanceand success of the operation. The guidelines listed in Table 25.5 are helpful in sorting out themany complexities and selecting the proper wheel parameters and grinding conditions.

Grinding Fluids The proper application of cutting fluids has been found to be effectivein reducing the thermal effects and high work surface temperatures described previously.When used in grinding operations, cutting fluids are called grinding fluids. The functions

FIGURE 25.6 Grindingratio and surface finish asa function of wheelspeed. (Based on data in

Krabacher [14].)

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performed by grinding fluids are similar to those performed by cutting fluids (Section23.4). Reducing friction and removing heat from the process are the two commonfunctions. In addition, washing away chips and reducing temperature of the work surfaceare very important in grinding.

Types of grinding fluids by chemistry include grinding oils and emulsified oils. Thegrinding oils are derived from petroleum and other sources. These products are attractivebecause friction is such an important factor in grinding. However, they pose hazards interms of fire and operator health, and their cost is high relative to emulsified oils. Inaddition, their capacity to carry away heat is less than fluids based on water. Accordingly,mixtures of oil in water are most commonly recommended as grinding fluids. These areusually mixed with higher concentrations than emulsified oils used as conventional cuttingfluids. In this way, the friction reduction mechanism is emphasized.


Grinding is traditionally used to finish parts whose geometries have already been createdby other operations. Accordingly, grinding machines have been developed to grind plainflat surfaces, external and internal cylinders, and contour shapes such as threads. Thecontour shapes are often created by special formed wheels that have the opposite of thedesired contour to be imparted to the work. Grinding is also used in tool rooms to formthe geometries on cutting tools. In addition to these traditional uses, applications ofgrinding are expanding to include more high speed, high material removal operations.Our discussion of operations and machines in this section includes the following types:

TABLE 25.5 Application guidelines for grinding.

Application Problem or Objective Recommendation or Guideline

Grinding steel and most cast irons Select aluminum oxide as the abrasive.Grinding most nonferrous metals Select silicon carbide as the abrasive.Grinding hardened tool steels andcertain aerospace alloys

Select cubic boron nitride as the abrasive.

Grinding hard abrasive materialssuch as ceramics, cemented carbides,and glass

Select diamond as the abrasive.

Grinding soft metals Select a large grit size and harder gradewheel.

Grinding hard metals Select a small grit size and softer gradewheel.

Optimize surface finish Select a small grit size and dense wheelstructure. Use high wheel speeds (v), lowerwork speeds (vw).

Maximize material removal rate Select a large grit size, more open wheelstructure, and vitrified bond.

To minimize heat damage, cracking, andwarping of the work surface

Maintain sharpness of the wheel. Dress thewheel frequently. Use lighter depths of cut(d), lower wheel speeds (v), and faster workspeeds (vw).

If the grinding wheel glazes and burns Select wheel with a soft grade and openstructure.

If the grinding wheel breaks down toorapidly

Select wheel with a hard grade and densestructure.

Compiled from [8], [11], and [16].

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(1) surface grinding, (2) cylindrical grinding, (3) centerless grinding, (4) creep feedgrinding, and (5) other grinding operations.

Surface Grinding Surface grinding is normally used to grind plain flat surfaces. It isperformed using either the periphery of the grinding wheel or the flat face of the wheel.Because the work is normally held in a horizontal orientation, peripheral grinding isperformed by rotating the wheel about a horizontal axis, and face grinding is performed byrotating thewheel about a vertical axis. In either case, the relativemotion of theworkpart isachieved by reciprocating the work past the wheel or by rotating it. These possiblecombinations ofwheel orientations andworkpartmotions provide the four types of surfacegrinding machines illustrated in Figure 25.7.

Of the four types, the horizontal spindlemachine with reciprocating worktable is themost common, shown in Figure 25.8. Grinding is accomplished by reciprocating the worklongitudinally under the wheel at a very small depth (infeed) and by feeding the wheeltransversely into theworka certaindistancebetween strokes. In theseoperations, thewidthof the wheel is usually less than that of the workpiece.

In addition to its conventional application, a grinding machine with horizontalspindle and reciprocating table can be used to form special contoured surfaces by employ-ing a formed grindingwheel. Instead of feeding the wheel transversely across the work as itreciprocates, the wheel is plunge-fed vertically into the work. The shape of the formedwheel is therefore imparted to the work surface.

Grinding machines with vertical spindles and reciprocating tables are set up so thatthe wheel diameter is greater than the work width. Accordingly, these operations can beperformed without using a transverse feed motion. Instead, grinding is accomplished byreciprocating the work past the wheel, and feeding the wheel vertically into the work to thedesireddimension.This configuration is capable of achievinga very flat surfaceon thework.

FIGURE 25.7 Four

types of surface grinding:(a) horizontal spindle withreciprocating worktable,

(b) horizontal spindlewith rotating worktable,(c) vertical spindle with

reciprocating worktable,and (d) vertical spindlewith rotating worktable.

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Of the two types of rotary table grinding in Figure 25.7(b) and (d), the verticalspindle machines are more common. Owing to the relatively large surface contact areabetween wheel and workpart, vertical spindle-rotary table grindingmachines are capableof high metal removal rates when equipped with appropriate grinding wheels.

Cylindrical Grinding As its name suggests, cylindrical grinding is used for rotationalparts. These grinding operations divide into two basic types (Figure 25.9): (a) externalcylindrical grinding and (b) internal cylindrical grinding.

External cylindrical grinding (also called center-type grinding to distinguish it fromcenterless grinding) is performed much like a turning operation. The grinding machinesused for these operations closely resemble a lathe in which the tool post has been replacedby a high-speed motor to rotate the grinding wheel. The cylindrical workpiece is rotatedbetween centers to provide a surface speedof 18 to 30m/min (60 to 100 ft/min) [16], and thegrindingwheel, rotating at 1200 to 2000m/min (4000 to 6500 ft/min), is engaged to performthe cut. There are two types of feedmotion possible, traverse feed andplunge-cut, shown inFigure 25.10. In traverse feed, the grinding wheel is fed in a direction parallel to the axis ofrotation of theworkpart. The infeed is set within a range typically from 0.0075 to 0.075mm(0.0003 to 0.003 in). A longitudinal reciprocating motion is sometimes given to either the

FIGURE 25.8 Surfacegrinder with horizontalspindle and reciprocatingworktable.

FIGURE 25.9 Two

types of cylindricalgrinding: (a) external, and(b) internal.

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workor thewheel to improve surface finish. Inplunge-cut, thegrindingwheel is fed radiallyinto the work. Formed grinding wheels use this type of feed motion.

External cylindrical grinding is used to finish parts that have been machined toapproximate size and heat treated to desired hardness. The parts include axles, crank-shafts, spindles, bearings and bushings, and rolls for rolling mills. The grinding operationproduces the final size and required surface finish on these hardened parts.

Internal cylindrical grinding operates somewhat like a boring operation. The work-piece is usually held in a chuck and rotated to provide surface speeds of 20 to 60m/min (75 to200 ft/min) [16]. Wheel surface speeds similar to external cylindrical grinding are used. Thewheel is fed in either of twoways: traverse feed, Figure 25.9(b), or plunge feed.Obviously, thewheel diameter in internal cylindrical grinding must be smaller than the original bore hole.This often means that the wheel diameter is quite small, necessitating very high rotationalspeeds in order to achieve the desired surface speed. Internal cylindrical grinding is used tofinish the hardened inside surfaces of bearing races and bushing surfaces.

Centerless Grinding Centerless grinding is an alternative process for grinding externaland internal cylindrical surfaces. As its name suggests, the workpiece is not held betweencenters. This results in a reduction inworkhandling time; hence, centerless grinding is oftenused for high-production work. The setup for external centerless grinding (Figure 25.11),consists of two wheels: the grinding wheel and a regulating wheel. The workparts, whichmaybemany individual short piecesor long rods (e.g., 3 to 4m long), are supportedbya restblade and fed through between the two wheels. The grinding wheel does the cutting,

FIGURE 25.10 Twotypes of feed motion inexternal cylindrical

grinding: (a) traverse feed,and (b) plunge-cut.

FIGURE 25.11 Externalcenterless grinding.

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rotating at surface speeds of 1200 to 1800m/min (4000 to 6000 ft/min).The regulatingwheelrotates atmuch lower speeds and is inclined at a slight angle I to control throughfeed of thework. The following equation can be used to predict throughfeed rate, based on inclinationangle and other parameters of the process [16]:

f r ¼ pDrNr sin I ð25:11Þwhere fr¼ throughfeed rate, mm/min (in/min);Dr¼ diameter of the regulating wheel, mm(in);Nr¼ rotational speedof the regulatingwheel, rev/min; and I¼ inclination angle of theregulating wheel.

The typical setup in internal centerless grinding is shown in Figure 25.12. In place ofthe rest blade, two support rolls are used to maintain the position of the work. Theregulating wheel is tilted at a small inclination angle to control the feed of the work pastthe grinding wheel. Because of the need to support the grinding wheel, throughfeed of thework as in external centerless grinding is not possible. Therefore this grinding operationcannot achieve the same high-production rates as in the external centerless process. Itsadvantage is that it is capable of providing very close concentricity between internal andexternal diameters on a tubular part such as a roller bearing race.

Creep Feed Grinding A relatively new form of grinding is creep feed grinding,developed around 1958. Creep feed grinding is performed at very high depths of cutand very low feed rates; hence, the name creep feed. The comparison with conventionalsurface grinding is illustrated in Figure 25.13.

FIGURE 25.12 Internalcenterless grinding.

FIGURE 25.13 Comparison of (a) conventional surface grinding and (b) creep feed grinding.

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Depths of cut in creep feed grinding are 1000 to 10,000 times greater than inconventional surface grinding, and the feed rates are reduced by about the same pro-portion. However, material removal rate and productivity are increased in creep feedgrindingbecause thewheel is continuously cutting.This contrastswith conventional surfacegrinding inwhich the reciprocatingmotionof thework results in significant lost timeduringeach stroke.

Creep feed grinding can be applied in both surface grinding and external cylindricalgrinding. Surface grinding applications include grinding of slots and profiles. The processseems especially suited to those cases in which depth-to-width ratios are relatively large.The cylindrical applications include threads, formed gear shapes, and other cylindricalcomponents. The term deep grinding is used in Europe to describe these externalcylindrical creep feed grinding applications.

The introduction of grinding machines designed with special features for creep feedgrinding has spurred interest in the process. The features include [11] high static anddynamicstability, highly accurate slides, two to three times the spindlepower of conventional grindingmachines, consistent table speeds for low feeds, high-pressure grinding fluid delivery systems,and dressing systems capable of dressing the grinding wheels during the process. Typicaladvantages of creep feed grinding include: (1) high material removal rates, (2) improvedaccuracy for formed surfaces, and (3) reduced temperatures at the work surface.

Other Grinding Operations Several other grinding operations should be briefly men-tioned to complete our review. These include tool grinding, jig grinding, disk grinding, snaggrinding, and abrasive belt grinding.

Cutting tools are made of hardened tool steel and other hard materials. Toolgrinders are special grinding machines of various designs to sharpen and reconditioncutting tools. They have devices for positioning and orienting the tools to grind thedesired surfaces at specified angles and radii. Some tool grinders are general purposewhile others cut the unique geometries of specific tool types. General-purpose tool andcutter grinders use special attachments and adjustments to accommodate a variety of toolgeometries. Single-purpose tool grinders include gear cutter sharpeners, milling cuttergrinders of various types, broach sharpeners, and drill point grinders.

Jig grinders are grinding machines traditionally used to grind holes in hardenedsteel parts to high accuracies. The original applications included pressworking dies andtools. Although these applications are still important, jig grinders are used today in abroader range of applications in which high accuracy and good finish are required onhardened components. Numerical control is available onmodern jig grindingmachines toachieve automated operation.

Diskgrindersaregrindingmachineswith largeabrasivedisksmountedoneither endofa horizontal spindle as in Figure 25.14. The work is held (usually manually) against the flat

FIGURE 25.14 Typical

configuration of a diskgrinder.

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surfaceof thewheel to accomplish the grindingoperation. Somedisk grindingmachines havedouble opposing spindles. By setting the disks at the desired separation, the workpart can befed automatically between the two disks and ground simultaneously on opposite sides.Advantages of the disk grinder are good flatness and parallelism at high production rates.

The snag grinder is similar in configuration to a disk grinder. The difference is thatthe grinding is done on the outside periphery of the wheel rather than on the side flatsurface. The grinding wheels are therefore different in design than those in disk grinding.Snag grinding is generally a manual operation, used for rough grinding operations such asremoving the flash from castings and forgings, and smoothing weld joints.

Abrasive belt grinding uses abrasive particles bonded to a flexible (cloth) belt. Atypical setup is illustrated in Figure 25.15. Support of the belt is required when the work ispressed against it, and this support is provided by a roll or platen located behind the belt. Aflat platen is used for work that will have a flat surface. A soft platen can be used if it isdesirable for the abrasive belt to conform to thegeneral contour of the part during grinding.Belt speed depends on the material being ground; a range of 750 to 1700 m/min (2500 to5500 ft/min) is typical [16]. Owing to improvements in abrasives and bonding materials,abrasive belt grinding is being used increasingly for heavy stock removal rates, rather thanlight grinding,whichwas its traditional application. The termbelt sanding refers to the lightgrinding applications in which the workpart is pressed against the belt to remove burrs andhigh spots, and produce an improved finish quickly by hand.


Otherabrasiveprocesses includehoning, lapping, superfinishing, polishing, andbuffing.Theyare used exclusively as finishing operations. The initial part shape is created by some otherprocess; then the part is finished by one of these operations to achieve superior surface finish.The usual part geometries and typical surface roughness values for these processes areindicated in Table 25.6. For comparison, we also present corresponding data for grinding.

Another class of finishing operations, called mass finishing (Section 28.1.2), is usedto finish parts in bulk rather than individually. Thesemass finishingmethods are also usedfor cleaning and deburring.

25.2.1 HONING

Honing is an abrasive process performed by a set of bonded abrasive sticks. A commonapplication is to finish the bores of internal combustion engines. Other applicationsinclude bearings, hydraulic cylinders, and gun barrels. Surface finishes of around 0.12 mm

FIGURE 25.15 Abrasive belt grinding.

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(5 m-in) or slightly better are typically achieved in these applications. In addition, honingproduces a characteristic cross-hatched surface that tends to retain lubrication duringoperation of the component, thus contributing to its function and service life.

The honing process for an internal cylindrical surface is illustrated in Figure 25.16.The honing tool consists of a set of bonded abrasive sticks. Four sticks are used on the toolshown in the figure, but the number depends on hole size. Two to four sticks would beused for small holes (e.g., gun barrels), and a dozen or more would be used for largerdiameter holes. The motion of the honing tool is a combination of rotation and linearreciprocation, regulated in such a way that a given point on the abrasive stick does nottrace the same path repeatedly. This rather complex motion accounts for the cross-hatched pattern on the bore surface. Honing speeds are 15 to 150m/min (50 to 500 ft/min)[4]. During the process, the sticks are pressed outward against the hole surface to producethe desired abrasive cutting action. Hone pressures of 1 to 3 MPa (150 to 450 lb/in2) aretypical. The honing tool is supported in the hole by two universal joints, thus causing thetool to follow the previously defined hole axis. Honing enlarges and finishes the hole butcannot change its location.

Grit sizes in honing range between 30 and 600. The same trade-off between betterfinish and faster material removal rates exists in honing as in grinding. The amount ofmaterial removed from the work surface during a honing operation may be as much as

FIGURE 25.16 The

honing process: (a) thehoning tool used for in-ternal bore surface, and

(b) cross-hatched surfacepattern created by theaction of the honing tool.

TABLE 25.6 Usual part geometries for honing, lapping, superfinishing,polishing, and buffing.

Surface Roughness

Process Usual Part Geometry mm m-in

Grinding, medium grit size Flat, external cylinders, round holes 0.4–1.6 16–63Grinding, fine grit size Flat, external cylinders, round holes 0.2–0.4 8–16Honing Round hole (e.g., engine bore) 0.1–0.8 4–32Lapping Flat or slightly spherical (e.g., lens) 0.025–0.4 1–16Superfinishing Flat surface, external cylinder 0.013–0.2 0.5–8Polishing Miscellaneous shapes 0.025–0.8 1–32Buffing Miscellaneous shapes 0.013–0.4 0.5–16

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0.5mm (0.020 in), but is usuallymuch less than this. A cutting fluidmust be used in honingto cool and lubricate the tool and to help remove the chips.

25.2.2 LAPPING

Lapping is an abrasive process used to produce surface finishes of extreme accuracy andsmoothness. It is used in the production of optical lenses, metallic bearing surfaces, gages,and other parts requiring very good finishes. Metal parts that are subject to fatigue loadingor surfaces that must be used to establish a seal with a mating part are often lapped.

Instead of a bonded abrasive tool, lapping uses a fluid suspension of very smallabrasive particles between the workpiece and the lapping tool. The process is illustratedin Figure 25.17 as applied in lens-making. The fluid with abrasives is referred to as thelapping compound and has the general appearance of a chalky paste. The fluids used tomake the compound include oils and kerosene. Common abrasives are aluminum oxideand silicon carbide with typical grit sizes between 300 and 600. The lapping tool is called alap, and it has the reverse of the desired shape of the workpart. To accomplish theprocess, the lap is pressed against the work and moved back and forth over the surface ina figure-eight or other motion pattern, subjecting all portions of the surface to the sameaction. Lapping is sometimes performed by hand, but lapping machines accomplish theprocess with greater consistency and efficiency.

Materials used to make the lap range from steel and cast iron to copper and lead.Wood laps have also beenmade. Because a lapping compound is used rather than a bondedabrasive tool, the mechanism by which this process works is somewhat different thangrinding and honing. It is hypothesized that twoalternative cuttingmechanisms are atworkin lapping [4]. The first mechanism is that the abrasive particles roll and slide between thelap and the work, with very small cuts occurring in both surfaces. The secondmechanism isthat the abrasives become embedded in the lap surface and the cutting action is very similarto grinding. It is likely that lapping is a combination of these twomechanisms, dependingonthe relative hardnesses of the work and the lap. For laps made of soft materials, theembedded grit mechanism is emphasized; and for hard laps, the rolling and slidingmechanism dominates.


Superfinishing is an abrasive process similar to honing.Both processes use a bonded abrasivestick moved with a reciprocating motion and pressed against the surface to be finished.Superfinishing differs from honing in the following respects [4]: (1) the strokes are shorter,5 mm (3/16 in); (2) higher frequencies are used, up to 1500 strokes per minute; (3) lowerpressures are applied between the tool and the surface, below 0.28 MPa (40 lb/in2);(4)workpiece speeds are lower, 15m/min (50 ft/min) or less; and (5) grit sizes are generallysmaller. The relative motion between the abrasive stick and the work surface is varied so

FIGURE 25.17The lapping process inlens-making.

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that individual grains do not retrace the same path.A cutting fluid is used to cool the worksurface andwashaway chips. In addition, the fluid tends to separate the abrasive stick fromthe work surface after a certain level of smoothness is achieved, thus preventing furthercutting action. The result of these operating conditions is mirror-like finishes with surfaceroughness values around 0.025 mm (1 m-in). Superfinishing can be used to finish flat andexternal cylindrical surfaces. The process is illustrated in Figure 25.18 for the lattergeometry.


Polishing is used to remove scratches and burrs and to smooth rough surfaces by means ofabrasive grains attached to a polishing wheel rotating at high speed—around 2300 m/min(7500 ft/min). Thewheels aremade of canvas, leather, felt, and even paper; thus, thewheelsare somewhat flexible. The abrasive grains are glued to the outside periphery of the wheel.After the abrasives have been worn down and used up, the wheel is replenished with newgrits. Grit sizes of 20 to 80 are used for rough polishing, 90 to 120 for finish polishing, andabove 120 for fine finishing. Polishing operations are often accomplished manually.

Buffing is similar to polishing in appearance, but its function is different. Buffing isused to provide attractive surfaces with high luster. Buffing wheels are made of materialssimilar to those used for polishing wheels—leather, felt, cotton, etc.—but buffing wheelsare generally softer. The abrasives are very fine and are contained in a buffing compoundthat is pressed into the outside surface of the wheel while it rotates. This contrasts withpolishing in which the abrasive grits are glued to the wheel surface. As in polishing, theabrasive particles must be periodically replenished. Buffing is usually done manually,although machines have been designed to perform the process automatically. Speeds aregenerally 2400 to 5200 m/min (8000 to 17,000 ft/min).


[1] Aronson, R. B.‘‘More Than a Pretty Finish,’’ Man-ufacturing Engineering, February 2005, pp. 57–69.

[2] Andrew, C., Howes, T. D., and Pearce, T. R. A.CreepFeed Grinding. Holt, Rinehart and Winston,London, 1985.

[3] ANSI Standard B74. 13-1977, ‘‘Markings for Iden-tifying Grinding Wheels and Other Bonded Abra-sives.’’ American National Standards Institute, NewYork, 1977.

[4] Armarego, E. J. A., and Brown, R. H. The Machin-ing of Metals. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NewJersey, 1969.

[5] Bacher, W. R., and Merchant, M. E.‘‘On the BasicMechanics of the Grinding Process,’’ TransactionsASME, Series B, Vol. 80 No. 1, 1958, pp. 141.

[6] Black, J, and Kohser, R. DeGarmo’s Materials andProcesses in Manufacturing, 10th ed. John Wiley &Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2008.

FIGURE 25.18Superfinishing on an

external cylindricalsurface.

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[7] Black, P. H. Theory of Metal Cutting. McGraw-Hill,New York, 1961.

[8] Boothroyd, G., and Knight, W. A. Fundamentals ofMetal Machining and Machine Tools. 3rd ed. CRCTaylor and Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, 2006.

[9] Boston, O. W.Metal Processing. 2nd ed. John Wiley& Sons, New York, 1951.

[10] Cook, N. H. Manufacturing Analysis. Addison-Wesley, Inc., Reading, Massachusetts, 1966.

[11] Drozda, T. J., and Wick, C. (eds.). Tool and Manu-facturing Engineers Handbook. 4th ed. Vol. I,Machining, Society of Manufacturing Engineers,Dearborn, Michigan, 1983.

[12] Eary, D. F., and Johnson, G. E. Process Engineering:for Manufacturing. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,New Jersey, 1962.

[13] Kaiser, R.‘‘The Facts about Grinding.’’Manufactur-ing Engineering. Vol. 125, No. 3, September 2000,pp. 78–85.

[14] Krabacher, E. J.‘‘Factors Influencing the Perform-ance of Grinding Wheels.’’ Transactions ASME,Series B, Vol. 81, No. 3, 1959, pp. 187–199.

[15] Krar, S. F. Grinding Technology. 2nd ed. DelmarPublishers, Florence, Kentucky, 1995.

[16] Machining Data Handbook. 3rd ed. Vol. I. and II.Metcut Research Associates, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1980.

[17] Malkin, S.Grinding Technology: Theory and Appli-cations of Machining with Abrasives. 2nd ed. Indus-trial Press, New York, 2008.

[18] Phillips, D.‘‘Creeping Up.’’ Cutting Tool Engineer-ing. Vol. 52, No. 3, March 2000, pp. 32–43.

[19] Rowe, W. Principles of Modern Grinding Technol-ogy, WilliamAndrew, Elsevier Applied Science Pub-lishers, New York, 2009.

[20] Salmon, S.‘‘Creep-Feed Grinding Is SurprisinglyVersatile.’’ Manufacturing Engineering, November2004, pp. 59–64.


25.1. Why are abrasive processes technologically andcommercially important?

25.2. What are the five principal parameters of a grind-ing wheel?

25.3. What are some of the principal abrasive materialsused in grinding wheels?

25.4. Name some of the principal bondingmaterials usedin grinding wheels.

25.5. What is wheel structure?25.6. What is wheel grade?25.7. Why are specific energy values so much higher in

grinding than in traditional machining processessuch as milling?

25.8. Grinding creates high temperatures. How is tem-perature harmful in grinding?

25.9. What are the three mechanisms of grinding wheelwear?

25.10. What is dressing, in reference to grinding wheels?25.11. What is truing, in reference to grinding wheels?25.12. What abrasive material would one select for grind-

ing a cemented carbide cutting tool?25.13. What are the functions of a grinding fluid?25.14. What is centerless grinding?25.15. How does creep feed grinding differ from conven-

tional grinding?25.16. How does abrasive belt grinding differ from a

conventional surface grinding operation?25.17. Name some of the abrasive operations available to

achieve very good surface finishes.25.18. (Video) Describe a wheel ring test.25.19. (Video) List two purposes of dressing a grinding

wheel.25.20. (Video) What is the purpose of using a coolant in

the grinding process?


There are 16 correct answers in the following multiple choice questions (some questions have multiple answers that arecorrect). To attain a perfect score on the quiz, all correct answers must be given. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Eachomitted answer or wrong answer reduces the score by 1 point, and each additional answer beyond the correct number ofanswers reduces the score by 1 point. Percentage score on the quiz is based on the total number of correct answers.

25.1. Which one of the following conventional machin-ing processes is closest to grinding: (a) drilling,(b) milling, (c) shaping, or (d) turning?

25.2. Of the following abrasive materials, which one hasthe highest hardness: (a) aluminum oxide, (b) cubicboron nitride, or (c) silicon carbide?

25.3. Smaller grain size in a grinding wheel tends to(a) degrade surface finish, (b) have no effect onsurface finish, or (c) improve surface finish?

25.4. Which of the following would tend to give highermaterial removal rates: (a) larger grain size, or(b) smaller grain size?

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25.5. Which of the following will improve surface finishin grinding (three best answers): (a) denser wheelstructure, (b) higher wheel speed, (c) higher work-speeds, (d) larger infeed, (e) lower infeed, (f) lowerwheel speed, (g) lower workspeed, and (h) moreopen wheel structure?

25.6. Which one of the following abrasive materials ismost appropriate for grinding steel and cast iron:(a) aluminum oxide, (b) cubic boron nitride,(c) diamond, or (d) silicon carbide?

25.7. Which one of the following abrasive materials ismost appropriate for grinding hardened tool steel:(a) aluminum oxide, (b) cubic boron nitride,(c) diamond, or (d) silicon carbide?

25.8. Which one of the following abrasive materials ismost appropriate for grinding nonferrous metals:(a) aluminum oxide, (b) cubic boron nitride,(c) diamond, or (d) silicon carbide?

25.9. Which of the following will help to reduce theincidence of heat damage to the work surface ingrinding (four correct answers): (a) frequent dress-ing or truing of the wheel, (b) higher infeeds,(c) higher wheel speeds, (d) higher workspeeds,(e) lower infeeds, (f) lower wheel speeds, and(g) lower workspeeds?

25.10. Which one of the following abrasive processesachieves the best surface finish: (a) centerless grind-ing, (b) honing, (c) lapping, or (d) superfinishing?

25.11. The term deep grinding refers to which one of thefollowing: (a) alternative name for any creep feedgrinding operation, (b) external cylindrical creepfeed grinding, (c) grinding operation performed atthe bottom of a hole, (d) surface grinding that usesa large crossfeed, or (e) surface grinding that uses alarge infeed?


25.1. In a surface grinding operation wheel diameter ¼150 mm and infeed¼ 0.07 mm.Wheel speed¼ 1450m/min, workspeed¼ 0.25m/s, and crossfeed¼ 5mm.Thenumberof activegrits perareaofwheel surface¼0.75 grits/mm2. Determine (a) average length perchip, (b) metal removal rate, and (c) number ofchips formed per unit time for the portion of theoperation when the wheel is engaged in the work.

25.2. The following conditions and settings are used in acertain surface grinding operation: wheel diameter¼6.0 in, infeed ¼ 0.003 in, wheel speed ¼ 4750 ft/min,workspeed ¼ 50 ft/min, and crossfeed¼ 0.20 in. Thenumber of active grits per square inch of wheelsurface ¼ 500. Determine (a) average length perchip, (b) metal removal rate, and (c) number ofchips formed per unit time for the portion of theoperation when the wheel is engaged in the work.

25.3. An internal cylindrical grinding operation is usedto finish an internal bore from an initial diameter of250mm to a final diameter of 252.5 mm. The bore is125 mm long. A grinding wheel with an initialdiameter of 150 mm and a width of 20 mm isused. After the operation, the diameter of thegrinding wheel has been reduced to 149.75 mm.Determine the grinding ratio in this operation.

25.4. In a surface grinding operation performed on hard-ened plain carbon steel, the grinding wheel has adiameter ¼ 200 mm and width ¼ 25 mm. The wheelrotates at 2400 rev/min, with a depth of cut (infeed)¼0.05 mm/pass and a crossfeed ¼ 3.50 mm. The recip-rocating speed of the work is 6 m/min, and theoperation is performed dry. Determine (a) length

of contact between the wheel and the work and(b) volume rate ofmetal removed. (c) If there are 64active grits/cm2 of wheel surface, estimate the num-ber of chips formed per unit time. (d) What is theaverage volume per chip? (e) If the tangentialcutting force on the work ¼ 25 N, compute thespecific energy in this operation?

25.5. An 8-in diameter grinding wheel, 1.0 in wide, isused in a surface grinding job performed on a flatpiece of heat-treated 4340 steel. The wheel rotatesto achieve a surface speed of 5000 ft/min, with adepth of cut (infeed) ¼ 0.002 in per pass and acrossfeed ¼ 0.15 in. The reciprocating speed of thework is 20 ft/min, and the operation is performeddry. (a) What is the length of contact between thewheel and the work? (b)What is the volume rate ofmetal removed? (c) If there are 300 active grits/in2

of wheel surface, estimate the number of chipsformed per unit time. (d) What is the averagevolume per chip? (e) If the tangential cutting forceon the workpiece ¼ 7.3 lb, what is the specificenergy calculated for this job?

25.6. A surface grinding operation is being performed ona 6150 steel workpart (annealed, approximately200 BHN). The designation on the grinding wheelis C-24-D-5-V. The wheel diameter ¼ 7.0 in and itswidth¼1.00 in.Rotational speed¼3000rev/min.Thedepth (infeed)¼0.002 inperpass, and thecrossfeed¼0.5 in. Workspeed ¼ 20 ft/min. This operation hasbeena sourceof trouble right fromthebeginning.Thesurface finish is not as good as the 16m-in specified onthe part print, and there are signs of metallurgical

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damageonthesurface. Inaddition, thewheelseemstobecome clogged almost as soon as the operationbegins. In short, nearly everything that can go wrongwith the job has gone wrong. (a) Determine the rateof metal removal when the wheel is engaged in thework. (b) If the number of active grits per squareinch ¼ 200, determine the average chip length andthe number of chips formed per time. (c) Whatchanges would you recommend in the grindingwheel to help solve the problems encountered?Explain why you made each recommendation.

25.7. The grinding wheel in a centerless grinding opera-tion has a diameter ¼ 200 mm, and the regulatingwheel diameter ¼ 125 mm. The grinding wheelrotates at 3000 rev/min and the regulating wheelrotates at 200 rev/min. The inclination angle of theregulating wheel ¼ 2.5�. Determine the through-feed rate of cylindrical workparts that are 25.0 mmin diameter and 175 mm long.

25.8. A centerless grinding operation uses a regulatingwheel that is 150 mm in diameter and rotates at 500rev/min. At what inclination angle should the reg-ulating wheel be set, if it is desired to feed aworkpiece with length ¼ 3.5 m and diameter ¼18 mm through the operation in exactly 30 sec?

25.9. In a certain centerless grinding operation, thegrinding wheel diameter ¼ 8.5 in, and the regulat-ing wheel diameter ¼ 5 in. The grinding wheelrotates at 3500 rev/min and the regulating wheelrotates at 150 rev/min. The inclination angle of theregulating wheel ¼ 3�. Determine the throughfeedrate of cylindrical workparts that have the follow-ing dimensions: diameter ¼ 1.25 in and length ¼8 in.

25.10. It is desired to compare the cycle times required togrind a particular workpiece using traditional sur-face grinding and using creep feed grinding. The

workpiece is 200 mm long, 30 mm wide, and 75 mmthick. Tomake a fair comparison, the grindingwheelin both cases is 250mm in diameter, 35mm inwidth,and rotates at 1500 rev/min. It is desired to remove25 mm of material from the surface. When tradi-tional grinding is used, the infeed is set at 0.025mm,and the wheel traverses twice (forward and back)across the work surface during each pass beforeresetting the infeed. There is no crossfeed sincethe wheel width is greater than the work width.Each pass is made at a workspeed of 12 m/min,but thewheelovershoots thepart onboth sides.Withacceleration and deceleration, the wheel is engagedin the work for 50% of the time on each pass. Whencreep feed grinding is used, the depth is increased by1000and the forward feed is decreasedby1000.Howlong will it take to complete the grinding operation(a) with traditional grinding and (b) with creep feedgrinding?

25.11. In a certain grinding operation, the grade of thegrinding wheel should be ‘‘M’’ (medium), but theonly available wheel is grade ‘‘T’’ (hard). It isdesired to make the wheel appear softer by makingchanges in cutting conditions. What changes wouldyou recommend?

25.12. An aluminum alloy is to be ground in an externalcylindrical grinding operation to obtain a goodsurface finish. Specify the appropriate grindingwheel parameters and the grinding conditions forthis job.

25.13. A high-speed steel broach (hardened) is to beresharpened to achieve a good finish. Specify theappropriate parameters of the grinding wheel forthis job.

25.14. Based on equations in the text, derive an equationto compute the average volume per chip formed inthe grinding process.

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Chapter Contents

26.1 Mechanical Energy Processes26.1.1 Ultrasonic Machining26.1.2 Processes Using Water Jets26.1.3 Other Nontraditional Abrasive


26.2 Electrochemical Machining Processes26.2.1 Electrochemical Machining26.2.2 Electrochemical Deburring and


26.3 Thermal Energy Processes26.3.1 Electric Discharge Processes26.3.2 Electron BeamMachining26.3.3 Laser BeamMachining26.3.4 Arc-Cutting Processes26.3.5 Oxyfuel-Cutting Processes

26.4 Chemical Machining26.4.1 Mechanics and Chemistry of Chemical

Machining26.4.2 CHM Processes

26.5 Application Considerations

Conventional machining processes (i.e., turning, drilling,milling) use a sharp cutting tool to form a chip from thework by shear deformation. In addition to these conven-tional methods, there is a group of processes that uses othermechanisms to remove material. The term nontraditionalmachining refers to this group that removes excess mate-rial by various techniques involving mechanical, thermal,electrical, or chemical energy (or combinations of theseenergies). They do not use a sharp cutting tool in theconventional sense.

The nontraditional processes have been developedsince World War II largely in response to new and unusualmachining requirements that could not be satisfied byconventional methods. These requirements, and the result-ing commercial and technological importance of the non-traditional processes, include:

� The need to machine newly developed metals and non-metals. These newmaterials often have special propert-ies (e.g., high strength, high hardness, high toughness)that make them difficult or impossible to machine byconventional methods.

� The need for unusual and/or complex part geometriesthat cannot easily be accomplished and in some casesare impossible to achieve by conventional machining.

� The need to avoid surface damage that often accom-panies the stresses created by conventional machining.

Many of these requirements are associated with theaerospace and electronics industries, which have becomeincreasingly important in recent decades.

There are literally dozens of nontraditional machin-ing processes, most of which are unique in their range ofapplications. In the present chapter, we discuss those that


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are most important commercially. More detailed discussions of these nontraditionalmethods are presented in several of the references.

The nontraditional processes are often classified according to principal form ofenergy used to effect material removal. By this classification, there are four types:

1. Mechanical. Mechanical energy in some form other than the action of a conventionalcutting tool is used in these nontraditional processes. Erosion of the workmaterial by ahigh velocity stream of abrasives or fluid (or both) is a typical form of mechanicalaction in these processes.

2. Electrical. These nontraditional processes use electrochemical energy to removematerial; the mechanism is the reverse of electroplating.

3. Thermal. These processes use thermal energy to cut or shape the workpart. Thethermal energy is generally applied to a very small portion of the work surface, causingthat portion to be removed by fusion and/or vaporization. The thermal energy isgenerated by the conversion of electrical energy.

4. Chemical. Most materials (metals particularly) are susceptible to chemical attack bycertain acids or other etchants. In chemical machining, chemicals selectively removematerial from portions of the workpart, whereas other portions of the surface areprotected by a mask.


In this section we examine several of the nontraditional processes that use mechanicalenergy other than a sharp cutting tool: (1) ultrasonic machining, (2) water jet processes,and (3) other abrasive processes.


Ultrasonic machining (USM) is a nontraditional machining process in which abrasivescontained in a slurry are driven at high velocity against the work by a tool vibrating at lowamplitude and high frequency. The amplitudes are around 0.075 mm (0.003 in), and thefrequencies are approximately 20,000 Hz. The tool oscillates in a direction perpendicular tothework surface, and is fed slowly into thework, so that the shape of the tool is formed in thepart. However, it is the action of the abrasives, impinging against the work surface, thatperforms the cutting.The general arrangement of theUSMprocess is depicted inFigure 26.1.

Common tool materials used inUSM include soft steel and stainless steel. Abrasivematerials in USM include boron nitride, boron carbide, aluminum oxide, silicon carbide,

FIGURE 26.1Ultrasonic machining.

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and diamond. Grit size (Section 16.1.1) ranges between 100 and 2000. The vibrationamplitude should be set approximately equal to the grit size, and the gap size should bemaintained at about two times grit size. To a significant degree, grit size determines thesurface finish on the newwork surface. In addition to surface finish, material removal rateis an important performance variable in ultrasonic machining. For a given work material,the removal rate in USM increases with increasing frequency and amplitude of vibration.

The cutting action in USM operates on the tool as well as the work. As the abrasiveparticles erode the work surface, they also erode the tool, thus affecting its shape. It istherefore important to know the relative volumes of work material and tool materialremoved during the process—similar to the grinding ratio (Section 25.1.2). This ratio ofstock removed to tool wear varies for different workmaterials, ranging from around 100:1for cutting glass down to about 1:1 for cutting tool steel.

The slurry in USM consists of a mixture of water and abrasive particles. Concen-tration of abrasives in water ranges from 20% to 60% [5]. The slurry must be continu-ously circulated to bring fresh grains into action at the tool–work gap. It also washes awaychips and worn grits created by the cutting process.

The development of ultrasonic machining was motivated by the need to machinehard, brittle work materials, such as ceramics, glass, and carbides. It is also successfullyused on certain metals, such as stainless steel and titanium. Shapes obtained by USMinclude non-round holes, holes along a curved axis, and coining operations, in which animage pattern on the tool is imparted to a flat work surface.


The two processes described in this section remove material by means of high-velocitystreams of water or a combination of water and abrasives.

Water Jet Cutting Water jet cutting (WJC) uses a fine, high-pressure, high-velocitystream of water directed at the work surface to cause cutting of the work, as illustrated inFigure 26.2. To obtain the fine stream ofwater a small nozzle opening of diameter 0.1 to 0.4mm (0.004 to 0.016 in) is used. To provide the stream with sufficient energy for cutting,pressures up to 400MPa (60,000 lb/in2) are used, and the jet reaches velocities up to 900m/s(3000 ft/sec). The fluid is pressurized to the desired level by a hydraulic pump. The nozzleunit consistsof aholdermadeof stainless steel, anda jewel nozzlemadeof sapphire, ruby, or

FIGURE 26.2 Water jet cutting.

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diamond. Diamond lasts the longest but costs the most. Filtration systems must be used inWJC to separate the swarf produced during cutting.

Cutting fluids inWJC are polymer solutions, preferred because of their tendency toproduce a coherent stream. We have discussed cutting fluids before in the context ofconventional machining (Section 23.4), but never has the term been more appropriatelyapplied than in WJC.

Important process parameters include standoff distance, nozzle opening diameter,water pressure, and cutting feed rate.As inFigure 26.2, the standoff distance is the separationbetween the nozzle opening and thework surface. It is generally desirable for this distance tobe small to minimize dispersion of the fluid stream before it strikes the surface. A typicalstandoff distance is 3.2mm(0.125 in). Size of thenozzleorifice affects theprecisionof the cut;smaller openings are used for finer cuts on thinnermaterials. To cut thicker stock, thicker jetstreamsandhigherpressures are required.Thecutting feed rate refers to thevelocity atwhichthe WJC nozzle is traversed along the cutting path. Typical feed rates range from 5 mm/s(12 in/min) to more than 500 mm/s (1200 in/min), depending on work material and itsthickness [5]. The WJC process is usually automated using computer numerical control orindustrial robots to manipulate the nozzle unit along the desired trajectory.

Water jet cutting can beused effectively to cut narrow slits in flat stock such as plastic,textiles, composites, floor tile, carpet, leather, and cardboard. Robotic cells have beeninstalled with WJC nozzles mounted as the robot’s tool to follow cutting patterns that areirregular in three dimensions, such as cutting and trimming of automobile dashboardsbefore assembly [9]. In these applications, advantages of WJC include: (1) no crushing orburningof thework surface typical in othermechanical or thermal processes, (2)minimummaterial loss because of the narrow cut slit, (3) no environmental pollution, and (4) ease ofautomating the process. A limitation of WJC is that the process is not suitable for cuttingbrittle materials (e.g., glass) because of their tendency to crack during cutting.

AbrasiveWater Jet Cutting WhenWJCisusedonmetallicworkparts, abrasiveparticlesmust usually be added to the jet stream to facilitate cutting. This process is therefore calledabrasive water jet cutting (AWJC). Introduction of abrasive particles into the streamcomplicates the process by adding to the number of parameters that must be controlled.Among the additional parameters are abrasive type, grit size, and flow rate. Aluminumoxide, silicon dioxide, and garnet (a silicate mineral) are typical abrasive materials, at gritsizes ranging between 60 and 120. The abrasive particles are added to the water stream atapproximately 0.25 kg/min (0.5 lb/min) after it has exited the WJC nozzle.

The remaining process parameters include those that are common to WJC: nozzleopening diameter, water pressure, and standoff distance. Nozzle orifice diameters are0.25 to 0.63 mm (0.010 to 0.025 in)—somewhat larger than in water jet cutting to permithigher flow rates and more energy to be contained in the stream before injection ofabrasives. Water pressures are about the same as in WJC. Standoff distances aresomewhat less to minimize the effect of dispersion of the cutting fluid that now containsabrasive particles. Typical standoff distances are between 1/4 and 1/2 of those in WJC.


Two additional mechanical energy processes use abrasives to accomplish deburring,polishing, or other operations in which very little material is removed.

Abrasive Jet Machining Not to be confused with AWJC is the process called abrasivejet machining (AJM), a material removal process caused by the action of a high-velocitystream of gas containing small abrasive particles, as in Figure 26.3. The gas is dry, andpressures of 0.2 to 1.4 MPa (25 to 200 lb/in2) are used to propel it through nozzle orifices

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of diameter 0.075 to 1.0mm (0.003 to 0.040 in) at velocities of 2.5 to 5.0m/s (500 to 1000 ft/min). Gases include dry air, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and helium.

The process is usually performed manually by an operator who directs the nozzle atthe work. Typical distances between nozzle tip and work surface range between 3 mm and75mm (0.125 in and 3 in). Theworkstationmust be set up to provide proper ventilation forthe operator.

AJM is normally used as a finishing process rather than a production cutting process.Applications include deburring, trimming and deflashing, cleaning, and polishing. Cutting isaccomplished successfully on hard, brittle materials (e.g., glass, silicon, mica, and ceramics)that are in the form of thin flat stock. Typical abrasives used inAJM include aluminumoxide(for aluminum and brass), silicon carbide (for stainless steel and ceramics), and glass beads(for polishing).Grit sizes are small, 15 to 40mm(0.0006 to 0.0016 in) in diameter, andmust beuniform in size for a given application. It is important not to recycle the abrasives becauseused grains become fractured (and therefore smaller in size), worn, and contaminated.

Abrasive FlowMachining This processwas developed in the 1960s to deburr and polishdifficult-to-reach areas using abrasive particles mixed in a viscoelastic polymer that isforced to flow through or around the part surfaces and edges. The polymer has theconsistency of putty. Silicon carbide is a typical abrasive. Abrasive flow machining(AFM) is particularly well-suited for internal passageways that are often inaccessibleby conventional methods. The abrasive-polymer mixture, called the media, flows past thetarget regionsof thepart under pressures rangingbetween0.7 and20MPa(100 and 3000 lb/in2). In addition to deburring and polishing, other AFM applications include forming radiion sharp edges, removing rough surfaces on castings, and other finishing operations. Theseapplications are found in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and die-making. Theprocess can be automated to economically finish hundreds of parts per hour.

A common setup is to position the workpart between two opposing cylinders, onecontaining media and the other empty. The media is forced to flow through the part fromthe first cylinder to the other, and then back again, as many times as necessary to achievethe desired material removal and finish.


An important group of nontraditional processes use electrical energy to removematerial.This group is identified by the term electrochemical processes, because electrical energyis used in combination with chemical reactions to accomplish material removal. In effect,these processes are the reverse of electroplating (Section 28.3.1). The workmaterial mustbe a conductor in the electrochemical machining processes.

FIGURE 26.3 Abrasive

jet machining (AJM).

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The basic process in this group is electrochemical machining (ECM). Electrochemicalmachining removes metal from an electrically conductive workpiece by anodic dissolu-tion, in which the shape of the workpiece is obtained by a formed electrode tool in closeproximity to, but separated from, the work by a rapidly flowing electrolyte. ECM isbasically a deplating operation. As illustrated in Figure 26.4, the workpiece is the anode,and the tool is the cathode. The principle underlying the process is that material isdeplated from the anode (the positive pole) and deposited onto the cathode (the negativepole) in the presence of an electrolyte bath (Section 4.5). The difference in ECM is thatthe electrolyte bath flows rapidly between the two poles to carry off the deplatedmaterial, so that it does not become plated onto the tool.

The electrode tool, usually made of copper, brass, or stainless steel, is designed topossess approximately the inverse of the desired final shape of the part.An allowance in thetool size must be provided for the gap that exists between the tool and the work. Toaccomplish metal removal, the electrode is fed into the work at a rate equal to the rate ofmetal removal from the work. Metal removal rate is determined by Faraday’s First Law,which states that the amount of chemical change produced by an electric current (i.e., theamount of metal dissolved) is proportional to the quantity of electricity passed (current �time):

V ¼ CIt ð26:1ÞwhereV¼ volume ofmetal removed,mm3 (in3);C¼ a constant called the specific removalrate that depends on atomic weight, valence, and density of the workmaterial, mm3/amp-s(in3/amp-min); I ¼ current, amps; and t ¼ time, s (min).

Based onOhm’s law, current I¼E/R, whereE¼ voltage andR¼ resistance. Underthe conditions of the ECM operation, resistance is given by

R ¼ gr


where g¼ gap between electrode andwork,mm (in); r¼ resistivity of electrolyte, ohm-mm(ohm-in); andA¼ surface areabetweenworkand tool in theworking frontal gap,mm2 (in2).

Substituting this expression for R into Ohm’s law, we have

I ¼ EA


FIGURE 26.4Electrochemical

machining (ECM).

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And substituting this equation back into the equation defining Faraday’s law

V ¼ C EAtð Þgr


It is convenient to convert this equation into an expression for feed rate, the rate at whichthe electrode (tool) can be advanced into the work. This conversion can be accomplishedin two steps. First, let us divide Eq. (26.4) byAt (area� time) to convert volume of metalremoved into a linear travel rate


At¼ f r ¼



where fr ¼ feed rate, mm/s (in/min). Second, let us substitute I/A in place of E/(gr), asprovided by Eq. (26.3).

Thus, feed rate in ECM is

f r ¼CI


where A ¼ the frontal area of the electrode, mm2 (in2).This is the projected area of the tool in the direction of the feed into thework.Values of

specific removal rateCarepresented inTable26.1 forvariousworkmaterials.Weshouldnotethat this equation assumes 100% efficiency of metal removal. The actual efficiency is in therange90%to100%anddependson tool shape, voltageandcurrentdensity, andother factors.

Example 26.1ElectrochemicalMachining

An ECM operation is to be used to cut a hole into a plate of aluminum that is 12 mmthick. The hole has a rectangular cross section, 10 mm� 30 mm. The ECM operation willbe accomplished at a current ¼ 1200 amps. Efficiency is expected to be 95%. Determinefeed rate and time required to cut through the plate.

Solution: FromTable26.1, specific removal rateC for aluminum¼3.44�10�2mm3/A-s.The frontal area of the electrode A ¼ 10 mm � 30 mm ¼ 300 mm2. At a current level of1200 amps, feed rate is

f r ¼ 0:0344mm3/A-s1200


� �¼ 0:1376mm/s

At an efficiency of 95%, the actual feed rate is

f r ¼ 0:1376 mm/s 0:95ð Þ ¼ 0:1307mm/s

TABLE 26.1 Typical values of specific removal rate C for selected work materials in electrochemical machining.

Specific Removal Rate C Specific Removal Rate C

Work Materiala mm3/amp-sec in3/amp-min Work Materiala mm3/amp-sec in3/amp-min

Aluminum (3) 3.44 � 10�2 1.26 � 10�4 Steels:Copper (1) 7.35 � 10�2 2.69 � 10�4 Low alloy 3.0 � 10�2 1.1 � 10�4

Iron (2) 3.69 � 10�2 1.35 � 10�4 High alloy 2.73 � 10�2 1.0 � 10�4

Nickel (2) 3.42 � 10�2 1.25 � 10�4 Stainless 2.46 � 10�2 0.9 � 10�4

Titanium (4) 2.73 � 10�2 1.0 � 10�4

Compiled from data in [8].aMost common valence given in parentheses () is assumed in determining specific removal rate C. For different valence, multiply C bymost common valence and divide by actual valence.

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Time to machine through the 12-mm plate is

Tm ¼ 12:0

0:1307¼ 91:8 s ¼ 1:53min


The preceding equations indicate the important process parameters for determiningmetal removal rate and feed rate in electrochemical machining: gap distance g, electrolyteresistivity r, current I, andelectrodefrontalareaA.Gapdistanceneeds tobecontrolledclosely.If g becomes too large, the electrochemical process slows down. However, if the electrodetouches the work, a short circuit occurs, which stops the process altogether. As a practicalmatter, gap distance is usuallymaintainedwithin a range 0.075 to 0.75mm (0.003 to 0.030 in).

Water is used as the base for the electrolyte in ECM. To reduce electrolyte resistivity,salts such as NaCl or NaNO3 are added in solution. In addition to carrying off the materialthat has been removed from the workpiece, the flowing electrolyte also serves the functionof removingheatandhydrogenbubbles created in the chemical reactionsof theprocess.Theremoved work material is in the form of microscopic particles that must be separated fromthe electrolyte through centrifuge, sedimentation, or other means. The separated particlesform a thick sludge whose disposal is an environmental problem associated with ECM.

Large amounts of electrical power are required to perform ECM. As the equationsindicate, rate of metal removal is determined by electrical power, specifically the currentdensity that can be supplied to the operation. The voltage in ECM is kept relatively low tominimize arcing across the gap.

Electrochemical machining is generally used in applications in which the workmetalis very hard or difficult to machine, or the workpart geometry is difficult (or impossible) toaccomplish by conventional machining methods. Work hardness makes no differencein ECM, because the metal removal is not mechanical. Typical ECM applications include:(1)die sinking,which involves themachining of irregular shapes and contours into forgingdies, plastic molds, and other shaping tools; (2) multiple hole drilling, in whichmany holescan bedrilled simultaneouslywithECMand conventional drillingwould probably requirethe holes to bemade sequentially; (3) holes that are not round, becauseECMdoes not usea rotating drill; and (4) deburring (Section 26.2.2).

Advantages of ECM include: (1) little surface damage to the workpart, (2) no burrsas in conventional machining, (3) low tool wear (the only tool wear results from theflowing electrolyte), and (4) relatively high metal removal rates for hard and difficult-to-machine metals. Disadvantages of ECM are: (1) significant cost of electrical power todrive the operation and (2) problems of disposing of the electrolyte sludge.


Electrochemical deburring (ECD) is an adaptation of ECM designed to remove burrs orto round sharp corners on metal workparts by anodic dissolution. One possible setup forECD is shown in Figure 26.5. The hole in the workpart has a sharp burr of the type that is

FIGURE 26.5Electrochemicaldeburring (ECD).

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produced in a conventional through-hole drilling operation. The electrode tool isdesigned to focus the metal removal action on the burr. Portions of the tool not beingused formachining are insulated. The electrolyte flows through the hole to carry away theburr particles. The same ECM principles of operation also apply to ECD. However, sincemuch less material is removed in electrochemical deburring, cycle times are muchshorter. A typical cycle time in ECD is less than a minute. The time can be increasedif it is desired to round the corner in addition to removing the burr.

Electrochemical grinding (ECG) is a special form of ECM in which a rotatinggrinding wheel with a conductive bondmaterial is used to augment the anodic dissolutionof the metal workpart surface, as illustrated in Figure 26.6. Abrasives used in ECGinclude aluminum oxide and diamond. The bond material is either metallic (for diamondabrasives) or resin bond impregnated with metal particles to make it electricallyconductive (for aluminum oxide). The abrasive grits protruding from the grinding wheelat the contact with the workpart establish the gap distance in ECG. The electrolyte flowsthrough the gap between the grains to play its role in electrolysis.

Deplating is responsible for 95% or more of the metal removal in ECG, and theabrasive action of the grinding wheel removes the remaining 5%or less, mostly in the formof salt films that havebeen formedduring theelectrochemical reactionsat thework surface.Because most of the machining is accomplished by electrochemical action, the grindingwheel inECGlastsmuch longer than awheel in conventional grinding. The result is amuchhigher grinding ratio. In addition, dressing of the grinding wheel is required much lessfrequently. These are the significant advantages of the process. Applications of ECGinclude sharpening of cemented carbide tools and grinding of surgical needles, other thinwall tubes, and fragile parts.


Material removal processes based on thermal energy are characterized by very high localtemperatures—hot enough to remove material by fusion or vaporization. Because of thehigh temperatures, these processes cause physical and metallurgical damage to the newwork surface. In some cases, the resulting finish is so poor that subsequent processing isrequired to smooth the surface. In this section we examine several thermal energyprocesses that have commercial importance: (1) electric discharge machining and electricdischarge wire cutting, (2) electron beam machining, (3) laser beam machining, (4) arccutting processes, and (5) oxyfuel cutting processes.

FIGURE 26.6Electrochemical grinding(ECG).

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Electric discharge processes remove metal by a series of discrete electrical discharges(sparks) that cause localized temperatures high enough to melt or vaporize the metal inthe immediate vicinity of the discharge. The two main processes in this category are (1)electric discharge machining and (2) wire electric discharge machining. These processescan be used only on electrically conducting work materials. The video clip on electricdischarge machining illustrates the various types of EDM.


Electric Discharge Machining. This clip contains three segments: (1) the EDM process,(2) ram EDM, and (3) wire EDM.

Electric Discharge Machining Electric discharge machining (EDM) is one of the mostwidely used nontraditional processes. An EDM setup is illustrated in Figure 26.7. Theshape of the finished work surface is produced by a formed electrode tool. The sparksoccur across a small gap between tool and work surface. The EDM process must takeplace in the presence of a dielectric fluid, which creates a path for each discharge as thefluid becomes ionized in the gap. The discharges are generated by a pulsating directcurrent power supply connected to the work and the tool.

Figure 26.7(b) shows a close-up view of the gap between the tool and the work. Thedischarge occurs at the location where the two surfaces are closest. The dielectric fluidionizes at this location to create a path for the discharge. The region in which dischargeoccurs is heated to extremely high temperatures, so that a small portion of the worksurface is suddenly melted and removed. The flowing dielectric then flushes away thesmall particle (call it a ‘‘chip’’). Because the surface of the work at the location of theprevious discharge is now separated from the tool by a greater distance, this location isless likely to be the site of another spark until the surrounding regions have been reducedto the same level or below. Although the individual discharges remove metal at very










Tool feed

Electrode wear


Flow of dielectric fluid

Recast metal

Cavity createdby discharge



Ionized fluid


from cavity

FIGURE 26.7 Electric discharge machining (EDM): (a) overall setup, and (b) close-up view of gap, showing

discharge and metal removal.

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localized points, they occur hundreds or thousands of times per second so that a gradualerosion of the entire surface occurs in the area of the gap.

Two important process parameters in EDM are discharge current and frequency ofdischarges. As either of these parameters is increased, metal removal rate increases.Surface roughness is also affected by current and frequency, as shown in Figure 26.8(a).The best surface finish is obtained in EDM by operating at high frequencies and lowdischarge currents. As the electrode tool penetrates into the work, overcutting occurs.Overcut in EDM is the distance by which the machined cavity in the workpart exceedsthe size of the tool on each side of the tool, as illustrated in Figure 26.7(a). It is producedbecause the electrical discharges occur at the sides of the tool as well as its frontal area.Overcut is a function of current and frequency, as seen in Figure 26.8(b), and can amountto several hundredths of a millimeter.

The high spark temperatures that melt the work also melt the tool, creating a smallcavity in the surface opposite the cavity produced in the work. Tool wear is usuallymeasured as the ratio of work material removed to tool material removed (similar to thegrinding ratio). This wear ratio ranges between 1.0 and 100 or slightly above, dependingon the combination of work and electrode materials. Electrodes are made of graphite,copper, brass, copper tungsten, silver tungsten, and other materials. The selectiondepends on the type of power supply circuit available on the EDM machine, the typeof work material that is to be machined, and whether roughing or finishing is to be done.Graphite is preferred for many applications because of its melting characteristics. In fact,graphite does not melt. It vaporizes at very high temperatures, and the cavity created bythe spark is generally smaller than for most other EDM electrode materials. Conse-quently, a high ratio of work material removed to tool wear is usually obtained withgraphite tools.

The hardness and strength of the workmaterial are not factors in EDM, because theprocess is not a contest of hardness between tool and work. The melting point of the workmaterial is an important property, and metal removal rate can be related to melting pointapproximately by the following empirical formula, based on an equation described inWeller [17]:


T 1:23m


whereRMR¼metal removal rate, mm3/s (in3/min);K¼ constant of proportionality whosevalue¼ 664 in SI units (5.08 inU.S. customary units); I¼ discharge current, amps; andTm¼melting temperature of work metal, �C (�F).

Melting points of selected metals are listed in Table 4.1.

FIGURE 26.8(a) Surface finish in EDMasa function of discharge

current and frequency ofdischarges. (b) Overcut inEDM as a function of

discharge current andfrequency of discharges.

Low frequency

High frequency



Discharge current


Discharge current, frequency







(a) (b)

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Example 26.2Electric DischargeMachining

Copper is to be machined in an EDM operation. If discharge current ¼ 25 amps, what isthe expected metal removal rate?

Solution: From Table 4.1, the melting point of copper is found to be 1083�C. UsingEq. (26.7), the anticipated metal removal rate is

RMR ¼ 664 25ð Þ10831:23

¼ 3:07mm3/sn

Dielectric fluids used in EDM include hydrocarbon oils, kerosene, and distilled ordeionized water. The dielectric fluid serves as an insulator in the gap except whenionization occurs in the presence of a spark. Its other functions are to flush debris out ofthe gap and remove heat from tool and workpart.

Applications of electric discharge machining include both tool fabrication and partsproduction. The tooling for many of the mechanical processes discussed in this book areoften made by EDM, including molds for plastic injection molding, extrusion dies, wiredrawing dies, forging and heading dies, and sheetmetal stamping dies.As inECM, the termdie sinking is used for operations inwhich amold cavity is produced, and theEDMprocessis sometimes referred to as ram EDM. For many of the applications, the materials used tofabricate the tooling are difficult (or impossible) to machine by conventional methods.Certain production parts also call for application of EDM.Examples include delicate partsthat are not rigid enough to withstand conventional cutting forces, hole drilling where theaxis of the hole is at an acute angle to the surface so that a conventional drill would beunable to start the hole, and production machining of hard and exotic metals.

Electric Discharge Wire Cutting Electric discharge wire cutting (EDWC), commonlycalled wire EDM, is a special form of electric discharge machining that uses a smalldiameter wire as the electrode to cut a narrow kerf in the work. The cutting action in wireEDM is achieved by thermal energy from electric discharges between the electrode wireand the workpiece. Wire EDM is illustrated in Figure 26.9. The workpiece is fed past thewire to achieve the desired cutting path, somewhat in themanner of a bandsaw operation.Numerical control is used to control the workpart motions during cutting. As it cuts, thewire is slowly and continuously advanced between a supply spool and a take-up spool topresent a fresh electrode of constant diameter to the work. This helps to maintain aconstant kerf width during cutting. As in EDM, wire EDM must be carried out in thepresence of a dielectric. This is applied by nozzles directed at the tool–work interface as inour figure, or the workpart is submerged in a dielectric bath.

Wire diameters range from 0.076 to 0.30 mm (0.003 to 0.012 in), depending onrequired kerf width. Materials used for the wire include brass, copper, tungsten, and

FIGURE 26.9 Electricdischarge wire cutting

(EDWC), also called wireEDM.

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molybdenum.Dielectric fluids include deionizedwater or oil.As inEDM,anovercut existsin wire EDM that makes the kerf larger than the wire diameter, as shown in Figure 26.10.This overcut is in the range 0.020 to 0.050mm (0.0008 to 0.002 in). Once cutting conditionshave been established for a given cut, the overcut remains fairly constant and predictable.

Although EDWC seems similar to a bandsaw operation, its precision far exceedsthat of a bandsaw. The kerf is much narrower, corners can be made much sharper, andthe cutting forces against the work are nil. In addition, hardness and toughness of thework material do not affect cutting performance. The only requirement is that the workmaterial must be electrically conductive.

The special features ofwire EDMmake it ideal formaking components for stampingdies. Because the kerf is so narrow, it is often possible to fabricate punch and die in a singlecut, as suggested byFigure 26.11.Other tools andpartswith intricate outline shapes, such aslathe form tools, extrusion dies, and flat templates, are made with electric discharge wirecutting.

FIGURE 26.10Definition of kerf andovercut in electric

discharge wire cutting.

FIGURE 26.11 Irregular

outline cut from a solidmetal slab by wire EDM.(Photo courtesy ofLeBlond Makino Machine

Tool Company, Amelia,Ohio.)

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Electron beam machining (EBM) is one of several industrial processes that use electronbeams. Besides machining, other applications of the technology include heat treating(Section 27.5.2) and welding (Section 30.4). Electron beam machining uses a highvelocity stream of electrons focused on the workpiece surface to remove material bymelting and vaporization. A schematic of the EBM process is illustrated in Figure 26.12.An electron beam gun generates a continuous stream of electrons that is accelerated toapproximately 75% of the speed of light and focused through an electromagnetic lens onthe work surface. The lens is capable of reducing the area of the beam to a diameter assmall as 0.025mm (0.001 in). On impinging the surface, the kinetic energy of the electronsis converted into thermal energy of extremely high density that melts or vaporizes thematerial in a very localized area.

Electron beammachining is used for a variety of high-precision cutting applicationson any known material. Applications include drilling of extremely small diameterholes—down to 0.05 mm (0.002 in) diameter, drilling of holes with very high depth-to-diameter ratios—more than 100:1, and cutting of slots that are only about 0.001 in(0.025 mm) wide. These cuts can be made to very close tolerances with no cutting forcesor tool wear. The process is ideal for micromachining and is generally limited to cuttingoperations in thin parts—in the range 0.25 to 6.3 mm (0.010 to 0.250 in) thick. EBMmustbe carried out in a vacuum chamber to eliminate collision of the electrons with gasmolecules. Other limitations include the high energy required and expensive equipment.


Lasers are being used for a variety of industrial applications, including heat treatment(Section 27.5.2), welding (Section 30.4), measurement (Section 42.6.2), as well asscribing, cutting, and drilling (described here). The term laser stands for light amplifi-cation by stimulated emission of radiation. A laser is an optical transducer that convertselectrical energy into a highly coherent light beam. A laser light beam has several pro-perties that distinguish it from other forms of light. It is monochromatic (theoretically,

FIGURE 26.12 Electronbeam machining (EBM).

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the light has a single wave length) and highly collimated (the light rays in the beam arealmost perfectly parallel). These properties allow the light generated by a laser to befocused, using conventional optical lenses, onto a very small spot with resulting highpowerdensities.Dependingon the amount of energy contained in the light beam, and itsdegree of concentration at the spot, the various laser processes identified in thepreceding can be accomplished.

Laser beammachining (LBM) uses the light energy from a laser to remove materialby vaporization and ablation. The setup for LBM is illustrated in Figure 26.13. The types oflasers used in LBM are carbon dioxide gas lasers and solid-state lasers (of which there areseveral types). In laser beam machining, the energy of the coherent light beam is concen-trated not only optically but also in terms of time. The light beam is pulsed so that thereleased energy results in an impulse against the work surface that produces a combinationof evaporation andmelting,with themeltedmaterial evacuating the surface at high velocity.

LBM is used to perform various types of drilling, slitting, slotting, scribing, andmarking operations.Drilling small diameter holes is possible—down to0.025mm(0.001 in).For larger holes, above 0.50-mm (0.020-in) diameter, the laser beam is controlled to cut theoutlineof thehole.LBMisnot consideredamassproductionprocess, and it is generally usedon thin stock. The range of work materials that can be machined by LBM is virtuallyunlimited. Ideal properties of amaterial forLBMinclude high light energy absorption, poorreflectivity, good thermal conductivity, low specific heat, low heat of fusion, and low heat ofvaporization. Of course, nomaterial has this ideal combination of properties. The actual listof work materials processed by LBM includes metals with high hardness and strength, softmetals, ceramics, glass and glass epoxy, plastics, rubber, cloth, and wood.


The intense heat from an electric arc can be used to melt virtually any metal for thepurpose of welding or cutting. Most arc-cutting processes use the heat generated by anarc between an electrode and a metallic workpart (usually a flat plate or sheet) to melt a

FIGURE 26.13 Laserbeam machining (LBM).

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kerf that separates the part. The most common arc-cutting processes are (1) plasma arccutting and (2) air carbon arc cutting [11].

Plasma Arc Cutting A plasma is defined as a superheated, electrically ionized gas.Plasma arc cutting (PAC) uses a plasma stream operating at temperatures in the range10,000�C to 14,000�C (18,000�F to 25,000�F) to cut metal by melting, as shown in Fig-ure 26.14. The cutting action operates by directing the high-velocity plasma stream at thework, thus melting it and blowing the molten metal through the kerf. The plasma arc isgenerated between an electrode inside the torchand the anodeworkpiece. Theplasma flowsthrough a water-cooled nozzle that constricts and directs the stream to the desired locationon the work. The resulting plasma jet is a high-velocity, well-collimated stream withextremely high temperatures at its center, hot enough to cut through metal in some cases150 mm (6 in) thick.

Gases used to create the plasma in PAC include nitrogen, argon, hydrogen, ormixtures of these gases. These are referred to as theprimary gases in the process. Secondarygasesorwater areoftendirected to surround theplasma jet tohelpconfine thearcand cleanthe kerf of molten metal as it forms.

Most applications of PAC involve cutting of flat metal sheets and plates. Operationsinclude hole piercing and cutting along a defined path. The desired path can be cut either byuse of a hand-held torchmanipulated by a human operator, or by directing the cutting pathof the torchunder numerical control (NC). For faster production andhigher accuracy,NC ispreferred because of better control over the important process variables such as standoffdistance and feed rate. Plasma arc cutting can be used to cut nearly any electricallyconductive metal. Metals frequently cut by PAC include plain carbon steel, stainless steel,and aluminum. The advantage of NC in these applications is high productivity. Feed ratesalong the cutting path can be as high as 200mm/s (450 in/min) for 6-mm (0.25-in) aluminumplateand85mm/s (200 in/min) for 6-mm(0.25-in) steel plate [8]. Feed ratesmust be reducedfor thicker stock. For example, the maximum feed rate for cutting 100-mm (4-in) thickaluminum stock is around 8 mm/s (20 in/min) [8]. Disadvantages of PAC are (1) the cutsurface is rough, and (2) metallurgical damage at the surface is themost severe among thenontraditional metalworking processes.

Air Carbon Arc Cutting In this process, the arc is generated between a carbon electrodeand the metallic work, and a high-velocity air jet is used to blow away the melted portion of

FIGURE 26.14 Plasma

arc cutting (PAC).

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the metal. This procedure can be used to form a kerf for severing the piece, or to gouge acavity in the part. Gouging is used to prepare the edges of plates for welding, for example tocreate aU-groove inabutt joint (Section29.2.1).Air carbonarc cutting is usedonavariety ofmetals, including cast iron, carbon steel, lowalloy, and stainless steels, and variousnonferrousalloys. Spattering of the molten metal is a hazard and a disadvantage of the process.

Other Arc-Cutting Processes Various other electric arc processes are used for cuttingapplications, although not as widely as plasma arc and air carbon arc cutting. These otherprocesses include: (1) gasmetal arc cutting, (2) shieldedmetal arc cutting, (3) gas tungstenarc cutting, and (4) carbon arc cutting. The technologies are the same as those used in arcwelding (Section 30.1), except that the heat of the electric arc is used for cutting.


Awidely used family of thermal cutting processes, popularly known as flame cutting, usethe heat of combustion of certain fuel gases combined with the exothermic reaction of themetal with oxygen. The cutting torch used in these processes is designed to deliver amixture of fuel gas and oxygen in the proper amounts, and to direct a stream of oxygen tothe cutting region. The primary mechanism of material removal in oxyfuel cutting (OFC)is the chemical reaction of oxygen with the base metal. The purpose of the oxyfuelcombustion is to raise the temperature in the region of cutting to support the reaction.These processes are commonly used to cut ferrous metal plates, in which the rapidoxidation of iron occurs according to the following reactions [11]:

FeþO ! FeOþ heat ð26:8aÞ3Feþ 2O2 ! Fe3O4 þ heat ð26:8bÞ2Feþ 1:5O2 ! Fe2O3 þ heat ð26:8cÞ

The second of these reactions, Eq. (26.8b), is themost significant in terms of heat generation.The cuttingmechanism for nonferrousmetals is somewhat different. Thesemetals are

generally characterized by lowermelting temperatures than the ferrousmetals, and they aremore oxidation resistant. In these cases, the heat of combustion of the oxyfuelmixture playsa more important role in creating the kerf. Also, to promote the metal oxidation reaction,chemical fluxes or metallic powders are often added to the oxygen stream.

Fuels used in OFC include acetylene (C2H2), MAPP (methylacetylene-propadiene—C3H4), propylene (C3H6), andpropane (C3H8).Flame temperaturesandheatsof combustionfor these fuels are listed inTable30.2.Acetyleneburnsat thehighest flame temperatureand isthemostwidelyused fuel forweldingandcutting.However, therearecertainhazardswith thestorage and handling of acetylene that must be considered (Section 30.3.1).

OFC processes are performed either manually or by machine. Manually operatedtorches are used for repair work, cutting of scrap metal, trimming of risers from sandcastings, and similar operations that generally require minimal accuracy. For productionwork, machine flame cutting allows faster speeds and greater accuracies. This equipmentis often numerically controlled to allow profiled shapes to be cut.


Chemical machining (CHM) is a nontraditional process in which material is removed bymeans of a strong chemical etchant. Applications as an industrial process began shortlyafter World War II in the aircraft industry. The use of chemicals to remove unwanted

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material from a workpart can be accomplished in several ways, and different terms havebeen developed to distinguish the applications. These terms include chemical milling,chemical blanking, chemical engraving, and photochemical machining (PCM). They alluse the same mechanism of material removal, and it is appropriate to discuss the generalcharacteristics of chemical machining before defining the individual processes.


The chemical machining process consists of several steps. Differences in applications andthe ways in which the steps are implemented account for the different forms of CHM. Thesteps are:

1. Cleaning. The first step is a cleaning operation to ensure that material will beremoved uniformly from the surfaces to be etched.

2. Masking. A protective coating called a maskant is applied to certain portions of thepart surface. This maskant is made of a material that is chemically resistant to theetchant (the term resist is used for this masking material). It is therefore applied tothose portions of the work surface that are not to be etched.

3. Etching. This is the material removal step. The part is immersed in an etchant thatchemically attacks those portions of the part surface that are not masked. The usualmethod of attack is to convert the workmaterial (e.g., a metal) into a salt that dissolves intheetchantand is therebyremoved fromthesurface.Whenthedesiredamountofmaterialhas been removed, the part is withdrawn from the etchant andwashed to stop the process.

4. Demasking. The maskant is removed from the part.

The two steps in chemical machining that involve significant variations in methods,materials, and process parameters are masking and etching—steps 2 and 3.

Maskant materials include neoprene, polyvinylchloride, polyethylene, and otherpolymers. Masking can be accomplished by any of three methods: (1) cut and peel,(2) photographic resist, and (3) screen resist. The cut and peel method applies themaskant over the entire part by dipping, painting, or spraying. The resulting thickness ofthe maskant is 0.025 to 0.125 mm (0.001 to 0.005 in). After the maskant has hardened, it iscut using a scribing knife and peeled away in the areas of the work surface that are to beetched. The maskant cutting operation is performed by hand, usually guiding the knifewith a template. The cut and peel method is generally used for large workparts, lowproduction quantities, and where accuracy is not a critical factor. This method cannothold tolerances tighter than �0.125 mm (�0.005 in) except with extreme care.

As the name suggests, the photographic resistmethod (called the photoresistmethodfor short) uses photographic techniques to perform the masking step. The maskingmaterials contain photosensitive chemicals. They are applied to the work surface andexposed to light through a negative image of the desired areas to be etched. These areas ofthe maskant can then be removed from the surface using photographic developingtechniques. This procedure leaves the desired surfaces of the part protected by themaskantand the remaining areas unprotected, vulnerable to chemical etching. Photoresist maskingtechniquesarenormallyappliedwhere small parts areproduced inhighquantities, andclosetolerances are required. Tolerances closer than �0.0125 mm (�0.0005 in) can be held [17].

The screen resist method applies the maskant by means of silk screening methods.In these methods, the maskant is painted onto the workpart surface through a silk orstainless steel mesh. Embedded in the mesh is a stencil that protects those areas to beetched from being painted. The maskant is thus painted onto the work areas that are notto be etched. The screen resist method is generally used in applications that are between

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the other two masking methods in terms of accuracy, part size, and production quantities.Tolerances of �0.075 mm (�0.003 in) can be achieved with this masking method.

Selection of the etchantdepends onworkmaterial to be etched, desired depth and rateofmaterial removal, and surface finish requirements. The etchantmust also bematchedwiththe typeofmaskant that isused toensure that themaskantmaterial is not chemicallyattackedby the etchant. Table 26.2 lists some of the work materials machined by CHM together withthe etchants that are generally used on these materials. Also included in the table arepenetration rates and etch factors. These parameters are explained next.

Material removal rates in CHM are generally indicated as penetration rates, mm/min (in/min), because rate of chemical attack of the work material by the etchant isdirected into the surface. The penetration rate is unaffected by surface area. Penetrationrates listed in Table 26.2 are typical values for the given material and etchant.

Depths of cut in chemical machining are as much as 12.5 mm (0.5 in) for aircraftpanelsmade out ofmetal plates. However, many applications require depths that are onlyseveral hundredths of a millimeter. Along with the penetration into the work, etchingalso occurs sideways under the maskant, as illustrated in Figure 26.15. The effect isreferred to as the undercut, and it must be accounted for in the design of the mask for theresulting cut to have the specified dimensions. For a given work material, the undercut isdirectly related to the depth of cut. The constant of proportionality for the material iscalled the etch factor, defined as

Fe ¼ d


where Fe ¼ etch factor; d ¼ depth of cut, mm (in); and u ¼ undercut, mm (in).The dimensions u and d are defined in Figure 26.15. Different work materials have

different etch factors inchemicalmachining.Sometypicalvaluesarepresented inTable26.2.

TABLE 26.2 Common work materials and etchants in CHM, with typical penetrationrates and etch factors.

Penetration Rates

Work Material Etchant mm/min in/min Etch Factor

Aluminumand alloys

FeCl3 0.020 0.0008 1.75NaOH 0.025 0.001 1.75

Copper and alloys FeCl3 0.050 0.002 2.75Magnesium and alloys H2SO4 0.038 0.0015 1.0Silicon HNO3 :HF :H2O very slow NAMild steel HCl :HNO3 0.025 0.001 2.0

FeCl3 0.025 0.001 2.0Titaniumand alloys

HF 0.025 0.001 1.0HF :HNO3 0.025 0.001 1.0

Compiled from [5], [8], and [17].NA, Data not available.

FIGURE 26.15Undercut in chemical


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The etch factor can be used to determine the dimensions of the cutaway areas in themaskant, so that the specified dimensions of the etched areas on the part can be achieved.


In this section, we describe the principle chemical machining processes: (1) chemicalmilling, (2) chemical blanking, (3) chemical engraving, and (4) photochemical machining.

Chemical Milling Chemical milling was the first CHM process to be commercialized.During World War II, an aircraft company in the United States began to use chemicalmilling to remove metal from aircraft components. They referred to their process as the‘‘chem-mill’’ process. Today, chemical milling is still used largely in the aircraft industry,to remove material from aircraft wing and fuselage panels for weight reduction. It isapplicable to large parts where substantial amounts of metal are removed during theprocess. The cut and peel maskant method is employed. A template is generally used thattakes into account the undercut that will result during etching. The sequence ofprocessing steps is illustrated in Figure 26.16.

Chemical milling produces a surface finish that varies with different work materi-als. Table 26.3 provides a sampling of the values. Surface finish depends on depth ofpenetration. As depth increases, finish becomes worse, approaching the upper side of theranges given in the table. Metallurgical damage from chemical milling is very small,perhaps around 0.005 mm (0.0002 in) into the work surface.

Chemical Blanking Chemical blanking uses chemical erosion to cut very thin sheetmetalparts—down to 0.025 mm (0.001 in) thick and/or for intricate cutting patterns. In both

FIGURE 26.16 Sequence of processing steps in chemical milling: (1) clean raw part, (2) apply maskant, (3) scribe,cut, and peel the maskant from areas to be etched, (4) etch, and (5) remove maskant and clean to yield finished part.

TABLE 26.3 Surface finishes expected in chemicalmilling.

Surface Finishes Range

Work Material mm m-in

Aluminum and alloys 1.8–4.1 70–160Magnesium 0.8–1.8 30–70Mild steel 0.8–6.4 30–250Titanium and alloys 0.4–2.5 15–100

Compiled from [8] and [17].

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instances, conventional punch-and-die methods do not work because the stamping forcesdamage the sheetmetal, or the tooling cost would be prohibitive, or both. Chemical blankingproduces parts that are burr free, an advantage over conventional shearing operations.

Methods used for applying the maskant in chemical blanking are either the photo-resist method or the screen resist method. For small and/or intricate cutting patterns andclose tolerances, the photoresist method is used. Tolerances as close as �0.0025 mm(�0.0001 in) can be held on 0.025mm(0.001 in) thick stock using the photoresistmethod ofmasking. As stock thickness increases, more generous tolerances must be allowed. Screenresist masking methods are not nearly so accurate as photoresist. The small work size inchemical blanking excludes the cut and peel maskant method.

Using the screen resist method to illustrate, the steps in chemical blanking are shownin Figure 26.17. Because chemical etching takes place on both sides of the part in chemicalblanking, it is important that themaskingprocedureprovidesaccurate registrationbetweenthe two sides. Otherwise, the erosion into the part from opposite directions will not line up.This is especially critical with small part sizes and intricate patterns.

Application of chemical blanking is generally limited to thin materials and/orintricate patterns for reasons given in the preceding. Maximum stock thickness is around0.75 mm (0.030 in). Also, hardened and brittle materials can be processed by chemicalblanking where mechanical methods would surely fracture the work. Figure 26.18presents a sampling of parts produced by the chemical blanking process.

Chemical Engraving Chemical engraving is a chemical machining process for makingname plates and other flat panels that have lettering and/or artwork on one side. Theseplates and panels would otherwise be made using a conventional engraving machine orsimilar process. Chemical engraving can be used to make panels with either recessedlettering or raised lettering, simply by reversing the portions of the panel to be etched.Masking is done by either the photoresist or screen resist methods. The sequence inchemical engraving is similar to the other CHM processes, except that a filling operationfollows etching. The purpose of filling is to apply paint or other coating into the recessedareas that have been created by etching. Then, the panel is immersed in a solution thatdissolves the resist but does not attack the coating material. Thus, when the resist isremoved, the coating remains in the etched areas but not in the areas that were masked.The effect is to highlight the pattern.

Photochemical Machining Photochemical machining (PCM) is chemical machining inwhich the photoresist method of masking is used. The term can therefore be appliedcorrectly to chemical blanking and chemical engraving when these methods use thephotographic resist method. PCM is employed in metalworking when close tolerances

FIGURE 26.17Sequence of processingsteps in chemical milling:

(1) clean raw part,(2) apply maskant,(3) scribe, cut, and peel

the maskant from areasto be etched, (4) etch,and (5) remove maskant

and clean to yieldfinished part.

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and/or intricate patterns are required on flat parts. Photochemical processes are also usedextensively in the electronics industry to produce intricate circuit designs on semi-conductor wafers (Section 34.3).

Figure 26.19 shows the sequence of steps in photochemical machining as it isapplied to chemical blanking. There are various ways to photographically expose thedesired image onto the resist. The figure shows the negative in contact with the surface ofthe resist during exposure. This is contact printing, but other photographic printingmethods are available that expose the negative through a lens system to enlarge or reduce

FIGURE 26.18 Partsmade by chemical

blanking. (Courtesy ofBuckbee-Mears, St. Paul.)

FIGURE 26.19Sequence of processing

steps in photochemicalmachining: (1) clean rawpart; (2) apply resist

(maskant) by dipping,spraying, or painting;(3) place negative onresist; (4) expose to

ultraviolet light;(5) develop to removeresist from areas to be

etched; (6) etch (shownpartially etched); (7) etch(completed); (8) remove

resist and clean to yieldfinished part.

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the size of the pattern printed on the resist surface. Photoresist materials in current useare sensitive to ultraviolet light but not to light of other wavelengths. Therefore, withproper lighting in the factory, there is no need to carry out the processing steps in a darkroom environment. Once the masking operation is accomplished, the remaining steps inthe procedure are similar to the other chemical machining methods.

In photochemical machining, the term corresponding to etch factor is anisotropy,which is defined as the depth of cut d divided by the undercut u (see Figure 26.17). This isthe same definition as in Eq. (26.9).


Typical applications of nontraditional processes include special geometric features andwork materials that cannot be readily processed by conventional techniques. In thissection, we examine these issues. We also summarize the general performance character-istics of nontraditional processes.

Workpart Geometry and Work Materials Some of the special workpart shapes forwhich nontraditional processes are well suited are listed in Table 26.4 along with thenontraditional processes that are likely to be appropriate.

As a group, the nontraditional processes can be applied to nearly all workmaterials,metals and nonmetals. However, certain processes are not suited to certain workmaterials. Table 26.5 relates applicability of the nontraditional processes to varioustypes of materials. Several of the processes can be used on metals but not nonmetals. Forexample, ECM, EDM, and PAM require work materials that are electrical conductors.This generally limits their applicability to metal parts. Chemical machining depends onthe availability of an appropriate etchant for the given workmaterial. Because metals aremore susceptible to chemical attack by various etchants, CHM is commonly used toprocess metals. With some exceptions, USM, AJM, EBM, and LBM can be used on both

TABLE 26.4 Workpart geometric features and appropriate nontraditional processes.

Geometric Feature Likely Process

Very small holes.Diameters less than 0.125 mm (0.005 in), insome cases down to 0.025 mm (0.001 in), generally smallerthan the diameter range of conventional drill bits.


Holes with large depth-to-diameter ratios, e.g., d/D > 20.Except for gun drilling, these holes cannot be machined inconventional drilling operations.


Holes that are not round. Non-round holes cannot be drilledwith a rotating drill bit.


Narrow slots in slabs and plates of various materials. Theslots are not necessarily straight. In some cases, the slots haveextremely intricate shapes.


Micromachining. In addition to cutting small holes andnarrow slits, there are other material removal applications inwhich the workpart and/or areas to be cut are very small.


Shallow pockets and surface details in flat parts. There is asignificant range in the sizes of the parts in this category, frommicroscopic integrated circuit chips to large aircraft panels.


Special contoured shapes for mold and die applications.These applications are sometimes referred to as die-sinking.


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metals and nonmetals. WJC is generally limited to the cutting of plastics, cardboards,textiles, and other materials that do not possess the strength of metals.

Performance of Nontraditional Processes The nontraditional processes are generallycharacterized by low material removal rates and high specific energies relative to conven-tional machining operations. The capabilities for dimensional control and surface finish ofthe nontraditional processes vary widely, with some of the processes providing highaccuracies and good finishes, and others yielding poor accuracies and finishes. Surfacedamage is also a consideration. Some of these processes produce very little metallurgicaldamage at and immediately below the work surface, whereas others (mostly the thermal-basedprocesses)doconsiderabledamage to thesurface.Table26.6 compares these features

TABLE 26.5 Applicability of selected nontraditional machining processes to various work materials. Forcomparison, conventional milling and grinding are included in the compilation.

Nontraditional ProcessesConventionalProcessesMech Elec Thermal Chem

Work Material USM WJC ECM EDM EBM LBM PAC CHM Milling Grinding

Aluminum C C B B B B A A A ASteel B D A A B B A A A ASuper alloys C D A A B B A B B BCeramic A D D D A A D C D CGlass A D D D B B D B D CSilicona D D B B D B D BPlastics B B D D B B D C B CCardboardb D A D D D D D DTextilesc D A D D D D D D

Compiled from [17] and other sources.A, Good application; B, fair application, C, poor application; D, not applicable; and blank entries indicate no data available duringcompilation.aRefers to silicon used in fabricating integrated circuit chips.bIncludes other paper products.cIncludes felt, leather, and similar materials.

TABLE 26.6 Machining characteristics of the nontraditional machining processes

Nontraditional ProcessesConventionalProcessesMech Elec Thermal Chem

Work Material USM WJC ECM EDM EBM LBM PAC CHM Milling Grinding

Material removal rates C C B C D D A B–Da A BDimensional control A B B A–Db A A D A–Bb B ASurface finish A A B B–Db B B D B B–Cb ASurface damagec B B A D D D D A B B–Cb

Compiled from [17].A, Excellent; B, good, C, fair, D, poor.aRating depends on size of work and masking method.bRating depends on cutting conditions.cIn surface damage a good rating means low surface damage and poor rating means deep penetration of surface damage; thermalprocesses can cause damage up to 0.020 in (0.50 mm) below the new work surface.

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of the prominent nontraditional methods, using conventional milling and surface grindingfor comparison. Inspection of the data reveals wide differences in machining character-istics. In comparing the characteristics of nontraditional and conventional machining, itmust be remembered that nontraditional processes are generally used where conventionalmethods are not practical or economical.


[1] Aronson, R. B.‘‘Spindles are the Key to HSM.’’‘‘Waterjets Move into the Mainstream.’’ Manufac-turing Engineering, April 2005, pp. 69–74.

[2] Bellows, G., andKohls, J. B.‘‘Drilling withoutDrills,’’Special Report 743, American Machinist, March1982, pp. 173–188.

[3] Benedict, G. F. Nontraditional Manufacturing Pro-cesses. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1987.

[4] Dini,J.W.‘‘FundamentalsofChemicalMilling.’’SpecialReport768,AmericanMachinist,July1984,pp.99–114.

[5] Drozda, T. J., and C. Wick (eds.). Tool and Manu-facturing Engineers Handbook. 4th ed. Vol. I,Machining. Society of Manufacturing Engineers,Dearborn, Michigan, 1983.

[6] El-Hofy, H. Advanced Machining Processes: Non-traditional and Hybrid Machining Processes,McGraw-Hill Professional, New York, 2005.

[7] Guitrau, E.‘‘Sparking Innovations.’’ Cutting ToolEngineering. Vol. 52, No. 10, October 2000, pp. 36–43.

[8] Machining Data Handbook. 3rd ed., Vol. 2. Ma-chinability Data Center, Metcut Research Associ-ates Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1980.

[9] Mason, F. ‘‘Water Jet Cuts Instrument Panels.’’American Machinist & Automated Manufacturing,July 1988, pp. 126–127.

[10] McGeough, J. A. Advanced Methods of Machining.Chapman and Hall, London, England, 1988.

[11] O’Brien, R. L. Welding Handbook. 8th ed. Vol. 2,Welding Processes. American Welding Society,Miami, Florida, 1991.

[12] Pandey, P. C., and Shan, H. S. Modern MachiningProcesses. Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, India,1980.

[13] Vaccari, J. A.‘‘The Laser’s Edge in Metalworking.’’Special Report 768, American Machinist. August1984, pp. 99–114.

[14] Vaccari, J. A.‘‘Thermal Cutting.’’ Special Report778, American Machinist, July 1988, pp. 111–126.

[15] Vaccari, J. A.‘‘Advances in Laser Cutting.’’ Ameri-can Machinist & Automated Manufacturing, March1988, pp. 59–61.

[16] Waurzyniak, P.‘‘EDM’s Cutting Edge.’’Manufactur-ing Engineering, Vol. 123, No. 5, November 1999,pp. 38–44.

[17] Weller, E. J. (ed.). Nontraditional Machining Pro-cesses. 2nd ed. Society of Manufacturing Engineers,Dearborn, Michigan, 1984.



26.1. Why are the nontraditional material removal pro-cesses important?

26.2. There are four categories of nontraditionalmachining processes, based on principal energyform. Name the four categories.

26.3. How does the ultrasonic machining process work?26.4. Describe the water jet cutting process.26.5. What is the difference between water jet cutting,

abrasive water jet cutting, and abrasive jet cutting?26.6. Name the three main types of electrochemical

machining.26.7. Identify the two significant disadvantages of elec-

trochemical machining.26.8. How does increasing discharge current affect metal

removal rate and surface finish in electric dischargemachining?

26.9. What is meant by the term overcut in electricdischarge machining?

26.10. Identifytwomajordisadvantagesofplasmaarccutting.26.11. What are some of the fuels used in oxyfuel cutting?26.12. Name the four principal steps in chemicalmachining.26.13. What are the three methods of performing the

masking step in chemical machining?26.14. What is a photoresist in chemical machining?26.15. (Video) What are the three layers of a part’s

surface after undergoing EDM?26.16. (Video) What are two other names for ram type

EDMs?26.17. (Video) Name the four subsystems in a RAM

EDM process.26.18. (Video) Name the four subsystems in a wire EDM


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There are 17 correct answers in the following multiple choice questions (some questions have multiple answers that arecorrect). To attain a perfect score on the quiz, all correct answers must be given. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Eachomitted answer or wrong answer reduces the score by 1 point, and each additional answer beyond the correct number ofanswers reduces the score by 1 point. Percentage score on the quiz is based on the total number of correct answers.

26.1. Which of the following processes use mechanicalenergy as the principal energy source (three correctanswers): (a) electrochemical grinding, (b) laserbeam machining, (c) conventional milling, (d) ul-trasonic machining, (e) water jet cutting, and(f) wire EDM?

26.2. Ultrasonic machining can be used to machine bothmetallic and nonmetallic materials: (a) true or(b) false?

26.3. Applications of electron beam machining are lim-ited to metallic work materials because of the needfor the work to be electrically conductive: (a) trueor (b) false?

26.4. Which one of the following is closest to the tem-peratures used in plasma arc cutting: (a) 2750�C(5000�F), (b) 5500�C (10,000�F), (c) 8300�C(15,000�F), (d) 11,000�C (20,000�F), or (e)16,500�C (30,000�F)?

26.5. Chemical milling is used in which of the followingapplications (two best answers): (a) drilling holeswith high depth-to-diameter ratio, (b) making in-tricate patterns in thin sheet metal, (c) removingmaterial to make shallow pockets in metal,(d) removing metal from aircraft wing panels,and (e) cutting of plastic sheets?

26.6. Etch factor is equal to which of the following inchemical machining (more than one): (a) anisot-ropy, (b) CIt, (c) d/u, and (d) u/d; where C ¼specific removal rate, d ¼ depth of cut, I¼ current,t ¼ time, and u ¼ undercut?

26.7. Of the following processes, which one is noted forthe highest material removal rates: (a) electric

discharge machining, (b) electrochemical machin-ing, (c) laser beam machining, (d) oxyfuel cutting,(e) plasma arc cutting, (f) ultrasonic machining, or(g) water jet cutting?

26.8. Which one of the following processes would beappropriate to drill a hole with a square crosssection, 0.25 inch on a side and 1-inch deep in asteel workpiece: (a) abrasive jet machining,(b) chemical milling, (c) EDM, (d) laser beammachining, (e) oxyfuel cutting, (f) water jet cutting,or (g) wire EDM?

26.9. Which of the following processes would be appro-priate for cutting a narrow slot, less than 0.015 inchwide, in a 3/8-in-thick sheet of fiber-reinforcedplastic (two best answers): (a) abrasive jet machin-ing, (b) chemical milling, (c) EDM, (d) laser beammachining, (e) oxyfuel cutting, (f) water jet cutting,and (g) wire EDM?

26.10. Which one of the following processes would beappropriate for cutting a hole of 0.003 inch diame-ter through a plate of aluminum that is 1/16 inthick: (a) abrasive jet machining, (b) chemical mill-ing, (c) EDM, (d) laser beam machining, (e) oxy-fuel cutting, (f) water jet cutting, and (g) wireEDM?

26.11. Which of the following processes could be used tocut a large piece of 1/2-inch plate steel into twosections (two best answers): (a) abrasive jetmachining, (b) chemical milling, (c) EDM, (d) laserbeam machining, (e) oxyfuel cutting, (f) water jetcutting, and (g) wire EDM?


Application Problems

26.1. For the following application, identify one or morenontraditional machining processes that might beused, and present arguments to support your selec-tion. Assume that either the part geometry or thework material (or both) preclude the use of conven-tional machining. The application is a matrix of0.1 mm (0.004 in) diameter holes in a plate of3.2 mm (0.125 in) thick hardened tool steel. Thematrix is rectangular, 75 by 125 mm (3.0 by 5.0 in)

with the separationbetweenholes in eachdirection¼1.6 mm (0.0625 in).

26.2. For the following application, identify one or morenontraditional machining processes that might beused, and present arguments to support your selec-tion. Assume that either the part geometry or theworkmaterial (or both) preclude the use of conven-tional machining. The application is an engravedaluminum printing plate to be used in an offset

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printing press to make 275 � 350 mm (11 � 14 in)posters of Lincoln’s Gettysburg address.

26.3. For the following application, identify one or morenontraditional machining processes that might beused, and present arguments to support your selec-tion. Assume that either the part geometry or theworkmaterial (or both) preclude the use of conven-tional machining. The application is a through-holein the shape of the letter L in a 12.5mm (0.5 in) thickplate of glass. The size of the ‘‘L’’ is 25� 15 mm (1.0� 0.6 in) and the width of the hole is 3 mm (1/8 in).

26.4. For the following application, identify one or morenontraditional machining processes that might beused, and present arguments to support your selec-tion. Assume that either the part geometry or theworkmaterial (or both) preclude the use of conven-tional machining. The application is a blind-hole inthe shape of the letterG in a 50 mm (2.0 in) cube ofsteel. The overall size of the ‘‘G’’ is 25� 19 mm (1.0� 0.75 in), the depth of the hole is 3.8 mm (0.15 in),and its width is 3 mm (1/8 in).

26.5. Much of the work at the Cut-Anything Companyinvolves cutting and forming of flat sheets of fiber-glass for the pleasure boat industry.Manualmethodsbasedonportable saws are currently used toperformthe cutting operation, but production is slow andscrap rates are high. The foreman says the companyshould invest inaplasmaarc cuttingmachine, but theplant manager thinks it would be too expensive.What doyou think? Justify your answerby indicatingthe characteristics of the process that make PACattractive or unattractive in this application.

26.6. A furniture company that makes upholsteredchairs and sofas must cut large quantities of fabrics.Many of these fabrics are strong andwear-resistant,which properties make them difficult to cut. Whatnontraditional process(es) would you recommendto the company for this application? Justify youranswer by indicating the characteristics of theprocess that make it attractive.

Electrochemical Machining

26.7. The frontalworking areaof the electrode in anECMoperation is 2000 mm2. The applied current ¼ 1800amps and the voltage¼ 12 volts. The material beingcut is nickel (valence ¼ 2), whose specific removalrate is given in Table 26.1. (a) If the process is 90%efficient, determine the rate of metal removal inmm3/min. (b) If the resistivity of the electrolyte ¼140 ohm-mm, determine the working gap.

26.8. In an electrochemical machining operation, the fron-talworkingareaof theelectrode is2.5 in2.Theappliedcurrent¼ 1500 amps, and the voltage¼ 12 volts. Thematerial being cut is pure aluminum, whose specificremoval rate is given in Table 26.1. (a) If the ECMprocess is 90%efficient, determine the rate ofmetalremoval in in3/hr. (b) If the resistivity of the electro-lyte ¼ 6.2 ohm-in, determine the working gap.

26.9. A square hole is to be cut usingECMthroughaplateof pure copper (valence¼ 1) that is 20mmthick.Thehole is 25mmon each side, but the electrode used to

cut the hole is slightly less that 25 mm on its sides toallow for overcut, and its shape includes a hole in itscenter to permit the flow of electrolyte and reducethe area of the cut. This tool design results in afrontal area of 200mm2. The applied current¼ 1000amps. Using an efficiency of 95%, determine howlong it will take to cut the hole.

26.10. A 3.5 in diameter through hole is to be cut in ablock of pure iron (Valence ¼ 2) by electrochem-ical machining. The block is 2.0 in thick. To speedthe cutting process, the electrode tool will have acenter hole of 3.0 in which will produce a centercore that can be removed after the tool breaksthrough. The outside diameter of the electrode isundersized to allow for overcut. The overcut isexpected to be 0.005 in on a side. If the efficiencyof the ECM operation is 90%, what current willbe required to complete the cutting operation in20 minutes?

Electric Discharge Machining

26.11. An electric discharge machining operation is beingperformed on two work materials: tungsten and tin.Determine the amount of metal removed in theoperation after 1 hour at a discharge current of20 amps for each of these metals. Use metric unitsand express the answers in mm3/hr. From Table 4.1,the melting temperatures of tungsten and tin are3410�C and 232�C, respectively.

26.12. An electric discharge machining operation is beingperformed on two workmaterials: tungsten and zinc.Determine the amount of metal removed in theoperation after 1 hour at a discharge amperage ¼20 amps for each of thesemetals.UseU.S.Customaryunits andexpress the answer in in3/hr. FromTable 4.1,the melting temperatures of tungsten and zinc are6170�F and 420�F, respectively.

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26.13. SupposetheholeinProblem26.10weretobecutusingEDM rather than ECM.Using a discharge current¼20 amps (whichwould be typical forEDM), how longwould it take to cut the hole? From Table 4.1, themelting temperature of iron is 2802�F.

26.14. A metal removal rate of 0.01 in3/min is achieved ina certain EDM operation on a pure iron workpart.What metal removal rate would be achieved onnickel in this EDM operation if the same dischargecurrent were used? The melting temperatures ofiron and nickel are 2802�Fand 2651�F, respectively.

26.15. In a wire EDM operation performed on 7-mm-thick C1080 steel using a tungsten wire electrodewhose diameter ¼ 0.125 mm, past experience sug-gests that the overcut will be 0.02 mm, so that thekerf width will be 0.165 mm. Using a dischargecurrent ¼ 10 amps, what is the allowable feed rate

that can be used in the operation? Estimate themelting temperature of 0.80% carbon steel fromthe phase diagram in Figure 6.4.

26.16. Awire EDMoperation is to be performed on a slabof 3/4-in-thick aluminum using a brass wire elec-trode whose diameter ¼ 0.005 in. It is anticipatedthat the overcut will be 0.001 in, so that the kerfwidth will be 0.007 in. Using a discharge current ¼7 amps, what is the expected allowable feed ratethat can be used in the operation? The meltingtemperature of aluminum is 1220�F.

26.17. A wire EDM operation is used to cut out punch-and-die components from 25-mm-thick tool steelplates. However, in preliminary cuts, the surfacefinish on the cut edge is poor. What changes indischarge current and frequency of dischargesshould be made to improve the finish?

Chemical Machining

26.18. Chemicalmilling is used in an aircraft plant to createpockets in wing sections made of an aluminum alloy.The starting thickness of one workpart of interest is20 mm. A series of rectangular-shaped pockets12 mm deep are to be etched with dimensions 200mm by 400 mm. The corners of each rectangle areradiused to 15 mm. The part is an aluminum alloyand the etchant is NaOH. The penetration rate forthis combination is 0.024mm/min and the etch factoris 1.75. Determine (a) metal removal rate in mm3/min, (b) time required to etch to the specifieddepth,and (c) required dimensions of the opening in thecut and peel maskant to achieve the desired pocketsize on the part.

26.19. In a chemical milling operation on a flat mild steelplate, it is desired to cut an ellipse-shaped pocket toa depth of 0.4 in. The semiaxes of the ellipse are a¼9.0 in and b¼ 6.0 in. A solution of hydrochloric andnitric acids will be used as the etchant. Determine(a) metal removal rate in in3/hr, (b) time requiredto etch to depth, and (c) required dimensions of the

opening in the cut and peel maskant required toachieve the desired pocket size on the part.

26.20. Inacertainchemicalblankingoperation,asulfuricacidetchant is used to remove material from a sheet ofmagnesium alloy. The sheet is 0.25 mm thick. Thescreen resist method of masking was used to permithighproductionratestobeachieved.Asitturnsout,theprocess is producing a largeproportionof scrap. Speci-fied tolerances of�0.025 mm are not being achieved.The foreman in the CHM department complains thatthere must be something wrong with the sulfuric acid.‘‘Perhaps the concentration is incorrect,’’ he suggests.Analyze the problem and recommend a solution.

26.21. In a chemical blanking operation, stock thickness ofthe aluminum sheet is 0.015 in. The pattern to be cutout of the sheet is a hole pattern, consisting of amatrix of 0.100-in diameter holes. If photochemicalmachining is used to cut these holes, and contactprinting is used tomake the resist (maskant) pattern,determine the diameter of the holes that should beused in the pattern.

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